As a Captain, You Must Be Cold

Chapter 27

Chapter 26

In the past, Yu Zhaohan was not a person with a good attitude. Although he has practiced in the past two years, there will still be times of mourning, such as now.

The so-called natal hero refers to the favorite, the best, and the most powerful hero. The first time he played “Destination” was Black Swan, and he quickly fell in love with the refreshing feeling of a headshot by an elegant female sniper. Hearing the ding of the headshot, every cell in his body screamed with excitement.

His black swan data has been ranked first in the national server, Asian server, and American server all year round. For this reason, the official also customized a golden sniper rifle for him in the game—no one else has it, only Shine has it .

However, this entire season, Shine may no longer be able to carry his golden sniper rifle on the field.

He has worked hard to practice, but he is too good, no matter how hard he practices, he still can’t dominate the version.

He is really sad, although he can pretend nothing happened, but he still hopes that someone can encourage him. His mother must have fallen asleep at this time, the only thing he could find in the base was Shi Du. He wanted to hear Shidu praise him, and with compliments, he could cheer up faster.

Shi Du was slightly taken aback, and quickly realized: “Yes, how do you want to boast?”

Yu Zhaohan said: “You can play freely.”

Shi Du cleared his throat: “You are very…very…”

Yu Zhaohan looked at him quietly.

Time is stuck. He turned his face away, avoiding Yu Zhaohan’s slightly expectant gaze, and laughed inexplicably.

It’s amazing, he used to speak in front of bking clearly, he said whatever came to his mind, and he rarely cared about bking’s feelings. Now that he’s confirmed that bking is actually an ice sculpture, he can’t say certain words, it’s just… weird.

But Yu Zhaohan was watching him, waiting for him to praise him.

Shi Du felt that Yu Zhaohan didn’t look like an ice sculpture anymore. Ice sculpture refers to a sand sculpture beauty with a cold appearance but a sand sculpture inside. And Yu Zhaohan’s inside, besides the sand sculpture, also has an extra layer of sandwich, the kind that will flow when you poke it.

If his “dog fans” (fans who want to be Yu Zhaohan’s dog) knew that he would brag to his teammates in private, the house would probably collapse for several rounds.

Thinking of this, Shi Du, who didn’t know how to praise the fish, had a sudden inspiration: “Otherwise, I’ll read the fan’s message for you?”

Shi Du remembered last year’s semi-finals, when Xu was nervous before the match, Yu Zhaohan asked him to read comments on Weibo.

Yu Zhaohan nodded: “Alright.”

Shi Du clicked on Yu Zhaohan’s Weibo homepage, and randomly selected lucky fans: “‘I wanted to say something nasty to you, but I withdrew it. Because love is restrained when you like it’; ‘Guess my heart Which side is on the left. Wrong, it’s on your side’; and this id is a fan of [Little Fish Spit Bubbles], he praised you…”

Yu Zhaohan’s face turned hot: “You don’t need to read if the little fish spits bubbles.”

Shi Du asked strangely, “Why?”

Yu Zhaohan forced himself to be calm: “No reason, the next one.”

Shi Du shrugged: “Okay. The fan with the id ‘Admit it, you’re crazy with jealousy’ said: ‘You are so beautiful, so beautiful, so beautiful, you are my destiny…old…old captain.”

…what the **** is this.

Shi Du quickly took a sip of cold water to suppress his shock.

Yu Zhaohan didn’t have any special reaction, and said indifferently: “Don’t be so embarrassed. I know I’m good-looking, so I don’t need them to praise me.”

Shi Du laughed and said, “Oh, you still know.”

“I want to be praised for something else.”

“for example?”

Yu Zhaohan was a little embarrassed: “Praise me for my marksmanship, my command, and my good captain.”

Shi Du put down his phone, looked into Yu Zhaohan’s eyes, and said seriously: “You are good at marksmanship and command, you are a good captain.”

Yu Zhaohan asked again: “To you, am I a better old captain than Bi An?”

Shi Du raised his eyebrows: “Are you forcing me to trample on others?”

Yu Zhaohan said with a guilty conscience: “The other side won’t know anyway.”

“Yes,” Shi Du said without hesitation, “For me, you are better than Bi An. When Bi An’s natal hero was cut, if Brother Feng hadn’t stopped him, he would have flown to the United States to kidnap him.”

Then I am indeed much more stable than the other shore.

Yu Zhaohan was completely satisfied.

He looked at Shi Du, and smiled slightly: “Thank you.”

At this moment, Shi Du suddenly got Yu Zhaohan’s face. He is really not a face controler, he only looks at character and character when making friends, and never treats a person differently just because of his appearance. So when all R.H members were blinded by Yu Zhaohan’s face, he was the only one who could stay awake and see that Yu Zhaohan was not Captain Bingshan at all.

But now Yu Zhaohan is sitting under the lamp, looking at you and smiling, and softly saying thank you.

Just because you praised him just now.

Shi Du even felt that no matter how bad Yu Zhaohan’s personality was, he didn’t mind being good friends with him.

It’s too bad, he seems to be reduced to a dog.

Shi Du looked at his watch habitually, only to realize that he had turned off the heart rate display.

“I’m in the mood for supper.” Yu Zhaohan said, “What will you make for me?”

It’s too late to do anything too complicated. Shi Du went to the kitchen and cooked four packs of instant noodles, and added five more eggs. Shi Du was too lazy to wash two more bowls, and brought the instant noodles into the training room with the pot and cover, and only took two pairs of chopsticks.

Yu Zhaohan looked at the pot, then at his younger brother: “Shi Du, where’s my bowl?”

“What kind of bowl do you want, eat it directly in the pot, I eat it with the lid of the pot.” Shi Du took it for granted, “Aren’t you a clean freak?”

Yu Zhaohan hesitated and said, “But this is not elegant.”

“It would be even more inelegant if someone came downstairs and saw you cooking noodles with a bowl. There is only one pot and you can argue that I am eating alone.”

Yu Zhaohan was persuaded by his younger brother just like that. The two replayed the game again while making noodles, and they returned to their rooms after two o’clock with the smell of instant noodles all over their bodies.

Captain Yu, who was full of food and drink, came back to life with full blood, and left a message to his mother on WeChat.

[Shine: I seem to have found a teammate at the base who can tell the truth]

【Shine: Happy】

Shi Du was lying on the bed, and also sent a WeChat message to the former captain.

[Timeless: In order to comfort the beauty, I hurt you a lot, don’t mind]

【the other side:? 】

[Timeless: Next time I return to Beijing, treat you to a big meal [shake hands] [shake hands]]

After losing the training match against dsd, Yu Zhaohan began to practice archers hard. Most of the heroes in “Destination” use guns, arrows, darts, and lasers… No matter what they use, they all pay attention to a precise word, which is the core of the shooting game.

The headshot damage of the archer is lower than that of the sniper, but the headshot judgment area is larger, and it can also drop a crispy skin in seconds with one arrow. There is a certain difference in the feel of the two: the sniper does instant damage, and the player can hit it after aiming; the archer’s arrow takes time to fly in the air, and it is delayed damage, which requires the player to predict.

To become a good archer, Yu Zhaohan must first liberate himself from the habit of being a sniper.

Sunday is the rest day for the team. As the new season approaches, the players are consciously training more. But the practice is also in the afternoon and evening, and there are almost no people in the training room in the morning. Lu Youshan came back from the student team’s villa, passed by the training room, and saw Yu Zhaohan using an archer to score points in the US server solo queue.

Lu Youshan stood by and watched the game, and said: “I just saw Splendid is also coming to the US server next door, why don’t you guys try duo? Anyway, everyone else hasn’t woken up yet.”

Yu Zhaohan agreed. Lu Youshan talked to Splendid on WeChat, and Yu Zhaohan soon received an invitation from Splendid to form a team.

【Splendid: Morning Captain~】

【Shine: Morning】

[Splendid: Can I use viruses later, the coach asked me to practice]

“Virus” is a short gun hero with control. The main skill is to invade the enemy at close range, so that the enemy cannot use skills and can only attack normally. The damage of the virus is average, and it can be regarded as a tool man.

[Shine: OK]

The two were playing against the top 500 US servers. As long as they don’t face professional players, Yu Zhaohan’s archers can almost kill randomly, and Splendid can win while lying down. After five consecutive victories, they finally lined up as a professional team.

Splendid saw the archer on the opposite side carrying a golden longbow, and asked in surprise, “Golden bow? This is .Archer?”

Archer, DSD’s active spear, ranks first in the league in terms of archer statistics. In the training match not long ago, Yu Zhaohan was defeated by his arrow.

Yu Zhaohan wiped off the sweat from his palms, and said in a deep voice, “Hit well.”

Archer is duoing with the DSD nanny, whose milk is almost monopolized by him, and he can output it without restraint. And Yu Zhaohan’s other two teammates seemed to be lovers, the nanny only stared at the tank milk, Yu Zhaohan and Splendid could only look for blood bags everywhere.

Yu Zhaohan: “Go and harass the nurse on the other side, don’t let him nurse.”

Splendid whispered: “DSD nanny has strong self-protection ability, I may not be able to cut him to death.”

Yu Zhaohan: “That’s why I said, ‘harassment’.”

Splendid was stunned, and immediately said: “Captain, I understand.”

The DSD nurse’s attention was distracted by Splendid, and she couldn’t give Archer support in time. Yu Zhaohan finally had a fair chance to shoot with Archer.

The two stood behind the bunker and shot arrows at each other at the same time. The golden arrow with its own golden light, which symbolizes the number one in the whole server, and Yu Zhaohan’s ordinary iron arrow met in the air and roared towards him—

Shi Du fell into a drowsy sleep, and felt the phone next to the pillow vibrate. He fumbled for the phone randomly, and barely opened his eyes.

[Shine: Are you awake? 】

[Timeless: Wake up now. 】

【Shine: Come to the training room, hurry up】

[Shine:! 】

When Shi Du saw Yu Zhaohan’s exclamation mark, he thought something serious happened, so he sat up abruptly. He hurriedly washed himself, put on his team uniform and went downstairs.

When he was approaching the training room, Shi Du bumped into Splendid who came in from the side door. Splendid was visibly taken aback when he saw him.

Players from the student team rarely come here to drop by. Shi Du thought it was Lu Youshan who called Splendid here, so he asked casually, “Looking for a coach?”

Splendid said nothing. He came to find Shine, and he wanted to chat with Shine about the qualifying match just now. It’s just that he didn’t tell Shine beforehand, so he came here uninvited.

Shi Du was still polite: “The coach should be on the second floor.”

Splendid stood still.

Shi Du could feel Splendid’s slight hostility towards him. He laughed and said, “Rang Rang, the captain is looking for me.”

Before Shi Duren came in, Yu Zhaohan heard his voice: “How can I say, what’s worth an exclamation mark in the early morning.”

“Yuyu always likes to make exclamation points, but he made it up on purpose just now.” Yu Zhaohan stretched out his hand and pulled the chair next to him to his side, “Shidu, come here.”

Shi Du sat down beside Yu Zhaohan and watched him open the [Today’s Five Best] in the game. [Today’s Top Five] will automatically save the five most eye-catching operations of the player within 24 hours. Yu Zhaohan’s [Today’s Five Best] were all shot with archers. He showed Shi Du every bright performance, and asked, “Have you found any bright spots?”

Shi Du deliberately said, “No.”

“.Archer so bright a golden bow, you can’t see?”

“Now I see—so?”

“I got Archer on the US server today, and I beat him against him, and he still has a DSD nanny.” After Yu Zhaohan finished speaking, he looked up at Shi Du, his eyes sparkling.

Shi Du understood: “So 6, so 6. But, you called me here in such a hurry, just to let me see this?”

Yu Zhaohan nodded: “After all, I can’t tell my mother about this kind of thing, and she can’t understand it.”

Shi Du joked: “It turned out that I was looking for me because I couldn’t find my mother. Then what am I, your mother’s spare tire?”

In theory, it seems yes.

Yu Zhaohan pursed his lips and said, “I’m just looking for someone to share with. If you find it annoying, I won’t ask you next time.”

Shi Du became anxious: “Fuck, why are you always slandering me? When did I say I’m bored? I beg you to bother me more, three or five times a day, I’m **** uncomfortable, okay?”

Yu Zhaohan asked in confusion: “You don’t bother me, why are you swearing?”

Shi Du was taken aback for a moment, then gave up on himself and said, “Because I have no quality.”

Yu Zhaohan thought for a while, and said, “You don’t need to belittle yourself, I think you’re okay, just a little lacking in quality.”

Having lived with Shi Du for two months, he could feel that Shi Du was not a person with too little quality. Shi Du is very polite to elders like his aunt and driver, and he is also polite to ordinary people.

Shi Du smiled: “Thank you.”

“You’re welcome.” Yu Zhaohan said happily, “Double row?”

“Yes, but let me have a meal first.”

Not long after, Qixian and Cheese woke up and reported from the training room. Shi Du ate the Rougamo with double meat, and chatted with them: “When I came down, I happened to see that the captain had queued up for Archer in the US server, and he single-handedly killed Archer five times.”

Qixian and Cheese were very supportive.

Cheese exclaimed: “Wow, shit, shit, the captain is awesome!”

Qi Xian frowned: “Can you expect the captain to take another golden legendary bow this season?”

Yu Zhaohan stared at the screen expressionlessly: “It’s just a ranking game, it’s not enough. Archer may just feel bad.”

Shi Du lowered his head, holding back a smile so that his shoulders trembled slightly.

A few people finished eating and started today’s extra training. Taking advantage of their inattention, Yu Zhaohan quietly took off his earphones and rubbed his ears.

The author has something to say:

Captain: If you have a brilliant performance, of course you have to go to your husband to show off (▼-▼)

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