As An Immortal, I Had To Pretend To Be A Vampire

Chapter 659: zombie wave

  Chapter 659 Zombie Wave

  The man rushed forward, cursing.

   The man fell.

  Fang Cheng didn't kill the other party because of his insults, he just knocked him out. After all, he is a magnanimous person.

  The freckled girl just glanced at her boyfriend worriedly, then continued to look at Fang Cheng with watery eyes, and leaned forward with a blushing face.

   Then she also collapsed, lying down with her boyfriend and dreaming.

  The boss and the alcoholic were stunned for a moment, and the next development, didn't they have a good chat with the girl, and then they went to bed after chatting.

   What kind of operation is it to knock her out?

  Fang Cheng drank all the water in the cup, turned to look at the young man sitting aside: "You know me?"

  He glanced at the data on the young man's head.

  Name: Bivis

   Level: 68

Sex: Male

   Genre: Vampire

  Favourability: -6

  In this rural town, an ace-level vampire suddenly appeared, and there is a high probability that it is a competitor to enter the kingdom of the undead.

  Bivis put down his wine glass and said respectfully, "Yes, I have seen your photo."

  Fang Cheng asked again: "Are you Dracula's subordinate?"

   "No, I'm a solo traveler and have been living in North America."

  In addition to his respectful attitude, Bivis responded very freely, as if he was also very calm when facing the blood emperor.

   But Fang Cheng knew that he was very nervous now, so nervous that he was ready to run away at any time.

   "Don't be nervous, I'm not interested in you."

  Fang Cheng comforted him: "Did you come to this small town to wait for these monsters in the area to appear on their own initiative?"

Bivis didn't relax because of Fang Cheng's words, but on the surface he looked relaxed and nodded: "Yes, I know the habits of monsters very well, if there are living people, they will definitely be attracted to them. "

  This idea coincides with Fang Cheng. He is also preparing to go to the town and wait for the lich in this area to appear on his own initiative.

  During the time of the Lord of Monsters, the whole of Hokkaido was sucked into the subspace. Now that the kingdom of the undead is open, the subspace does not **** in a whole large area of ​​reality, but mixes it with each other.

  This rural town is very unlucky, being sucked into the warp, and all the villagers are still ignorant, thinking that it is just fog outside.

  If Fang Cheng hadn't appeared, the only end for this town would be to be completely swallowed up by the awakened monsters.

   Or be torn down by passing competitors.

  The boss and the drunkard have been listening to the conversation between the two in a daze. When they heard words like 'Dracula' and 'monster', their expressions became strange.

   There are supernatural powers in this world, and even a rural town in the center of Europe is occasionally attacked by monsters.

  The boss has become vigilant, and subconsciously touched the rifle under the stage.

  The middle-aged alcoholic muttered something only he could understand, put down his glass, and wobbled about to leave.

  Seeing that Fang Cheng seemed about to speak, Bivis took the initiative to say to the drunkard, "Stop..."


  The boss took out his rifle from under the stage and pointed his rifle at the two: "You two suspicious guys, who are you?"

  The boss was very brave, just couldn't judge the situation, and then he lay down with the drunkard.

  The four of them lay in a ball on the ground, while Fang Cheng and Bivis continued to sit on the bar.

   Bivis looked calm on the surface, but actually began to fidget.

  He didn't expect his luck to be so bad, the first competitor he encountered was Fang Cheng.

   Not to mention fighting, he didn't even dare to run now, for fear of being misunderstood by Fang Cheng.

  At this moment, outside the small town, the cold wind blows through the woods, and the tombs all over the mountains and plains begin to move.

   A bag of soil bulged faintly on the ground behind the tombstone, and then dry and rotten arms emerged from the bag.

  Accompanied by the wheezing sound like an asthma patient, corpses crawled out of the grave one after another.

   They were distorted in shape, with a stench and decay, and began to converge towards the lonely town in the distance.

   Western zombies are different from Chinese zombies.

  Zombies in the West are generally called the living dead or the walking dead, and now the image in the film and television has become a zombie.

  The origin of zombies first came from the voodoo culture of Haiti.

  According to voodoo beliefs, wizards can resurrect the dead. After resurrection, they are called reincarnated corpses, which are the inspiration for the image of zombies. Although the dead can walk and use tools, they have no self-awareness and are manipulated by those who perform the resurrection ceremony, like a soulless puppet, so they are often used as slaves at will.

  Chinese zombies will be formed due to their own grievances or geographical environment, and zombies are generally man-made.

   Either the virus leaked the infection, or the monster was infected, or the lich was resurrected.

   Now this group of zombies, apparently resurrected by the Lich, are attacking the town with a purpose.

   Zombies staggered forward in the dark night, coming out of the woods one after another, and soon gathered into a large wave of dark monsters.

   "Uh... hiss... uh..."

   A single zombie doesn't make much noise, but with so many zombies gathered together, the movement is very obvious.

  In a house located at the edge of the town, the lights were originally turned off, but turned on again soon.

  A middle-aged man held a double-barreled shotgun, pushed open the door and opened into the garden, and looked outside through the low hedge.

  At the door of the room, the woman hugged her daughter and waited for her husband to come back, muttering: "What's there to see, come back quickly."

  The husband is deaf to his wife's voice, and his eyes are fixed on the outside.

  The deep night made it difficult for him to see clearly. Even if there were street lights, the light was dimmed by the thick fog.

   But there were indeed strange movements in the darkness, like hundreds of asthmatics breathing hard.

   Soon, a figure appeared unsteadily in the light of the street lamp, like a candle flickering in the wind, which might go out at any time.

  The middle-aged man immediately raised his shotgun and pointed it at the opponent, while issuing a warning: "Hey, don't get any closer, or I will shoot."

  The other party turned a deaf ear and continued to move forward.

  The middle-aged man was preparing for a warning shot, but saw more figures appearing under the lights.

   A group of shaky figures made him so confused that he couldn't react for a while.

   Those who walked in the front finally passed through the thick fog and were completely exposed to the street lights.

  The middle-aged man could clearly see the appearance of the other party, the messy hair like a bird's nest, the rotten nose and mouth.

  The body is covered with tattered clothes, and shriveled strips of meat can be seen hanging on the white bones in many places.

  The word zombie appeared in his mind, leaving the middle-aged man dumbfounded.

  When he saw the zombie, the zombie finally saw him with only one eyeball left.

   The zombie, which was staggering as if it was about to fall at any time, opened its mouth and let out a howl, and rushed towards the middle-aged man at a speed similar to that of a cheetah.


  The middle-aged man finally reacted and pulled the trigger, the shotgun burst into flames, and the bullet hit the rushing zombie.

   The shoulder of the zombie was beaten into a mass of rotten flesh, and even a few bones were broken off, but that was all.

  The middle-aged man continued to shoot while retreating hastily, but the bullets went nowhere.

  Amidst the screams of his wife and daughter behind him, the middle-aged man was overtaken by zombies in an instant.

  Seeing that he was about to be thrown down, a bright light suddenly fell from the sky, beating the zombie to pieces.

  The panicked middle-aged man also fell on his back and saw a drone speeding past in the sky.

  The drone flew to the top of these zombies and began to pour out terrifying firepower.

  Accompanied by the sharp shooting sound, the zombies under the night were smashed into pieces, like a scythe cutting through the dense weeds.

  The movement here finally woke up the quiet town, and a large area of ​​lights lit up.

  Many villagers were awakened in their sleep. They looked out of the window and saw a horrifying side.

   Groups of zombies appeared outside the town, covering a large area in the dark, and it was impossible to see how many there were.

   At first glance, the villagers thought it was a biohazard outbreak.

   But these zombies couldn't enter the town at all. When they couldn't see the living people, they walked slowly, and then they were easily harvested by the drones cruising in the air, and fell in pieces.

   "How did the army come so fast? It's not the same as in the movie."

  The doubts in the hearts of all the villagers, they all thought that the drone was sent by the military.

  In the bar, Bivis also noticed the commotion outside.

  He hesitated for a moment, Fang Cheng asked: "Are you planning to protect this small town?"


  Fang Cheng was slightly taken aback, then smiled and said, "That's right."

  In fact, he just wanted to overthrow these invading zombies and force the lich hiding in the dark to come forward in person.

  According to the experience of the Lord of All Monsters, these monsters polluted by the power of evil gods will definitely kill all living things in the area, and they will never stop until they die.

  As long as the living people in the town are alive, the Lich will show up sooner or later.

  As for the safety of the town, he doesn't really care much about it.

   Bivis didn't know if he was thinking about something, so he sat on the sidelines silently.

   After being silent for a while, he tentatively asked, "Can I...can I go out and have a look?"

   If Fang Cheng doesn't let him go, it's over.

  Fang Cheng's mind is only on the Lich, and he is not interested in the cautious Bivis: "Whatever you want, just don't hinder me."

   Bivis left the bar respectfully, and he was deeply relieved when he went outside, his clothes were soaked in cold sweat.

   "It's terrible. Just sitting by the side makes me afraid to show any hostility."

   Bivis no longer has any hope of winning the competition, and the most important thing is whether he can survive.

  There are more and more zombies outside the town, emerging from the forest in a steady stream, and they have gathered into a terrifying wave. Just set up a camera to shoot the sequel of Resident Evil.

  Hundreds of drones in the air continued to harvest zombies, drawing a deadly line of fire, and no zombie could take half a step.

  In fact, to deal with things like zombies, ordinary modern military means are far enough, and they are not as unbearable as they are shown in movies and TV.

   When the zombies were besieging the town, in a deep mountain forest, in a cave deep underground, a pair of green eyes opened.

  (end of this chapter)

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