As a Captain, You Must Be Cold

Chapter 28

Chapter 27

With one month left before the start of the new season, Lao Tan received an official announcement from the league asking them to submit a promotional video for the club. For this reason, Lao Tan summoned the main personnel of R.H. to hold a meeting.

“The official requirements for the promotional video are: to convey positive energy, show the e-sports spirit of the new era, and establish good values for young people.” Looking at the red hair, golden hair and gray hair sitting in rows, the gray hair still wears Earrings, Old Tan worried, “Do you have any suggestions?”

Cheese was in high spirits: “My suggestion is to make a debut directly with your face, take a camera and shoot at the captain and younger brother in the face.”

Old Tan Fue: “Okay, you can shut up now.”

Shi Du said: “General promotional videos must highlight the style of the home city. We can use ‘eating’ as the theme to show everyone Shanghai-style cuisine in an all-round way.”

“This trick has already been used by Chongqing eau. I heard that they just grabbed Chongqing hot pot and slapped it hard, and they also wanted to rub against the giant pandas in Chengdu next door.” Lao Tan looked at Yu Zhaohan, “Shine, what’s your suggestion?”

Yu Zhaohan pretended to be forceful: “It doesn’t matter, but don’t waste too much time.”

Qi Xian swiped his phone: “I glanced at the sideshow of dsd’s promotional video. They have been showing the two puppet cats they raised. They understand that the traffic is real.”

Cheese leaned over to Qi Xian: “Really, it’s gotten to this point now.” Cheese watched the video of cats fighting for a while, and said, “I think we can also raise a pet in the base, so what… Professional player encourager!”

Yu Zhaohan quietly twitched the tips of his ears.

Old Tan said: “This is pretty reliable. What do you want to raise?”

Several people discussed:

“The captain has a cleanliness obsession, pets that shed hair must not be kept.”

“How about a hairless cat?”

“Cats can meow, the captain doesn’t like to be noisy, we have to raise a quiet one.”

“The tortoise, Shougong?”

“No, no, this is not in line with our captain’s temperament…”

Yu Zhaohan had a sullen face, trying not to speak. When Qi Xian suggested that the base raise snakes, he got up and left, fearing that if he stayed any longer, he would break the defense.

Shi Du, who had been observing Yu Zhaohan’s expression, could hardly hold back his laughter. He followed Yu Zhaohan out of the training room, and said with a smile, “Captain, you see, everyone is pampering Yuyu in another way.”

Yu Zhaohan disagreed with Shi Du’s point of view: “Everyone is not petting fish, everyone is afraid of Shine.” He paused, then said nonchalantly: “But this is good, the captain should look like a captain, I need them fear me.”

Shi Du asked, “Why?”

Yu Zhaohan said, “Do you still remember zc from last season?”

Zc’s performance in the last season has been in the middle and lower reaches, and he didn’t even make the playoffs. In many games, they played confusingly, with promiscuous skills, bizarre moves, and no coordination between the players at all. Later, it was revealed that zc’s short gun had a disagreement with the nanny in charge of the command. Neither of them accepted the other, and even brought their personal grievances to the arena, causing the entire team to fall apart.

Shi Du nodded: “Understood. So, what kind of pet does Yuyu want to keep—a fish?”

“Fish can’t be lulled, I want one that can be lulled.” Yu Zhaohan pondered for a moment, “I choose rabbits.”

Shi Du smiled: “I like rabbits that much?”

Yu Zhaohan said: “Cats are also very good, but R.H should not be like dsd, we are not good at learning people.”

But this is not his pet alone, and it’s useless for him to say it in his heart. Yu Zhaohan recalled the team uniform voting incident, when he racked his brains and painstakingly to get Shi Du to vote for Pink. Now it’s different, he’s going to tell the truth.

“Shi Du, I want to raise rabbits, can you help me convince them?”

Shi Du smiled and said, “Yes, but I have a request.”


“I want to eat your milk.” After Shi Du finished speaking, he realized that this sentence was not quite right. “What I mean is, you give me some support for a few rounds, so that I can enjoy the feeling of being protected by brother Yuyu.”

There is “Yuyu”, there is “Brother”, and there is also a rabbit. Yu Zhaohan was captured: “Okay, after the training game tonight, we will play secretly.”

In the evening’s training match, they played against Guangzhou zc, which was used by Yu Zhaohan as a negative example. zc has undergone a big change this season, the starting lineup is full of hot-blooded rookies, and the four of R.H are seniors to them.

Entering the customized room, the newcomers took the initiative to greet them, and Yu Zhaohan saw the brother full of chat boxes.

【Brother Cheese, good evening (-3-)】

【Good evening Qi Ge~】

[Brother Shi, I am your fan! 】

[Good evening, Captain Yu. 】

Yu Zhaohan: “…”

Even the younger brother can be called “brother”? He is really old.

The individual operations of the four zc players are all okay, but the consciousness operation is far from that of professional players with experience in competitions. In this training match, R.H played easily and happily, and ended the battle early with 3:0.

Before normal bed time, Cheese stayed in the training room to relax. The way he relaxes is to play games—playing c position. Every nanny has a heart that wants to c, and he is no exception.

Yu Zhaohan originally wanted to pamper Concubine Shi alone, but Concubine Zhi was sitting next to her, so she had to poke her head and peek at the screen from time to time: “Does the younger brother have a double row?”

Shi Du looked at Yu Zhaohan: “But I want to line up with the captain.”

“Then let’s row four.” Cheese hurriedly opened the room to invite his teammates, “Take it as extra practice.”

Cheese even brought up the reason of “extra training” which is beneficial to the country and the people. As the leader of the team, Yu Zhaohan couldn’t find an excuse to refuse. But he promised his younger brother that he would nurse him tonight, no joke.

The four entered the game, and Yu Zhaohan said, “Cheese, you play c.”

Cheese thought he heard it wrong: “Huh? What am I playing?”

“c.” Yu Zhaohan was serious, “Nurse sometimes needs to look at the battle situation with c’s thinking, you have to practice.”

Shi Du lowered his head and let out a muffled laugh.

Cheese was flattered: “Then can I play with a long gun?”

Shi Du: “I play with long spears.” After speaking, he locked an archer.

Cheese couldn’t restrain his desire to show off, so he chose the most capable ninja, Yu Zhaohan played the role of nanny, only Qi Xian was still in the tank position.

As soon as he went out, Cheese’s ninja made a double jump error and slammed into a pillar. Shi Du couldn’t help hissing, Qi Xian laughed and said, “We didn’t see anything.”

Cheese hurriedly said: “My ninja is really not like this, it’s the captain who made me nervous, woo woo woo.”

Yu Zhaohan said coldly: “Then I won’t look at you.”

Yu Zhaohan played with the magpie. Compared with other heroes, Ling Que doesn’t have high requirements for marksmanship. She just needs to follow her teammate and lead her teammate with a beam of light. The ultimate move can also revive a teammate who is in a dead state.

Yu Zhaohan did what he said, and he didn’t give Cheese a look after the start. He followed Shi Du all the time. When Shi Du lost blood, he gave milk, and when Shi Du was full of blood, he attacked.

Today, Shi Du’s spear felt pretty good. After two headshots in a row, he suddenly went up. The blood of the assassin was awakened, and he rushed to shoot arrows in front of the tank. In the end, he and Cheese, who came to support him, both died in battle.

Yu Zhao said coldly, “Oh.”

Shi Du leaned back: “Mine.”

Seeing that the button of the magpie’s ult was on, Cheese shouted: “The captain pulls me, I have an ult!”

Unlike the tower pushing moba game, “Destination” has no economic system and does not need to buy equipment. The operation of the game relies on the energy cycle. The more damage the c-position deals, the more milk the nanny will give and the faster the energy will be recharged. After the energy is full, the ultimate move is unlocked.

For the same c-level hero, someone has a hit rate of 30 and saves one or two big moves in one round; while someone has a hit rate of 70 and makes one big move every minute. Cheese worked so hard, worked hard for most of the game, and finally came up with a big move, and he would die with regret if he didn’t release it.

The magpie flew lightly to the archer’s corpse, and after saying “I’ll protect you”, Shi Du stood up again, revived with full blood.


Shi Du deliberately exaggerated: “Wow, thank you Captain.”

In this round, Qi Xian carried the whole process, one tank’s output was higher than double c’s, and he led the other three to win. As soon as the game was over, Cheese asked Yu Zhaohan cautiously with resentment in his eyes: “Captain, why didn’t you revive me?”

An assassin with a big move and an archer who relies on ordinary attacks to deal damage, under normal circumstances, the former must be revived.

“Just win the Entertainment Bureau, the process is not important.” Yu Zhaohan took off his earphones, “Go to the bathroom.”

As soon as Yu Zhaohan left, Cheese pointed the finger at Shi Du: “Say! What despicable means did you use to fight for favor?! Fair competition as promised.”

Shi Du sneered: “Pull it down, there is still fairness in the fight for favor? If you are such a silly and sweet man, you really enter the Gongdou drama, you will live half an episode at most.”

Cheese was stunned for a moment, before all his anger subsided: “Oh, so my younger brother thinks I’m very white and sweet.”

Shi Du frowned, and said with a little disgust, “Are you okay?”

Cheese said happily: “Of course I’m happy when the handsome guy compliments me, I’m a serious face control.”

Shi Du was speechless for a while, thinking that face control is really scary. He must always be alert to himself, and he must not let himself become a Yangou like Cheese, otherwise no matter what Yu Zhaohan said, he could only “Yes, yes, everything you say is right” – as a human being Dignity is gone, what’s the point of living.

Before going to bed at night, Shi Du spoke in the team group.

[Timeless: Let’s raise a lop-eared rabbit in the base, it’s cute]

【cheese: ahhhhhh I like lop-eared rabbits too, but the captain will definitely not agree qaq】

【Timeless: He has already agreed】

[:? 】

[cheese:? 】

[Old Tan: … No, how did you do it? 】

[Timeless: I knelt down and begged him]

[Shine: . 】

After a long silence.

[: The captain has spoken, it seems to be true]

[Old Tan: Timeless, tell me the truth, you didn’t fight like this because you wanted to eat spicy rabbit heads, did you? 】

[Timeless: Overthinking, I just like rabbits]

【: You don’t want the dignity of a man if you like it? 】

Before Shi Du could say “what does this have to do with dignity”, Yu Zhaohan’s WeChat message popped up.

[Shine: Thank you Shi Du! 】

【Shine: (-3-)】

[Timeless: … Does this emoji look familiar? 】

【Shine: Well, I stole it from zc! 】

Shi Du switched back to the team group and deleted all the typed words one by one.

[Timeless: I don’t seem to want it very much anymore]

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