Arcane Journey

Chapter 25 Personality

Chapter 25 Personality
Brian took out a clay pot carved with a spiral pattern, lit a strange sandalwood, and inserted it into it.

Faint black smoke filled the narrow cave, exuding an indescribable fragrance.

Just like the lotus in the pond, under the breeze blowing, the oncoming fragrance smells refreshing.

After smelling this smell for a long time, you will also notice a refreshing fragrance.

This is the essence of black lotus.

The lotus flower grown from the underground dark lake is the main ingredient, and the secret method and spices are added to prepare a kind of sandalwood to help oneself improve concentration and concentration.

Due to the effects of leyline radiation, non-underdark dwellers cannot use it frequently.

Otherwise, after a long time, you will receive a will check for insanity.

If you fail the check, you will fall into a state of insanity for about an hour.

It is said that this spice is the favorite alchemy product of psionic master mind flayers, and they often wander around dark elf cities to buy it from wizards.

Psionic professionals meditate surrounded by this aroma, and the recovery speed of power points can also be improved to a certain extent.

Brian didn't dare to waste time, he took a deep breath, and used his telekinesis ability to manipulate the formed astral construct.

The spirit crystal servant slowly suspended in mid-air, wrapped in soft light, began to tremble slightly.

He concentrated his mind and activated the secret method of psychic energy that he had rehearsed countless times in his mind.

The psionic power in the depths of the heart was mobilized and guided, and gradually mixed with a small piece of personality consciousness of the individual, which was carefully separated by him.

In this faintly scented atmosphere surrounded by black lotus sandalwood, with the display of the psychic secret, Brian clearly felt that his consciousness began to become chaotic and blurred.

However, he retained a sliver of clear consciousness to understand that this is a process that must be experienced to strip off fragments of his own personality.

So he stopped trying to resist, and gradually relaxed, opening up everything about himself, body, mind and magical intuition.

After a hazy and unreal fog.

He saw a dusty bedroom, green vines burst out from a yellowed diary on the desk, covered the entire desk, and finally spread to the walls of the room, winding into an indescribable shape. twisted pattern.

The twisted vine quickly bloomed beautiful white flowers at a speed visible to the naked eye, then set seeds, withered, weathered, and finally turned into a room full of dust.

Before Brian could recall which scene in his memory this was, the desolate picture began to twist and spin until it turned into a blurry vortex and disappeared without a trace.

He felt a dimly lit hall appear in his line of sight again.

In the spacious hall, there was no one in the auditorium. Only the performer sat alone in front of the piano in the center of the stage, playing an unknown piece.

In the background of the piano, the sound of flowing streams gradually sounded, and then turned into the sound of rumbling waves. The backs of countless chairs under the stage began to rise and fall with the rhythm, which was very strange.

When the music reached its climax, with a long sigh, the score was scattered all over the ground, and then slowly floated off the ground. A string of transparent notes emerged from nowhere and passed through the score, happily resting on the shoulders of the performer Chase and play.

There were sparkling lights and shadows on the walls of the hall, and only one performer with a silent back slowly closed his eyes, as if he didn't know anything about his surroundings.

The body of the piano is getting louder and louder, and the rhythm is getting faster and faster.

Finally, a huge vortex was triggered.

The scattered music scores and notes were all screamed in horror and were sucked in, spinning upwards at a high speed, the player and the piano also left the ground together, wrapped by a huge force, and finally flew to the remote void.
When everything returned to calm, Brian opened his eyes, and the retained consciousness quickly occupied his whole body.

He raised his arm and stretched out his trembling fingers with difficulty.

In an instant, a strange stream of light appeared on his slender fingertips, lightly touching the smooth crystal surface of the trembling psi crystal servant.

The light around the exquisite ultra-small astral structure began to flicker extremely erratically.

Gradually, this faint shimmer.

Bit by bit, from the inside to the outside, it exudes bright blue starlight, shining brightly.

Seeing this situation tending to be stable, Brian lowered his arm pointing at the construct, took a long breath, put all his body's center of gravity on the rough and uneven stone wall behind him, and waited patiently for the entire transformation process.

Leaning against the wall, he began to reminisce about everything in the illusory fog, and finally sighed in disappointment.

Because his instinct was telling himself that he seemed to have lost something precious, but when he was asked to say it, he couldn't tell what it was.

In short, he felt that he was missing something.

This is the most critical and dangerous step in making psi crystal servants.

It needs to strip off a small fragment of its own personality and integrate it into the astral construct.

in a certain sense.

Psions' crystalline minions are actually a part of themselves.

Simply put, it can also be called the second personality.

Because of this, it is difficult for psions to restore the stripped personality fragments in the process of making psicrystal servants.

That is to say, if he strips some of his personality away, there is a good chance he will lose that personality forever.

Whether this situation is good or bad for Psionists is hard to say clearly.

Because the psychic powers of psions originated from their own long-term and strict self-examination and mental training, as well as the cultivation of their own spiritual abilities.

Only by getting rid of distracting thoughts in their minds, overcoming their inner demons, and recognizing their true selves, can they master the method of awakening the hidden power in their bodies.

This also means that some of your own personalities such as cowardice, timidity, anger, and shyness can easily affect the practice of psychic powers.

At this time, if in the process of making psi crystal servants, these personality defects that affect practice are stripped out, then the psion himself will be infinitely close to perfection.

Brian subconsciously looked at his attribute panel, just as he thought, his own flaws were covered, and he gained an extra good ability.

[Precise mind (general psionic feat): Your mind has no flaws, and you can maintain your extremely sharp thinking even in a chaotic environment.When you enter the state of psionic concentration, it is difficult to be interrupted by external interference, concentration +5]


For psions, when they cast psionic spells, they only need to maintain concentration to show their innate psychic powers and draw out the inner power to become their own abilities.

They don't need to use messy materials, awkward incantations, or clumsy gestures like spellcasters.

With just the invocation of a small number of power points through conscious constructs, it is possible to create flames out of thin air, move a boulder without touching your hands, glimpse a moment in future time and space, or communicate with beings miles away.

Therefore, when a psychic practitioner enters a state of psychic concentration, it means that the requirements for releasing psychic energy are met, and they can release terrifying psychic spells through the manipulation of thoughts and the invocation of psychic energy.

In fact, whether it is a psionic practitioner, or a spellcaster such as a wizard or a priest, the concentration skills that determine the success rate of their spell release are indispensable.

Otherwise, when you meet some loud melee professionals, their deafening roar can make you forcefully interrupt the magic or psionic energy you are releasing.

From this we can see how important it is to master this kind of expertise that increases concentration.

Moreover, when Brian became a psion, he had already mastered a specialty that matched "tight mind".

[Psionic meditation (general psionic feat): Even in a chaotic environment and the threat of enemies, you can enter the combat state of concentrating and releasing psionic energy faster than usual.Enter psionic concentration state speed increased by 30%. 】


The "tight mind" specialty is an unexpected benefit that Brian obtained after extracting his own small flaws in his personality, which seems to show that his mind is close to perfection.

However, this method seems to be perfect, but after all, it still strips off its own personality, leaving a little incomplete.

If he couldn't get back the small part of his character that was stripped away because of this, the profession of psion, it is very likely that he would not be able to touch the legendary realm in his entire life.

For 'know your body' is not only the motto of psions, but also their path to great power.

Therefore, it is a process of stripping off the fragments of one's own personality and then rediscovering them.

For psionists, it is also a kind of spiritual practice of 'recovering oneself'.

After understanding this relationship, he made a final decision after careful consideration.

Brian's psychic heritage comes from a world of Athas where almost any creature possesses the quality of psionic mastery.

The psionic energy there is extremely prosperous.

As a result, many mysteries about personality fragments and psicrystal servants have been handed down.

Among them is an extreme personality duplication technique called "Secret Method of All-Spirited Manifestation".

This secret method records how to copy a small fragment of one's own personality to create a high-level psicrystal.

Compared with ordinary psicrystal servants, this kind of high-level psicrystal servants are smarter and more independent in personality.

Even more incredible is that they can also learn psychic powers.

This also means that, except for the field of psionic energy that he specializes in.

These five high-level spirit crystal servants can also master the divination system, transformation system, self-modeling system, teleportation system and enchantment system respectively, becoming an all-knowing and all-powerful psion.

There is no doubt that there are major flaws in such a powerful secret technique.

Because the high-level spirit crystal servant is not only smart, but also has a particularly independent personality, and will even exaggerate and distort a certain personality of the main body.

This puts the psion at risk for schizophrenia.

The source of psychic powers is spirit and will.

From a spiritual level, different personalities represent different free wills, which can inspire different psychic powers.

If it was a psion with six personalities and mastered the six domains, it would be no different from a lunatic with split personalities.

You can imagine.

The scene where my body opens its eyes every day and the six personalities switch randomly makes people shudder.

Therefore, this arcane method is only suitable for psions who specialize in one profession.

His fellow psions who came to this world with him practiced this arcane technique.

However, the other party did not create five different personalities at once.

Instead, he first created two high-level spirit crystal servants, and then relied on his powerful self-control ability and terrifying rationality to spend a long time in a low-magic world with limited strength, which was able to suppress the split personality almost perfectly. Possibilities, and at the same time mastered the three major domains of psions.

Therefore, for the current Brian, he is not in a hurry to learn this secret method, but plans to learn from the other party's experience and try to make one after he becomes stronger.

After figuring out his plan for the psion, he once again set his sights on the psi crystal servant, observing its process of activating independent consciousness.

I do not know how long it has been
When Brian released the light spell for the third time, he finally saw the psi-crystal servant constricting the light of his body, floating in mid-air with obsidian-like pupils flickering.

This made him understand that the personality of this ultra-small astral construct has been activated, and it has an independent consciousness loyal to itself.

So he spread out his palm and tried to drive it with his mind.

The fist-sized astral construct trembled slightly, as if it had received a message from its master, and landed silently in his palm.

Psicrystal Servant
The personal level is equal to the master, and the life value is equal to half of the master

Construct Traits: Psicrystals are resistant to poison, sleep, paralysis, stun, disease, death effects, necromancy effects, mind-affecting effects (charms, compulsions, phantom hallucinations, psionic hallucinations, and morale effects), and any Immune to the effect of a Fortitude save (unless the effect also works on objects, or the effect is harmless).

Unaffected by critical hits, non-lethal damage, ability damage, ability drain, fatigue, exhaustion, or energy drain, damage cannot be healed, but can be repaired.

Special Abilities: Alertness, Improved Evasion, Shared Powers, Hypervision, Mind Link, Transfer Touch, Levitation

Alertness: When the psicrystal stays with its master, it sharpens its master's senses and gains the "Alert" feat.

Proficient in reflection and evasion: In the face of normal attacks and directional spell attacks, the psicrystal has a different ability to dodge than ordinary people, with dodge +5 and reflection +5.

Shared powers: The master of the psicrystal can choose to share the buff powers revealed to him with the psicrystal.

Hypervision: Although psicrystals do not have sensory organs, they can perceive their surroundings telepathically, just like creatures with normal sight and hearing.Any dark spells or supernatural darkness do not affect clairvoyance.

Mind link: The master of the psicrystal and the psicrystal have telepathy. The psicrystal is no more than two kilometers away from its master, and the two can communicate with each other at will.

Transferring contact powers: The master of the psicrystal can transfer his own contact psionic powers to the psicrystal, allowing it to release it instead.

Levitation: A psicrystal can use its normal movement speed to float in mid-air.

Personal Traits: Psionic Meditation, Negative Energy Resistance

Psionic Meditation: A psicrystal can enter a state of psionic concentration as quickly as possible.

Negative Energy Resistance: When facing undead physical or magical attacks, it has a 30% damage reduction.


(End of this chapter)

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