Apocalypse: Mad Necromancer’s Troops

Chapter 30: So Many

Chapter 30: So Many


When dealing with zombies, it feels like spears are more useful than swords.


At least with a sword, you have to hack, but with a spear, zombies just impale themselves on it.


Plus, spears have greater reach, making them safer to use.


After a few thrusts, it’s hard for zombies to close the distance.


I should buy some more spears.


But I can’t buy them too frequently; better wait a couple of days.


As he pondered, the skeleton warriors finished clearing out the supermarket.


Wu Heng then returned to Blackstone Town with Barson.




After dinner.


Wu Heng stood upright, his legs shoulder-width apart, and gripped the sword handle with both hands.


Sword One stood beside him, adjusting his arm position to correct any errors.


Once his posture was correct,


Sword One demonstrated the same move, lifting the sword and slashing downward.




The blade sliced through the air, coming down in a clean arc.


Wu Heng followed suit, mimicking the downward slash.


Sword One shook his head, indicating the motion was incorrect, and demonstrated again.


Wu Heng watched intently, continuing to practice and learn.


Sword One then guided him through continuous sword swings, focusing on basic exercises.


It didn’t seem as simple as those gangster movies where people casually hack at each other.


They practiced until Wu Heng’s arms felt sore, and then he let Sword One return while he went to bed.




The next day.


Wu Heng brought the skeletons back to the north gate and started arranging their formation.


"You stand here, spear pointing forward. The rest of you, take positions here…."


Unlike yesterday’s encounter.


Now he had some time to prepare in advance.


The spear-wielding skeletons were arranged in a spear formation at the gate.


Once everything was set, Wu Heng glanced at Barson. "Circle around the front. If there are any zombies, lure them here. Be careful."


Skeleton Barson nodded, squeezed through the formation, and ran ahead.


The police station wasn’t far, but it was a bit of a walk.


Especially since there was a new residential area ahead—there might be a horde of zombies, so caution was necessary.


Better to let Barson scout and lure some enemies first.


Not long after, Barson could be seen running back, with about twenty zombies trailing behind.


The numbers weren’t overwhelming.


Barson quickly returned, slipping through the spear formation to the rear.


The zombies that followed snarled as they saw the skeletons and charged.


Thud, thud, thud~!


The spears pierced through the zombies, splattering foul blood.


【Experience gained +6.】


【Summoned Creature – Skeleton Warrior, Experience +3.】




The battle ended quickly.


It was easier than expected.


"No major danger up ahead?" Wu Heng asked.


Barson shook his head.


"Pack up the spears, let’s move on," Wu Heng ordered.


The skeleton warriors all moved, crossing the road and heading to the other side.


Along the way, scattered zombies charged from both sides, only to be killed one by one.


Continuing forward, they passed by a community service center.


The glass was shattered, and bloodstains were everywhere.


Wu Heng led the skeletons inside, checking each room.


There wasn’t much to loot—mostly monitors, documents, and similar items.


After rummaging through his bag, he gathered some staplers, pens, and A4 paper.


He packed them into a backpack and strapped it onto a skeleton.


After leaving the community service center, they entered another street.


The road wasn’t wide, and several crashed cars blocked most of it.


A few zombies wandered among the wreckage.


About five hundred meters ahead on the right, the blue-walled, three-story police station was visible.


The zombies that rushed out were quickly dealt with, and everything seemed to be going smoothly.


Wu Heng waved his hand and said, "Stick to the side."


Several soul-bearing skeletons spread out, directing the others to advance along the sidewalk.




Just as the group was about to pass the car area,


A zombie stuck in the driver’s seat suddenly sat up and let out a roar.


Whoosh, whoosh~!


Instantly, two bolts flew out, piercing the zombie’s skull, which then slammed onto the steering wheel.




The car horn blared loudly, echoing throughout the quiet neighborhood.


Wu Heng’s eyes widened instantly.


He had thought about avoiding locked car alarms but hadn’t expected something like this to happen.


The horn continued to blare, loud and piercing.


The surrounding neighborhood seemed to boil over, filled with chaotic roars and noises.


Zombies swarmed out of the opposite community and side alleys, crushing the cars and triggering more alarms.


"Quick, follow me!" Wu Heng quickly scanned the surroundings and ordered as he ran forward.




The skeletons no longer moved cautiously.


They hefted their weapons and ran quickly towards the police station.


Meanwhile, the zombies around them surged like a flood, their numbers overwhelming.


They rushed into the police station.


Barson and Sword One killed the zombies inside.


"Get in, you guys block the lobby entrance," Wu Heng ordered quickly.


Outside, a large horde of zombies gathered at the gate, pushing and shoving to get inside.




Wu Heng cast Grease, creating a slippery area beneath the zombies' feet.


Bang, bang, bang!!


Instantly, the zombies that entered slipped and fell en masse.


The zombies behind them piled in, tripping over the fallen ones.


Wu Heng pulled out a lighter, lit a piece of cloth, and tossed it into the greased area.


As soon as the flames touched the grease, they roared to life, rising over a meter high and covering the courtyard area.


The struggling zombies were engulfed by the flames.


Wu Heng took a few steps back, avoiding the scorching heat from the fire.


He was amazed at the new skill’s effectiveness.


According to the skill description, Grease created a "difficult terrain."


This likely referred to the grease’s effect, causing anything but the roughest surfaces to become slippery.


It also had a flammable property.


He had only tried it out, not expecting the fire to burn so fiercely.


【Experience gained +6.】


【Experience gained +6.】


【Experience gained...】


Damn, this could be used for farming monsters...….


Even so, some zombies, now charred and ablaze, managed to push through the fire and charge at them.


The spear-wielding skeletons guarding the entrance thrust their spears, piercing and killing the approaching zombies.


"You hold this position, Barson, take a few skeletons and come with me."


After ensuring there was no immediate danger, Wu Heng spoke to those nearby.


The soul-bearing skeletons nodded, and Barson took a few skeletons with him, following Wu Heng as they searched each room.


He wasn’t sure if there were any bullets here, but there should be.


Room after room was opened, and finally, in a room resembling an equipment storage, they found a locked safe.


After silently praying to the gods of both worlds,


He pulled out a bronze key and unlocked the safe.


When the safe door opened and he removed the key, a smile spread across Wu Heng’s face.


"So many!"


The safe was neatly packed with boxes of bullets.

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