Arcane Journey

Chapter 45 The Purple Worm

Chapter 45 The Purple Worm
Almost immediately after the drow priestess cast the divine spell, Brian immediately judged the opponent's divine spell.

Blessed by the spider!

An unholy divine spell reserved for drow priestesses.

Its operating principle is to extract the essence of the abyssal demon hunter spider, inject it into the body of the drow, and instantly transform it into a half-human half-spider, which looks like a monster hybrid of drow and spider.

Due to the infusion of the essence of the demon hunter spider, these half-human, half-spider monsters will randomly inherit the characteristics of many abyssal demons.

Such as: corrosion of armor, toxins, spider webs, body protection aura, magic eye rays and other strange characteristics.

Following the malicious ridicule of the priestess, the four transformed half-human, half-spider attacked with an order.

A drow warrior with eight black eyes in the middle of his face was the first to attack.

Its eight terrifying black eyes suddenly shrank, and a dark purple ray lingering in a light black aura shot out rapidly, hitting an orc at an extremely fast speed.

The orc who was hit by the "magic eye ray" let out a painful wail from his throat, and the ray with lightning attributes mercilessly blasted him to pieces.

The other two monsters opened their mouths and spewed out two spider webs, covering Brian and the sword mage beside him.

The last one suddenly flashed a teleportation light all over its body, and it appeared in front of the orc chieftain almost in the blink of an eye.

The half-human, half-spider monster poked its slimy fangs from under its lips, and fought the rampaging orc.

—— "Thundering Vortex!"


A vortex interwoven with arcane energy was formed between the sword mage's sword swings, the vortex sizzled and flashed with lightning.

The moment the vortex formed, the two spiders rushing over were suddenly wrapped tightly by a pulling force, unable to break free at all.

The Dilo dwarf's attack spell and the long sword in the hands of the drow warrior immediately greeted the two monsters who were struggling to escape.

- "Burning Hand!"

Brian's spell was just about to succeed, a cone-shaped flame sprayed on the spider web that hadn't landed, and spread at an extremely fast speed, forming two scorching fire webs until they were completely burned.

"These two spiders are handed over to you, I will deal with the priestess."

Bryan put away the 'Dawnbringer', released the psicrystal, gave instructions to the sword mage beside him and a few people not far away, and immediately distanced himself from these people.

at this time.

He had been focusing on the priestess from the beginning to the end, and suddenly found that the other party stretched out a slender black hand and roared a syllable in the language of demons.

A wave of cold shadows emerged, fluttering like a frightening bat swarm, rushing towards him in blackness.

Chirping and whirling, the phantoms swooped at him, trying to tear apart his flesh with their razor-sharp claws.

Facing strange spells.

Although Brian didn't know the specific power, but the shadow knowledge he had learned in the ancient Orens city for the past two months allowed him to instantly judge the most correct way to deal with it.

He concentrated, and with a thought, the psicrystal that had already helped him complete the concentration, shone with light blue light and surrounded him.

——"Star Barrier!"

——"Advanced Concealment Membrane!"

The two uninterrupted abilities made Brian's mind tingle, but the effect was indeed obvious.

Almost simultaneously, two rippling, distorted translucent films appeared on his body, constantly switching between virtual and real.

The group of phantoms that flapped their wings filled with eerie shadow energy, screamed and drowned him, and flew over his indistinct body and flew into the depths of the tunnel.

The few phantoms that were hit by luck were also protected by the "star barrier", causing very little damage.

Relying on strong willpower, Brian gritted his teeth and endured the additional shadow damage from the phantom.

He quickly calmed down and put aside all distractions, ready to perform his magic.

——"Second Ring Spell: Magic Field Backlash!"

Along with him whispering a syllable and making a gesture, the charm purple energy shot out from his palm, hit the priest's divine shield, and burst out like an electric shock.

It was a new spell he had learned in the drow's table.

For any target hit by this spell, the more buffs or protective barriers applied around it, the stronger the backlash damage will be.

Bryan had noticed that his opponent had added many protection spells to himself, making it impossible for him to attack, so he chose this attack magic without hesitation.

With the energy of the charm purple jumping continuously like a demon fire.

The defensive force field around the drow priestess and the magical buffs applied began to surge out bursts of backlash energy.

The pain caused by the magic backlash not only interrupted her spellcasting, but also made her let out painful murmurs, and strands of scarlet blood overflowed from the corners of her mouth.

She quickly removed the buff magic around her, and the damage caused by the backlash of the magic field immediately receded like a tide.

The priestess wiped off the blood spilling from the corner of her mouth, panting heavily.

Her scarlet eyes looked at the enemy in the distance in disbelief, wondering why this lowly surface person would master their drow's magic.

Immediately afterwards, she noticed that the opponent's hands were dancing in a spell posture quickly, and the violent magic energy around him was also gathering at an extremely fast speed.

Sensing the surge of dangerous energy, the priestess squinted her eyes and easily judged the spell released by the other party.

She suppressed her doubts, sneered, and launched a counterattack.

She immediately pulled out a black staff from her belt, and quickly chanted a prayer in a low voice.

A swarm of tiny spiders descended from the spider-marked staff and rushed towards Brian eagerly.

This large group of creepy little spiders grew up visible to the naked eye while running at high speed.

Until each spider was the size of a goblin, swarming towards Brian.

Seeing the opponent's unfinished spell, the priestess smiled triumphantly.

In her mind, she even imagined that the other party was swallowed by the magic spider, sucked up the body fluids, and turned into a pile of rags, bones and human skin.

However, when the spiders swarmed towards Brian, she was surprised to see that things did not go as she imagined.

"How is it possible?" The priestess' vicious smile froze on her ebony face.

She looked at the swarming spiders in shock, and suddenly seemed to see some terrible natural enemy, like ants on a hot pot, scattered left and right in horror, and fled in a panic.

Meanwhile, Brian's long-awaited spell is finally completed.

——"Three-ring spell: Fireball!"

—— "Metamagic Specialty: Spell Empowerment!"

——"Arcane explosion!"

Under the control of Brian, a hissing, constantly bursting fireball quickly flew towards the drow priestess with a whistling tail flame.

The drow priestess took out a magic scroll in a panic, tore it open immediately, pushed forward with both palms, and a powerful magic barrier appeared in front of her.

Just when the fireball was about to hit, there was a sudden 'whoosh', dragging a slender tail flame, and forcibly changed the flight trajectory, rushing to the top of the tunnel lined with stalactite pillars above the head.


Accompanied by a loud roar, the entire tunnel began to shake, and other people who were fighting with the half-human, half-spider monster looked sideways in surprise, or hurriedly avoided the falling rubble.


A stalactite pillar as thick as an ogre's thigh landed on the head of the priestess who focused on magic defense first.

He smashed her so that the eyes were full of stars, the blood flowed down, and the body lost its balance, staggering like a drunk.

However, this pain was far from over for her.

Numerous rubble and broken stalactite pillars poured down like a storm, burying the terrified priestess directly.

Looking at his results, Brian shook off the dust on his cloak, remembering the words circulating in the game:

There is no problem that one fireball can't solve, and if it can't be solved, then put another one on!
As a wizard who specializes in evocation spells, he is very familiar with the release and manipulation of fireball magic.

Such as: one ring of burning hand, two rings of blazing ball, three rings of fireball, four rings of energy explosion, fifth ring of advanced pyrotechnics, six rings of bursting fireballs, seven rings of flame storms, eight rings of yang explosions, nine The circular meteor burst and so on are all his best skills.

Brian looked at the wriggling ruins, skillfully releasing the fireball technique that he had lost count of how many times he had let go.

There was a roaring explosion.

Rocks flew everywhere, and thick smoke filled the air.

The priestess who leaned out of the ruins was blown to pieces and buried forever.

"Target is dead!"

"Draining soul energy."

"Acquired experience points: 2500 points!"


Brian glanced at the battle that was about to end on the sword mage's side, spit out the dust sucked into his mouth, held his breath, and rushed into the thick smoke of the explosion, intending to find the dimensional bag left by the priestess before she died.

at this time.

His instinct of vigilance twitched in his heart, causing him to stop quickly, and subconsciously glanced in the direction of the orc chief.

A terrible scene appeared.

Along with the heart-pounding tremors from inside the hard rock, a huge dark purple object broke through the ground.

The monster opened its mouth full of fangs, leaned forward nimbly, and swallowed the orc chieftain who was caught off guard and the monster fighting him.

Immediately afterwards, a tail full of venomous thorns broke through the ground from the other end of the ground. It seemed to be lifted slightly, but it contained a lot of force, and suddenly swept away the last surviving orc.

The orc's burly body was like a baseball that was blown into the air. Without even a chance to scream, it was stuck on a sharp stone pillar at the top of the tunnel. A small pool of faint luster.

"It really is an adult purple worm!"

Seeing this situation, Brian's pupils shrank suddenly, but his expression was not as surprised as others.

Obviously, this was something he had expected a long time ago.

(End of this chapter)

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