As An Immortal, I Had To Pretend To Be A Vampire

Chapter 660: Below disasters, all are ants

  Chapter 660 Disasters and below are all ants

   This is the lich that Fang Cheng has been looking for, and he just woke up from a deep sleep.

  The lich is very short in stature, wearing a hat made of two horns on his head, and wearing tattered clothes that look like strips of cloth, with the hem still dragging on the ground. At first glance, he looks like a dwarf.

   Its face is completely skeleton, with only a thin layer of skin covering it, and the teeth and gums are exposed.

  The skinny palm holds a staff of bones with a dozen baby skulls hanging from it.

  Actually, Fang Cheng guessed wrong. It was not the lich who resurrected those zombies, but the mechanism of the kingdom of the undead itself.

  As long as the competition starts, the undead all over the country will be revived.

  The lich is the most powerful individual in this area, and can control all zombies for its own use.

  According to the original mechanism, this lich is an insidious and cunning person with intelligence and strategy. It will not show up rashly, but will use the nearly one million zombies in this area to create huge problems for competitors.

   Unless all the zombies are killed, it will not actively expose itself.

  But the invasion of the power of the evil **** turned the lich into a lunatic. I don't know if the power has increased, but the combat power and IQ must be directly -100.

   IQ, what is that? Strategy, can I eat it?

  I don't need anything, I just need to be reckless.

   A message came from the revived zombies, knowing that the siege of the town was resisted, and the mad lich directly used the mass rage technique.

  The zombies who were slowly attacking the town all began to go berserk collectively, and their speed changed from a snail to a cheetah.

  Generally, there are only about C-level zombies, and their strength has risen to B-level.

   The wave of zombies huddled together turned from static to static, like a flood tide, and began to violently wash over the town.

  The number of drones also exploded rapidly, from hundreds to tens of thousands, almost forming a huge circle over the town.

   What the UAV launches is no longer just bullets, but also large-yield shells and cloud bombs, easily blasting the waves of zombies into gaps.

  The sound of artillery fire made the villagers in the town tremble and had to cover their ears.

   Bivis stood on the roof of a certain building, looked at the scene not far away that was comparable to a war movie, and took a slight breath.

  As an ace-level vampire, he is naturally not afraid of these zombies, but he can't stop them at all, let alone shelter the entire town in such a terrifying wave of zombies.

  The huge gap in strength is often reflected in these details.

   Bivis sighed deeply, suddenly lost interest.

  If you look down from the sky, the violent wave of zombies is like a huge wave of a big river, and the small town is like a rock by the river, no matter how the huge waves wash away, they will not move.

   If you were a normal lich, you should realize that the town is a tough nut to crack at this time, and you can switch your attacking strategy.

  But the mad lich has no IQ to speak of. It continued to order the zombies to attack, and then came out of the cave where it was hiding, ready to do it by itself.

   This is the marshal who has millions of soldiers and horses, ready to go to the front line to kill people with a big knife.

  In the hotel, Fang Cheng was using his telepathy and dark consciousness to communicate with Peng Jie and Selina.

  The two of them ran a long way, and they had already reached the edge of this area, and if they went further out, they would have to touch the subspace crack.

  They ran so far that they didn't notice the movement here, and Fang Cheng had to call them back.

  Ten minutes later, Peng Jie got out from the floor of the bar and slipped behind the bar to get a drink.

   After a while, the door of the bar was pushed open, Selina ran in in a hurry, and Peng Jie handed her a glass of mixed cocktail.

   There was a lot of gunfire outside, but the three of them were drinking in this bar.

   "Are you sure that Lich will really come in person?"

  Peng Jie asked Fang Cheng curiously: "I think there are at least seven figures of zombies in this area, and it will take a few days to slowly consume it."

  Other competitors will not wait for a few days. If they are delayed, it is useless to have a map.

  Sarina cast a dissatisfied look at Peng Jie, dissatisfied that he dared to question Fang Cheng's decision.

  Fang Cheng explained with a smile: "Don't worry, these monsters are all lunatics, they have lost all reason, and they will definitely come out."

  According to my experience in Lord of Monsters, these monsters polluted by evil gods will kill all living things in the area.

  As long as the town holds on, the Lich will show his face sooner or later.

  Seeing that Fang Cheng was so confident, Peng Jie stopped talking nonsense. He took out a deck of poker from under the bar, and the three of them started to play Doudizhu.

  Peng Jie proposed to lose to drink, and Selina suggested to lose to take off his clothes—the intention was wrong.

  After playing more than a dozen rounds, Fang Cheng suddenly dropped the poker: "I won't play anymore."


  Peng Jie quickly grabbed him: "Don't stop playing if you win!"

  He was stuffed full of wine, as if he was pregnant in August, and he wanted to pour Fang Cheng a glass.

   Now I finally got a good deck of cards, and I am about to win.

  Fang Cheng got up and walked out: "The targets have all appeared, let's play next time."

   "You are making excuses, you are obviously about to lose, come back!"

  The three left the bar and went outside the town, and finally saw the target.

  Amid the wave of zombies, a lich holding a bone staff stood at the edge of the woods, and the surrounding zombies automatically separated, revealing an open space for him to pretend to be.

  The lich's green eyes passed through the wave of zombies, and through the gunfire of the drone, locked on Fang Cheng and the three of them.

  It held up the staff, and a green flame burned from the top of the staff.

  The flames fell down the staff like water, flowed to the ground, and flowed in all directions, quickly forming a green sea of ​​flames that kept spreading.

  The crowded zombies were the first to be affected by the sea of ​​flames, and they were also ignited by the flames, turning into human-shaped green pillars of fire.

  But they were not burned to death, but their strength increased dramatically, from B-level to A-level.

  Sarina and Peng Jie's scalps are numb. Even if they can easily kill A-level monsters in seconds, when the number of enemies increases exponentially, the pressure and threats they face will also skyrocket.

  As an ace-level vampire, Selina can easily kill a few A-levels, and if there are twenty or thirty A-levels, she can kill them with all her strength.

  If it is a hundred A-level, then she has to choose to fight while running.

  How many zombies are strengthened by the green flames in front of you?

   At first glance, there are countless numbers, at least tens of thousands.

  This number surprised the disaster-level Peng Jie: "I'll help you for a while, and you go and kill that lich."

  Sarina didn't say a word, she could only withstand a small wave if she went long.

  Seeing how nervous the two were, Fang Cheng shook his head and said, "I'll do it."

  His whole body turned into a blood mist again, turning into a huge net, centered on the small town, and spread around.

   This net easily penetrated all the objects in the town without causing anything to come up. When it came to the periphery, the network cable became as big as a hair.

  The strengthened zombies have broken through the firepower net, howling and rushing towards the town.

  The villagers who saw this scene from the windows all screamed in horror.

   The zombie rushing to the front was faster than a galloping sports car, and had already stepped into the town in the blink of an eye.

  The next moment, its body, which was burning green fire, turned into countless small square strips, smaller than a little finger, and fell to the ground with a clatter.

  The same is true for the zombies rushing up behind them, all of them hit the invisible big net and were chopped into pieces by the sharp network cables.

  The bodies of these A-level zombies can already resist bullets or even bombs, but under the net made by Fang Cheng, they are even more fragile than tofu.

  The large net quickly spread around, and actively slammed into the tide of zombies.

  As soon as the net passed, all the zombies turned into long strips of tiny fragments that scattered all over the ground.

  It is like a sharp sickle harvesting leeks, falling down in pieces.

   Not to mention ordinary villagers, even the well-informed Sarina and Peng Jie were shocked by this scene.

   The zombies killed were not ordinary mobs, but monsters that had been enhanced to A-level by the Lich. If they were placed outside, the army would need to be dispatched to encircle and suppress them.

  Even in a country as rich and powerful as the headquarters of the Human Revolutionary Federation, there are not many people with A-level abilities.

  Even if the A-level produced by the Lich has moisture, it will not last long, but it is an extremely huge force after all.

  Fang Cheng acted like he was mowing the grass, regardless of whether it was A-level or D-level, he chopped them all up.

  The entire large net spreads at a rapid speed, and tens of thousands of crowded zombies are chopped into pieces every second.

  The Lich, who was maintaining the sea of ​​flames, didn't know what happened. He could only see the zombies falling in groups in front of him, turning into debris on the ground.

   It was its turn soon. Once the big net passed, the Lich didn't feel anything, and the whole body turned into pieces all over the ground, together with the bone staff in his hand.

  This lich's level is as high as seventy-five, which belongs to the level of the legendary undead, but it still can't withstand Fang Cheng's casual blow.

  Based on his current level of 140, it is considered to be casually killed below the disaster level, and a random slap is an attack with serious damage.

  Using a sentence in the second class to pretend to be coercive, that is-everything below a disaster is an ant!

  The entire large net spread to thirty kilometers away in less than half a minute.

  The wave of zombies that besieged the entire town was about 200,000, and all of them were chopped into pieces in just half a minute, including the surrounding trees and rocks.

  Except for the small town, there is no object bigger than the little finger in the area within 30 kilometers.

  Peng Jie and Sarina stared blankly at this scene, and after a while, Peng Jie said, "Was he this good before?"

  He felt that his disaster level was fake, otherwise how could the gap be so big.

  Sarina also said blankly: "I still want to ask you."

  Fang Cheng's voice sounded in the hearts of the two: "The lich is not dead yet, the soul has run back, there may be a phylactery, you wait for me here for a while."

   The two who fell into doubt about their lives nodded blankly.

   Liches are undead, their bodies can be switched at any time, and the soul is the root.

  After the body is cut into pieces, the soul of the Lich will automatically flee back towards the phylactery.

  Fang Cheng followed unhurriedly. He didn't find the key from the lich, and it might be hidden elsewhere.

   Thanks: Ling_Mo, book friend 20170831234543415 for the reward! (*^▽^*)



  (end of this chapter)

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