As An Immortal, I Had To Pretend To Be A Vampire

Chapter 725: Protoss and Star Eater

  Chapter 725 Protoss and Star Devourer

   Nuoya should have planned the meeting with Fang Cheng long ago, and made a draft in her heart, so her narration was very coherent, without any pause.

  In her opening topic, she chose the original origin—Protoss.

   "Protoss is a product of civilization. When a planetary civilization begins to develop, a collective consciousness will occasionally be born. The collective consciousness learns to usurp the energy of the planet over a long period of time, and eventually evolves into a protoss..."

  Protoss is the collective consciousness of a planetary civilization, but when it starts to learn to usurp the energy of the planet itself, it will eventually evolve into a powerful individual with planetary energy.

  In the long history of the universe, it is impossible to know when the first protoss appeared. When a certain protoss opened his eyes and looked at the universe, he found that the same kind already existed in the universe.

  Although there are various civilizations, the protoss are all products of stealing the energy of the planets, so there is no problem with saying that they are of the same kind.

  After initial contradictions and conflicts, the protoss gradually formed an alliance to resolve disputes.

  Because the universe is big enough and has enough resources to accommodate the coexistence of the protoss, if there is a conflict, it is enough to quarrel in the alliance, and there is no need to use war to deal with it.

  The home planet that Fang Cheng saw in Nuoya's memory was the headquarters of the Protoss Alliance, and it gradually evolved into a political system similar to a country after a long time.

  After listening to Nuoya's explanation of the origin of the protoss, Fang Cheng remembered the local power of the earth, and asked Nuoya: "Is the protoss of the earth the one you talked to when you first came to earth?"

  Noya nodded: "She is indeed the protoss of the earth. She used to be called Malan, but now she is called Yaoguang, but her origin is a bit special. I will explain it to you later."

   Hearing what Nuoya said, Fang Cheng guessed that this protoss named Yaoguang might not have been born naturally on the earth.

  Because Noah said that the conditions for the birth of collective consciousness in planetary civilization are very harsh, civilization must be highly unified globally, and must be of the same ethnic group.

   There are planets with diverse civilizations in the universe, but almost all of them are deep in internal strife, and collective consciousness will not be born.

  There are still so many different civilizations on the earth, and internal fighting is also the main theme, so it is impossible to create a collective consciousness.

  The only fortunate thing is that although human beings like to fight among themselves, they can still be regarded as the same ethnic group.

  But the appearance of Yaoguang at this time is obviously not right.

  Fang Cheng has vaguely guessed her origin.

  After talking about the situation of Protoss, the next thing Fang Cheng is most concerned about is the most urgent issue at present.

   "What exactly are those evil gods?"

  At first, they were evil gods in Fang Cheng's eyes, but later he suspected that they were some kind of alien creatures from subspace.

   After seeing Noah's memory, I realized that there is an inextricable relationship between this group of evil gods and the protoss, and was called the fallen by the consul of the home planet.

   "You have seen my memory, just like the literal meaning."

  Noah smiled lightly: "There is no need to be mythical or fearful, they are a group of losers, and they will become prisoners."

   Countless words such as 'party struggle', 'political struggle' and 'palace change' flashed through Fang Cheng's mind.

   "Could it be that this group of prisoners are all losers in the internal struggle of the Protoss Alliance?"

   "It's not an internal struggle, the crime they committed is unpardonable."

  A trace of hostility flashed in Nuoya's eyes: "They are a group of star devourers."

  A star devourer, literally, is a person who devours stars.

  The stars here refer to the protoss.

  Although protoss possess planetary-level energy, they also have a limited lifespan.

  The most common protoss has a life span of tens of thousands to hundreds of thousands of years, and the long-lived ones among the protoss can survive for hundreds of thousands of years.

  Although this lifespan is long enough, from the macro perspective of the universe, it seems to be just a blink of an eye.

  Some protoss face it calmly, while others cannot accept it. They own the entire universe, but their life is too short.

  So, this part of the protoss began to look for ways to increase lifespan.

  They tried many methods but failed, because the protoss is the product of the combination of collective consciousness and energy.

  The energy of the entire universe is almost infinite, but the collective consciousness ages and dies.

  After years of failure, an aging protoss was unwilling to accept his own death, so he went crazy and devoured another young protoss.

   This move actually made him open Pandora's box.

  After devouring the young Protoss, the aging Protoss actually rejuvenated and gained a new lifespan.

   The matter was quickly revealed, and the terrible method was leaked.

   The protoss didn’t have many conflicts, but many protoss who were unwilling to die soon began to attack other protoss, causing many tragedies.

  These protoss devouring the same kind are called star devourers, fallen ones.

  Other protoss who do not want to fall join forces to fight against these star devourers.

  A brutal civil war broke out among the protoss.

  In the end, the Protoss won with difficulty, and the Star Devourers were banished to the subspace and imprisoned.

   Later, some protoss who committed crimes were also imprisoned in the subspace, and the subspace gradually became the prison of the protoss.

  Now, the evil gods in the subspace are actually the star devourers and criminal protoss who were imprisoned in the first place.

  After listening to Nuoya's explanation, Fang Cheng frowned and said, "Why didn't you just wipe out all the star devourers?"

  If they were all wiped out and no prisoners were left, then there would be no need to face the risk of these star devourers escaping from prison.

   "That happened many years ago, not a decision made by our current generation of protoss."

  Noya explained: "However, I have read the information. The protoss also narrowly won at the beginning. If they insisted on killing all the star devourers, then the two sides are likely to die together. If they were only locked up, they would give up resistance."

  Paused, she continued: "Just because I say that, it doesn't mean that I agree with this kind of move. If it were me, I would definitely insist on eradicating all star devourers."

  Because they devoured their own kind, the star devourers have extremely long lifespans, and they seldom die when they are locked in the subspace for many years.

   But at the same time, their hatred of the protoss has become deeper and deeper over time.

   When they escape, they will definitely devour all the protoss.

  Hearing Nuoya's murderous words, Fang Cheng just said in his heart, "Why did you go so early?"

   "What's going on with Yi Xieai and Tsukimi Naruto, they are also star devourers?"

   "No, those two sisters are of the same age as me, and they were only imprisoned for making mistakes on the battlefield."

  Nuoya seemed to recall something, and smiled a little, but it disappeared soon.


  Fang Cheng asked curiously: "What other forces in this universe are hostile to your protoss?"

  Noya’s last memory was being summoned back to her home planet by the consul on the battlefield, indicating that at that time, the Protoss Alliance was engaged in a war against the outside world.

   But the protoss already owned the entire universe a long time ago.

   "Of course not in this universe."

  Noah looked at him with a meaningful look: "But not necessarily in other universes."

  Fang Cheng was slightly taken aback, he was subconsciously surprised that there were other universes.

  But immediately remembered his own origin.

  I am a time traveler, isn't it normal to have other universes?

  Nuo Ya's eyes, does she already know her origin?

  Fang Cheng wanted to ask, but didn't know how to ask.

  Noya didn't seem to notice his entanglement, and continued to tell.

  The protoss have been exploring the origin and mysteries of the universe, exploring the possibility of other universes.

   Warp space is one of their most outstanding achievements, which eventually created the prison where the star devourers were held.

  The protoss believe that there are other universes outside the universe, and have never given up using the subspace to find the existence of other universes.

  After years of continuous research, they finally opened up a channel to another universe through the subspace.

   This was originally something worth celebrating, but what the other universe brings is not goodwill, but war.

  The other universe is a universe that has developed to the extreme. The number of civilizations has exceeded the scale that the universe can accommodate, and countless cruel wars have been fought for resources.

  The behavior of the protoss exploring outwards accidentally attracted a group of mad dogs.

  Facing this undeveloped universe, the mad dogs brazenly launched an invasion based on their survival instinct.

  The protoss naturally didn't want their home to be invaded by outsiders, so the war between the two universes broke out.

  Hearing this, Fang Cheng couldn't help interjecting: "Aren't you going to close the subspace?"

  Noah replied to him with a ‘do you think we are stupid? ' eyes, then shook his head and smiled bitterly: "When we realized something was wrong, we closed the subspace immediately, but the other party's star civilization also has the ability to travel through the subspace. After we actively open the subspace, it is equivalent to giving They sent a fixed coordinate, and they themselves were able to open up the warp to invade."

  Fang Cheng replied to her, 'Isn't this stupid? ’ look.

   Taking the initiative to send the coordinates to the enemy, what kind of spirit is this?

  Of course, this cannot be blamed on the protoss. Exploring outward is the instinct of all creatures, and they cannot predict this happening.

  Nuoya ignored Fang Cheng's eyes and continued: "The opponent's high-end strength is not as good as ours, but it's not much worse, and the number is large, which has caused the war to last for many years..."

  The long war has almost exhausted the strength of both sides. During the period, several peace talks failed. In order to survive, no one is willing to make a concession.

  The war not only consumed the vitality of both sides, but several wars also led to instability in the subspace.

  Countless subspace cracks spread in the universe, and the originally solid subspace became riddled with holes.

  This puts the prison where the Star Devourer was originally held at risk of damage.

  But the Protoss Alliance is doing its best to deal with the invasion of another universe, and there is really no extra energy to solve this matter.

  So, what Fang Cheng saw in Nuoya's memory happened—some star devourers escaped from the prison by virtue of the subspace crack.

  They immediately attacked the empty home planet, causing a large number of casualties.

  After repelling these star devourers, Noah was recalled from the front line by the Archon and asked her to destroy the anchor point of the prison.

  Although the protoss of the previous generation had to imprison the star devourers in the subspace, they did not take any precautionary measures.

   This precaution is the anchor of the prison.

  As long as the anchor point is destroyed, the prison can be completely closed, allowing the star eaters to stay in the warp forever.

   For this reason, the Protoss Alliance also dispatched many guards to these anchor points. Once an accident occurs, the guards will destroy the anchor points.

  It's a pity that too much time has passed, many watchmen of the anchor point have died of old age at their posts, and the Protoss Alliance has not sent anyone to take over their posts.

  The final task of destroying the anchor falls on Nuoya.

  Noya started to set off after receiving the order. She destroyed many anchor points along the way, and also fought with many star devourers who escaped or were escaping from prison.

   Trekking hard all the way, escaped from death many times, and finally dragged the seriously injured body to the last anchor point—the earth.

   "The guardian of the earth is Maran. I didn't expect that after she died of old age at her post, she would be reborn through the earth."

Nuoya's tone was full of emotion and some guilt: "After rebirth, Malan named herself Yaoguang. Yaoguang is a transliteration. In the language of the protoss, it means cutting off the past. I know that she is Complaining that the Protoss Alliance did not send someone to take her place, it is the Protoss Alliance who is sorry for her."

  Fang Cheng's mouth twitched slightly, in fact, he had already guessed it just now.

  The local power of the earth is the guardian of the Protoss Alliance.

   "Daoguang was reborn with the help of human civilization?"


  Noya corrected: "It should be the power after Yaoguang's death that gave birth to the human civilization on the earth, and then she was reborn with the help of human civilization."

  Fang Cheng complained: "No wonder humans look the same as people in your Protoss Alliance."

Nuoya ignored Fang Cheng's complaints and continued: "After I came to the earth, Yaoguang prevented me from destroying the anchor point, which is the earth. She has been tied to human civilization. Before it matures, if the earth and human civilization If it is destroyed, she will not escape death."

  Fang Cheng remembered Nuoya's memory. After she came to the earth, a huge human face appeared on the sea to talk to her, and there was a conflict between the two sides' words.

   "Yaoguang actually worried too much. I was seriously injured at that time, and I was powerless to destroy the entire earth."

   "Then if you are intact, will you destroy the earth?"

"of course."


  Fang Cheng had to be thankful that Nuoya was seriously injured at that time.

  Under Yaoguang's stop, plus his own serious injury, Noah had to give up the act of destroying the earth.

  She eventually chose to die with a Star Eater who escaped from prison through the crack, and the scattered power blocked the two smaller cracks.

  The crack that has formed on the bottom of the sea is left, and neither Nuoya nor Yaoguang can close it unless the entire earth is destroyed.

  After death, Noah's soul scattered on the earth along with her body, leaving only a piece of soul fragment that could still think a little bit, wandering around the earth with the control system and power source of the spaceship.

  Although she died with the Star Devourer, she did not give up her responsibilities, but planned to choose a suitable person to inherit her power, and at the same time inherit her last wish - to destroy the earth and prevent the Star Devourers from escaping from prison.

   Thanks: book friend 20210916020023653 for the reward! (*^▽^*)



  (end of this chapter)

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