As Soon As He Became The Leader Of The Decepticons, Iron Man Came To Him

Chapter 93

91. The Laboratory Is Attacked! The Sinister And Cunning Starscream!


As one of the largest official facilities in the Lighthouse Country…

The staff here, I am afraid they will not believe in their dreams, that one day they will be robbed in their own homeland…


Today he happened…

The humming train whistle suddenly sounded from the periphery of the laboratory…

The security guard who was eating a hamburger looked curiously at the location where the voice came from…


He showed a ghostly expression!

Even the hamburger in his hand fell to the ground without realizing it!


He saw on the road in the distance, a speeding purple train, heading towards the laboratory at full speed!


In front of him, constantly zooms in!

The security personnel who came to their senses picked up the walkie-talkie in a panic!

“here is…”

But before he could finish his words, he kept the “big train” at a speed of 400 kilometers per hour, and smashed the security personnel in front of him into splattered flesh!

This tragic scene immediately made other security personnel recover from their shock!

“Warning! There is an enemy invasion!

“The other party… the other party is a big purple train!”

“He! He shapeshifting!”

“No! Don’t come!


A shrill cry rang from the walkie-talkie, and there was no further sound after that.

Realizing that something was wrong, the security personnel immediately pressed the emergency evacuation button.

A shrill alarm sounded suddenly throughout the laboratory!

Security personnel with live ammunition rushed towards the disaster site quickly, preparing to expel the intruders.


When this group of security personnel saw six engineering vehicles…

In front of them, when shapeshifting into robotic form…

Only then did they realize that the identity of this group of enemies…

shapeshifting King Kong!

They are the group of steel giants who are chaotic and twisted!

When they appeared here, they must be eyeing the research equipment in the “lab”!

Absolutely not, let them succeed again!

One after another security personnel, thinking of their responsibilities, raised their weapons and aimed at the diggers in front of them.

Just as they were about to pull the trigger…

A black “F-22” Raptor with fifty silver fighters!

Form a gorgeous giant echelon in the sky and fly towards the laboratory at full speed!

“Our people~”!”

“Our reinforcements have arrived!”

A security guard raised his hand happily, pointed to the Raptor fighter above, and said to his companions.

That’s the most advanced fighter jet in the world right now!


Fifty fighters are dispatched at a time. Such a spectacular scene is unprecedented!


They are too happy now…

In the cheers of this group of security personnel, the black Raptor fighter headed by them dived rapidly towards the bottom!

In the area less than 50 meters from the ground!

This Raptor fighter plane is rapidly shapeshifting in mid-air, shapeshifting into the appearance of a red spider!

Land in front of a group of security guards in the heroic landing posture of “smashing one knee on the ground”!


The fifty “Raptor fighters” following Starscream also completed shapeshifting in mid-air and landed on the ground one after another!

The silver elite mechanical soldier, the right arm is switched to the “energy cannon” mode!

They raised their right arms and aimed at the security personnel on the ground with weapons!

This scene…

Let the cheers at the scene come to an abrupt end…

Everyone looked up in horror, this group of Decepticon warriors fell from the sky, sluggish in place, did not dare to move!

“For the sake of Roar, as long as you are willing to leave the scene, I can spare your life. 99


“I think this laboratory, the meager salary paid to you…

“If you haven’t touched it yet, be willing to give your life for it…”

Starscream looked down at the humans below and said in a sarcastic tone.

He even used that sharp claw to pierce the ground in front of everyone.

Using his own brute force, he grabbed a piece of concrete mixed with steel bars.


In front of the security personnel, crush it hard!


The sound of a weapon falling to the ground quickly sounded…

Under Starscream’s “heart attack”, they decisively gave up their resistance.

It’s like a group of pigs in a panic, fleeing in different directions!

That embarrassingly funny look, all of a sudden, there are some indescribably funny!

This cunning Decepticon was right.

If the job is gone, you can find it again.

But life is only once!

There is no need for them to risk their own lives in order to protect the wealth of the rich!


No one would be saddened by their death except their loved ones.

“”Smart creatures…35′

Starscream admired the scene in front of him, turned around proudly, and looked at the stupid train and the digger team.

“Strategy is more useful than brute force.

“That’s why, I can be the ‘first adjutant’, but you can only obey orders. ”

Starscream carried his hands behind his back, educating the big train in front of him, as well as the digger team.

But what he got was the mockery of the “big train”.

“Starscream, you should go on patrol now!

“Serve us as Sentry (promised) and cover our mission!””

The big train let out a sincere laugh, but what it got was a stare from Starscream, and a disdainful sarcasm.

“Do you think I’m a foolhardy fool like you?”

“Things that you can think of, will I not take into account the internal system?”

“Don’t forget, I taught you the idea of ​​launching that woman into space!

Starscream sneered, reminding the big train.

at the same time…

He turned his eyes to the sky in the distance, and the smile on his face became more sinister!

Not surprisingly…

That brutal “giant ferocious” has now flown to the nearby “military base”, carrying out crazy destruction!

after all…

Just destroy the nearby military base…

Of course there is no need to worry, there will be reinforcements to stop their plans…

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