Ant King In MHA

Chapter 188: Rush of Energy and Shadow

__________ POV Narration__________

How exactly would one classify One for All? Is it an emitter quirk? A stockpiler? A transformation one?

Well, all of those are correct by themselves, but they aren't quite enough to explain it.

In truth, One for All is an amalgamation of over 10 quirks, all powered by the constantly increasing energy within One for All itself.

One for All is the same as All for One in some regards, as in they share some similarities in the way quirks are stored and used. But, unlike All for One, Izuku's quirk constantly strengthened the other quirks within it.`

So, how exactly would the quirk of his child look? Izuku was already strong, to the point where it was impossible for a quirkless person to ever inherit One for All.

The only people that could grow strong enough to contain the energy of OFA within their bodies were those with strengthening quirks.

This was the reason Izuku and Ochako had been so worried over the pregnancy. There was simply no way to tell how their quirks would combine, and how destructive that combination would be.

Izuku managed to calm Ochako down by saying that he would do everything in his power to protect her and their child. But Izuku himself was also worried, which led to him reaching out to Beru at the last second.

And now, Izuku got up and entered the room eventually, just as he was leaving Beru patted him on the back.

"Izuku~ Soon, you will become a father~ Regardless of what happens next, know that you did everything you could to keep everyone safe~ From here on out, It's my responsibility to see things through~"

Izuku nodded, he seemed relieved. But his relief was soon replaced by a thoughtful look.

The insectoid himself sat down in silence for a while, his eyes peeled at the outside wall of the operating room.

He looked through the walls and basically waited for the child to come out, he ran High Spec at its maximum output trying to predict the exact moment that any disaster would happen.

But even with High Spec, there were simply too many unknown variables that made an accurate prediction virtually impossible.

Beru eventually sighed and gave up on trying to predict the outcome of his new predicament. With his enhanced hearing he could hear the doctors and the nurses perfectly.

"I can see his head! Keep pushing!" One of the nurses was encouraging the soon to be mother with fervour.

Izuku had already gone into the operation room, he held his wife's hand with a confident smile.

Even if he wasn't sure he could save everyone by himself, he knew that Beru wouldn't fail him.

Izuku's eyes flashed a bit as he remembered the thoughts that appeared in his mind while entering the operating room. The words Beru had spoken to him.

'In the end, I guess Beru is the only one capable of taking on the title of the Symbol of Peace...' It didn't matter whether one was a hero or a civilian, seeing Beru's back was enough to make everyone feel safe.

Simply knowing that he was present and watching over things made people relaxed in any situation.

Izuku knew that succeeding All Might would be difficult. But it seemed that, even though it wasn't official, Beru had already become a pillar that held the nation together.

Izuku eventually shook these thoughts away, as currently, he was more preoccupied with the fact that he was now a father.

He held Ochako's hand tightly as if he was afraid she was going to run off. He smiled reassuringly to her as she struggled with the pain of childbirth.

Eventually, she did it. The nurses acted quickly, cutting the cord and wrapping the newborn child in an instant.

Ochako got to hold her child in her arms, a tired smile on her face. The small boy with green hair and green eyes. There was no doubt about it being Izuku's son, his cries filled the room in an instant.

Izuku stood beside her, but he looked both relieved and cautious, he seemed to be preparing for something. Ochako was already too tired to worry about the possibility of a disaster happening though, instead, she decided to close her eyes and rest a bit.

In that instant, before Izuku or she could even react, a great surge of energy enveloped the entire room. The building started shaking in as Izuku tried to use Blackwhip to wrap around his wife and child.

Just as he was about to reach out and pull the both of them away from the doctors that were quickly fainting, he found himself in the middle of the street, all of the doctors, as well as his wife, were laying on the ground.

"What happened?!?!" Izuku shouted in a panic, in the distance, the hospital was a complete wreck, it looked as if it wasn't even supposed to be standing anymore. In fact, the only reason it was standing was that it was being held together by glaciers and ice pillars

Beru had felt the rush of energy coming just as late as everyone else, he reacted just as Izuku had reacted, but he was much faster.

In less than a second, he warped everyone away from the scene, including the Izuku and Ochako. Beru arrived in that room prepared to watch the small newborn die, as he didn't think a body so weak would be able to contain such a powerful quirk.

Beru could feel gravity pulling everything into the ground, the entire hospital was going to become a crater if he didn't do anything about it at all.

The insectoid had no choice in that matter, he could only do one thing in this situation. It was a gamble, but it was better than doing nothing and calling it a day.

He approached the newborn as his steps left deep prints into the ground.

Any normal person would've been crushed in an instant due to the pressure, but Beru didn't even register it. But the closer he got, the more pressure he was under.

The pain didn't register to him at all, even as his exoskeleton was cracking and the ground under him was giving way.

Beru didn't panic at all though, at least he didn't let his panic show, instead, he raised his right palm and placed it on the top of the baby's head.

Using All for One, One for All, in tandem with a few enhancement quirks, he managed to wrestle the powerful quirk out of the child's body.

All of the equipment in the room was flattened, Beru was left holding an injured child in his palms. The surge of energy would've made the child burst like a watermelon, but Beru had extracted the quirk in the same second that the surge had happened.

Even so, it still left its mark on the body of the newborn. Its limbs were crushed, its chest was seemingly caved in, and its head was bleeding profusely.

Beru used his healing quirks in tandem, using his own stamina to heal the baby of any bodily injuries. The newborn was healed in an instant, some marks remained, but they were going to disappear in time.

There was just one problem... The baby was not awake, nor was it responding to Beru.

'Will the mind of this child survive after this?~' All for One was not the type of ability that could be safely used on children, let alone newborns.

Beru warped himself outside, where everyone was still recovering and trying to process what had just happened.

Izuku looked up to see the tall insectoid holding his son. Beru's large palms made the scene look a bit odd, as a single palm of Beru's was larger than the child's body.

What concerned him more was all of the blood, both leaking out of Beru's cracked exoskeleton and the one covering the towel covering his newborn son.

"W-what happened?" Ochako also shakily got up. As a pro hero, she had enough endurance to stand, even after just giving birth to a child.

Izuku had given her his coat, as she was just wearing a hospital gown previously.

"Exactly what you would expect~ Seems your quirks make quite the explosive combination~"

Ochako snatched her son out of Beru's hand, her concerned look worsened as she noticed the small scars on his body.

"My healing quirks took care of all injuries, he'll still need a check-up though~" Beru spoke as he turned his head and also looked at Izuku.

"I had to use All for One to take his quirk~" Although the green-haired hero was a bit slow sometimes, he immediately realised what Beru was referring to.

"... Will he be fine?" Izuku clenched his fists in frustration.

"If he recovers~ It might take a while though~ Don't expect him to wake up too soon~" Beru's words immediately made Ochako cry. As any mother would when receiving such news about her son.

She didn't blame Beru though, neither Izuku. They both were smart enough to realise that Beru was the only reason they were alive.

Seeing the state of his body said everything about the strength of their newborn's quirk. Not just everything was capable of damaging Beru to such an extent.

Although it was healing at a visible rate, they knew that they likely would've died in that room.

"Thank you!" Izuku bowed to Beru as tears also started escaping his eyes.

"Don't mention it~ Thank me when your kid recovers~" Beru waved his hand a bit, he turned around with a sigh as he stared at the collapsing hospital, as well as the cracked street around it.

It made Beru feel a bit sceptical. 'I expected a lot more damage from a quirk that is capable of injuring me...'

Just as that thought crossed his mind, a strange shadow enveloped the entire city. Beru sighed a bit 'Me and my big mouth...'

Looking up, a large meteor was quickly descending towards the city...

"Well, fuck~"


Hope you liked the chapter! I may have said one more last time, but this time I'm sure(I think).

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