Arcane Journey

Chapter 487 Death’s Spiritualist

As soon as he finished speaking, Viscount Oubay Gales, who was disguised as a musician, gave an order, and his subordinates hidden in the crowd appeared one after another, picked up the weapons they had prepared for a long time, and started looking at the targets they were looking for with fierce eyes. Take action.

Especially the heir of the Foslet family in the stands, who is also one of the protagonists of this wedding.

Brian didn't even know the other party's name, so the unfortunate boy was shot into a hornet's nest by five or six children who took out light crossbows from under the table, and successfully took away the first box lunch.

At the same time, others also made a lot of gains. They stabbed people in the back when they needed to be stabbed and wiped their necks when they needed to be wiped. In just a few moments, the lively and noisy wedding scene suddenly turned into a miserable Shura hell.

Tables were overturned, dishes were smashed, and the survivors screamed and swarmed towards the door of the hall.

Viscount Lenny Burton, dressed in luxurious robes, rushed to the door first with the help of two guards.


Just as he was about to open the door and escape, the door crashed open from the outside inward.

From the Mormont family, this bearded middle-aged man who once asked Brian for a dancing redbud tree, led a dozen well-equipped warriors with swords and axes in.

Before Viscount Lannibottom could speak, the bearded man's battle ax slashed across the air, as fast as lightning.

Viscount Lanny Bolton's head flew into the air, drew an arc, and fell into the crowd. His body fell stiffly and heavily on the red carpet that had been laid out in advance, like a felled tree. .

"This is a grudge between the Obey family and the Foslet and Lanny Bolton families. Except for members of these two families, everyone else can leave on their own." The bearded man led someone to block the door. He said to the chaotic crowd.

The innocent people who understood the whole story were relieved, but the faces of the two named family members changed drastically, and they were ready to join forces and fight to the end.

In a short time, a one-sided massacre began among the two noble forces.

Brian had no part in the killing.

The moment Viscount Obai took action, he had already locked onto Yeager's spiritualist, the figure of the spiritualist hidden in the darkness, through the 'Sky Eye Technique'.

After confirming the target location, Brian hid in the crowd and patted the storage bag. The ink jade gourd grew in size in the wind, and five fireballs as big as a basin were spit out one after another, wrapped in scorching heat, towards the hiding place of the spiritualist. Smash it.


There was a loud noise, scorching fire broke out, and strong air waves raged, flying away on the spot a few unlucky guys who had no time to escape.

The fleeing crowd and combatants were also stunned by the formation created by Brian. They obviously did not expect that this old druid could burst out with such a powerful force.

These people quickly and tacitly cleared a vacuum area for them.

As the smoke dissipated, Brian saw the figure of the Spiritualist.

Just as he expected, although the five fireballs hit the Soul Conjurer firmly, they did not cause much damage to the enemy. In terms of results, the shield light surrounding the Soul Conjurer was obviously dim. Go down.

After noticing the spellcaster who sneaked up on him, the spirit summoner who believed in the death god Yeager, his expression suddenly darkened.

Although he successfully resisted the series of explosions of five fireballs, he used a divine protection that contained a faint trace of divine power, and ordinary spells could not break through the defense at all.

From this, it can be seen that the sudden appearance of the enemy was obviously well prepared.

The Spiritualist forced himself to calm down, and asked with cold and threatening words, "Who are you, Your Excellency? I, the Death God Church, have never provoked you druids."

Faced with the Spiritualist's questioning, Brian didn't laugh so much. He knew that the villain would die if he talked too much, so he did not hesitate to use his flying sword, and with a 'whoosh' sound, it flew away towards the Spiritualist's head. The body stabbed through.

Seeing that the other party was unkind, the soul-caller couldn't help but curse inwardly.Just when the flying sword flashing with cold light was about to hit the soul-caller, dim light particles suddenly surged around him. In the blink of an eye, the whole person disappeared in a granular halo and appeared five meters away. .

'Can you still step across dimensions? '

As a former Grand Arcanist, Brian recognized the Spiritualist's spells at a glance.

He immediately drew out the sword technique, and the flying sword tumbled through the air, drawing out brilliant sword lights, locking the figure of the soul summoner, and followed closely.

"Huh?" Looking at Brian's dexterous control of the flying sword, the spirit summoner looked puzzled:
"What kind of spell is this? It's so similar to a second-level divine spiritual weapon, but this spell is obviously more powerful than a spiritual weapon, and its control is more flexible. This old man doesn't look like a druid."

In the blink of an eye, the flying sword was already speeding towards him.

The spiritualist remained unmoved and calmly took out a magical scroll and parchment with sacred words written on it.

As the parchment, the casting material, was ignited, the sacred words inside turned into a faint aura, forming a polygonal magical protective force field that surrounded the spiritualist.


The flying sword hit the magic force field and made a crisp sound like gold and iron. It was easily deflected and inserted into the wall behind the spirit summoner, making a buzzing sound.

'In the final analysis, the strength of Feijian is too low. '

Seeing that his flying sword did not achieve the desired results, Brian secretly sighed, after all, this is just a low-grade flying sword, how can you make it achieve brilliant results.

'It seems that if there is a chance to return to the world of immortality, I must change to a flying sword of good quality. ' Brian thought.

On the other side, seeing his obviously dim force field, the Soulcaller secretly said it was a fluke.

Obviously, he didn't expect this weird spell to be so powerful.

Then, he looked at Brian in the distance with a cold expression, and without hesitation took out a magic scroll and activated it immediately.

——"Epidemic Technique!"

In an instant, a dark green cloud appeared.

At an inevitable speed, it spread to Brian's arm in an instant.

Negative energy invaded, and Brian immediately noticed that his right arm began to become red and swollen, with abscesses swelling up. It looked like it would rot and burst at any time. He was so painful that he forcibly stopped his spell attack.

Realize it's not good.

While he was running his skills to resist this terrifying disease-like spell, he took out two ice talismans, activated them, turned them into a dozen thumb-thick ice arrows, and shot them towards the spirit summoner to buy himself time. .

When the spirit summoner saw the ice arrows coming at speed, he did not dare to be careless. He quickly put up an energy shield and carefully resisted, thus buying Brian time.

As mana was injected into the meridians of his arms, Brian gradually felt a cool breath, which was warming his skin and preventing the spread of the disease.

But it is obviously impossible to completely restore it.

In any case, the disease technique is also a four-ring divine technique. With his current ability, there is no way to deal with it.

At this moment, he seemed to remember something, and immediately shouted to the female elf Avilia who was sitting calmly on a chair not far away: "Why are you so dazed? Why don't you take action quickly!" (End of Chapter)

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