Arcane Journey

Chapter 486 I'm here to mess things up

Suddenly it started to snow in the sky, not the kind of goose feather snowflakes that fluttered in the wind, but small ice crystals falling quickly.

Even so, the small town castle where the wedding was held was still brightly lit and bustling.

Brian entered the wedding hall and looked around with the corner of his eye.

Soon he saw in the corner of the hall, a bard disguised as Viscount Obey Gales, leading a group of musicians, playing instruments, and cheerful music resounded through the hall.

There were even a few teenage children laughing and dancing impromptu dances, with flexible postures and funny movements that made people laugh.

Merchants from all over the Kingdom of Sevington and nobles from the two towns gathered here, rejoicing in the lively wedding on a cold night.

Even the air was filled with the aroma of barbecued meat and freshly baked bread. Everyone was sitting at the table enjoying dinner and drinking cheap ale.

The maids and servants were busy among the crowd.

When Miss Silna, from the Lanny Bolton family of Narrow Sea Town, who had been taught a lesson by Brian, appeared in a special wedding dress made of silk, fine lace and gold thread, there was a cry of exclamation at the scene, and a few people He looked at her with devouring eyes.

"Now that the important people have appeared, when will we take action?" The female elf Avilia, wearing a forest-colored cloak and hood, touched Brian next to her with her arm and whispered to him. .

"Wait a minute." Brian pretended to be holding a glass of ale, which was as good as horse urine to him.

He listened with relish to an almost drunk adventurer next to him bragging about his feat of hunting wild beasts. He looked calm and said in a voice that only he and the female elf could hear:
"Wait until I find the Death Priest hidden here."

The wedding was still going on, and even Baron Forsterley and Viscount Lenny Bolton of Narrow Sea Town, who were seldom seen, appeared in the public eye.

At this moment, Brian was still hiding in the crowd, carefully searching for traces of the Death Priest.

Hard work pays off.

Soon, Brian found the dark figure hiding in the corner.

Through the clairvoyance technique of the immortal world, he could clearly see that this was a death priest who was wrapped in a black robe from head to toe. The robe was also studded with various strange symbols and spells, obviously to enhance his power. Decoration made with mana.

In his thin and old hand, he also held a dead wood staff inlaid with several pieces of rubies and obsidian. This staff seemed to have unusual power.

Apart from this, he no longer had any decorations on his body. His clothes were simple and primitive, exuding an eerie and terrifying atmosphere in his overall style.

"The target has appeared." Brian said to Avilia, "Be careful, this spiritualist seems to be more prepared. I suspect that they may already know Viscount Obai's plan."

Avilia nodded solemnly.

As soon as he finished speaking, the adventurous adventurer drank a large glass of ale and boasted to Brian, "I have not only hunted the ferocious wild boars in the Dusk Forest, but I have also killed many rare masked colored frogs. and Mangalitsa Pig.”

"Especially the Mangalitsa pig. This pig's hair is fluffy and curly. It looks like a sheep. It's so interesting. Moreover, the brushes made from the hairs of the Mangalitsa pig are better than iron brushes. It is simply a magic weapon for brushing flesh and removing hair."

Hearing this, Brian frowned deliberately, threw the wine glass to the ground with an annoyed expression, and stood up from the chair.Although he looks old after the disguise, he is very healthy, with a ruddy complexion, sharp eyes, and a tall and straight body. Standing in the crowd, he looks like a tall oak tree, giving him a sense of oppression.

Brian looked at the adventurer beside him and scolded him with an extremely disgusted tone:

"I really didn't expect that you were such a person. In my opinion, you adventurers who take murder as a profession are barbaric, stupid, and disgusting. Our world needs balance. Murdering any creature in the world will Threats to the balance, disruption of the balance, can lead to species extinction, and we all know that species extinction can trigger the destruction of the world."

"This is a Druid theory! A paranoid theory that destroys the balance!"

Just as it is said that drunkenness makes people timid, this drunk adventurer ignored the dissuasion of his companions, shook off the hand that was forcibly pressed on his shoulder, plucked up the courage, blushed, and expressed his opinion angrily:
"Maybe you should really see with your own eyes the mothers whose children were swallowed by evil humanoid creatures, and then tell them that you should rejoice in the misfortune of their children, because it saves fallen humans and they fight for nature. Balance has made a huge contribution, and then see how they respond to you."

"So, if there are monsters that want to eat me, should I tell them that I like monsters, that I have been protecting them, and then make sure that no damn adventurer disturbs their peace?

In this case, if those monsters still dare to disembowel me and eat me, wouldn't they be really ungrateful? "Another adventurer also quickly echoed.

"I repeat, this world needs balance, the balance of nature! Every species has its natural enemies, and natural enemies have other natural enemies. This principle also applies to humans. The career that you adventurers are committed to is to destroy human beings' natural enemies. But it will endanger our already fallen race.

You don't obey the laws of nature, you destroy the balance everywhere, so what do you get?The stench of furnaces pollutes the air, slaughterhouses and tanneries pollute rivers and streams, forests are felled without thinking..."

Brian remained unmoved and slammed his oak staff on the ground. He looked coldly at all the adventurers and merchants in the party and said righteously:
"Wake up and look around you. You make a living by hunting endangered animals and decorate yourselves with the trophies in vain: cloaks of dire chinchilla fur, tall boots of salamander skin, and leather armor of bipedal pterosaurs. … These are all endangered species, can’t you wear pigskin and cowhide shoes, linen and wool clothes?”

And just when he spoke and attracted everyone's attention, Viscount Oubai on the band stage also started to take action of his own.

Under his vague command, many servants, including servants, musicians, and cooks, clutched their deliberately hidden weapons, searched for important people, quietly came to them, and launched fatal attacks at any time.

Brian transformed into a natural druid of the paranoid faction. His keen eyes evaluated the equipment of the adventurers and the mink coats of the merchants one after another. He even stared at the plump chest of the female elf Avilia next to him, deliberately Pointing with his hand, he scolded with deep understanding of evil:
"And you, you women, for the sake of so-called vanity, you even use whalebone linings to enlarge your breasts. It's so cruel."

"What the hell..." Avilia, who acted as a member of the melon-eating crowd, was originally watching with gusto, but she didn't expect to eat her own melon all of a sudden, and was so angry that she almost lost her breath.

She blushed with embarrassment and didn't know how to retort.

She can't let her puff out her breasts and prove to everyone present that this lady is born like this. How can she use such a vulgar auxiliary prop like breast enlargement whalebone lining.

She glared at Brian fiercely, as if to tell him: That's it, she's really a drama queen.


At this time, the groom in the stands, the heir of the Forslet family, could no longer stand the farce and threatened with an angry expression:
"Who are you, your Excellency? Do you want to die, or do you no longer want to live? Dare to ruin my good deeds?"

Outside the window, there was a biting cold wind, ice and snow flying, and the hall was brightly lit and bustling with activity.

"Can't you tell? I'm here to cause trouble!" The time has come, Brian stopped pretending, a flash of light flashed, and he turned into his original appearance, he drew out his flying sword, circled it in front of him, and said loudly :
"The wind is blowing, the clouds are flying, and I'll kill your mother-in-law with one sword!" (End of Chapter)

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