Apocalyptic Pregnancy

Chapter 654

Chapter 654 Su Su is not interested

Once you have read the information that Li Xiaoyu has brought over, you can almost penetrate the core parts of the entire women’s self-improvement team, which is of great help to quickly master the entire women’s self-improvement team.

Li Xiaoyu is true and did not lie. When Pupa Town has grown bigger and bigger, when women have infiltrated various functional departments in Pupa Town, there is such a document for detailed information that can do many, many things, for example, take To destroy the weakness of the core members, to manipulate a certain functional department and so on.

With regard to the pile of materials in Li Xiaoyu’s hands, Zhou Xiaolin wanted to read it every day.

But Su Su is not interested!

What women’s self-improvement team? What does she care about so much? Just make sure that my little love can grow into a self-reliant person, and the family is safe.

The sunshine outside the window is better. In the blue sky, white clouds are floating, Su Su sat on the sofa, facing Li Xiaoyu’s bitter heart, without the slightest heartbeat, her back leaned on the soft sofa and suddenly asked :

“When will we return to Bafang Village? I want to see my parents.”

“I’ll leave in the afternoon. Pidge will prepare.”

As he said, the door was knocked again. On the sofa, Su Su tilted his head to look in the direction of the door. Li Xiaoyu got up and opened the door. He saw Pi standing outside the door, his brows slightly frowned, and Li Xiaoyu let him go. , Greeted Pico in, and asked:

“What’s the matter? You look so bad early in the morning?”

“Wang Jun left and drove to the west, saying that he was looking for Li Ying.” Pi Ge also held a bunch of materials in his hand, and when he was talking, he handed the materials to Su Su on the sofa by the way. “This is all the information about the patrol team and mission center in Pupa Town. Take a look and understand some.”

“Don’t look at it, I have a headache.”

Su Su got up and quickly changed positions, avoiding the pile of materials stuffed by Pi Ge. She was in a daze. When she left Pupa Town, Pi Ge had already taken over the patrol of the mission center and Pupa Town. This Pi Ge Just like Li Xiaoyu, I was afraid that I would be outside the center of rights, so early in the morning, when I was busy, I sent a bunch of materials to her to understand.

In order to divert the attention of Pi Ge and Li Xiaoyu, Su Su asked unintentionally: “Wang Jun only said to go to Li Ying, did he leave any words?”

“No, this person is also a shaft.” Pi Ge shook his head, put the pile of materials in his hand on the coffee table in front of the sofa, and put it together with the pile that Li Xiaoyu had brought, and sighed again: “He is coming back this time. People have changed a lot, and they are not as energetic as before. I heard that he also experienced a lot of things. Alas, except for that Li Ying, I heard that all of Wang Jun’s relatives and friends are dead.”

“Who’s not all the relatives and friends gone?” Li Xiaoyu sat beside Su Su and couldn’t help commenting, “But I didn’t see which goddess and goddess we were so obsessed with, let Wang Jun go Go west, you can see how corrupt his former goddess is.”

Then a few people talked again, instead of talking about Wang Jun and Li Ying, they talked about the past in a mess.

Su Su found out what Pi Ge and Li Xiaoyu said, she could understand, about the things in Xiangcheng and Bafang Village, when they talked about it, she could actually talk about the facts, her memories Ye Yu didn’t tell anyone about the destruction, and others didn’t know that her memory was impaired. Although Su Su came back this time, she didn’t feel very interested in everything around her, but she didn’t talk much. , People who are not interested in anything.

At noon, Muyang finished dealing with the town’s affairs, so he ran over to find Su Su. Su Su just sent away Pi Ge and Li Xiaoyu. At noon, Ye Yu had to gather with King Kong. If he didn’t come back for dinner, Su Su had nothing but peace. Muyang and Xiaoai ate together.

Originally, after Su Su talked with Li Xiaoyu yesterday, she didn’t want to let Muyang and Xiao Ai get in too much contact, but she sat at the dining table and watched Mu Yang hold Xiao Ai into the children’s dining chair. Holding a small cartoon-shaped spoon patiently, feeding Xiao Ai, the look of careful care and love, sincere and sincere, Su Su didn’t make any more noises, just as he was watching the changes.

After eating, Su Su sat on the sofa, and Mu Yang took Xiao Ai to play on the carpet. He let Xiao Ai ride on his back, and carried Xiao Ai crawling around on the carpet. Xiao Ai had a good time. Mu Yang also had a good time. Judging from Mu Yang’s current behavior alone, it is difficult for Su Su to connect this big boy with the rumored premature boy with thunderous wrists.

After playing the horse-riding game, Mu Yang took out a picture book from nowhere, hugged Xiao Ai and nestled on the other end of the sofa, and whispered to Xiao Ai the story of the picture book. Su Su was on the other side of the sofa. As I listened, I felt Muyang’s storytelling voice was as soft as dripping water.

Muyang didn’t say much to Su Su. From the time he entered the door to the present, Muyang probably said three or four sentences to Su Su. In fact, Muyang didn’t say much to anyone, but he was able to patiently give it to Xiao He loves to tell the story of a picture book, and he reads it very clearly, word by word, sentence by sentence, as if he has devoted his life’s tenderness to only opening his heart to Xiao Ai.

so complicated! Su Su bowed her head and rubbed the bridge of her nose, thinking quite a bit of a broken jar. Forget it, children and grandchildren have their own children and grandchildren, Xiao Ai’s future affairs, and Xiao Ai’s own decisions, why does she care so much?

The air outside the window was fresh, the warm sunlight fell on the large green lawn, Su Su was drowsy on the sofa, and Muyang’s storytelling sound almost put Su Su to sleep.

And just in the west of this small town, far away, in a deserted country house, Li Ying was lying with his chest half exposed, lying under the man, babbling and enduring the ravages of the man.

It’s not an exaggeration to say that it’s ravaged. The man in her body is a relative of Chen Xuanwu. A few days ago, Chen Xuanwu died, and the abilities that acted on his high-level abilities slowly faded. Li Ying knew that there was not much time to manipulate these high-level abilities. In order to consolidate her position, she had no choice but to accompany one to sleep with the other and use her body to maintain these high-level abilities Our cohesion.

After a single shot, the high-level ability player turned over, lifted his pants and zippered, and Li Ying did not take off his clothes. The two of them seemed to be doing business routinely. They didn’t even bother to take off their clothes and pants. The supernatural person, while tidying up his clothes, said to Li Ying somewhat boredly:

“Have you heard? Su Su and Mu Yang have joined.”

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