Ascension of the Nephilim

Chapter 404 Remembering The Plan

When Kyros recovered his memory, he stopped pressing toward Hems and moved back to Mechiel and the rest of the team.

Calaminus was shocked that there already had been two other clashes with Lanthanou other than those he remembered.

"What does the log say?" Calaminus asked Kyros. Only Kyros the log files of his activities because it was concealed in the power of Mysterion.

"It just says we fought. Based on that, we might have fought an enemy and instantly forgot about this. On several occasions, we almost forgot about the power of these Warp Pads that connected themselves to the Highlands. Specifically, the Warp pad connects us to the Walls that Endured. In both cases, he tried to make us forget, but we kept remembering. It must have been two occasions where I activated Mysterion and managed to unseal my memories. But his attack this time is different."


"The previous two attacks made us forget that the battle happened. This one made us remember the battle. Lanthanou is changing his tactics. He is clearly like Histerion. He cannot pour in his true form at will. His first defeat gave him a major setback. But now, he made another battle and involved Memory Eaters. It's bad, but it's also good."

"He's getting desperate to find out how you keep remembering!" Calaminus realized it.

"Yes. He took away our pain and used Memory Eaters instead. It probably didn't kill much, and those killed weren't forgotten. But he was trying to steal away our memory of using the portal to seal the two connecting areas of our armies. The Midlands is now well-guarded, and with the elves who are blessed with eyes that can harness light and life energy in their eyes, it will be difficult to attack or harm them."

"So that's why you're heading back. Hems and the army is in no immediate danger?"

"Yes. But it's not as peaceful as we think. With the power of Lnathanou and Histerion working together, what do you think happened to those killed?"

"...They were forgotten?"

"Yes. I estimate that I probably already lost close to a quarter of the armies I rescued and gathered, who resisted and survived the many battles."

"A quarter of the army?! Then that's...! Wait... How much do we have now? I can't remember the exact number!"

"Don't bother trying to remember the correct number of the army we have now. It's pointless! We've already forgotten the full amount of soldiers we've recruited. What we remember now, or even if we count them all, that number is not the original number of men we had! When we kept gathering more and more forces from the surviving kingdoms, that number had decreased during the two attacks that we don't remember!"

"Sounds scary. We're losing men and we don't remember it! What are you going to do now?"

"I'm going to pretend that Lanthanou's plan worked! I'll pretend that I forgot to use the portal!" Kyros chuckled.

"Then you will march an army towards the Western Midlands?"

"Yes! But this won't be a march. Instead, we will be launching our entire army! Histerion will ambush me on my way back to the Midlands. We will fight him there, but the Highlands' main army will march towards the Omega Kingdom! We will be forcing the final battle now!"


"This was the plan I made right after we fought Lanthanou! The final battle will be pushed immediately! Once I acquire the Celestial Code, it will force Lanthanou to fight!"


"Because I will remember!"

"Remember what? You already remember everything!"

"Yes. I died and was brought back to that world. Chaos occurred, and the Brimstone Beast appeared. All souls destined by Fate and Destiny were also recalled in time as everything was tossed into the Unrecorded Pages. Those that survived here were those who are not people of Fate, Destiny, or those born after the time where you turned time into. But why do I feel that the Celestial Code still exists here?"


"Because that which remained here wasn't just the Celestial Code! It had Mysterion in it!"

"Mysterion?! You mean the Celestial Code was hidden?"

"Yes! That's why it was in the Omega Kingdom! And not only that, someone in the Omega Kingdom took the Celestial Code as his own and fought to the bitter end. But when he died, the Celestial Code was hidden once more! It will be the memory of another person! Who do you think in the Omega Kingdom would most likely get his hands on the Celestial Code?"

"Either a strong servant of the undead armies or an Eldrich like Breveros who took command."

"Yes! I will remember a lot, which will harm and anger Lanthanou!"

"How can that anger hurt Lanthanou?"

"I don't know."

"You don't know?"

"At least for now! I already figured it out, but I had to seal it! So I can't remember it yet. And what's interesting is that I can't figure it out even with my intelligence! So I must be using Mysterion to hide my thoughts of a certain element that assures Lanthanous's appearance in that battle. But that's the plan. I am confident that this plan will work."

"Well, that's great. You've been panicking quite a lot, fitting Lanthanou."

"He is the strongest enemy we have faced so far. But panic is necessary. It has to look real. So I will be sealing myself, for now, to forget this whole plan and charge off recklessly to Hems."

"Wait. If you seal your memory now, how will you tell the Highlands to attack the Omega Kingdom?"

"I won't. Calaminus. You have an important role in this plot."

,m "Me?"

"Yes! The power of Lanthanou in which he allows us to forget things has a weakness!"

"It has?"

"He can only make people forget something that he knows!"

"That he knows? He's a Fallen who is as powerful as Histerion! He knows everything!"

"Yes. Everything in this universe! Lanthanou only knows everything within this universe! But you have knowledge that exists beyond it!"

"So my incredibly inessential knowledge of Final Fantasy VIII's junction system will finally be of use, huh?"

"No. That's not it." Kyros shook his head.

"My knowledge of One Piece and the theory of its connection to the Japanese myth of the blue and red oni from the story, the Red Oni Who Cried? Just like that story, the Blue oni pretends to be something else so that the red oni will be accepted and celebrated, and they represent Red-Haired Shanks and Blue-Haired Buggy. And that Buggy, being the blue-haired one, secretly implies that Buggy had always had greater importance in One Piece since the Blue Oni is usually the stronger and is the cunning Oni in Japanese myths?"

"Wrong. But that's a rather interesting perspective... Toriko had Blue and Red Onis in him, and the Blue was the stronger one... A-Anyway. That's not it." Kyros shook his head to get back on the matter at hand.

"My knowledge of Lord of the Rings?"



"It'll be your knowledge that will cause Listrel to lead the attack to the Midlands!" Kyros raised his finger, and a small green seed appeared.

"Listrel now has the power of the plant. Using the power of the Dryad, I sealed the orders in this seed with Mysterion. It will grow in Listrel and sprout when the time comes, and the knowledge of what to do will reveal itself, and you will tell her what to do."

"Are you sure?"

"Yes. My plan is pretty awesome. I'll use Mysterion now. I'll be back to my nervous self and now lead a desperate attack to the Midlands while Listrel meditates. Because of this, I will naturally leave your Time Core to her so that you could use Time magic to help her grow stronger quickly." Kyros explained the plan.

"Why are you explaining it to me if I will still forget?"

"... I just thought you wanted to know... In any case... Let's do it!" Kyros used his powers, and Mysterion concealed their memories.

Kyros saw himself running back.

"Damn it! That Lanthanou did it again!" Kyros rushed faster as he suddenly lost his presence and attention to what he was doing.

"What happened? Where are we?" Calaminus also panicked.

"We must hurry! We have to get to Listrel! You help her harmonize the Code of Plants! I have no choice! I have to lead an army to save Hems! We don't know what Lanthanou has made his army forget!" Kyros flew at his maximum speed.

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