As a Captain, You Must Be Cold

Chapter 39

Chapter 38

The snack shop that Shi Du fancied is not far from the base, it takes only 20 minutes by car. The two put on their masks and got out of the car. Yu Zhaohan asked Shi Du to ask everyone in the group what snacks they wanted, and they bought them and took them home.

Shi Du bowed his head and typed, and asked, “How about Cheese, do you want to bring it for him too?”


“But you were very aggressive with cheese just now.”

Yu Zhaohan reflected on himself: “It’s because I didn’t control it well and lost my temper. In fact, Cheese is right, he is indeed the cutest cutie in the league.”

Not only Cheese’s mother fans think so, but Yu Zhaohan also thinks his Concubine Zhi is cute when she’s not pretending to be cute.

Shi Du looked at him: “What about you?”

Yu Zhaohan sighed softly and said, “My looks have nothing to do with being cute.”

“Cuteness is not only about appearance, but also about character.”

Yu Zhaohan asked, “Then do you think my personality is cute?”

Shi Du pretended to be thinking, and forced to give an answer: “I think it’s so cute.”

Yu Zhaohan: “.Me.”

Naturally, it is not an ordinary snack shop that can attract the young master. This snack shop has three floors, in addition to the nostalgic snacks that Shi Du saw on the video, there are also imported snacks, local specialties and freshly cooked cooked food.

Shi Du pushed the cart and followed Yu Zhaohan, watching him carefully choose snacks according to the group news.

“Cheese wants spicy strips and AD calcium milk, Qi Xian wants lemon tea, and the coach wants nuts.”

Shi Du took a box of cheese sticks and threw it into the cart: “Shi Du wants cheese sticks.”

“Where’s Xiao Jiang?” Yu Zhaohan asked, “Did Xiao Jiang not reply to your message?”

Shi Du is in the group @江蛇. Qi Xian said that Jiang Di was exercising just now, but now he may be taking a shower and not looking at his phone. On his own initiative, Yu Zhaohan bought a box of classic black coffee for Xiao Jiang.

There were quite a lot of people at the cashier counter, and they had to queue up. In front of Yu Zhaohan and Shi Du was a little brother wearing black-rimmed glasses. The little brother seemed to know them, and turned his head frequently. Originally, they were hard to recognize when they were wearing masks, but Shi Du’s smoky gray hair and pure black earrings were too eye-catching. As long as you have watched his games, you will definitely be impressed.

Shi Du blocked Yu Zhaohan behind him. Yu Zhaohan is shorter and thinner than him, the little brother should not be able to see it.

After repeated confirmation, the little brother gradually became excited: “You are.”

Shi Du smiled, and said softly, “I am.”

The little brother was so excited that his facial features were blurred and he spoke incoherently: “Timeless, I have been watching you play games since elementary school!”

“Relax brother,” Shi Du raised his chin, “It’s your turn to pay the bill.”

The little brother didn’t leave after paying the bill, he stayed at the door and looked around, and wanted to take pictures when he saw the things in their carts. Shi Du had been blocking the younger brother’s sight for Yu Zhaohan, but he himself appeared from behind him.

“Stop it.” Yu Zhaohan said, “With me here, is it your brother’s turn to give money?”

The little brother felt familiar when he heard Yu Zhaohan’s voice, and was taken aback when he saw the upper half of his face exposed.

Shi Du was too lazy to talk to Yu Zhaohan, he put his arm around Yu Zhaohan’s shoulders and left after paying the money: “You talk a lot, Yuyu.”

Based on Shine’s character design, she shouldn’t appear in the snack shop with Timeless, I hope that fan didn’t see Yu Zhaohan.

Yu Zhaohan said, “I just speak Mandarin a lot.”

The two returned to the base and distributed the snacks they bought to everyone. Jiang Di obviously didn’t expect to have it himself, and after a while he took the coffee from Shi Du’s hand: “How much is it, I’ll transfer it to you.”

“No need,” Shi Du said, “It’s the captain’s guest.”

Jiang Toad: “Well.”

Shi Du didn’t forget to accompany Yu Zhaohan on the trumpet. He told his teammates that he would go to bed early today, then turned around and sneaked into Yu Zhaohan’s room with a game notebook and snacks.

Yu Zhaohan logged into the alias and asked, “What is your alias’ ID?”

Shi Du said casually, “The Invincible Tyrannosaurus Rex.”

Yu Zhaohan: “.'

Shi Du asked again: “What’s your name, I’ll add you.”

“Clownfish are not ugly.”

“‘Clownfish are not ugly’.” Shi Du repeated – the corners of his mouth curled.

Yu Zhaohan soon received a friend invitation: [Player [T] requests to add you as a friend] He declined without thinking.

Shi Du: “?”

Shi Du: “Why are you rejecting me?”

“Didn’t you say that your name is ‘Invincible Tyrannosaurus Rex’?”

Shi Du laughed and said, “Do you even believe this? It’s so deceiving.”

Yu Zhaohan said expressionlessly, “Shi Du is really annoying.”

Playing the trumpet Yu Zhaohan is the fate to fill the seat. He doesn’t mind filling in, and it’s good to play other positions occasionally to deepen his understanding, but the reality is that he voluntarily gives up the double C position, and he can get a gold medal in injury with a nurse.

In this round, his teammates grabbed the tank and long gun positions first, Yu Zhaohan let Shi Du play short guns, and he added an architect. In addition to providing armor for teammates and arranging portals, architects can also make air walls to change terrain.

Yu Zhaohan predicted that the assassin on the opposite side was going to rush up and use the big gun. His armor was used up, and Shi Du’s skills were also on CD. They couldn’t take this wave of team battles at all, and their tanks were still rushing forward. . Without hesitation, Yu Zhaohan immediately made an air wall to block the enemy’s way out, and at the same time blocked the retreat of his own tanks.

The tank then died, and then cursed.

[[Team] Sao Nianyi posted: Will architects play? Didn’t you see me in front? Make a wall, blind? 】【[Team] Sao Nian: You can still meet this kind of nanny in a round of 4000 points, convinced】

Before Yu Zhaohan asked, Shi Du took the initiative to fight back for him.

[Team] T: Does not build a wall, is it as mentally handicapped as you? Take the whole team to the funeral? 】

[[Team] T: I’m envious of your skin, it’s so well maintained]

In addition to teammates who want to complain about Yu Zhaohan’s operation, there are also enemy assassins who are blocked by the air wall.

[[All] Soda sparkling water: The architect on the opposite side is so disgusting, he vomited]

The insults from the player on the other side made Yu Zhaohan feel as though he was listening to Xian Le’s ears: “Look at Shi Du, the other side scolded me so disgusting.”

Shi Du’s keyboard was banging loudly: “The complaint has been received, I will scold you back for you.”

Yu Zhaohan shook his head: “There’s no need to scold me back. I like the other side to call me disgusting.” The fact that the other side is disgusting is the proof that he has played well.

Double rowing can effectively reduce the possibility of encountering stupid teammates. The two won eight consecutive victories with ease, and their points are like drinking water. Seeing that the score was very close to 4500, Yu Zhaohan suddenly received a Solo invitation from Splendid.

“Come here first today.” Yu Zhaohan said, “I will practice ninja with Splendid for an hour.”

Shi Du asked in surprise, “Who are you with?”


Shi Du’s tone was subtle: “When did you become Splendid’s training partner?”

“It’s not considered a sparring partner, just a few solo rounds with him occasionally.” Yu Zhaohan involuntarily changed back to the captain as soon as he talked about the business, “The coach asked Splendid to train the tool man. He is practicing hard. If he wants to train other heroes After training.”

Shi Du smiled: “So?”

Yu Zhaohan said: “Splendid is a substitute, and the boss’s price for him is not high, not as much as the money he earns as an anchor. With you, he might not be able to play for a whole season. But even so, he still I am willing to stay and accept the coach’s tactical arrangement. I think he really wants to play professionally. He is my team member and I am willing to help him.”

Shi Du’s smile faded away, and he looked at him quietly.

Yu Zhaohan asked, “Why do you look at me like that?”

Shi Du said slowly: “I’m thinking, is Yu Zhaohan really stupid? It’s obvious that he has a high IQ in his work, and he’s also very thoughtful.”

“I’m just a little stupid in life, and you keep blaming me.” Yu Zhaohan complained about the injustice, “It’s Yuyu who is stupid, what does it have to do with Shine?”

Shi Du clasped his hands together, bowed his head and apologized: “I was wrong, I’m sorry.”

Yu Zhaohan wanted to accompany his teammates for extra practice, and Shi Du didn’t leave, Lai was playing on his phone in Yu Zhaohan’s room, when a group message @him popped up.

[Old Tan: @Timeless you and Shine were photographed, do you know that? 】

[Timeless: I seem to know]

[Old Tan: What the **** is it like? 】

Lao Tan threw a link over.

[Buying snacks and meeting Timeless, I am so **** handsome! Brothers help me, is it Shine with him? [picture]】

The photo not only captured the profiles of him and Yu Zhaohan, but also clearly captured their shopping carts.

[Shine is seven or eight centimeters shorter than Timeless, it seems to be a mistake in terms of height]

[What height are you looking at, look at your eyes! Definitely is! 】

[What eyes are you looking at, look at your waist! Who else in the league can have that waist except Shine? 】【Weakly ask, who is that spicy bar bought for? 】

[I’m more curious about why Shine buys snacks with Timeless than Latiao] [I’m curious about the same item. @RH.Shine, blink if you get kidnapped]

Shi Du replied to one of the comments:

[RH.Timeless: Why is the captain willing to take me to buy snacks? Of course it’s because I begged him coquettishly and cutely]

As soon as the comments were sent out, tall buildings were built.

【”La”? “La”? 】

【shock! 187’s handsome young master is actually this kind of person in private! 】

[Jie, my house collapsed! What I want is a flamboyant e-sports teenager, now you tell me you are a **** milk dog? I do not accept! 】

[My wife loves my younger brother so much, you must get along well~=3=]

Shi Du remembered the way Yu Zhaohan wanted to hug him.

Who the **** pets whom?

The second game of R.H’s regular season is against Beijing IPL, and the home game is in Beijing. In the next two days, R.H entered a state of intense preparations. In addition to eating and sleeping, players and coaches are either in the training room or reviewing games in the conference room. Old Tan talked all kinds of things, so he invited them to the restaurant for dinner.

“Why is it scrambled eggs with tomatoes again?” Cheese wondered, “It seems that we also ate scrambled eggs with tomatoes yesterday.”

Shi Du added: “I also ate it the day before yesterday.”

The aunt explained to the boys: “Your coach said that the game is about to be played, and asked me to cook this dish a few more times.”

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, closed their mouths with a tacit understanding, and pretended nothing happened. But Lu Youshan took the initiative to stand up and said: “The new IPL team uniform is the color of tomato scrambled eggs. You should get used to it first, so as not to be really distracted by their team uniform when you get it.”

Qi Xian: “I personally prefer scrambled eggs with tomatoes to be saltier.”

Cheese: “Captain, do you still drink soup? I’ll help you get a bowl.”

Shi Du, who has been in the team for a short time, hasn’t practiced enough to completely ignore the coach’s nonsense: “Chongqing Eau’s team uniform is the color of red oil hot pot. Do you want to eat hot pot for a week before we beat them?”

“I’ll think about it.” Lu Youshan’s face was serious, “But eating too much red oil is not good for the stomach, so I have to find a different way…

Shi Du thought regretfully why I should talk to him.

After dinner, Qi Xian went to smoke as usual, and invited Shi Du to go with him. Shi Du saw that Qi Xian had something to say to him, and said with a smile, “Let’s go.”

After leaving the villa, Qi Xian’s squinted eyes suddenly became dark and dark. He took a breath and said, “Lu Youshan used to be a normal coach. He would encourage the players to relax before the game, and he would always say with confidence that he would win the game. He would reassure everyone that he would do everything well. I was fully prepared. Later, when R.H was going to play against a team with the lowest score in the league, the players and coaches were very relaxed, and didn’t even spend too much time studying the opponent. We all felt that as long as we played normally, it was impossible to lose. “

“But you still lost?”

Qi Xian nodded: “There are many reasons for the loss. The opponent’s new tactics and home court advantage, the nanny ate too much the night before and had a stomachache, and I was not worth it because of the unacceptable state. In the end, R.H lost to his own arrogance. After that game, Wanfeng was diagnosed with bone cancer and has never played since then.”

Qi Xian said calmly: “We lost the last match of Wan Feng’s life.”

Shi Du was silent for a long time, and said, “I’m very sorry.”

“Since then, in addition to thoroughly studying the opponent’s style and tactics, the coach has also been anxious about factors other than the game. He has seen a doctor and taken medicine. He is usually fine, but he will still be a little nervous before the game. We all got used to.”

At this time, Lu Youshan yelled at the door of the conference room again: “Come here quickly after eating, let’s replay last week’s IPL match against Eau.”

Qi Xian laughed again, and said with crooked eyebrows, “Anyway, our coach is just so annoying, please get used to it, brother.”

Shi Du also smiled: “It’s easy to say.”

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