As Soon As He Became The Leader Of The Decepticons, Iron Man Came To Him

Chapter 94

92. The Mighty Power! That Woman! She’S Coming Back!

At the moment…

The closest military base to Fermilab.

The 24-hour “surveillance radar” suddenly detected a strange Flight signal that was heading towards the military base, approaching quickly!

“An unknown target has been detected and is approaching, please pay attention to the prevention and control units!

“Remind again!

“Unknown target detected, approaching, air defense units please pay attention!”

At the same time as the notification was issued, a harsh air defense siren resounded throughout the base.

ten minutes later…

When a soldier who was taking a lunch break hurriedly picked up his weapon and ran out of the barracks.

However, he saw a giant black shadow that blocked the glare of the sun.

When this group of soldiers raised their heads suspiciously, they looked at the sky.

A giant mechanical dragon, stretching its alloy dragon wings, is hovering above the military base!

Nearly 40 meters high and nearly 100 meters long, the giant ferocious man opened his terrifying mouth, and the scorching heat surged up from his body!

“hold head high–!”

In the sound of Rage’s dragon roar, the fiery flames turned into a hot wind of death and swarmed downwards!

too fast!

The flames that rushed to the ground did not let the soldiers who were gathering in the base below relax at all!

Hundreds of people closest to the flames were turned to ashes at first!

It was far away in time, and the people who hid 923 for the first time, there were also many unlucky people who were affected by the residual temperature!


“Run! My hair! My head is on!

“Help me! Someone help me put out the fire! I don’t want to die!””

The shrill screams resounded throughout the military base, and at the same time made the entire military base enter the first-level alert!

One after another, the armored vehicles came galloping from the warehouse, without hesitation, and the giant in the sky pulled the trigger!

“You monster, taste the power of human beings!

A machine gunner made a wild provocation against the “mechanical dragon” in the sky.

Each “12.7mm” warhead slid across the sky, splashing gorgeous sparks on the giant ferocious body!


But it did not leave even the slightest scratch on the body of the “gigantic ferocious”!

But their attacks are not useless!

Their means of resistance angered the “Star Race Behemoth” that even “Robot Insects” did not dare to provoke!


The giant ferocious unfolded its dragon wings, increased its speed instantly, and rushed towards the airport of the military base!

The sonic boom clouds he splashed up, at close range, blew up armored vehicles!

The machine gunner, who had been rude before, was crushed by the armored vehicle weighing more than ten tons and turned into a pool of blood.

At the airport…

The equipped “F-22” Raptor fighters have just pulled out of the hangar and have not yet had time to take off on the runway!

The monstrous one fell from the sky!

His powerful claws landed on the cockpit of the fighter plane!

The solid composite armor instantly distorted shapeshifting, and blood splashed from the cabin onto the beast’s body.

Excited his ferocity even more!

In the terrified eyes of the ground crew, this “giant ferocious” opened its dragon mouth again!

The scorching light extends from its abdomen to its neck!

Under its precise control, the extremely compressed fiery flame turns into a “cluster cutting light”!

Cut the light, wherever it goes!

A Raptor fighter plane, cut in half flatly!

The light swept through the air, and although it did not touch the ground, the scorching temperature it radiated made the fleeing lighthouse soldiers let out a piercing scream!

Their bodies were roasted almost instantly!

The disgusting smell of meat adds a touch of horror to the battlefield full of gunpowder smoke!

Boom one by one!

A shell with a caliber of “120 mm” hit the monstrous body, successfully attracting its attention.

At the moment!

The urgently assembled armored troops, led by the main battle tank, launched a death charge towards the giant!

Another continuous attack!

Hit the giant ferocious face, claws, even the chest, and abdomen!


How could a human weapon be able to injure a monster like the “gigantic ferocious”?

“Ang -! 99

The roar of the giant ferocious Rage, these shells make it ticklish, which makes it very unpleasant with its ferocious temperament!

This “steel dragon” with a body length of 100 meters and a height of about 40 meters uses four claws to run fast on the ground!

Charge against the armored group consisting of ten “M1 Main Battle Tanks”!

On one side is the “Sailing Monster”!

On one side is one of the most powerful “main battle tanks” that have been promoted to the altar by humans!

What kind of picture will the frontal collision between the two look like?


When this “giant ferocious” launched a charge, it had already caused the opponent to collapse without a fight!


The human main battle tank, in front of this “giant ferocious”, is like a fragile handicraft!


The enraged giants didn’t let them go!

The giant ferocious claws fell from the sky, directly crushing an M1 tank into a lump of scrap metal!

It turned its body, swung its thick and long steel dragon tail, and directly knocked those tanks into the air!

A series of explosions sounded in the military base!

The screams are endless…


The entire military base was occupied and turned into a sea of ​​fire!

The thick smoke rising into the sky obscures the sky…

The giant ferocious unfolded its steel dragon wings, like a purgatory dragon from hell, soaring into the sky again, sending out a roar that trembled the sky!


The siren sounded again…

After nearly five months, Wang Quan has launched an action here…

“The Director, Fermilab, and the nearby military base were attacked almost simultaneously!

“The number of casualties…cannot be counted for the time being…”

Hill informed Nick Fury of the situation at the scene.

Her face was very pale, and it was obvious that she was about to take it.

The last screen uploaded through “Military Base”.

She saw the whole picture of “Giant Ferocious” and felt the powerlessness from her heart…


Robot insects bring nightmares…

The fusion of King Kong brings shock…


The only feeling this hideous “steel dragon” gives is despair!

Its flight speed exceeds that of any supersonic fighter created by humans!

Its savage power is invincible!

Its body of steel is unbreakable!

no doubt…

This “steel dragon” must be another trump card released by Wang Quan!

Nick Fury, silent…


That man, once again violated his bottom line…

At the moment, Nick Fury, can’t bear it anymore…

He crossed his fingers, fit his nose, and propped his elbows on the table, posing the most classic shape in “a certain anime”.

An old-fashioned “Roar Machine” has been placed on the table below.

And in the open state, it is sending a “SOS signal” to the outside world!

“it’s time to…”

“Let that ‘woman’ come back…”,

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