As An Immortal, I Had To Pretend To Be A Vampire

Chapter 724: A system with infinite energy

  Chapter 724 A system with infinite energy

  In this time-stopped world, the only ones who can move are Izhe Ai, and the woman who suddenly appeared behind Rin Kanzaki.

  This woman shines like the sun, making it difficult for people to see her true appearance. The gender can only be judged by her slim figure.

"Who are you?!"

  Yi Xieai completely ignored the strong light that could blind a dog's eyes, stared directly at the woman who appeared suddenly, and asked hesitantly, "The guardian of the earth?"

  She speaks a completely foreign language, never seen before on Earth.

  If Fang Cheng were here, he would be able to hear the language Yi Xieai used, and what he saw in his mother's memory.

   "It's me, you can call me Malan."

  The woman standing behind Kanzaki Rin said softly: "But I prefer another name, Yaoguang, that is the name my children gave to a star after observing the starry sky. I like it very much."

  Yi Xieai looked at her vigilantly: "Why stop us? We just want to leave, and don't want to participate in the struggle between you."

   "I have nothing against you leaving."

   Yaoguang replied in a slow tone: "But you can't take this child away, he is very important to me."

  Yi Xieai hesitated for a while, seemingly hesitant, but finally made up her mind: "I can release his soul..."


   Yaoguang interrupted her: "This body is also, it belongs to General Nuoya, it must be kept."

  Yi Xieai's face turned cold immediately: "Don't be too greedy!"

   Without this body, how could she and Yue Jianming run away?

   Yaoguang shook his head and said: "This is not greed. Whether it is this child or the body of General Noah, it is the last hope of the earth. How can I let you take it away."

Yi Xieai sneered and said, "Is it necessary to work so hard? You died at your post, and no one on your home planet cared about you. Now that you've finally come back to life, and you've become a protoss, why bother with a second life? "

Yaoguang looked calm: "It's because I finally came back to life that I have to cherish this life even more. You can't let the earth be destroyed casually. You are also protoss. If the earth is destroyed, what will I, an immature protoss, be like? end."

  She died of old age on the job in her last life, and she has already been loyal to her home planet.

   Finally resurrected, I don't want to participate in these troublesome disputes, but the earth is the anchor of the prison, and the prisoners will definitely destroy the earth after they escape, especially there is an immature protoss on the earth.

   Yaoguang could only be forced to intervene to prevent the prisoners from escaping.

  Yi Xieai and Yue Jianming belong to the protoss who are guilty but have not yet fallen. They pose no threat to the earth. Yao Guang doesn't care about their escape from prison.

  But they wanted to take away the bodies of Fang Cheng and General Nuoya, which touched Yaoguang's bottom line.

  These two are the most important forces against the prisoners. If they are taken away by Yi Xieai, then the earth can be washed and slept.

  That's why Yao Guang appeared directly at this time.

   Seeing Yaoguang's firm attitude, Yi Xieai also knew that the two sides' positions were completely opposite, and there was nothing to say.

  She can give up Fang Cheng's soul, but she must not give up the body of General Nuoya.

   "Want to steal my things? Then it depends on whether you have the strength."

  Yi Xieai uttered harsh words in a fierce tone, and two hot sun rays shot out from his eyes, aiming at Yaoguang and Kanzaki Rin.

   Haruka raised his hand to press Rin Kanzaki's shoulder, and he sank into her body at once.

  Rin Kanzaki recovered from the time-stopped state in an instant, and avoided the sun's rays at the critical moment.

  Countless memories quickly flooded into her mind, allowing her to understand the current situation.

   After getting the memory, Rin Kanzaki realized at this time that Yaoguang is the local power of the earth that Fang Cheng has been guessing and looking for.

  Fang Cheng asked Li Yu for some advanced monster blood last time, but Li Yu got him the blood of Suzaku.

  Actually, Li Yu didn't know where the Suzaku's blood came from. It was given by the top decision-maker of the Human Revolutionary Federation headquarters, and Yaoguang was behind the scenes.

  After Kanzaki Rin injected Suzaku's blood, Haruka took the opportunity to establish contact with her and took her to see a doomsday performance.

  The memory of the doomsday performance was not recovered until now, and Rin Kanzaki also remembered her conversation with Haruka.

   Haruka asked Kanzaki Rin to call her mother.

  This name is the same as General Noah, and has the same meaning.

   General Noah is the mother of all monsters on Earth.

   And Yao Guang is the mother of all human beings.

  She has been hiding behind the scenes to guide the progress of human civilization, and she also led the rebirth of Kanzaki Rin.

  The huge memory made Kanzaki Rin's movements a little slow, and Yi Zheai had already rushed towards him like lightning.

   Rin Kanzaki hurriedly manipulated the power belonging to Yaoguang in his body to resist.


   Haruka's voice sounded in Kanzaki Rin's heart: "I don't have enough strength, I can't help you too much, you have to be careful."

   Rin Kanzaki is trying her best to resist the attack of Yi Zheai like a storm.

  Yi Xieai not only has her own power, but also got the body of General Noah, whose level is definitely over 200.

   With the help of Yaoguang, Kanzaki Rin can only barely protect himself.

  Harukun's words made Kanzaki Rin's heart sink, but he didn't despair, but quickly thought of countermeasures.

  Yao Guang rang again, but this time with ease: "Don't be nervous, our task is to delay the time, just wait for the child to wake up by himself."

   Rin Kanzaki couldn't help asking in his heart: "How is Fang Cheng doing now?"

   Yaoguang's voice seemed to be with a faint smile: "He is chatting with a big beauty."

  Rin Kanzaki: "???"


  After Yi Xieai left, Fang Cheng sat alone in the gazebo.

  He didn't try to leave, because it was useless, as long as Yi Xieai's control over his soul was not released, it would be meaningless to do more.

  Being passive when he was still very weak, this wave is a non-war crime, not his own problem.

  Fang Cheng, who had already seen the future, didn't panic at all, and sat silently in the gazebo to enjoy the scenery.

   After an unknown amount of time, Fang Cheng's neck suddenly started to hurt.

  The location of the pain happened to be where Isis bit him not long ago.

  Fang Cheng silently said in his heart, "It's finally here".

  The surrounding scenery suddenly changed, the gazebo and the sea of ​​flowers disappeared, replaced by a bar.

  The bar stands in the dark, and the flashing signboard lights are a bit dazzling.

  Fang Cheng walked over and pushed open the door of the bar.

  The environment inside is elegant and empty, with only one female customer sitting at the bar.

  She heard the sound of the door opening, turned around, and it was Isis.

   "You are late, and you will be fined a glass of wine."

   As she spoke, she took out an empty glass and filled it with amber wine.

  Fang Cheng didn't lean over, but asked, "Should I call you mother, or should I call you General Nuoya?"

  That’s right, the woman in front of me who looks exactly like Isis is not Isis, but her mother.

   Or should be said to be the soul of the mother.

  Facing Fang Cheng's question, Nuoya thought for a while before saying, "You should call me by my name. I have no partner or children, so I can't be considered a mother."

  Fang Cheng just walked over, sat beside Nuoya, picked up a glass of wine she poured, and drank it all in one gulp.

  Noya looked at him with a smile, and after he finished drinking, he said, "You can't taste the taste of alcohol if you drink like this."

  Fang Cheng put down the cup, said nonchalantly, "I'm not a drunkard, all tastes are the same to me."

  He looked at Noya's face and asked curiously: "Why are you facing Isis's face, do you like her very much?"

  Nuoya picked up the wine glass and took a sip before saying, "Can't you see the future? Do you still have doubts?"

  Fang Cheng shook his head: "I can't see what happened in this bar. I only know that I won after I left the bar. This should be a very special place, right?"

   This bar should be a very special space, closed to all perceptions, Noya's soul is hidden in it, and Yi Xieai cannot perceive it.

  Noya stretched out her finger and tapped her forehead: "You guessed it right, this is my brain and my spiritual world, and no one can perceive it."

   After a pause, she answered another question from Fang Cheng: "As for my appearance, it is not so much that I am imitating Isis, but Isis is imitating me, because I have always looked like this."

  Fang Cheng looked at her in surprise: "Didn't you say that you don't have a fixed image?"

  Noah smiled: "That's because low-level creatures can't understand our existence, so they apply it according to their own imagination. It doesn't mean that we don't have an image."

  Fang Cheng didn't understand at first, but when he thought of Yi Xieai's divine face, he suddenly understood.

  The identity of the Isis vampire is the observation and imagination of the residents of the small town, which does not mean that they can imagine such a perfect appearance.

  Therefore, there must be some reason for Isis's appearance. Maybe he was really imitating Noah, imitating his own mother.

Fang Cheng was silent for a while, and then asked: "What's the matter with your soul? I used to think that your soul was in my body, but after putting together all the puzzle pieces, I didn't think there was any, but now you have appeared again, Why have you been refusing to communicate with me before?"

   "Take your time, don't rush."

   Nuoya poured Fang Cheng another glass of wine, and then said: "It's not that I don't want to communicate with you, but that I can't."

  Fang Cheng frowned and said, "Why?"

  Noya explained: "Because my soul, like my body, is torn apart, attached to each body, and only one soul fragment is left acting on instinct, and there is no way to communicate with you."

  Fang Cheng stared at her blankly: "Then collecting bodies, isn't it helping you collect soul fragments?"

  Noya smiled and nodded: "Thank you for your efforts, my soul can now be restored to integrity."

  Fang Cheng suddenly realized, no wonder every time he fused Nuoya's body, he would see her memory, which turned out to be the memory of her soul.

  Yi Xieai obviously didn't know that Nuoya's soul had been torn apart, and she was still looking for her soul's whereabouts.

   Little do they know that the act of collecting the body itself is collecting Noah's soul.

  Yi Xie'ai was completely taken aback, she still doesn't know where Nuoya's soul is.

  Noya continued: "I could have appeared when the last body was fused, but I know your plight, so I have been hiding until now, and we can communicate with each other without outsiders' disturbance."

   "Open up?"

  Fang Cheng said angrily, "I've been kept in the dark about everything, just like a clown controlled by you. Why do you want to open your heart to me?"

Nuoya looked at him softly: "I'm sorry, I know that you are often involuntary, but who made you so weak? Without the system I gave you, you would have died countless times. Just put away the little grievances."

  Fang Cheng was almost stunned. The woman's eyes and tone were so gentle, but her words were so irritating.

  He took a deep breath and asked, "What exactly is the system you gave me?"

  Noya laughed and said, "It's the power source and control system on the spaceship. I made them into one thing and stuffed them into your body."

  Hearing the word 'plug', Fang Cheng subconsciously felt his **** go cold.

   "Power source? Control system? How did you stuff such a big thing in?"

   "It's actually not that big."

  Noya explained: "The power source comes from the core of the black hole, which has almost infinite energy for the individual, but the volume is very small and safe."

   No wonder the spaceship can move at the speed of light and jump in space. It turns out that the power source is so powerful.

  Fang Cheng suddenly remembered that after humans on Earth found Noya’s crashed spaceship, although they found the engine, they never found the power source, nor did they know what the power source was.

  Governments of various countries have searched for power sources all over the world for so many years, but they did not expect this thing to be hidden in Fang Cheng in the end.

   But Fang Cheng still has doubts: "Since the power source has infinite energy, why do I need to absorb the power of other monsters?"

  Especially at the beginning, he could only be revived a few times. When Fang Cheng was asked to do things, he was always cautious, not daring to be too rough to avoid capsizing.

  Noah smiled: "That is a program set up to motivate you. If you get infinite energy from the very beginning, then you will have no motivation to become stronger."

  Fang Cheng asked strangely: "Since we have infinite energy, do we still need to become stronger?"

   "It's the power source that has infinite energy, not you."

  Noya corrected: "The power source is the reservoir, and you are just a small water pipe. How much energy you can output at one time depends entirely on yourself."

  Fang Cheng understands that the power source is the infinite ammunition depot, but how much ammunition can be used at one time depends on the thickness of his artillery.

   "Then what happened to the two system upgrades?"

   "It means that your strength has reached a certain level, and the system will give you the energy authorization. There will be a third, fourth, or even countless times in the future. It depends on whether your own strength can reach it."

  After listening to Nuoya's explanation, Fang Cheng was silent for a while, and then slowly said: "I understand all the problems of the system, now, can you tell me all the ins and outs?"

  Noya is the core and the most critical person, everything can be answered from her.

   Regarding Fang Cheng's words, Nuo Ya smiled back: "Of course, that's why I'm here now."

   Recently, the number of words is small, and I want to last this month before finishing, so as not to be a few days away from the end. _(:зゝ∠)_



  (end of this chapter)

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