Arcane Journey

Chapter 26 Plan

Chapter 26 Plan
Seeing the attributes of the psicrystal, Brian nodded in satisfaction.

Being an extension of the psion's personality fragment naturally makes it a very good support minion for him in battle or anywhere else where psionic powers are needed.

It can be said to be the most cost-effective existence among the 'magic pet' types.

Immediately afterwards, Brian thought of his psion profession. When he upgraded his level just now, he also gained an additional specialty point.

So he immediately called up the attribute bar, directly used up the specialty points, and without hesitation in the list of available specialties, selected a psionic general specialty that he had planned a long time ago.

[Psychic Concentration (Universal Psychic Power Specialty): Psychic practitioners who master this feat can transfer their psionic energy concentration state to psionic servants within 5 feet of themselves, instead of their own, when releasing psionic energy. The master enters a state of concentration that manifests the power. 】


What does it mean for a psicrystal to take her place in psionic focus?
This means that if his psicrystal is always in a state of being undisturbed, he can release his psionic energy without any scruples, which is the same as a mage who has turned on 'Calm of Mind' to amplify the fireball.

And his weakened version of 'Presence of Mind' can be maintained as long as the psicrystal's state is not interrupted until its power points are exhausted.

This is the fundamental reason why Brian chose this specialty without hesitation after making his own servant.

It's a pity that, as a psion of the creation department, his specialization is not the offensive psionic power of the 'transformation department'.

And judging from his current situation, he still lacks many spiritual spells that need to be learned.

Psions are different from wizards.

They don't need a power book to show their powers, and they don't need to prepare powers in advance, or use the magic net. As long as they have the powers they have mastered, they can use them at will if they have enough power points. Blue bar mage' as free and flexible.

There are three main ways in which psions acquire psionic spells.

The simplest thing is that when one's personal level increases, one will automatically obtain psionic spells according to one's own specialization and psionic talents.

Races such as mind flayers, gem dragons, and githyanki, who are born with psionic traits, mostly acquire their psionic powers in this way.

When Bryan's Psychic profession was promoted to level 3, he gained a creation-specific "Psychic Repair" used to repair astral constructs, and an additional offensive general-purpose psionic "Shock Wave".

The second way to acquire psionic spells is to master new abilities through independent research or through reading and learning psionic knowledge.

This is the most commonly used method for most professional psionic practitioners. With enough psionic knowledge and time, it is easy to learn the abilities they need.

The third method is the fastest, but also the most difficult.

Mainly through contact with other psychic professionals, and under the voluntary condition of both parties, invade their own spiritual thoughts into the depths of the volunteers' hearts, feel the supernatural powers in the depths of the other's hearts, and quickly master the psychic spells they have practiced.

His level one ability was mastered through the third method.

Since the person who taught him the ability was a psion who was proficient in the teleportation system, he also accidentally mastered a first-level teleportation system psionic "astral traveler" comparable to the wizard's nine-ring spell "astral projection".

This ability allows him to instantly project his own spiritual will into the astral world in the form of projection.

Although there seem to be many methods, according to Brian's current situation, he has neither the knowledge recorded to learn supernatural powers nor a companion who can directly teach psionic spells.

This also means that in the Underdark, he can only rely on his few abilities for the time being.

Only after returning to the surface and finding his companions can he make up for the missing abilities.

However, he was fortunate that there were actually many masters of psionic spells like mind flayers and gray dwarves in the Underdark.

Perhaps because he was afraid of their strength, he would not dare to rush into the settlement of mind flayers.

But the settlements of gray dwarves are different. Underground cities of gray dwarves generally open trade channels, allowing merchants of all races to come and trade goods.

If he was lucky, he might even get some unusual psionic spells.

Having determined his plan, Brian refocused on the psicrystal himself.

At this time, although the palm-sized astral construct has been declared complete and can be freely directed by him, it will take some time for the second personality to be fully activated.

In this case, he had no choice but to wait patiently.

After all, it is very important to him to regenerate the personality fragments that are stripped from himself and then regenerate a new personality by the psi crystal servants.

If it is the kind that has a very bad temper, or is irritable, he might as well smash it as soon as possible, so as not to look bad.

Looking at his psicrystal, Brian vaguely felt that he had overlooked something, but he couldn't remember it for a while.

He frowned and considered for a while, until the personality of the psicrystal was about to be formed, then his eyes lit up, and finally remembered that he still had one most important thing to do.

So he brought up the attribute bar again and checked his Psion panel.

Since his psion profession is proficient in the department of mind creation, he has an astral construct specialized in this field.

This point is simply incomparable to psions in other fields.

At the same time, when he raised his own level to level 2, he gained another professional feature "Call of the Creator".

"Call of the Creator" In addition to increasing the duration of any of its creation abilities by 30%, it additionally grants each psicrystal and astral construct created by the psion an optional special power.

Brian didn't think about it anymore, and immediately called up the list of these special abilities: energy missile, shock wave, space sliding, natural invisibility, and power resistance.

Looking at the list, he didn't make a choice right away, but studied it carefully for a while, first eliminated the offensive characteristics "energy missile" and "shock wave", and then removed the defensive characteristic "power resistance", and finally set his eyes on Stay on the options of "Space Sliding" and "Natural Invisibility".

"Space sliding" is a short-distance 'flicker' ability that can be used once every 2 minutes or so.

And "natural invisibility" is just like its name describes.

Makes the psicrystal invisible at all times, even when it is attacking, and is inherently unaffected by any invisibility dispelling spells.

After considering the pros and cons, Brian finally chose the ability of "space sliding".

Because his positioning of the psicrystal is to assist him in displaying psionic powers, the main purpose is to prevent it from being harmed or disturbed.

On the surface, it seems that "natural invisibility" has a stronger life-saving ability, but if you think about it from a long-term perspective, "space sliding" will be even better.

After all, there are still many ways to see through invisibility, and it may be useful in the early stage. After he becomes stronger, the quality of the enemies he encounters gradually improves, and this ability is basically equivalent to nothing.

Moreover, as a wizard and psion, he can also learn many spells and abilities such as invisibility, so there is no need to waste them.

Therefore, Brian still thinks that "space sliding" is better.

This is the same reason as in a certain competitive game, everyone will start with a flash.

At the moment when this ability was granted, he clearly felt that the Psicrystal, which seemed to give him a sense of roundness and smoothness, had an illusion of sharp edges and corners.

A little less cute, a little more cool.


At this moment, the psicrystal suspended in the air suddenly restrained the blue luster of the whole body, and the voice that came out was as clear as two crystals gently colliding together.

He felt that the psionic crystal servant sent the sound into his mind through his thoughts, and he knew that its consciousness had been successfully activated.

Brian looked up at his masterpiece: it was a stellar structure composed of a standing cat image and a dark blue crystal shell. The overall shape resembled the current astronauts, full of futuristic sense of technology.

In fact, if the cat head is replaced with a panda head, it will be a familiar Bingdundun.

"From today on, you will be called 'Meowdundun'." He gave it a random name perfunctorily.

"Meow Dundun?"

The psicrystal rolled its bright black eyeballs suspiciously, then shook the cat's head covered in the crystal shell in a humane manner, expressing his opinion dissatisfiedly: "This name doesn't sound good, can I change it?"

"Then what name do you want?" Brian couldn't help but asked curiously.

Looking at the interesting expression of the psicrystal, he secretly heaved a sigh of relief.

Although he couldn't guess what kind of unique personality the other party had created, it can be seen from its emotional words that the production was relatively successful.

"Sigh, such a cute name doesn't fit my temperament at all. After all, my life is wandering in two worlds, just like a star hanging in the sky when day and night alternate."

With a melancholy sigh, a faint blue light flashed around the body of the psicrystal, and it revolved around gently, and the crisp crystal sound began to become deeper, "New birth, old destruction"

"Stop! Just say what name you want." Brian frowned, realizing that something was wrong, he quickly stopped it from continuing, and looked at it thoughtfully.

Since the psicrystal inherited a small part of his personality, there is naturally a memory of him stored in his consciousness, and there is nothing wrong with saying that it is an extension of his own personality.

In other words, he could see a part of himself from the psicrystal's every move.

This part of his personality will eventually become exaggerated and distorted because of his continuous improvement in strength.

Recalling the two scenes I saw in the mist when I stripped my personality.

Brian vaguely guessed what kind of personality this little guy had inherited from him.

This made him rejoice, but at the same time he couldn't help but feel a little headache.

".Master, from now on you will call me the interstellar exile: the cat."

The psicrystal shone with light on the surface of the crystal, after a moment of contemplation, blurted out, and sighed again with a melancholy expression.

"You see, our life never stops day and night, and the flowing water of time rolls away, bringing life like bubbles to a distant place."

Brian couldn't listen anymore, he waved his hand at it with a headache, a blue light flashed, and took it back to the astral space.

He already felt that this little guy was like a newborn with a complete memory.

Even the ability to organize language and communicate well is poor. Speaking is like copying the lines mechanically, which sounds awkward.

If he has time, he still needs to guide the other party slowly.

By the way, was I really so pessimistic and world-weary before?Brian couldn't help thinking skeptically.

If in the past.

Whenever he recalls his identity as a time traveler and the family he will never see, he will inevitably feel secretly sad.

Now, hearing psionic crystal servants say such melancholy words in such a tone.

He was indifferent, didn't respond at all, and was even a little bored in his heart.

Brian patted his forehead, forcefully dispelling the chaotic thoughts in his mind,

Then, he took out a map of the Underdark from his dimensional bag, and began to think about his future plans and whereabouts.

His current location is the Silk Path. In this canyon filled with countless spider threads, there is hidden a floating mausoleum that fell here during the Netheril period.

The most precious funeral objects inside, besides a piece of magic equipment of legendary quality, is also a Nether Scroll lost by the Arcane Empire.

This is exactly what he came here for.

Soon, he discovered on the map that as long as he passed the Fansi trail smoothly, he would reach the dark forest.

Then, walk out of the lightless forest occupied by xun people—also known as mushroom people, and you can reach the dark lake smoothly.

If you are lucky, you will be able to reach a city of gray dwarves directly when you encounter merchant ships coming and going in the lake.

If Brian's memory is correct, in this gray dwarf city located near the dark lake, there is not only an adult red dragon who cooperates closely with the gray dwarves, but also a hidden tunnel leading to the surface.

In this way, he can make going to the gray dwarf city his goal of returning to the surface.

He carefully calculated the approximate time based on the once-in-a-thousand-year city-building festival of the ancient Orens city, and unexpectedly learned that at this point in time, the adult red dragon in the gray dwarf city seemed to be having conflicts with the high-level gray dwarves, and the two sides would soon It's time for a fight.

This incident will eventually cause the entire city to fall into infighting among major factions.

It is said that the cause of the incident was that the senior executives of the gray dwarves lost the red dragon's eggs.

He is not too clear about the details.

Because their player group came to the game world two years later.

The information about the red dragon is the general process that some players inadvertently learned from the mouth of the NPC when they were doing the plot.

Brian thought that before going to the surface, he could take this opportunity to fish in the troubled waters of the gray dwarves' city and get some benefits.

After all, although the gray dwarves have a gloomy personality, their forging techniques are not inferior to their surface relatives at all.

If he could win over a group of gray dwarf allies and let them establish a trade route between the surface and the ground with him, it would be a way to make money.

Afterwards, he put away the map and began to prepare for exploring the mausoleum on the Silk Path.

(End of this chapter)

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