Ascension of the Nephilim

Chapter 469 Conquering Bandits

The borders of the Black Bog Kingdom were a massive mountain range that covered the entire area. There were four main entrances into the Black Bog Kingdom, but Nightwing had brought their ship to a part of the wall that stood far away from the rest.

Krysta kept on insisting for the group turn back, but Nightwing paid no heed to her.

"We're all going to die!" Krysta shouted.

Even Christopher looked afraid as he glanced in the direction back of the mountain regions.

"Don't be scared." Nightwing encouraged.

"But... Uncle Nightwing... The monster in that land... is scary. It killed... everyone. My sister is right. We should be escaping this place."

"I know. I've seen the memories and in the time of your memory to today, I estimate that it's even more powerful now given that it has fed for hundreds of years. I saw what your sister saw. That being could even threaten the Highlands! But, dear Christopher... I'm an even more terrifying monster than what is in there."

"You don't seem... that scary, uncle."

"Well, singing all those songs takes the danger away from me. But it'll be more fun when I get serious. Besides, we won't be the only ones moving in there."

"Are you certain, master? I have no learned information of any operation headed here. And my network is quite vast." Sherah spoke.

"I also do not know of it."

"Of course. Not even the men here, or Menks knew about this. I believe that most of those who will enter this place will be from the Black Bog Kingdom itself."

"You mean, it's a secret from within?"

"Yes. There is a reason why this Fallen Spawn decided to release powerful magic to aid these lands and create a lawless state. Angelian will know from first-hand experience, that the powerful dark dependent are not so generous."

"...I have met a very generous dark lord, my lord." Angelian smiled.

"Ah... But those that died won't agree. You just happen to be on our side."

"If I wasn't... would you have killed me?"

"Hmmm... Perhaps, I'd have my way with you until those two kill you."

"Then it makes me wish I was your enemy." Angelian chuckled as she approached and embraced Nightwing.

The other two women frowned and moved and clung on to Nightwing on the other side.

Krysta pulled Christopher back to cover his eyes.

"Hm? Enemies." Angelian frowned as she turned to the side.

Suddenly, several flying ships appeared.

"That ship! It's quite a powerful one! Magical shield! That's got to be worth a fortune!" The voice of a sinister raspy man could be heard.



Nightwing activated his blood magic which used the built-in energy formation circle and created a shield. The shield resisted the attacks.

"Oh? That spell should be at Commander level. They should also have magic spells that would reach Cardinal." Nightwing was amused.

"Activate the [Void Traversing Trap]!" One of the voices was heard.

"It's them!" Sherah frowned as he heard the order.

A strange magic occurred and the entire area was changed into a strange darkness.

The landscape changed and all there was a dark plane and several ships at a distance. The bog lands and the many trees and swamps around the area disappeared.

"A dimensional magic?"

"No. It's illusionary magic. We're moving in circles and they are at the edge of it. It will appear as if we are traveling endlessly into this void world, but in reality, we are moving around their trap. Sherah, who are they?" Nightwing asked Sherah. The memories he has absorbed had very few memories of the Black Bog Kingdom.

"This should be the famous bandit group, the Body Snatchers. Famous for their kidnapping exploits and ship raids. They kidnap all sorts of groups and while they hunt here, they have been known to terrorize all the Midlands if they find a client or sponsor. I heard they once took over an entire village and offered every single one of them to an unknown buyer."


"Good! Then eating them won't be a problem for all my beloved girls here. Angelian? Monica? Krysta?"

"I'm not one of your girls!"

"It would be my pleasure to see this corrupt band die! They've taken one of my friends!" Monica declared.

"Oh? Then I guess we'll kill them all. Are any beautiful women on board? And by beautiful, I mean equal to any one of you four. Anyone less, I will have no interest." Nightwing smiled.

Krysta had a disgusted look at Nightwing's statements.

"There are women. But none as beautiful as these three." Sherah glanced down as if ashamed.

"Oh? My women should not look down on themselves. Sherah. You survived because I found you beautiful." Nightwing approached and held Sherah's chin up.

"But... I'm an Arthropodian. Master's form is closer to humans."

"So? That doesn't mean I don't find your form seductive." Nightwing leaned down.

A strange magic covered Christopher in darkness as Nightwing leaned down and he was hidden from the expressions and sounds that Sherah let out.

A hot, searing kiss landed on Sherah's neck and it was as if a hot brand was made on her.

"Ma-Master...!" Sherah fell to her knees weak from the pangs of pleasure that radiated from her neck.

"We can't let the kids see the adults have fun."

"Master... Please! Me too." Monica pleaded. And Angelian approached.

"Those who kill the most win. Monica. Since you are the weakest, kill a Commander and I will reward you. You are my woman, but you are also my warriors in this battle. So you all have to get stronger. Krysta. Regardless of your state now, these men are people who have committed grave crimes even greater than what I have done since my awakening. Will you fight?"

"...I will fight them as a Quick Blade Magi. But they have ships moving out. How can we board them?"

"Leave that to me. I will tear open a portal and you can jump into one of those ships. Monica. You go with Krysta. One of those ships has a Commander. Angelian... Sherah. I'm sure you can manage to reach those other ships?"

Both nodded and their forms began to change.

"I'll deal with that ship with a Cardinal."

"Good. I'll distract them and target their main ship with that Dark Elf Cardinal. The moment I move, all eyes will be on me. I'll have to borrow your talisman for that." Nightwing raised his arm and the Talisman flew towards Nightwing.

Krysta didn't resist and allowed the Talisman to get to Nightwing.

"Use that window to move in the portals I will create."

"Portals? Master, you also know the power that Luigi has?" Angelian asked.

"Yes. I have a Time Core based on a clone of his. It's not as strong, but it can allow me to perform these mundane powers. Because of this illusory world, I think I can go all out." Nightwing smiled and dark, bloody wings spread out.

The terrifying power also spread out. Krysta and Christopher could feel the malevolent evil of the darkness that enveloped his wings.

The form of Nightwing was no longer that of a vampire, but he had scales of blood forming around him giving him the form of a Thane Dragon.

"Thane dragon form?!"

"Your blood gave me quite a boost, Angelian. But of course, you also benefited from mine. Don't destroy their ships. We'll commandeer them." Nightwing zoomed out and pierced through the magic shield.


Sonic booms were heard as the power of a Cardinal flew out with great speed.

"Cardinal! They have a Cardinal! Defend!" The dark elf called out and wielded his power to create a massive scepter made of ice.

The gigantic scepter swung down but Nightwing didn't retreat.


The scepter was broken down by pure force and the Dark elf suffered a magical backlash as his crafted magic weapon was destroyed.

Nightwing sped forward as the magic shield of the ship appeared.


The ship was thrown off but the shield managed to defend against the attack.

"Gather your magic! Shoot that damned thing out of the sky!" The Cardinal shouted as blood dripped off his mouth and everyone assumed the formation and prepared the ship's weapon to shoot.


Two powerful attacks were sent out and struck Nightwing who created a blood shield.

But the shields were too weak to resist the harnessed power of the ship.


But at that moment, Nightwing stood right in the middle of the ship.

"What a powerful Talisman!" Nightwing laughed as his blood weapons began to drain the blood of the Cardinal and Commander he attacked.

At that moment, explosions rang out on the other ships.

Angelian flew and dove down another ship killing a Commander and she charged off to kill more.

The beauty of Angelian made the warriors stunned as their reaction speed dropped at the sight of such divine beauty.

The sudden appearance of the ladies on each ship at that critical moment led to the deaths of the strongest members of each ship at once.

Monica unleashed all her might to kill the Commander at once.


Sherah morphed her spider form and increased the strength of her legs and jumped the distance with great speed.

The Commander on the ship reacted too late and the force of the Hive Queen smashed into him.

Monica and Sherah were both stunned at the increase of power from the blood that was fed to them. The death energy in their body had grown immense and even their normal attacks were releasing dark energy. Even more amazing was that their cultivation level increased as Nightwing bestowed on them enough energy to help them scale their levels!

Sensing the increase of their power, they could hear Nightwing's whisper.

"My women will be strong. I will see to it. Serve me and you will have power and strength!"

"Yes, master!" The two shouted as they fought.

Krysta created numerous magical swords that swung with great speed as she tried to keep up with the reckless, yet powerful charge of Monica.

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