As a Captain, You Must Be Cold

Chapter 40

Chapter 39

The game is scheduled for Saturday. On Friday afternoon, R.H and his group flew from Shanghai to Beijing and checked into the hotel. It was still a standard room for two people, but this time the room allocation went smoothly: one for double C, one for Tanfu, and one for two substitutes.

After Shi Du received the room card, Cheese approached him and discussed with him, “Brother, how about we sleep in another room?”

Shi Du squinted at him: “You want to sleep with the captain?”

Cheese nodded: “After hugging the captain, I don’t seem to be so afraid of him. Give me a few more opportunities to be alone with the captain, and I am confident to open the captain’s heart and become a real good friend with him.”

Shi Du smiled slightly: “Who cares about you?”

Cheese: “…” This Timeless brother, how did he manage to be both handsome and unflattering—he is really handsome, but he really wants to hit him.

Yu Zhaohan put down his luggage in the room. He remembered that Shi Du was a native of Beijing, and said, “I can give you a day off after the game, so you can go back and spend time with your parents.”

Shi Du said indifferently, “Let’s talk.”

With this tone, it is obvious that he is not very enthusiastic about going home.

Yu Zhaohan decided not to ask about his younger brother’s family affairs. The game is just around the corner, and the IPL they are playing this time is not weak, so they can’t be distracted by other things.

The next afternoon, they took the bus to the competition venue. The home court of IPL is also very grand. It is full of red and yellow color schemes, like a large plate of tomato scrambled eggs.

In the backcourt lounge.

“I heard that the IPL has also found many popular anchors to warm up for them.” Qi Xian held a copy of “Beijing IPL Home Game Watching Guide”, “My brother’s favorite Momo is also here.”

Shi Du was puzzled: “Who do I like?”

“It’s Momo, that coquettish little beauty.”

It was Lu Youshan who cared more about this matter than the person involved. “Timeless, I want you to swear to God.” Lu Youshan said solemnly, “I swear that love will not affect your speed of drawing your sword, otherwise I will never allow you to fall in love—even if you do, I will break up!”

Shi Du’s mother tongue became speechless: “Pull it down, I don’t know her at all.”

Lu Youshan let out a long sigh of relief. Old Tan asked: “Then why did you go to her live broadcast room?”

Why did I go to her live broadcast room? I have to ask our beauty captain.

Shi Du glanced at Yu Zhaohan.

I saw the beautiful captain sitting on the sofa, watching the ongoing game intently. Shi Du vaguely noticed his cautiousness hidden under his slender eyelashes.

“Clicked in by accident.” Shi Du said, “But how can the coach break up others? Isn’t this a bit too much?”

Beijing IPL is an old friend and opponent of R.H. The players are familiar with each other. Before the game, they often “greet” each other on WeChat. The IPL is still Shi Du’s old club. After Shi Du left, the original IPL substitute was promoted to the starting position. The team’s style of play is also quite different from before. From a c-position individual show to a group battle, the focus is on the nanny Offset with the tank.

In the last Carnival friendly match in Hangzhou, R.H defeated the IPL 2:1, and the two sides fought back and forth. In this BO5 regular season, IPL has a home buff. In the pre-match guest prediction session, the predictions for IPL victory and R.H’s victory are basically 50-50. The fact is indeed the case, the two teams each scored two points on the map they chose, the score was 2:2, and they came to the match point at the same time. In the last round, the map was selected by the IPL side.

During the intermission, Lu Youshan’s hair fell all over the lounge: “The IPL coach must still choose a map suitable for group battles, either Central Park or the Mars Base.” Lu Youshan flipped through the data and spoke quickly, “Again Combined with their map win rate, I bet a kidney that they will choose the Mars base.”

Cheese groaned. There are 20 maps in the whole game, and the most disgusting one is the Mars base. The three target points in the base are easy to defend and difficult to attack. Once lost, it is very likely that they will never be regained.

“What are you crying about?” Lu Youshan sternly said, “Didn’t I ask you to practice this picture?”

Cheese whispered: “I practiced more, but I still hate it.”

Lu Youshan was about to go crazy: “You can’t hate it, let alone repel it! You have to fall in love with the Mars base, just like falling in love with your bed that gets up early in winter!”

“There’s no need to talk about the impossible.” Yu Zhaohan said calmly, “I have an idea.”

Everyone fell silent, including Lu Youshan who was on the verge of going berserk.

“The two games we lost were all because we couldn’t break through the IPL formation. The core of the IPL formation is the tank—that is, the other side.” The other side is one of the best tanks in the league. He has rich field experience and is also the captain of the IPL. Taking him as the core is the safest choice when the performance of double c is mediocre. “Instead of trying to cut their back row, it’s better to stare at Bi’an and inflict damage. Once Bi’an dies, the IPL formation will naturally be messed up.”

Qi Xian pondered and said: “The problem now is that everyone else in the IPL is playing against Bi An, and Xu’s milk has been fed to him. Even if our damage is fully injected, it will always be a little bit worse, and Bi An will be beaten again. Grandma go back.”

Shi Du was thoughtful: “Then make up for the ‘almost’ damage.”

“How to make it up?” Qi Xian said, “In the two losing rounds, you and the captain’s guns were almost broken. The damage has been pulled to the limit, but it is still close.”

Lu Youshan hesitated and said, “I understand Shine’s thoughts, but he has no experience, and I dare not let him play without being absolutely sure.”

Yu Zhaohan is not completely sure, but he needs to make a decision at this time: “Experience is based on playing. Coach, if you hesitate, you will lose.”

“Okay…ok!” Lu Youshan made up his mind and went to the referee, “R.H requested a substitution.”

Splendid, who was sitting by the side, was shocked.

“g replaced se.”

Splendid’s raised shoulders sank again. Jiang Di stood up, didn’t say anything, just looked at the captain and coach and nodded.

After the break, the four re-entered the field. Splendid watched Yu Zhaohan pass by him without stopping for him, not even giving him a look.

It was Jiang Di’s first match, and the commentator gave a special introduction.

“Congratulations to the R.H male model team for adding a new member, this time a macho with a different style of painting.”

“A strong man should hit a nanny, and the milk volume is stronger than others.”

“R.H replaced jiang in the key game, is it to show us some new style of play?”

“IPL really chose the Mars base – the match begins!”

After two rounds of team battles, the commentator was slapped in the face by the speed of light—Jiang Di’s milk volume was not only not strong, it was even much less than cheese. He spends most of the time outputting. His teammates pressed the “I need healing” button in front of him. He is still outputting. He will not let his teammates take a bite until his teammates are crippled and in a dying state. Milk.

“It’s too miserable, it’s really too miserable. After these two rounds of team battles, the blood volume of R.H’s double cs has not exceeded half – shiimeless is used to hitting the core, when did he suffer this kind of grievance?”

“I probably know R.H’s intentions. This style of play is very risky. If Jiang fails to grasp the timing, he will die suddenly with both c’s. No matter how accurate the nurse’s marksmanship is, it will be impossible for four kills.”

“That’s right, but as long as you control it well, the nanny will have a lot of time to output, and R.H is equivalent to half an extra C position. The camera is shown on our newcomer—looking at the expression, Jiang doesn’t seem nervous at all…”

Yu Zhaohan couldn’t see Jiang Di’s expression, and Jiang Di didn’t say much, but Yu Zhaohan could see from his operation that he was a little impatient, and made small mistakes twice in succession.

“Don’t worry.” Yu Zhaohan said, “Timeless and I will not let ourselves die suddenly, trust your teammates.”

Yu Zhaohan’s deep voice, which he had practiced for many years, played a huge role. Not to mention Jiang Di, even Shi Du had forgotten at this moment that his captain was also an idiot mermaid.

Jiang Di took a sip of water between his deaths and said, “Okay.”

In the final team battle, R.H’s double cs focused on the other side at the same time, and the nurse made up for the last bit of damage, and played a wave of near-perfect coordination, which established R.H’s victory.

After winning the Brothers team, although they were happy, they didn’t act too arrogantly, and they didn’t even get the long-awaited hug from the audience. After the game, the staff invited Shi Du to accept their interview.

“Why is it me again?” Shi Du looked down at the phone, “It was me last time.”

The staff said: “Today’s interview host is guest starred by Momo. Momo said that you have watched her live broadcast, so you know each other. I think the atmosphere of the interview will be better.”

“Who?” Shi Du said coldly, “I don’t know, so I won’t go.”

Yu Zhaohan said in his heart that he was indeed close to Zhu Zhechi, his younger brother only hugged him a few times, and he has learned to [speak coldly].

The staff looked distressed. Qi Xian laughed and said, “Why don’t I go? I haven’t been interviewed this season yet.”

During the interview, Momo cosplays the viral [Colorful Candy Cone], which is sweet and cute. And the red-haired man next to her is wearing a ponytail. He is personable, has gentle eyebrows and eyes, and speaks well, fully demonstrating his level of emotional intelligence as R.H.

Old Tan watched and sighed: “We still have to present all the interviews. I suggest that he will be the spokesperson of our team in the future. Brother, you should study hard and put down your figure in the next interview!”

Shi Du ignored him, and his face was not very good after winning the game: “Captain, I’m going home. My mother knows that I’m going back to Beijing, and she’s been urging me to go back.”

Yu Zhaohan nodded: “Okay, do you need me to see you off?”

“No, my mother asked the driver to pick me up.” Shi Du picked up his coat and put it on his body, and walked out of the lounge.

After Qi Xian accepted the interview, he went to the lounge to meet his teammates. Momo went on the same journey with him, saying that she is a fan of R.H, and also said that if there is a chance, she would like to meet everyone formally.

Momo was chatting with Qi Xian, when she saw Shi Du walking towards her, the girl showed her characteristic dimpled smile: “Timeless, hello.”

Shi Du was still replying to the message, so he raised his eyes and glanced at her.

“What’s wrong.” Qi Xian asked, “You want to go out?”

“Well, go home.”

When Momo heard Shi Du said that she was going to leave, she quickly took out her mobile phone: “Can Timeless add a WeChat account? I like your ninja very much.”

Shi Du’s low pressure all over his body: “No more, get out of the way.”

Qi Xian blamed: “Timeless, she’s a girl, even if you don’t add it, you can’t do this, right?”

“Sorry, I have no quality.” Shi Du’s voice showed undisguised impatience, “Let’s go.”

Qi Xian shook his head facing Shi Du’s back: “Young master has a temper, don’t be angry, I will apologize to you on his behalf.”

Momo smiled awkwardly: “How could that be?”

When Shi Du left, he missed the celebration banquet. Lao Tan reserved an old Beijing roast duck restaurant a week in advance, seven people ordered four roast ducks, and specially packed half of them for Shi Du.

Back at the hotel, Yu Zhaohan took a shower and lay on the bed watching TV. Looking at it, his eyes fell on the half of the roast duck uncontrollably. Peking duck needs to be eaten in a roll of spring pancakes. In order to roll the spring pancakes more gracefully, he moved slowly and slowly, so he didn’t enjoy eating it much.

Yu Zhaohan picked up his phone and sent Shi Du a WeChat message.

【Shine: Will Shidu come back tonight [猫猫指测]】

【Shine: I want to eat your roast duck】

Yu Zhaohan waited for a long time, he had finished watching an episode of “Romance of the Three Kingdoms”, and he hadn’t received Shi Du’s reply yet.

【Shine: I really want to eat it】

【Shine: Then I ate it? 】

The phone vibrated.

[Timeless: On the way, save the roast duck for me]

【Shine: I want to eat, you scold me】

[Timeless: poof]

Shi Du was worried that Yu Zhaohan would not be satisfied with half a roast duck, so he packed beer and fried chicken and came back. As soon as he opened the door, he saw Yu Zhaohan sitting on a chair, holding a lunch box with roast duck in his hands. When he looked at him, there was a hint of sadness on his expressionless face.

Seeing that the lunch box was full, Shi Du said in surprise, “You didn’t eat?”

“Yes, I held back, and it was so hard.”

Shi Du smiled, took Yu Zhaohan’s hand, and gave him the bag of fried chicken: “Then let’s eat the chicken.”

Yu Zhaohan frowned slightly: “Shi Du, what happened to your face?”

However, after three hours of absence, Shi Du had a thin scar a few centimeters below his eyes, as if scratched by flying debris.

Shi Du shrugged, with a nonchalant expression: “I was raped by the family.”

Today, his father’s temper was particularly violent, and he smashed more than one million works of art as soon as he wanted to, and his mother didn’t stop him.

Yu Zhaohan got up immediately: “I’ll ask the front desk to deliver the medicine.”

Shi Du smiled: “It’s not necessary.”

“Why are the wounds on the face unnecessary? Aren’t you afraid of leaving scars?”

“Don’t bother, I’m still handsome with scars.” Shi Du sat down by the bed, tilted his head to look at him, “Does Yuyu want to be hugged?”

Yu Zhaohan could tell that it wasn’t him who needed a hug more now, but Shi Du. But Shi Du wanted to be aggressive, and he wouldn’t say it directly if he wanted to be hugged.

Yu Zhaohan, who saw through everything, walked over, stood and hugged the boy into his arms.

Shi Du: “…” He didn’t think of this kind of hug, if you don’t mind, can he switch positions with Yu Zhaohan.

Before he could protest, Yu Zhaohan asked him, “Did you argue with your parents?”

Shi Du’s Adam’s apple rolled slightly. He said lightly, “Yes.”

Yu Zhaohan didn’t know how to comfort Shi Du. Because of the problems of playing a job and falling out with his parents, he can’t do it either. He could only touch his brother’s short gray hair like when his mother comforted him: “It would be great if you could stay with me for a few more seasons.”

Shi Du suffocated for breath.

“But one season is enough.” Yu Zhaohan comforted his younger brother and himself, “At least it’s enough for us to win the world championship.” Then, he asked worriedly: “Wait, this season you won’t Retired early, right?”

Shi Du no longer struggled with the question of who was in whose arms, and said with a light smile, “Yes, but I don’t think one season is enough. After I leave, who do you act like a baby to in the base, who do you ask for a hug? “

Yu Zhaohan thought for a while and said, “Lao Tan or Qi Xian.”

Shi Du gritted his teeth: “You fucking… pretend I didn’t ask.”

The two were quiet for a while, only the sound of the TV series remained in the room.

Shi Du suddenly said: “Yu, do you think Guan Yu and Zhang Fei will hug like us?”

Yu Zhaohan said without hesitation, “Yes.”

Shi Du expressed doubts about this: “It’s true.”

“Really,” Yu Zhaohan said with certainty, “I just saw that the three brothers Liu, Guan and Zhang were forced to separate, and Guan Yu and Zhang Fei finally reunited. The two brothers hugged each other tightly and cried—we didn’t cry.”

Shi Du raised his hand with peace of mind, and put one arm around Yu Zhaohan’s waist: “All right.”

The author has something to say: Guan Yu Zhang Fei:?

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