Ascension of the Nephilim

Chapter 464 Conquering Lust

In a large desert within the eastern Midland regions...


"How feisty of you..." A thin man continued to evade the massive Force Boulders that were being flung at him. The size was large that the terrain itself began to change from the angry fit of the beasts.

A massive force of energy that took shape and slowly became rocks was hurled at the man.

"Meister?" The man asked.

"Leave it to me!" Strongholgen charged in and revealed a bloody-red hammer which he smashed down onto the incoming hill.

"Force Devourer!" Strongholgen smashed a powerful hammer on the incoming Force Boulder.


The boulder was thrown down and the Force energy began to disperse as the core of the spell was attacked.

A giant appeared and he had only one eye.

"Meister Strongholgen? Together with the Emperor Assassin? This is quite... a development!" The giant laughed.

Several other cyclops which were a few meters shorter than the giant cyclops appeared to the side.

"Impressive. A hammer forged to devour force and magic! Extraordinary. It makes you a powerful force that can break through the strongest defense. Even now, your Commander power can contend with my Cardinal might." The Cyclops laughed.

"All is a gift from our new lord. You cyclops have been approached by many necromancers. My master had already slain one of them. Xeretek Menks had met with you. I believe you knew his identity as well?"

"Ah? Is this the same one serving Eldrich? I have no interest. Do you think the power of this region will collapse so easily? You underestimate the Midlands! Cardinals like me may be king of the hills in this region, but there are many mountains and kingdoms that must be torn down."

"Our master is a Crown. And now, he has another Crown serving under him. You know my organization has Commander-level assassins. But we specialize in killing Cardinals with our special assassination tricks. But now, my power has grown and I can openly challenge you. Anyway, I've already given the invitation. You and your kind need to hide somewhere with all the revelation in this kingdom. Are not your many hidden sins revealed? Our master controls Hydra and other monstrous beasts. He is the perfect person to ally with. The outcasts of giants, the cyclops, will be treated with respect!"

"I am not interested. But since you have stayed here, why not stay a while, and be our guests for dinner!" The cyclops laughed as he harnessed another massive boulder, far stronger than the last.

"Alright... Meister, I guess we'll have to give the Gigantes Legacy to someone else. Let's try the giant race up north."

"Gigantes Race?!" The cyclops cardinal suddenly stopped gathering the force energy.

But in that pause, Benjie Boy opened a portal and the two jumped in and disappeared.

"Time/Space magic?! That was long-range teleportation!" The cyclops cardinal exclaimed.

The rest of the cyclops watched and couldn't understand what had happened. Only a few had intellect equal to humans. Most of those in the Champion level had low-leveled intellect. Only those who were sons of Cyclops Cardinal Barakan Doragan had a great intellect that was on par with humans.

"Lord Cardinal... What do we do?" A Cyclops asked.

"That bastard! He tricked us!"

"Is it true, father? The Gigantes Race?" A Commander son of the Cardinal asked.

"...We cannot be sure. No Gigantes remain and their legacy is near-impossible to acquire. But... We cannot let the giants claim it! We have to go! Where is that letter he gave?" Barakan asked.

As the pair made their adventures to deliver their letters, Nightwing and Angelian were also traveling toward the Black Bog Kingdom.

It was called a kingdom, but no king ruled over it. It was the land of exiles and outcasts. Those with great crimes flee for a life in the bog lands.

A flying ship continued to sell over the black bog land. Inside it was a crew of lawless brigands.

"We're near the Black Bog! We are safe. No forces will dare march at the gates of these lands!" An old man laughed.

Among him were races of many kinds. Orcs, dark elves, Arthropodians, and Goblins were among the group.

Leading them was three powerful Commander-level humans. They were the strongest Commanders on the team.

The old man glanced back and sighed.

"That wretched Commander Tyrs!" He gnashed his teeth. His entire operation was revealed and he was quickly turned into a traitor. The rest were also outlaws due to the many revelations that shook the region.

"HELP!" Suddenly, a cry was heard and everyone turned their attention above them.

The bog lands were now full of mists, but a figure with wings could be seen flying with all her might.

It was a bloodied woman who had his wings nearly torn.

"A Feather Folk?" An Orc magi asked.

"Feather Folks in this region? It looks like it's fleeing from something!"

"High Commander level. Then something of a Cardinal race is chasing after it." A beautifully, monstrous woman that had many spider-like spines at her back spoke. She was an Arthropodian race and had regiments and parts like that of a woman.

"What do we do?" One of the Commanders asked the old man.

"Ignore her... We already have our own troubles." The old man shouted.

The flying woman dove closer to the bottom and cried out again. But this time, her appearance was revealed.

A woman of peerless beauty was shown and all the men, regardless of race, were startled at the beauty.

"Help me! Please! I will give my life to my savior! All that I am, will be his!" The woman pleaded.

"I'll save you!" A Champion Orc shouted.

"A mere you?! Ha! My angel, I will aid you!" The Orc magi laughed.

"It's coming! Please! Hide me!" The woman pleaded and dove down.

"Wait! Why are you all agreeing?!" The enraged spider-woman cursed.

"Men..." Another Champion sighed as she watched the beautiful being land. But as she landed, even she couldn't help but marvel at the beauty of the woman.

"The woman stumbled down as more and more blood dropped on the deck of the flying ship. The woman collapsed as all her strength was spent.

"He's... coming! Be careful! His cultivation is at the peak Commander stage! But his powers can easily reach Cardinal!"

As she spoke, everyone could see a massive dark ball of energy devouring the fog around the bog lands. Terrifying energy equal to that of a Cardinal was shown.

Below the ball was a dark vampire who flew with great speed. He had no wings and seemed to be floating. But there was a strange elegance in his stance and glanced at the group.

"You lot! This is a private matter. Let the Feather folk go, and all of you will not die!" The vampire shouted.

"No!" The men shouted in unison.

"Hmph! You will all die for the stupid reason of not being able to conquer your lust!"

"Wait!" The spider-woman called out.

"Master Vampire! I wish to be spared!"

"Then hand me that woman!"

"Sister! If you hand her over, I will kill you myself!" A spider-like man raged.

The spider woman cursed.

"You stupid men! This woman is not worth your life!" The champion woman also shouted.

"Prepare to die!"

"Force and Magic Shield Formation! Our enemy isn't a Cardinal yet! We can resist this!" The old man led the way as he stood at the forefront.

"Diamond Defense!" He placed a large staff on a certain part of the ship which then activated an energy formation circle.

Everyone quickly moved to position and released their power.

But the vampire frowned and harnessed more energy.

"[Star Flare]!" The Vampire shouted and the dark energy began to explode with fire, lightning, and entropy.

The shocking surge of energy made everyone worry.

"Damn you, men!" The spider-lady cursed as she saw it.

But suddenly, she then saw an apparition of the vampire standing close to her. A surge of demonic lust fueled her as she suddenly felt ecstasy.

"That's not a vampire...! That's an Incubus!" She wanted to shout but it was too late. She was driven mad in lust.

"Kill for me... And I shall grant you... one kiss!" The vampire laughed.

Suddenly, the spider-lady saw the vision disappear. Everyone was moving as if they had not seen the form of the vampire before her.

"You stupid vampire! This ship can block the attacks of a peak Cardinal! Your current powers are not enough!" The old man laughed as he activated the energy and used everyone in their formation.

A strange pyramid-shaped purple force field enveloped the entire ship.

"Hahahaha! Let's see you break-! Hey! The formation is missing! Stop!"


Suddenly, the champion woman slew her companion!


The spines of the spider stabbed out and killed many other men!

"No! What are you doing?!"

"Sorry! Just like you... I'm giving into my lust!" The spider lady laughed.

"Die!" The old man raged and revealed another scepter and aimed to kill the woman.


The old man could suddenly see the sky and the ship, and his headless body of his. And finally, he saw the feathered folk that they saved holding a sword of blood red.

The shield that protected the ship instantly disappeared and the vampire shot out its attack.


Suddenly a sword stabbed another commander who was about to defend himself from the enemies inside the ship. The vampire dispersed the black energy and laughed as blood-like vines burst out of the sword and slew the men nearby.

The head of the old man still had some life in him. He wasn't just a mage, he was dark-dependent undead! He saw the vampire land on the ship.

"Your right. My magic can't penetrate through your shield and I would be forced to use stronger ones. That's why I had people disable your formation from within." The vampire laughed as he used force energy to pull the old man's head and bit on its face.


In a dark cave deep underground the Uninvolved Lands, an Eldrich saw the vision of the old man.

"Who was that vampire?" The Eldrich cursed.

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