Ant King In MHA

Chapter 187: Excitement and Fear

_________ POV Beru_________

I really forgot about green bean after 6 months of slogging through shit and dealing with problems alongside Don, Nezu and Yori.

Even now, there's plenty of work to be done, I've just kinda left Nezu and Yori to deal with the rest of it.

It's mostly just monitoring the information output and making sure that any misinformation about the 'cure' gets snuffed out before spreading too far.

Spending time with Nemuri is nice and all, but I've mostly been watching TV and exchanging words randomly.

No serious topic was brought up in my time of relaxation, all the talk about engagement has been indefinitely postponed as well.

Izuku's situation is the only reason the engagement thing is even on my mind right now. Oh yeah, I should probably respond to his call...

"Izuku~ What's up?~ Is the big day coming already?" I started the call with a direct tone, Nemuri beside me looked a bit confused.

"I-It's today actually! Ochako just went into the operation room..." What? That's fucking sudden?

"Holy shit!~ You ready to be a dad?~ I remember you telling me it was a boy, right?~ Did you guys think up a name for it already?~"

I immediately started bombarding poor Izuku with questions, my curiosity is getting the better of me, as I've yet to ask the most important question of all...

"I don't know if I'm ready. Yeah, it's a boy. And we're naming him Toshinori!" Jeez, he's really quick to answer all of them. I guess he picked up on how to converse with me during the time I trained him...

Nemuri could clearly hear my conversation with our former student(she's also his teacher, I think). Her eyes shined with excitement, but I can also see a bit of jealousy somewhere in there.

"OH MY GOD! Uraraka is actually becoming a mother before me!?" She immediately started squealing, much like the first time she heard of Ochako's pregnancy.

"Damn~ That's actually great news~ Pretty sure Toshi will be pumped to hear about it~ Did you tell Good Ol' Mighty that you plan to name your kid after him?" I asked while not really bothering to hide the amusement in my tone.

"He doesn't know yet! But he will know soon enough... There's only one thing..."

Yep, I can feel it coming, the real reason why he suddenly decided to call me of all people.

I mean, he would've still called every friend of his, if just to visit his wife and newborn son after the ordeal. But he called me before, so he clearly needs help with something.

"I'm listening Deku~" I said while patting Nemuri on her head, it's my way of telling her to stop squealing for a bit.

She did shut up, but judging by that cute pout on her face, she's not really happy that I'm trying to suppress her excitement.

"You see... I and Ochako have been really excited about this. But there's also been some anxiety forming in our minds. Disasters happening left and right all related to newborn babies and awakened quirks."

Damn, I guess I should've expected it to be about this. It would make sense that he's worried too since his quirk isn't exactly normal either.

That's right, the cure seems to have a completely different effect on him compared to others, wherein it actually makes him somewhat stronger.

"You already know how the cure doesn't work on me... I'm afraid of how little Toshinori is going to turn out because of it..."

Yori didn't have a lot of time to look into this matter closely, but we did arrive at the conclusion that special quirks react differently to one another.

Special as in those that have evolved well beyond the ones of the current generation.

Kinda like how Rewind can constantly build up energy within me and not affect me at all unless I use it.

Or how Yori can't really be affected by Rewind at all. All for One seems to act as a sponge for the energy, but he can't actually use it, so it just dissipates with time.

In Izuku's case, the energy he ingests does the opposite of what it normally should do. It acts like some kind of quirk steroid that gives him a boost in power.

Not to the level of drugs like Trigger, but still substantial enough. It also has no side effects, so Izuku is free to take the 'cure' and continue on with his life normally...

There's one problem though, and I seem to have completely forgotten about it until now, drowning myself in work might've caused that.

That problem is the fact that his quirk was likely enhanced when he conceived the child since the cure was well distributed within Japan ever since we've discovered it.

Even if Ochako's quirk was slightly less powerful during conception, it's impossible to know just how this will turn out.

"I think I get what you want me to do~ I'll be right there~" I slowly got up from the couch and growled a bit.

Nemuri also gulped, finally realising that this event isn't quite as worthy of celebration as it should be.

Ochako becoming a mother is great, but it's not as great if she doesn't even survive the ordeal...

"Thank you! I first thought that I might be able to handle things myself... But I feel a bit uneasy about this." It's rather understandable for him to feel uneasy.

Even when Don and I travelled around the world and rescued people from these disasters, the children and the mothers usually didn't survive.

"For what is worth~ You did good to call me~ It's better to be ready for anything~ See you soon... Real soon~" I said while slowly opening up a mist portal. I simply hung up the call and heaved a heavy sigh.

"H-hey... Will everything be alright?" Nemuri also got up from the couch, not really in the mood to waste time staring at the television, I guess...

The pyjamas that barely covered any of her form seemed to shift a bit as her concerned face got a bit closer to me.

"Of course~ I'll make sure of it~" I didn't waste any more time and just walked into the protal, only glancing back at Nemuri once, to give her a reassuring head tilt.

The second I arrived at my location I heaved an even more tired sigh. Izuku was there to greet me with a tired expression of his own.

"I guess you've not really slept the past few days~" I guess he's been scared and anticipating the birth of his child for a while.

He probably feels the need to be present here, to save his wife and son if the worst truly happens.

"How could I? I can't afford to miss this..." He said with a sigh of his own. Aside from his anxiety and fear, there's also excitement.

He's bubbling with emotions that I can identify, but I've never felt myself.

The excitement of a father waiting to hold his newborn son for the first time. The fear of losing that same child, along with his wife.

The anxiety of it all weighing upon him and preventing him from getting even a wink of sleep.

I'll put my jealousy aside, for now, this is not the time for any of it. But I do feel bad for the kid... Well, he's about to be a dad, so calling him a kid doesn't feel right.

Honestly, if I knew he was in this bad of a shape, I would've warped here sooner...


Hope you liked the chapter! One more to go on Patre_on, then the story's over(will likely also make an epilogue). After the story is over I will start mass-uploading stuff here, so that's nice.

If u want to support me look up VeganMaster on Patre_on.

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