Ascension of the Nephilim

Chapter 403 Remembering What Was Concealed

The sudden attack had already occurred when they heard the trembling sounds.

The Memory Eater Imps had already begun their assault, but no one noticed them because they were soul beings. But a massive door had appeared from the heavens. Only, through the nefarious powers of Lanthanou, he manipulated the minds of everyone.

The power of forgetfulness affected everyone, and Lanthanou made everyone 'forget' to feel pain.

The Memory Eaters were very weak. And against the powerful cultivators that served as the escort and bodyguard of the three leaders of the Highlands, the Memory Eaters used their stabs and could not easily kill these cultivators. And so, they used their advantage to keep attacking and attacking, causing the soldiers to lose blood and were weakened slowly.

But when Kyros used his powers, and the light appeared, the creatures were found. Everyone now saw these creatures and realizing they were being attacked caused them to remember how to feel the pain.

Many shouted and quickly unleashed force defenses to repel the enemies. Many with so many wounds realized how weak they were and quickly retreated.

Mechiel and Lea began to use numerous attacks on the Memory Eater Imp groups and slew them at once.

Gradius and Rachel began to give out orders.

Liathel used the power of the tree around her.

"[Healing of Land]!" She used the power of the Plant and the trees around her, and it began to glow and surge with powerful Light magic.

The many soldiers who were close to dying were healed, and the imps that were struck by the surging power began to screech in pain.

"Breveros! Tell us the most important details! You may forget the rest! Hurry!" Kyros urged as he could sense the power of memory being forcibly taken. The Memory Eaters were only a group that was meant to distract everyone while the true magic would be released.

"Rhykestorn Ever! A god appeared to our leader, Lord Impyernos, leader of the Eldrich! We were ordered to corrupt and damage the Planesworld by claiming the Midlands! Our purpose was to access the many portals connecting numerous planets and minor worlds! Our goal was to create a way for the Fallen warriors to travel! They had promised us to be the kings of the Midlands should we do that since it would allow their gods to enter! We were to find and reactivate the oldest portals created during the Heretic Wars! And... Ahhhh! I can't remember...!" Breveros began to shout as his soul began to leak out of his body.

Kyros glanced at the heavens, and a dark hand had emerged from the darkness, and the power of Oblivion surged out.

Gradius and Rachel also shouted in pain.

Their sudden pause made them easy targets as the imps charged at them, but the Commanders and Cardinals that accompanied them fought back as they were healed.

Immediately, Kyros raised towards the skies and wielded the power of light that covered his body. Two clones of light appeared and had angelic appearances. Several massive swords, each having the power of Light and Brimstone, appeared around Kyros.

"Lanthanou!" Kyros shouted in anger and hacked his sword.

"Hahaha! Your time is not now, Kyros! Our battle will happen soon! Be prepared!" The hand disappeared back into the dark door, and the door closed and disappeared.

Kyros was too late, and his sword slash reached nothing.

p As Kyros looked around, his rage grew as he saw the battle raging around them.

"....Lord Kyros..." A faint voice was heard.

"That... Oblivion! Hems! I forgot about him!" Kyros quickly moved and flew towards the Walls that Endured.

The rest continued to fight, but Kyros was worried that his ally was fighting on the other side.

"Lord Kyros... Are you there? A strange attack has been made! A huge army of Dark imps appeared, and most of our forces except the elves couldn't see them! We fought for a bit and easily killed them all."

But despite hearing this news, Kyros was worried. Once more, they had been ambushed, and people could have died even when Kyros was there! He had grown so much stronger since their last battle, and yet, the enemy was able to outwit them!

He knew that things would never be too easy and that while the army won, there would be something that they had forgotten.

Kyros charged towards where the Walls that Endured. He suddenly lost his thoughts.

"What's going on...? Why did I feel that I could quickly move towards where Hems is?!" Kyros frowned as he continued to ponder why he had this feeling.

"Calaminus! Was there a way to make us travel so swiftly towards where Hem was?" Kyros asked.

"I... Don't remember. If there was, Lanthanou must have taken that memory from us."

"You don't have a way to remember? You are still a god after all."

"I used to be a god, Kyros. Now only a fraction of my powers remain. I would have been able to recall if I had the means to defend against it. But Kyros, you have that means! You are a god and a fallen after all!" Calaminus urged. He could feel Kyros panic which was very unusual for him. Ever since his rebirth, he never had experienced this.

"So Lanthanou is this strong, huh...?" Calaminus began to feel worried.

"His powers are enough for us to fail this mission. We don't understand the power that he has and the rules of forgetfulness. Why didn't he just make us forget that we could breathe? What are the limitations of his power?" Kyros began to list down his questions from the two battles he fought against Lanthanou.

"Erm... I can't even remember your first battle! I have no memory of it all!" Calaminus began to panic.

"What?! You couldn't remember?!" Kyros panicked as well.

"Yeah... All I remember was Time Stopping you!"

Finally, Kyros remembered.

"... Calaminus."


"You don't have memory of my first battle against Lanthanou because you weren't there! You were outside as the battle happened in the void!"

"...Oh! Right! We... That made me worried."

"But I can't blame you idiot comment this time. Because of his power, I can't rely on my memory anymore."



Codeword stated. Replaying video.


A strange alert popped up on Kyros's notification.

A vision of Kyros appeared.

"Dear future Kyros. If you are reading this, then you must have fought Lanthanou again. If so, he must have robbed you of your memories, and you uttered 'I can't rely on my memory' or other variations of that phrase that triggered this recording. To combat Lanthanou, you have developed an ingenious system based on Calaminus rants about programming. Introducing the Log Files!"

"Log files?" Both Kyros and Calaminus repeated together.

"You sealed the memory of the log files because you are Mysterion. In truth, your battle against Lanthanou gave you a deeper understanding of Mysterion. You have already awakened your code. But you made yourself forget it!"

"I made myself forget it?" Kyros was amazed.

"You can't forget something if you've already forgotten it." The recording of Kyros then pointed to his temple like a wise, dark man full of wisdom and life hacks.

"Accessing the log files requires you to remember. So all you have to do is awaken Mysterion again!"

"What?!" Calaminus was confused.

"Awaken Mysterion again? It's already difficult and impossible to figure out a Code or Corruption! Much more, forget it and remember it again! How long did it take you to figure out Mysterion? You expect yourself to remember your Code easily?!"

"...Done." Kyros opened his eyes, found the log files, and began reading them.


Calaminus can't even.

Kyros found the mysterious log file and read through it, and reached the line which made him remember.


Kyros headed towards the warp pad leading to Westeron Kingdom.


Kyros quickly remembered everything and felt his head begin to throb in pain.

But Kyros ignored it and journeyed towards the warp pad to check on Hems.

Kyros wrote on his hand the word Warp Pad with his sword.

"Why not just write it down?" Calaminus asked.

"No. I remembered everything. I already figured out the power of Lanthanou when we first fought and got connected. But I never told everyone. You also knew about it, but as you are bonded with me, both our memories were sealed when I used Mysterion. This was also why Lanthanou made everyone forget pain earlier. His powers can only make people forget a certain number of things at a time. There are many factors that will prevent him from making someone forget. The more things there are to make the person remember, the harder it is to make him forget. If I wrote warp pad with simple writing, I would forget to look at this!"

"But if you wounded yourself, the pain would remind you of it..." Calaminus understood.

"Exactly. He's learning... This is bad."

"What do you mean he is learning?" Calaminus asked.

"Based on the logs, Lanthanou has already attacked us twice before!" Kyros revealed.

"What?! When?" Calaminus was amazed.

"I don't know. We already forgot those two times!"

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