Ascension of the Nephilim

Chapter 463 Conquering A Conqueror

A Commander Mage trembled in pain as he glanced at his enemy. But he was confused as to why he was not killed yet.

"Your patron isn't as innocent as he claims to be. And you know this. With the current revelation, it's only a matter of time before your allegiance will be revealed." A dark assassin wielding long blades of blood laughed.

The Mage Commander and his three Champions were easily routed by the strange ability of the man.

"You are headed towards that region to retreat. But my allies are already on their way to that place. You have a choice... Be massacred with your allies and your secret Eldrich leader, or serve us." The Assassin laughed as he kept stabbing the sword down on a Captain.

"I don't serve an Eldrich?"

"Menks was a Necromancer. We killed him. You had dealings with him, didn't you? You've been trading with him and he was your secret source of the Mazeline Ores. We tortured him until he revealed everything." The man sneered.

"Menks was a Necromancer?!" The Mage Commander exclaimed.

"Yes. We all know of your leader. Trust me, you serve n Eldrich. So why not, serve us?" The assassin laughed.

"And serve another dark lord? Why should we?!" A Champion challenged.

"The Eldrich will invoke the wrath of the Highlands. A vampire, won't! There are vampires here, after all. But you see, our master is taking advantage of the Highland's hate for the Eldrich. No doubt, you have heard the chaos that occurs in the Netherlands of how civil war has occurred! The Eldrich is trying to claim the lands and the Grendelors are in a state of turmoil. And now, they are even here. Our master just needs to kill one Eldrich, and he can freely serve in the Midlands. If you refuse, then I won't even need to kill you. I'll just be on my way and let this region kill you for being a traitor!" The Assassin laughed.

"...Where is your master?"

"We are recruiting. There is a mansion at the crossroads between the Jourgen Road and the Tangerress Highway. At the crossroads of this place, you will find the devil's offer." The assassin laughed as he slashed out and tore open a portal!


"Space magic!" The Commander exclaimed as he saw the man disappear.

"Commander... Who was that?!"

"I don't know... he must not be of this place. But it might be related to that incident. The mysterious castle that appeared and vanished."

"But... I thought Commander Tyrs killed that vampire!"

"He probably said that to gain a reputation! But I think Commander Tyrs now serves that vampire! Why has he been doing his reckless actions?! He even abandoned his family claiming there were traitors within!"

"What do we do now? The offer of this vampire... is quite tempting." Another Champion sighed.

"Our gains are dwindling if we stick with our current allies. That assassin was right. We will soon be hunted down. Our crimes towards the many kingdoms won't be forgiven. I say... we join him!" The Commander exclaimed.

The Champions all nodded.

Meanwhile, Emperor Assassin teleported out to the basement of a certain house.

"Strongholgen! You're already here?!" Benjie Boy exclaimed.

"It was easy. Those mercenary dwarves will do anything for gain or power. I showed them dark artificer legacy, and the possibilities to do water and earth, and they all wanted to meet my leader. Their arrogance and pride was their undoing."

"You mean... Peak Cardinal Earthbright Centrion, the Dwarven master of Cardinal blacksmiths will be in attendance?!"

"Yes! I have a bone to pick with him. They are confident. Earthbright Centrion is one of those Cardinals with the horrifying might to make Crowns retreat. No Crown would dare enrage him! They will arrogantly enter and try to take things from our master! They think they can kill our master and his legacy! Hahaha! What fools."

"This will be quite a battle. Still, our master is a bit demented. He wants to kill another group of cultivators for his blood pool in preparation for bringing down a kingdom. I'm an assassin, but the amount of people he wants to kill in these two weeks surpasses what I did in my lifetime!"

"You enjoy it, don't you?"

"Of course! Have you not heard? The Lowlands are birthing powerful warriors. A famed swordsman who halved an orc fortress has appeared! And there were several powerful knights, archers, and other rising skilled fighters. It is said that these people are equal to Cardinals now! My master's path will cause me to meet powerful fighters. And I thought my days of slaying are gone!" Benjie Boy laughed.

"Odd. The rumors of your deposition speak of your righteousness. But hearing you say this makes it sound like you love killing."

"I do love killing. And yes, my morality is directed. I only kill evil-doers and set up my assassination organization to kill them. Hence, they betrayed me. Gold and power change an organization. So I'm thankful that our master is a being of terrifying darkness but guided with a great amount of righteousness."

"I wouldn't really call it righteousness. But I understand your point. Beginning and End. One wishes for Eternity, the other, Eternal Darkness..."

"Let's go. The earlier we finish our last mission, the better. Besides, this last one is rather troublesome. If not for our Master's power, we wouldn't survive leaving the nest of this one."

"Cyclops Cardinal Barakan Doragan. We will be soon hosting a Cardinal and a Crown and were supposed to kill all of them..."

"We have yet to see Luigi and the Hydra fight. Although Master Nightwing we would be fighting a battle where we could die, it's assumed that our side will win. Just try to stay alive, Meister!"

As the two continued to send out an invitation to meet at the mansion, Nightwing, Luigi, and the Hydra were at work preparing the guest for another feast.

The entire Fortressvania was now a mansion of respectable size. And it was being modified by Hyrda and Luigi to include more rooms. The entire mansion was becoming a living being that could now alter and grow thanks to the dead.

Angelian was together with Nightwing who was standing in the midst of a pool of blood. He was using the blood to create powerful weapons. Nightwing was busy reworking the sword of Angelian. She had a Commander-Grade sword from her father. But now, it was being transformed into a weapon of blood.

"That sword will directly supply you with blood. Its grinding abilities also allow it to eat flesh and it's similar to having you eat it. Your draconian bloodline has awakened so your power of devouring has gotten stronger." Nightwing handed the sword which was now complete.

"...Lord Nightwing. I have to ask... why is your power so compatible with that of dragons? I know you bestowed your bloodline to me, and I feel... amazing."

"Apart from the Fanged and the Charmed Fallen, apparently, I have the blessings of Tyrannos. The First Undivine."

"Tyrannos? Is that a Fallen? Or an Ancient?"

"Neither. The First Undivine is the first Heretic. You could say, he is the father of all Serpent races, including the Hydra and the dragons. He is also the first being to ever murder someone. Well, to be more specific, he devoured a God. And with it, the concept that we know as eating was born. Originally, the gods and fallen acquire power through Light or Darkness. This energy seeps in. But Tyrannos found the first way of acquiring energy in a whole newer form. He ate his fill and got the power of a god. The Fanged Fallen tried to copy this and drank blood. But in terms of superiority, Tyrannos's powers rank higher."

Angelian was amazed at what she heard.

"Lord Nightwing... I did see a dragon in my dreams. It was... a strange Thane Dragon. But it also felt like a Wyrm."

"Ah. That one. I've been trying to divine its name. It's not Tyrannos. I feel that he's name is... Puff. Or Dorothy."


"I know, right?" Nightwing sighed.

"Regardless of what its name is, that dragon ought to be an offspring of another heretic dragon god. The power of the Defender Dragon should be stronger, but this heretic dragon god allowed you to have a closer step into completing the heritage of the Defender Dragon."

"Then this dragon must have been your ally!"

"No... It's connected to me through another means. It's like this dragon is the subordinate of one of my followers. Regardless, the reason why I am letting Benjie Boy and Strongholgen gather more people to be offered here is that I plan to awaken this power. The power of Tyrannos who taunts, who enrages, who devours must be awakened if I plan to face destroy the kingdoms here. After all, in Tyrs's kingdom, a Conqueror lies there in silence. That's why I am inviting Cardinals to this feast. And after this... we will be hunting Crowns!"

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