Arcane Journey

Chapter 47

Chapter 47

"This blade has a history far greater than civilization, and so does its power when wielded by me!

The sword mage held the rune sword tightly, and surges of arcane energy spewed out from her body. The long reddish-brown hair glowed faintly, and her straight body was as dazzling as the radiance of the hot sun.

As the criss-crossed mysterious runes on the blade shone with bursts of silver light, irregular dark purple arcs jumped and swallowed the entire blade.

Surrounded by lightning, the sword mage stared coldly, and suddenly purple lightning flashed out.

——"Silver Thunder Pentium!"

As she slashed the blade horizontally in a dazzling way, the arc-jumping sword edge suddenly released purple rushing thunder.

In an instant!

The arcane runes glowing with purple light shot out from the edge of the sword, covering the head of the roaring purple worm, pouring down like a cascade of noise, dazzling lightning that tore through the darkness.

The sword mage held high the rune sword full of electric arcs, turned into silver lightning from his invisible figure, and ran towards the suffocating huge figure of Zi Chong.

"For the Kingdom of Cormyr!"

A flash of lightning that tore through the darkness, followed by a crisp and loud voice echoed in the huge tunnel.

For the Kingdom of Cormyr?
Hearing this passionate slogan, Brian, who was about to leave, suddenly paused.

All of a sudden, thousands of complicated emotions rushed into his heart.

He found in disbelief that a certain nerve in his heart suddenly twitched because of this slogan.

It was like the strings being plucked, giving off a trembling echo, echoing in the bottom of my heart for a long time, and it was difficult to calm down.

So much so that his heart was filled with some inexplicable emotions that were hard to let go, unwilling, sad, angry, and unable to vent.

Immediately afterwards, the long-term composure and calmness allowed him to regain his sanity in an instant, and he found the root cause of this problem.

For the kingdom of Cormyr, fight for Cormyr
Brian muttered to himself, repeating this slogan that he was so familiar with and had shouted countless times in the game.

In this indescribable atmosphere, mentioning the Kingdom of Cormyr again, even in such a dangerous environment, he couldn't help being in a daze.

Because he felt that he recalled a long-forgotten memory:
The huge and precipitous forbidden area 'Stormhorn Mountains' is like a high wall blocking the orc army, and there are only passages at the High Horn Pass and the Gnoll Pass.

The 'Thundering Peak' is named after the destructive storms that ravage the land all year round. The harsh climate makes large-scale mining activities very difficult, but there are always some lone players who will happily return with fist-sized natural gold ore.

A lost civilization predating elves lies buried in the 'Far Sea Marshes', its only remains being ornate buildings of glass as hard as steel.

'Hurek', the most primitive forest in Cormyr, not only has unknown hidden valleys, but ghostly creatures and monsters continue to appear in legends.

Take a boat from the calm and clear star-shaped lake 'Winglong Lake', and you can directly reach the Sea of ​​Falling Stars.

"Kingdom of Cormyr" Brian repeated with emotion, and couldn't help cursing, "How long ago was this fucking memory, and thinking about it now is still so fucking annoying."

In fact, he seldom swears, but whenever he recalls the future history of the Kingdom of Cormyr, he gets angry.

Even after so many years, he still felt an uncontrollable regret and pity in his heart, as well as an unsettled air that was suppressed in the deepest part of his heart.

Cormyr is a forest country established over a thousand years ago.

A green and friendly land with large ups and downs, surrounded by mountains on its sides, and ancient and deep green forests overlooking the customs and customs.

Dragons, stags and unicorns feature locally in the folklore, ballads and coats of arms of the kingdom of Cormyr:
The dragon presents the ancient and unruly wildness of this place, the stag represents the gift from the earth, and the unicorn symbolizes the tranquility and mystery deep in the forest.

It is famous for its highly trained regiments of purple dragon knights and battle mages.

It also prides itself on excellent food, honest and kind people, incomprehensible mysteries, and ample communication with the rest of the world.

It is a prosperous nation defended by perfect law and goodness.

Although the number of their player groups is not comparable to that of 'Waterdeep City' in the Sword Coast and 'Silvermoon City' in the Northland, those born in this country can feel the most profound sense of safety, justice and warmth.


The Kingdom of Cormyr has become the most resonant and most empathetic country among their player groups.

However, any beautiful and desirable place will often cause the heart of evil to beat here, and the Kingdom of Cormyr is no exception.

This is also the reason why when he heard that the surface was the Kingdom of Cormyr, he would choose his foothold after a little consideration.

In fact, as a player who has stayed in the Kingdom of Cormyr since the early days of the game, and witnessed the destruction of this forest country with his own eyes.

He can still clearly recall every episode of disaster that makes people's heartstrings tense.

It was these disasters that pushed the kingdom of Cormyr step by step into the abyss woven by shadows.

The Year of Flames and Despair.

The northernmost rocky wasteland in Cormyr, Mokou Town, built by the pioneer lord, was attacked by an adult red dragon, which directly led to the fall of the town, and became controlled by the three evil forces of Sanlin Tower Society, Dragon Worship and Ghost City. traffic arteries.

This town of Mokou, which is related to the Ennook Desert, has always been a pain in the kingdom.

Regrettably, it was not possible to regain it until the kingdom was destroyed.

The Year of a Dance with Dragons.

The preliminary test of the Dragon Maniac, which the Dragon Sect is committed to researching, was successful, and the entire Kingdom of Cormyr was ravaged by giant dragons.

Tiffindun, Masambo, Morningstar and many settlements were burned, and the capital city of Suzal was attacked by ancient red and black dragons.

The supreme mage Sandra Hast was seriously injured in the air battle against two ancient dragons. When the battle spread to the ground, the king of Cormyr and the two dragons died together, leaving only a son who was less than two years old to inherit the throne. Throne of Mir.

The year the kingdom was divided.

After the death of King Cormyr, his brother Prince Serant formed a mercenary army and launched an attack on many places in Cormyr. The goblin and orc army in the Horn of the Storm Mountains also led many orc shamans to loot all parts of the kingdom. .

With the assistance of the Sambian army, Prince Serant broke through the capital city of Susar, killed the little king, and became the heir to the throne of Cormyr.

However, the Purple Dragon Knights and Battle Mage Legion did not recognize the false king sitting on the throne, so they were naturally unwilling to swear allegiance to him, and they all retreated to Araby City.

Under the leadership of the grand duchess of the Raul family, they continued to work hard to suppress the rebellion and restore the country.

The Year of the Weave Scar.

In the conspiracy of Shar, the goddess of the night, against Mystra, the goddess of magic, the high-ranking priestess of Shar completed a huge ceremony, tore a rift in the magic net, and successfully summoned Create a cross-dimensional shadow crack.

Countless creatures from the Shadow Plane flooded into the material world, completely destroying the city.

Most of the residents were killed in this premeditated disaster, and the priestesses of Shar revived the corpses into an army of undead, united with the army of the false king, and launched a fierce attack on Araby City.

With the assistance of many player forces, Araby's coalition forces successfully smashed the undead army and the rebel army of the false king.

The Shadow Rift was also sealed with the efforts of the Harpers, ending the disaster.

The year of the weeping wind.

With the silence of Rose, the queen of spider gods, the Underdark became a place where demons from the abyss raged. Countless demons sprang out of the surface, and the kingdom of Cormyr above the ancient city of Orens was the first among them.

Although the unremitting efforts of the players have made it difficult to quell the turmoil, the kingdom that has been fighting for years has been severely damaged, civilians have been killed and injured countless times, and the land within the territory has also been polluted by demons, turning into many places of corruption and pollution.

The Year of the Long Shadow.

The ghost people in the Enook desert took this opportunity to gather an army, and drove the second floating city Saxros salvaged from the Sea of ​​Falling Stars, and marched towards the city of Araby.

In the ensuing battle, the lord of Araby City, with the assistance of the Harper and the Chosen of the Goddess of Magic, unleashed a powerful magical weapon against the Shadow Army.

But the interaction between this weapon and the Shadow Demon Net eventually evolved into a battle between the Shadow Demon Net and the Magic Net to ban each other.

The ghost people from the descendants of Netheril, their floating city Sacross, descended on the sky of Arabian City with an absolute advantage.

Floating Void City is riding on the face, just ask you if you are afraid.

There is no doubt that this seems to be a battle without any suspense.

However, the Harpist spies completed the counter-kill. Before the battle even started, the group of scouts sneaked into the floating city ahead of time and successfully destroyed the energy core 'Mither Energy Core'.

As a result, events reversed again.

The Harper spies made a mistake in their judgment, causing the powerless floating city to crash directly into Araby City, resulting in the catastrophic destruction of both.

At the same time, on the other side, the shadow magic net and the main body of the magic net are fighting for each other.

Shar, the goddess of the night, and Mystra, the goddess of magic, neither of them got a bargain, and they triggered an astonishing energy, which completely turned the entire Kingdom of Cormyr into a dark sunken space and a dead magic area, filled with Removed shadows and floating dark areas.


At this point, Cormyr, the forest kingdom that lasted for thousands of years, was completely removed from the mainland.

As a witness of the kingdom's demise, Bryan did not experience the 'Red Dragon Rebellion' that happened ten years ago before the arrival of the player group.

He not only experienced all other major events, but also personally participated in them all.

So, when the Kingdom of Cormyr was destroyed and turned into a dark, sunken space, his whole body was numb.

After all, this is the kingdom he has guarded in the game for more than five years, and he has already developed an inseparable emotion, and he is about to obtain the purple dragon seal ring that symbolizes his identity and status, and then he is suddenly destroyed.

Of course, he was not the only one who was caught in the circle, there were many players, and some even organized to jointly question the game officials.

It's like reading a novel full of tragedy.

The reader's heart is like a bowstring, which is pulled tighter and tighter with the ups and downs of the plot, and finally reaches the bottom and rebounds, and is about to usher in a big climax.

The bowstring snapped.

The protagonist group was all killed by the plot.

The big villains also smiled and opened champagne live.


Who the hell can stand this.

That's how Brian felt at the time, and he didn't miss the blade.

Starting from the Dragon Rebellion, he has been running the plot of "Revival of the Kingdom of Cormyr" for more than five years, and even successfully joined the Battlemage Legion as a wizard.

Tossing and turning all the way.

He even retreated to the last barrier of the Kingdom of Cormyr with the Battle Mage Legion: Araby City.

Until the end of the big event of the abyssal demons gushing out of the surface, most veteran gamers thought for a while.

According to the previous game urine and plot development, this is the time when this disaster-ridden kingdom is ready to bottom out and is about to usher in a rebirth.

The unsatisfactory result is that it was directly destroyed.

And the official answer of the game is even more speechless. To put it simply:
They are just agents of the game, porters of the game cabin, and have no right to interfere or participate in the direction of the plot.

A certain staff member who received the most blades from players couldn't bear it anymore, so he simply broke the jar and said angrily: I love to play, don't play!
Fuck him!
Brian could only curse across the Ennook Desert with a feeling of embarrassment in his heart, and finally settled down in the 'Silvermoon City' in the Northland.

"I hope the little wind blown by my little butterfly can clear away the clouds and mist and see the blue sky." He whispered to himself, and the determination in his heart became firmer again.

His goal is the great desert of Ennook, but with his current strength, it is very difficult for him alone to gain a foothold under the eyes of the descendants of Netheril in the City of Shadows.

Apart from recruiting another descendant from the Arcane Empire, the distant southern kingdom Halrua, the only option is the Kingdom of Cormyr, which is at the border of the Great Desert.

No matter what catastrophe the kingdom suffered in the future, what he had to admit was that Cormyr was still one of the most prosperous and powerful kingdoms on the mainland.

After all, they have the world-famous Purple Dragon Knights and Battle Mage Corps.

On the eve of the dragon rebellion, Cormyr's army had even pushed to the opposite coast of the dragon.


The thunderous explosion interrupted Brian's contemplation and brought him back to reality.

He was surprised to find that the sword mage's thunderbolt hit Zi Chong's forehead, leaving a large fuzzy trace of burnt black. Thick black blood gurgled and flowed along the monster's roar, dark purple The scales sway like rain.

Under Zi Chong's counterattack, the sword mage's frail body hit the top of the tunnel and fell rapidly towards the ground.

If it hadn't been for dealing with the drow priestess before, the fireball technique released would have cleared a vacuum of the stalactite pillars in the forest at the top of the tunnel.

The fate of this sword mage will definitely be like the orc who died before, being skewered by stone pillars.

Brian quickly glanced at the open wound on Zi Chong's forehead, and secretly admired in his heart that this Chaos Envoy, who was advanced from a sword mage, is indeed the strongest spellcaster who can control the power of elements.

The most difficult thing to deal with such giants as purple worms is their hard carapace, which is also Brian's biggest headache.

Otherwise, he could indeed try to hunt it down.

Now, the carapace on the purple worm's head had been broken by the sword mage, so he naturally had no scruples at this time and decided to kill the big worm.

—— "Dimensional Jump!"

As soon as he thought of it, he activated the teleportation spell without hesitation, and appeared at the place where the sword mage was about to fall. A princess hugged him and took him into his arms.

"Why haven't you left yet?" The sword mage raised his head with difficulty, saw Brian's face clearly, and asked in a weak and reproachful tone.

"I've already thought about it."

Brian glanced at the purple worm who had noticed him, let go of one hand, and helped the sword mage barely stand on the ground, "You should keep this purple dragon seal ring for yourself."

"Can you stand up alone?" Before the other party could speak, he continued to ask.

"it should be OK."

The sword mage gasped, grabbed his arm with both hands, left his embrace, stood unsteadily on the spot, and finally sat down on the ground leaning on the rune sword.
"Are you planning to kill this purple worm?"

She immediately realized the other party's purpose and looked at him in disbelief.

In her opinion, the battle mage in front of her is not as strong as herself.

Besides, after going through a big battle just now, how could it be possible to still retain the magic of the other party's purple worm.


Brian replied flatly.

He tightly grasped the gold-plated hilt of the 'Dawnbringer', causing a dazzling blade of light to emerge from it, turned around to meet the blood-red eyes of the purple worm, and whispered slowly:

"Fight against evil, fight side by side, or die alone, and fight for the kingdom of Cormyr."

The sword mage gave him a complicated look and sighed softly.

——"Flame Strike!"

With a wave of Brian's lightsaber, a vertical column of sacred light, accompanied by a deafening roar, descended from the sky, precisely covering Ziworm's bloody forehead.

The air wave from the pillar of fire was like a waterfall flying straight down, smashing Zi Chong's head to the ground in an instant.

Half of the damage of "Flame Strike" comes from flames, and the other half directly comes from divine power.

Dealing with evil creatures naturally has unexpected effects.

Seeing the purple worm screaming in pain in the pillar of fire, Brian narrowed his eyes slightly, and directly activated the "Arcane Recall" that can only be used once in three days in the arcane fire, replenishing half of his own arcane energy.

Immediately afterwards, he didn't dare to waste time, and quickly cast spells one after another.

——"Three-ring spell: Blade Dance Ring!"

——"Second Ring Spell: Reverse Electricity Vendetta!"

—— "Metamagic Specialty: Spell Empowerment!"

——"Arcane explosion!"



Seeing that Brian was still casting spells, the sword mage sitting on the ground looked startled. She resisted the severe pain that hit her whole body and sent a reminder to him.

Because at this time, Zi Chong had already fallen into a state of rage, and was approaching him with a huge mouth that could swallow a heavy horse.

And this battle mage was indifferent, and still calmly cast his magic.

When Brian felt that the blood splashing from Ziworm's forehead had even splashed onto his face, he clenched his teeth and held his breath, gripped the hilt of his sword with both hands, and leaped without hesitation into Ziworm's open gap. The mouth of the abyss.


The sword mage girl was frightened by Brian's actions and was involved in her injuries. The pain made her sweat profusely, and she almost fainted.

When she forcibly concentrated her attention, she saw inconceivably that crackling lightning flashed from Zi Chong's mouth, and there was also the sound of crazily spinning sharp blades like a meat grinder.

A stream of foul-smelling thick smoke gushed out from the purple worm's abyss.

Along with Zi Chong's huge body, it kept convulsing and shaking.

A gleaming scorching lightsaber suddenly emerged from the open wound on its forehead caused by a strong electric shock, and Brian, who was covered in blood, also crawled out like a sprout that broke through the ground.


The behemoth of more than 20 meters fell to the ground with a dull bang.

Zi Chong twitched and struggled a few times, lying motionless on the ground, lifeless.

"Target is dead!"

"Draining soul energy."

"Acquired experience points: 8000 points!"


Seeing the monster die, Brian let out a sigh of relief.

If it wasn't for the wristbands given to him by the spider wizard, he wouldn't be able to resist the strong acid in the purple worm's mouth and the venom of the fangs.

(End of this chapter)

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