Apocalyptic Pregnancy

Chapter 657

Chapter 657 Is it still generous

Compared with the harsh living environment encountered by Chen Xiaogu and Li Ying, the sun in Pupa Town is extremely good, the temperature is pleasant, and it is neither hot nor cold. People ran to the entrance of Pupa Town, holding various colored balls, playing red. The banners of enthusiastically celebrate the return of Su Su. In the crowd, there are fans holding Xiao Ai’s name and screaming crazy, and some people have made a giant love, with the names of Xiao Ai and Mu Yang written on them, following Su Su The vehicle approached, everyone was in a mess with excitement.

In fact, Su Su didn’t know any of these people, let alone Xiao Ai. For a child who was less than two years old, how could she understand her name and what Mu Yang’s words mean on a love heart? She even even her own name. Would not recognize it.

It’s just because the people on both sides of the road, the colored **** in their hands are very beautiful, and Xiao Ai is sitting by the window of the car, smiling like a little fool.

It is said that this car window is covered with reflective film, but if you want to look carefully, you can still see the outline of the human face in the car window. Xiao Ai’s face was squeezed on the car window, and the crowd screamed frantically. When I got up, the atmosphere was pushed to a climax. If it weren’t for Pico’s patrol, Ye Yu’s special forces, and Muyang’s guards, and Li Xiaoyu’s women’s self-improvement squad to maintain law and order, the crazy crowd would just rush forward. Su Su’s car ran away.

Su Su didn’t quite understand where the craziness of these people came from. She frowned and took back Xiao Ai, who was watching the colored **** on the window, and asked Ye Yu to drive quickly and pass from Pupa Town. She just wanted to Back to Bafang Village, I don’t want to spend time in Pupa Town.

Li Xiaoyu and Pige’s car cleared the road in front, and behind Su Su’s car, Muyang’s car was finishing. Amidst the vast cheers, following the convoy leaving Pupa Town, it drove into the vast white fog. Crazy fans chased after the convoy until the fog covered the convoy, and the people in Pupa Town were still shouting the name of Su Su.

As the car passed through the thick fog, the familiar metal gate of Bafang Village was looming in the white fog. Su Su stretched his neck and saw his parents standing at the gate eagerly looking forward. An ugly man stood behind them. The ugly man was holding the gift of God, holding Tiansheng in his arms. In addition, there were many strangers standing. These strangers made Su Su not interested. After the car stopped, she hugged Xiao Ai and got out of the car. Father Su and mother greeted him.

Missing has become a habit when we met. After we met, Su Su realized that all parents in the world have the same worries about their children. Mother Su hugged her and Xiao Ai cried, Father Su Wiping tears on one side, some strangers with familiar faces but couldn’t remember them, gathered around Su Su’s family, babbling about something, Su Su didn’t listen, she just wanted to find a quiet place. Talk to your parents for a while.

Entering Bafang Village, the festive atmosphere is even stronger. Although most of the people in Bafang Village are strangers to Su Su, looking at the big table and big table, the banquet has been placed inside from the entrance of the village. There was a dense crowd at the head of the village. Everyone was smiling when they looked at Su Su, and many people wanted to tease Xiao Ai, and even reached out to hug Xiao Ai.

Xiaoai this child, be vigilant enough. After leaving Bafang Village for more than half a year, she has been completely unfamiliar with Bafang Village. If others want to hold her, she is naturally unwilling. She yelled and tightened Su Su’s neck, just not. Ken got down from Su Su’s arms.

Zhou Xiaolin on the side laughed, holding her daughter Meixiu, and said to Su Su: “Look, see, our little love is not in the world, so be generous and watch Meixiu’s sister. She is accustomed to such lively scenes. No, I’m not scared at all, Su Su, you just love to leave the crowd with Xiao Ai. You should let Xiao Ai’s contact with the crowd more, so that the child can be raised generously.”

Su Su was in the support of everyone, holding Xiao Ai, looking back at Zhou Xiaolin, and frowning, she wanted to ask this Zhou Xiaolin, her daughter Meixiu was in front of guns, cannons, explosions, and zombies. Still acting generous?

It was just because many people were surrounded by Su Su, and after a while, Su Su was arched away. Zhou Xiaolin was obliterated in the crowd, Su Su did not have time to ask.

Ye Yu and Muyang guarded Su Su and Xiao Ai, and Su’s father and Su’s mother also blocked those villagers who cared too much about Su Su and Xiao Ai. The ugly man took the gift of God and hugged him, and the family quickly slipped back to himself. In the small country house in China, some people sent a lot of gifts. Father Su blocked these people in the main room, while Mother Su pulled Su Su and Xiao Ai back to the second floor.

“Hey, these people are too enthusiastic, don’t you scare Xiao Ai?”

After closing the door, Mother Su stretched out her hand to pick up the little love in Su Su’s arms, wiped a tear, and saw Su Su still standing by the door pestle, she freed her hand and pulled Su Su on the bed. While sitting down, with tears in his eyes, he looked at Su Su’s face carefully and asked:

“Su, tell your mother, what happened to you these days? Mother these days, I can’t eat or sleep well, so I’m so worried about you.”

Su Su didn’t say a word, bent over, lay down on Su’s mother’s thigh, reached out and hugged Su’s mother and Xiao Ai, her heart was moisturized, and she felt like fallen leaves returned to their roots.

For some reason, lying on Mother Su’s lap, Su Su suddenly felt sleepy. She obviously wanted to talk to Mother Su, but now she didn’t have time to say a word. She fell asleep and fell asleep. One day and night, Ye Yu woke up. Su Su lay on the soft and warm pillow, looked at Ye Yu’s worried eyes above, smiled, and asked:

“I just had a long, long dream.”

“What did you dream about?”

Ye Yu leaned on Su Su’s body, stretched out his hands, holding Su Su’s cheeks, thick calluses on his rough fingers, he gently scraped the skin on Su Su’s face, looking at Su Su’s eyes , In her eyes, there is a sense of warmth that has never been felt before.

“I dreamed that I had walked a very dark and dark road. In my dream, I had nothing, no you, no parents, and no love. I was alone. I was looking for, looking for, looking for, I Killed a lot of people, I was chased by a lot of people, many times, I felt that I couldn’t make it anymore, I thought I might be dying, but I had to live strong again, and then my dream would wake up. Up.”

She was still lying down with tears streaming out of her eyes. After sleeping for so long, Su Su woke up again, and her memories of her past and present came back. Except for a few less important details, she remembered everything about this Bafang Village. Now, she didn’t know whether she was born again or had a tragic long dream, but she can clearly distinguish that her life is real now. .

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