Arcane Journey

Chapter 46 Purple Dragon Signet Ring

Chapter 46 Purple Dragon Signet Ring
The purple worm is one of the most terrifying monsters in the Underdark. Even a mature dragon will avoid the edge if it encounters it in the deep tunnel.

This is a super-giant burrowing monster. The diameter of an adult purple worm's broken body is about 2 meters, and its body length can reach more than 25 meters.

They are especially good at shuttling through hard rocks, and can even pass through hard rock formations at half the speed of burrowing, leaving behind them a tunnel with a diameter of more than three meters.

It is simply an activated 'tunnel boring machine'.

This is the fact.

Because the many complex and intertwined tunnel systems in the Underdark Region are almost all created by Zi Bu.

The most frightening thing about this kind of monster is that it will directly swallow any prey whole, disappear into the throat, and then use the muscles and strong acid of the stomach to crush it alive to death.

And they have a lot of food, their mouths are big enough to swallow a heavy horse in one gulp, and they can accommodate at least 15 or so humans in their bodies.

The general data of the purple worm appeared in Brian's mind:
purple worm
giant monster
Challenge Level 13
Special Abilities: Poison, Tremorsense, Blindsight, Swallow, Tunneler


Although purple worms do not have supernatural abilities, nor can they cast magic.

But in the complex and intertwined tunnels of the Underdark, they can rhythmically compress and expand their bodies to move forward, and their moving speed is enough to make any monsters living here unmatched.

For adventurers who don't have teleportation spells, once they are targeted by purple worms, it is difficult to have a chance of survival if they only rely on two legs.

Facing this adult purple worm, with Brian's current strength and the psychic power and magic he has mastered, in fact, he is still capable of fighting.

It was a little too risky for him, though.

Without knowing the surrounding conditions and people's hearts, he will not easily take risks.

After all, this is a dark area, where countless different horrors hide, and a little carelessness may take your life.

The moment Zi Chong eliminated the two orcs neatly, it had successfully attracted everyone's attention.

"It's the purple worm, retreat quickly!"

Fear floated in the pale pupils of the Dilo dwarf, and he shouted first, and quickly followed the drow warriors, desperately fleeing in the opposite direction of the purple worm.

Even the Kou Tao Yuren monk, who has been sitting cross-legged as the melon-eating crowd, did not choose to try to promote his pacifism to Zi Chong.

The little murloc walked with funny short legs, and followed behind swiftly. In the blink of an eye, he overtook the Dilro dwarf and the drow, and ran in front of them.

"Bryan, go! If you don't go, it will be too late." Before the swamp bear left, he yelled in Brian's direction.

Hearing the sound, Brian nodded slightly to him, and when he was about to leave, he accidentally discovered that the sword mage didn't choose to run away immediately, but flew to the place where the drow priestess died, looking for something.

At the same time, Zi Chong's suffocating shadow was successfully attracted by the sword mage.

Purple Dragon Seal Ring!

Brian guessed the other party's purpose in an instant.

"Oh, damn it, it's still a step late." At this moment, the dark shadow twisted, and the figure of the goblin copper block appeared in front of Brian.

"Why are you here, where's Teemo?" Seeing the goblin appearing alone, Brian asked quickly.

"I'm here to remind you, my big boss."

At such a tense moment, Copper Nugget said quickly, "It's all right now, let me run for nothing, what are you doing in a daze, run quickly!"

"Brother, don't worry, I'm here."

Little Timo lifted the copper cloak, revealing a small umbrella-shaped mushroom head, spewed out a cloud of spores, and stretched out a small white hand to say hello.

Seeing Timo, Brian looked relieved.

Although he has not been in contact with this little guy for a long time, he really likes the feeling that little Teemo sticks to him like a curious baby.

I was relieved to see that he was fine.

Hearing the rumbling sound behind him, he didn't dare to waste time. He quickly looked at the swamp bears and goblins who were waiting anxiously, and said in a deep voice, "You retreat first, and I will cover you."

As a wizard, he mastered the teleportation magic, and it was easy for him to avoid the purple worms that did not have the ability to cast spells.

But they are different, once they are locked by the purple worms with "vibration perception", it is only a matter of time before they catch up.

"Then I'll go first."

The copper block carrying the little mushroom head ignored the spore cloud ejected by little Teemo, and disappeared without hesitation as a shadow.

"Be careful!"

The Zelander looked at Brian worriedly, then quickly strode away and disappeared into the depths of the tunnel.

The moment Brian turned around, he immediately found that the purple worm had penetrated into the hard ground, and was rushing towards the sword mage with rhythmic vibrations.

This is the most common attack method of the purple worm. It likes to break through the ground, then use the impact force to knock its prey into the air, and then open its big mouth to let it fall safely into the mouth.

It's like throwing peanuts in your mouth every day.

"Don't worry about me, run away!"

The sword mage ignored Zi Chong's actions, and while rummaging through the rubble, she said to Brian who hadn't left yet.

Hearing this, Brian cursed a 'stupid woman' in his heart, and stomped on the ground, trying to attract Zi Chong's attention.

In fact, among the group of people rescued from the drow elves, he is most optimistic about this sword mage whose strength has reached level 10 or above.

Therefore, he doesn't mind reaching out to him when he can.

After all, after he returned to the surface, he still had to prepare to settle down in the Kingdom of Cormyr.

If you can get the help of a sword mage who holds the seal ring of the purple dragon, you will directly save a lot of unnecessary troubles.

Unfortunately, things didn't go his way.

The purple worm that had burrowed into the ground did not respond to his actions like a sword mage rummaging through items.

In just a moment, the big bug left a series of raised marks on the hard rock, reaching the depths of the ground where the sword mage was looking for items.


With a loud bang, the purple worm burst out of the ground.

The sword mage who finally found the dimension bag hadn't shown any joy when he was knocked away by the powerful head of this monster.

Zi Chong protruded most of his body from the ground, opened his mouth big enough to swallow a heavy horse, and followed closely, preparing to meet the sword mage who was about to fall to the ground.

While casting spells, Brian observed the situation and saw the sword mage being knocked into the air. His delicate body was like a broken ball, which turned into a parabola and fell towards the abyss opened by the purple worm.

She was still clutching the dimensional bag she had found in her hand.

——"Three-ring spell: Fireball!"

When he saw the purple worm opened its huge mouth, he threw a condensed basketball-sized fireball into the monster's mouth without hesitation.


Accompanied by a deafening bang, the purple worm's huge mouth was blasted to pieces by the fireball, and thick smoke billowed out of its throat like a chimney.

There was even an unpleasant burnt smell in the air.

At the same time, the sword mage's body, which was about to fall into his mouth, was also lifted up by the air waves generated by the explosion of the fireball.

She gritted her teeth, endured the severe pain, and tried her best to twist her slender waist.

Then, he stepped on a spike growing on the purple worm's head, and jumped forward with his strength. His precarious body fell to the ground, successfully getting rid of the risk of being swallowed.

The purple worm, which was blown out of its mind by the fireball, let out a roar. Its 20-meter-long body curled up in an S-shape on the ground. The gleaming spikes on both sides of its body, like rows of oars, swung rhythmically towards the sword mage. rush.

Brian took out a pinch of colorful powder, jumped a few times, and landed on a broken stalactite pillar, just enough to see the purple worm's two shining pupils the size of a lantern.

——"One-ring spell: colorful spray!"

He deftly threw the powder into the air, quickly chanted a spell, and then pointed at the rushing purple worm.

A dazzling ray of light suddenly pierced into Zi Chong's two big eyes like a gorgeous sharp sword.

The sharp pain from the eyes caused the charging purple worm to suddenly erect its knob-shaped front body, twist its long body, and roared angrily with its flat mouth glistening with deep purple luster, and opened and closed its fangs dripping with venom. combine.

Seeing the purple worm whose attack was interrupted, Brian stopped moving.

Because there is only so much he can do, the next step is up to the sword mage himself.

Just as he thought.

The sword mage who was seriously injured propped up his body with the rune sword in his hand, knelt down on one knee, and rolled aside suddenly at the moment when the crazy purple worm was about to smash his head on her.


Then she opened her jade lips lightly, whispered a spell, and her whole body turned into a puff of smoke and disappeared.

"I'm really sorry to trouble you again."

The weak figure of the Sword Mage appeared beside Brian out of thin air. She handed the dimensional bag she found to Brian, showing a forced smile, and earnestly begged:

"Can you help me bring the Purple Dragon Seal Ring back to the Kingdom of Cormyr? Although I am seriously injured, it is still possible to cover your retreat."

"It's just a ring, do you need to work so hard?" Brian took the item, weighed it in his hand, and asked pretending not to know.

Seal of the Purple Dragon.

It belongs to the magic props commissioned by the royal family of Cormyr to cast by the court archmage.

Generally speaking, it can only be seen in the hands of the commander-in-chief of a certain area.

But sometimes, the royal family will also give this ring engraved with the seal of the purple dragon to the hero knights who protect the country, or the lords who try to go to the frontier to act as pioneers.

It is not only a magic item, but also a symbol of the identity and status of the Kingdom of Cormyr.

In fact, what Brian said was a bit against his will.

Because when he was in the game world, he had coveted this item for a long time.

In order to obtain a purple dragon seal ring issued by the royal family of Cormyr, he even risked his life many times, and finally left the destroyed Kingdom of Cormyr with regret in his heart.

That's why he chose to stay and help her when the Sword Mage mentioned the Purple Dragon Seal Ring.


The sword mage gave him a short answer in a firm tone, and then sighed rather sadly, "It carries a childhood dream of mine. Although the hope is slim, I still don't want it to be left in the Underdark forever."

"Okay, I promise you."

Brian was silent for a while, met the eager eyes of the sword mage, nodded without thinking, and said seriously, "If possible, I will send it to the city of Suzal and hand it over to the Supreme Mage Sandra Huster in person. .”

At this moment, he had already seen that Zi Chong had recovered from his madness and had locked onto the figures of the two of them. If he didn't run away, it might be too late.

"You really are from the Battle Mage Legion."

When the sword mage girl heard this, a gleam of joy floated in her silver-gray eyes, then she pushed aside the long red-brown hair that covered her face, and smiled at him, "Then I'll leave it to you."

She left Brian with a determined back, straightened her back with all her strength, held the rune sword tightly, and faced the suffocating huge body of the purple worm without fear.

(End of this chapter)

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