Apocalypse: Mad Necromancer’s Troops

Chapter 29: Looting the Store

Chapter 29: Looting the Store


After confirming the target.


Wu Heng had the weapons and armor from the three fugitives and the 10 spears brought over.


They were neatly laid out in front of him.


There were two types of weapons.


A pair of short swords, two one-handed long swords, and five poison smoke grenades.


It seems that these fugitives liked to carry poison smoke grenades, though it's unclear why they didn’t use them during the fight.


No, it’s not that they didn’t want to use them.


Even if they had used the poison smoke grenades, it would have affected them more, as it wouldn't have impacted the skeletons much.


His gaze returned to the weapons.


The craftsmanship of the short swords and long swords was quite good, not top-notch, but definitely better than the ordinary iron swords Wu Heng bought for 3 silver coins each.


He decided to keep the pair of short swords for self-defense, and the remaining two long swords were given to two skeletons.


Although these were better than ordinary iron swords, they were still relatively inferior, and when he really needed to fight with swords, he would spend money on something more refined.


After distributing the weapons, it was time to deal with the three sets of armor.


The armor had fared worse, with plenty of cuts and slashes from the skeletons' chaotic attacks.


It didn’t matter much since the armor was for the skeleton warriors—any additional defense was a bonus.


After equipping the three spear-wielding skeletons with armor,


He selected ten more skeleton warriors and armed them with the newly purchased spears.


This brought the number of spearmen up to fifteen.


Once everything was ready, Wu Heng gave the command, "Follow me!"




The skeleton army followed him downstairs and out of the building.


The zombies in the area had been cleared several times, and no new ones had shown up overnight.


After checking that there were no unusual circumstances, they headed towards the north gate.


After passing through two buildings, they neared the north gate.


Through the gaps in the iron fence, they could see the situation outside.


There were a few scattered zombies on the road—not many, but still numbering around twenty or thirty in total.


This road was the one the survivors’ bus had forced its way through.


However, the bus’s overturned position was not here, and the zombies along the route had been drawn to the intersection to the east.


This likely explained why there weren’t many zombies in this area.


"You guys, get ready at the gate," Wu Heng ordered.


The fifteen spearmen skeletons moved forward and stood sparsely at the gate, their spears resting on the ground.


In the distance, some zombies noticed the commotion.


As the first zombie roared and charged, it triggered a chain reaction, with the surrounding zombies all roaring in turn, echoing across the street.


All the zombies turned their heads toward the gate of the community, then charged forward with ferocious intensity.


"Crouch down, weapons forward!"


Wu Heng quickly adjusted the positions of two skeletons and issued the command.




The skeletons crouched down, their spears pointing forward.


Roar~ Roar!


Dozens of charging zombies lunged at the skeleton formation.


As the zombies approached, Wu Heng cast 【Grease】.


The air thickened, forming a three- to four-meter patch of grease on the ground.


Bang, bang, bang!!


Instantly, the zombies lost their footing and tumbled backward in unison, while the zombies behind them continued to charge forward, creating a pile-up.


The grease spell created difficult terrain.


It was like smearing oil on a tiled floor.


In a flash, the incoming zombies fell in droves, like rolling barrels.


After a brief chaos, some zombies stepped on their fallen comrades and lunged forward, only to impale themselves on the spears.




The sharp iron spears pierced through the zombies’ chests, oozing thick blackish-red blood.


Thud, thud, thud!!


The spear-wielding skeletons repeatedly thrust their spears, attacking the advancing zombies.


【Experience gained +6.】


【Summoned Creature – Skeleton Warrior, Experience +3.】


【Summoned Creature – Skeleton Warrior, Experience +5.】


【Summoned Creature...】


【Summoned Creature – Skeleton Warrior, Level up to 2, Strength +1.】




The experience notifications began to pile up, still accumulating mostly on the spear-wielding skeletons.


The newly added level 1 skeleton warriors began reaching level 2.


The already level 2 skeletons quickly accumulated more experience.


The 【Grease】 spell lasted for about two to three minutes before it evaporated.


But by then, a small mountain of corpses had formed on the open ground in front of the community gate.


The zombies had to climb over the pile of bodies to continue their attack on the skeletons.


Gradually, the number of zombies dwindled.


Only a few with broken lower limbs continued to crawl toward them.


Wu Heng glanced at the now-empty road and said, "Go, kill those zombies."


Skeleton Teddy excitedly leaped out of the formation, quickly dispatching the few crawling zombies, then dragging the bodies back.


The road was flanked by various shops.


Mostly produce stores and restaurants.


Such stores wouldn’t have food that would last long, and after a quick search, Wu Heng found only a few kitchen knives and watermelon knives—nothing particularly useful.


After sweeping the area, he spotted a store.


"Follow me!"


A few skeletons followed him as they entered the shop.


Various snacks and instant noodles were scattered on the floor, undamaged and untouched by survivors.


The shopkeeper had likely turned into one of the zombies or fled, no one knew whether they had escaped or fallen to the skeletons.


After checking the first floor, Wu Heng found that most things were still in good condition.


Only the ice cream in the freezer had melted, lying limply in their wrappers.


He then led the skeletons to the second floor.


The second floor wasn’t a store; it was a bedroom and storage area.


There were boxes of instant noodles and drinks, along with some snacks.


Not bad at all.


"Move these out," Wu Heng ordered.


The skeleton warriors entered the shop and began hauling out the goods.


Wu Heng continued down the road, not straying too far to avoid attracting more zombies.


Instead, he directed the skeletons to move the store's snacks back to his original residence.


Then he sat at the entrance and cast 【Raise Skeleton】.


One by one, skeletons rose and joined the ranks.




Back at his original residence.


The snacks and drinks he had moved back were neatly stacked against the wall.


The supermarket might not have been large, but it had plenty of supplies.


Even without Blackstone Town, these supplies would last him quite a while.


They say in the apocalypse, food is worth more than gold.


But now that he had found so much food, where could he trade it for gold? It had been days without encountering a single living survivor.


The only ones he had seen had died trying to escape.


After filling up the spare room, he had the skeletons move the rest into the living room.


He then stepped out and looked at his 15-skeleton spear formation.


Since the selected skeletons had already accumulated a good amount of experience, they had all reached level 2 during the recent battle.


One at level 3, fourteen at level 2.


This method seemed quite effective, with no drawbacks and a steady increase in the skeletons' levels.


"I should buy more spears and armor."

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