Apocalyptic Pregnancy

Chapter 655

Chapter 655 Chen Xiaogu

Today, Li Ying was sleeping with Chen Xuanwu’s relatives, and his power level was about the same as that of Li Ying. However, among Chen Xuanwu’s leadership, he was quite popular. It is estimated that if Li Ying hadn’t replaced Chen Xuanwu, this move westward. The leader of the team should be this man named Chen Xiaogu.

According to Chen Xiaogu’s mind, he should also be the leader of the westward migration team, but he coveted Li Ying before, and in the spirit of playfulness, it doesn’t matter if Li Ying be the leader for a few days, and even after Li Ying merged with Chen Xuanwu , But there are still a lot of people in his hand, and after Chen Xuanwu’s death, it is natural that Li Ying, as Chen Xuanwu’s “widow”, stepped forward and became the leader of the westward movement.

Of course, the bigger reason is that Mu Yang has been suppressed too badly recently. No one in the westward team is willing to take this head as the leader, just because he is afraid that Mu Yang will have his head shaved abruptly.

So since Li Ying is going to be the leader, let her be the leader. Anyway, there is no more than a bus to the left and right, and she is still a Tier 3 water system. Now, which Tier 3 water system is willing to be used as a bus to drive. of?

In any force, the supernatural beings are high-ranking existences, especially the third-tier water systems, which are all reservoirs that must be well protected by the team. Now Li Ying himself is willing to fall and become a bus, but it is also to men. They played a cohesive role. Men have a curious mentality. The more uncomfortable women, the more they want to get a touch. Chen Xiaogu was tossed by Li Ying and just drove in secret.

Li Ying on the bed lowered his eyes, his fingers slowly stroking the pattern on the quilt, and his lips without lipstick were a little pink. Because of the water system supernatural beings, the skin of the whole person did not change because of the ravages of many men. No matter how bad it is, it’s getting more and more watery, and it’s as if you can pinch out water when you teach it to people.

“Does Su Su react abnormally?”

She glanced at Chen Xiaogu. Chen Xiaogu shook her head. The internal respondent who was recently sent to Pupa Town could hardly get in with Muyang, Li Xiaoyu and Pi Ge. She had already returned to Su’s father and Su’s mother in Bafang Village a long time ago. It was protected by Mu Yang from dripping water. The dozen or so special soldiers didn’t want to eat too much. I want to send a few girls to the special forces. They seldom even get close to women.

Before the end of the world, neither Chen Xiaogu nor Chen Xuanwu was a professional leader. Chen Xuanwu was an editor, and Chen Xiaogu was a salesman. Both of them belonged to the flat-headed common people. At the beginning, their safe zone could develop into the largest safe zone in the west. It’s just because Chen Xuanwu is good at making up stories, and Chen Xiaogu’s sales are good enough.

Since Muyang began chasing them, after Chen Xuanwu’s death, the largest safe zone in the west can no longer be called the largest safe zone in the west. Chen Xiaogu and Li Ying were forced by Muyang to They moved all the way west with the people in their hands, and now it is the third place they have changed.

Going further west, after entering the desert, it is difficult to find a suitable place to stay. The desert is short of materials and is not a last resort. Chen Xiaogu and Li Ying don’t want to go into the desert at all.

So they placed the westward migration team in this group of country houses, which is their new western safety zone.

And because Chen Xuanwu and Chen Xiaogu were not professional, they were not good at arranging internal responses, arranging troops, and so on. Li Ying was not good at them either. They didn’t know the details of Su Su if they didn’t have internal response. , The reason why Su Su had already merged with Muyang was passed to Chen Xiaogu after the entire Bafang Village and Pupa Town knew about it.

“Li Ying, did my brother modify Su Su’s memory at the time, did he succeed?”

These days, Chen Xiaogu would ask Li Ying every few days. Li Ying shook his head every time, saying that he didn’t know. When Chen Xiaogu asked again, Li Ying smiled and replied tirelessly. once,

“At that time, I saw that the situation was not right, so I ran ahead. You know, if I don’t run, you probably won’t see me today. As for whether Su Su’s memory has been modified successfully, I don’t know. The modification was successful. After so long, her memory is slowly repairing. This stalk is unlikely to be used.”

“If the modification is successful, hurry up and take advantage of this opportunity to solve Su Su’s big trouble as soon as possible.” Chen Xiaogu sat on the edge of Li Ying’s bed, tilted his head, stretched out his hand, and squeezed Li Ying’s chin with two fingers. “I was extremely teasing,” I forgot to tell you one thing. This time I came back with Su Su. There was a man named Wang Jun. I heard that he was an old man who had spent some time in Xiangcheng with Su Su. You know ?”

Su Su’s development trajectory has now become almost an immortal legend. In Bafang Village and Pupa Town, everyone loves to treat Su Su’s deeds as a story. In this story, each of Su Su’s development has been The characters are all legendary heroes.

So Wang Jun came back, and he was able to talk to Pi Ge, Li Xiaoyu, and Ye Yu’s special forces. Naturally, he paid more attention to Wang Jun.

Especially when everyone knows that Wang Jun followed Ye Yu and the others from De City to Xiang City, he became more and more admired by Wang Jun, and they just wanted to dig out all the eighteenth generations of Wang Jun’s ancestors and talk about it. .

But when Chen Xiaogu asked Li Ying, he didn’t realize that Li Ying’s flattering and flattering face suddenly became stiff for a moment, a speechless stunned, and slowly climbed onto Li Ying’s face. .

She smiled dryly and nodded, “Knowing is just knowing, not very familiar. After I left Su Su, Wang Jun also left. We don’t spend much time together. The one who is unfamiliar, this person has no use value. Even if you have poor ability, you can’t reuse Susu. I don’t know what to do when you come back?”

“is it.”

Since Li Ying said so, it is one thing that Chen Xiaogu is not the king of the army. Now everyone is the same enemy of Pupa Town. Of course, Chen Xiaogu will not doubt that Li Ying will conceal anything. After saying those two words, Chen Xiaogu turned around. , Watching Li Ying smile and talk about another thing,

“Two days ago, a new player with a wood type supernatural power was promoted, the one named Liu Shi. He said he liked you very much.

Chen Xiaogu crawled over to Li Ying on the bed, looked at Li Ying, and continued: “Look at us now, we are struggling to be beaten by Muyang. It is exactly when you need a wood-type supernatural power. You will do something temporarily. Sacrifice, when we develop and grow, we need the wind to get the wind, and the rain to get the rain.”

Li Ying on the bed smiled, pursing his lips, lowering his eyes to cover up the bitterness of his eyes. .

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