Apocalyptic Pregnancy

Chapter 656

Chapter 656 Three Bridges Town

In fact, what Chen Xiaogu meant in his words was to let Li Ying use his own body to win over Liu Shi, a Tier 3 wood type, and now Li Ying needs to use his own body to maintain it. ? ? ? In this competition for power, is she trying to consolidate her position, or is she making a wedding dress for Chen Xiaogu?

These words were clear in Li Ying’s heart, but she did not express them. With her hand under the quilt, she squeezed the bed sheet fiercely. On the surface, she was as docile as she was. Chen Xiaogu used her, but she was right. Chen Xiaogu, why not take advantage of it?

Seeing Chen Xiaogu’s satisfied look because of her obedience, Li Ying’s heart hurts beyond the limit. She remembered the Wang Jun that Chen Xiaogu just said, and also remembered the days when Wang Jun chased her, Li Ying’s eyes fell down. Unconsciously, he felt disgusted with himself.

In those days, he was clean enough to be a saint.

Thinking of the past, Li Ying felt very uncomfortable. This Wang Jun had been missing for so long. If he died, he would die. Now he ran out, why did he come? Is it to remind Li Ying of his own self, how arrogant, pure, and self-reliant?

She got up, picked up herself, thinking that no matter what, she would still go to see Wang Jun. She would let Wang Jun go, leave her, leave Su Su, go to the north, or go to the east, just don’t show up in front of her. , And don’t mix with Su Su.

Now the predicament in the west is becoming more and more obvious. The people in Muyang are in the south and they clearly have sufficient resources, but they are always far away. Those who travel long distances will come to grab the supplies in the west. They will not only grab supplies, but also openly dig people. The survivors of suffering in the west can all go to Sanqiao Town on the Xiangjiang River in the south. There is a newly developed town in Muyang, with clean water, fresh food, and a stable social environment.

These temptations, for the western survivors who have not had enough to eat and wear for many years, are like opening a road to heaven. Every day there will be people fleeing from the new safe zone built by Li Ying and Chen Xiaogu, and some people drag it. Some people move on foot, but don’t stay in Li Ying’s safe zone anyway.

Originally the western part of the terrain is more complicated, with many plains and basins, but further to the west, it is a desert with a very harsh climate. Before the end of the world, the west belongs to that kind of economically backward area. After the end of the world, people’s lives have become more and more difficult. The reason why it was able to develop into a safe zone in the hands of Chen Xuanwu was also because the animal husbandry there was relatively developed, the air was good, and the number of people infected with the doomsday virus and became zombies was also greatly reduced. At the same time, livestock and other things have changed. There are few.

After Chen Xuanwu first set up a safe zone in the west, he was quickly embraced by the simple and honest people in the west. Together with Chen Xuanwu’s background as a screenwriter, he was good enough to write stories for high-level supernatural players. Chen Xiaogu is well-known. The population in the safe zone is increasing, and it has gradually developed into the largest safe zone in the west.

But in fact, no matter how big the former security zone in the west was, Bafang Village and Pupa Town were not safe, rich in materials, and socially stable, not to mention the new security zone on the edge of the desert.

Therefore, Muyang prepared a person from the town of Three Bridges to dig Li Ying. It didn’t take long for Chen Xiaogu and Li Ying to leave most of the survivors in the safe area.

Originally, Chen Xiaogu thought that the survivors would have left. Anyway, they are all cumbersome. It just relieved them a lot of burdens, lest their supplies are in danger, and at the same time, they have to think about what to eat and drink for so many survivors. What’s the problem.

But terrible things happened one after another. Soon, the women in the safe zone sharpened their heads and ran to the small town of Three Bridges.

Sanqiao Town is located in the southwest, slightly closer to the west. This season, the weather is pleasant and the scenery is good. There are people sent by Muyang along the way to help clean up some zombies and mutant animals and plants. If the road goes well In the morning, you can go to Sanqiao Town in the evening. After arriving in the small town, the man will look for the organization report of Brother Pi, and the woman will look for the organization report of Li Xiaoyu.

After the report was registered, I stayed in a temporary shelter in Sanqiao Town for one night. The next morning, a hot breakfast was delivered to the shelter. The kind of breakfast I took care of. go.

After eating breakfast, they will be assigned a job immediately. Women don’t need to sell their bodies to condole men. The job assigned to them is sewing, repairing, washing, washing, and washing. If a woman is a low-level abilities, the same is true. Like men, they do the logistics of discharging water, growing vegetables, digging trenches and making arrows, while men are assigned to patrol the periphery to open up wasteland and repair houses.

So the women in Sanqiao Town can regain the long-awaited self-esteem, self-improvement and self-love. In this way, it will soon be passed back to the Western Safety Zone, and the women sneaking away from the Western New Safety Zone will be more diligent. In addition, whether in the old security zone or the new security zone in the west, a woman often has to serve n men, and her role is also the kind of comfort prostitute.

The number of women in Chen Xiaogu and Li Ying’s hands is already small. If you run a group today and a bunch tomorrow, men don’t have a way to ease their desires. The society is prone to chaos, and many abilities are pretty good. Those who are capable, don’t want to stay in the safe zone anymore, so Chen Xiaogu had no choice but to issue an order in the new western safe zone to strictly prohibit any more women from fleeing the safe zone.

He circled a few villas and locked the only remaining women in these villas. If men want to vent their desires, they need to line up to enter. In this safe area, in these villas, no one can Imagine what these poor women have gone through.

They were used as an object by Chen Xiaogu and Li Ying. Normal men have 15 minutes to use women, and those with supernatural powers can extend it to 2 hours.

For those disobedient women, Chen Xiaogu’s methods are even more desperate. He made a big cage in the open space of the villa group. The disobedient women were stripped naked and put in the cage. Men didn’t. You need to line up, just go directly into the cage to play.

At the same time, in the face of Muyang’s pressure and chasing, Chen Xiaogu and Li Ying did not take measures to resist. After all, in this war, Muyang sent people to fight them all over the world, so they have the home court advantage. , The more westward, Mu Yang’s team became weaker, so after a long time, Chen Xiaogu and Li Ying actually fought with Mu Yang’s people in a stalemate. .

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