Ascension of the Nephilim

Chapter 470 Conquering Hell

Around the massive mountain range that covered the Black Bog Kingdom, a certain cave had mysteriously appeared. With the endless bogs covering the place, and the magic guarding it, the cave that appeared was nearly impossible to find even by those who lived inside the Black Bog Kingdom. But a sign from the heavens that could only be analyzed by those who carried with them the secret of the land.

Several powerful families and orders that lived inside the Black Bog Kingdom gathered near the opening and awaited the sign from the heavens to officially mark its opening. There were even fleets of flying ships from certain kingdoms outside of the Black Bog Kingdom also gathered and brought out an armada of flying vessels.

But as they all arrived, no one spoke a word at each other but patiently waited.

Suddenly, a group of ships began to move behind them.

The flags it raised were that of the Body Snatchers.

Five ships arrived and had several people on board each ship and at the very center of it was a ship coated in various powerful energy formation circles. It was a ship that would have made it among the most expensive ships around them.

Five ships moved in and sought their place among the many ships present.

"Since when did the Body Snatchers gain access to the secret knowledge of this land?" A voice called out and a dark man with numerous green moss growing around him.

"Tree Morph Druid. This place is too dark for you to see the sunlight. Might I suggest you find some sunshine?" The leader of the Body Snatchers laughed as he moved out.

"Ettos! Why are you here?" The druid frowned.

"We found ourselves a great client. It seems that there is a party here."

"You fool. You will only die if you move inside this cave! I will treat our former trades and dealings to give you a sincere warning. Do not go inside! A magic barrier exists and only those who have the key can move inside!"

As the two continued to talk, Nightwing and his allies were inside the room of the main ship.

"Luckily, we already have that key. Don't we, Krysta?" Nightwing chuckled.

"I won't use it and bring us in there!" Krysta glared at Nightwing.

"Sister... We should do it. We should help them." Christopher urged.

"Why?" Krysta frowned.

"He's strong. They are all strong. And they are right. We are gone. Those people they interrogated didn't even know of our kingdom! This is not our time. And sister... He has been quite good to us. He obviously likes you. But he isn't even forcing himself on you." Christopher pleaded.

"...Can you help me enact my revenge?" Krysta asked.

"Your desire for revenge overlaps with my desire to kill him. You see, that Fallen Spawn is perfect to continue my disguise. Its identity is crucial to me. its memories and heritage will be my perfect cover. When we would meet these Eldrich, I can now willingly offer to have them read and study my memories! My identity will be perfect for infiltration! So I have to kill it and devour it. Even if the real form of that Fallen Spawn turns out to be a very beautiful woman." Nightwing laughed.

"... You've seen my memory. The moment we enter that region we will be transported into that dark world. When we moved inside, I had an army. Some waited outside, but many accompanied me. But the creatures inside that place were too horrifying."

"Horrifying? More appetizing. The blood and flesh will nurture me and Angelian. And with my blood given to Sherah, she could return to her full strength and could even create a new nest of its own in there."

"Master... I will need... something else... to help me give birth to more spiders."

"Ah yes... You want the D."

"The D?" Christopher asked.

"Devil blood. She needs a potent source of nutrients to create a hive. I was planning to prepare a larger and more concentrated amount. But since we now have to enter this region, this small amount will do. The blood of the Incubus is inside it. The women your spiders will bite will fall into your control as long as they are weaker than you in cultivation and mental fortitude."

A ball of blood emerged from Nightwing's chest and rushed towards Sherah.

"My Master adores me!" Sherah greedily ate the blood and experienced great ecstasy which forced Nightwing to use strange magic to hide sight and sound for Christopher.

"You do you keep doing that?" Angelian asked.

"PG rating. We can't let the kids see these things without limitations."

The shouting match outside continued. But with the memories of all the members of the Body Snatchers, Nightwing was able to make the reanimated warriors act out their roles.

The blood in them was already devoured by Nightwing and he was able to create a corpse puppet with his blood magic. The only drawback was that their strength had weakened. The Cardinal leader, Ettos, now only had the strength of a Commander.

But Nightwing was confident that he could deceive everyone as he could make these corpse puppet talk and act like their natural selves.

Many of the groups gathered disdained and were telling the Body Snatchers to move back as they had no business in this place.

"Move back? Really? How many secrets do I know from all of you? How many of you have made trades and deals with me? What if I were to... reveal some information?" The corpse puppet Ettos laughed.

There was a sudden silence as everyone began to fear what he would reveal. The Black Bog Kingdom had all the most notorious people, some coming from the Highlands and fleeing due to grave crimes. It was a world of betrayal and information was vital.

The Body Snatchers were not that brave to have dared to reveal the secrets since they would be pushed to their deaths had they done this. And so, Ettos's words shocked everyone. Who would have thought he would be this brave?!

"Oh? Did Ettos suddenly develop some backbone?"

"I finally have... a sponsor. And our mission is to get him inside. We have a key. A lost key that can open this."

"What? As if you'd know what that is." A Nobleman from a human kingdom frowned.

"Hmph. I know the real truth. Your flag imitates the lost Saint Sword Family. But I know the truth. We have... the remains of the marked Child of Destiny!" Ettos laughed.

Suddenly, everyone's expression changed as they heard Ettos.

"The remains of the Child of Destiny?!"

"Yes. We have it. A child marked by Destiny to die. The same child that the beast wanted to devour to attain Destiny's favor but could not. I wonder what will happen!" Ettos chuckled.

"That remains to belong to us!" The nobleman human shouted in anger.

"Belongs to you? You're not even part of this Black Bog Kingdom. We have reliable information that all the bloodlines of the Saint Cross Holy Kingdom died when they moved in there. The Saint Sword family has no descendants. Your family must have ransacked their homes and found their diaries or something!" Ettos laughed.

"What words do you spout, brigand?!"

"Words of truth! If you are part of the Saint Sword Family, then show me their bloodline skill! Show me your Magistrate Sword of Purple Fire! You claim that it was your ancestor's skill that was lost when their strongest experts died, but in truth, it was a bloodline ability! Bestowed by a Greater God to them! If you can't make one, then you are not a legitimate member of this royal family!" Ettos accused.

"You...! Why did I waste my time on you?!" The nobleman turned around and left.

At that moment, Krysta and Christopher peeked out to watch the man.

"That hateful man...! He dares pretend to be us!" Krysta glared at him.

"Does my woman wish for his death?" Nightwing laughed.

"I am not your woman!"

"Ah... But if killing him will please you, then maybe I should do that." Nightwing laughed and Krysta clenched her fist.

Christopher sighed.

"A powerful demon is trying to impress my sister? I always knew my sis was a demon... but this?" Christopher sighed.

"What's that you brat?!" Krysta cursed.


"It's starting! The mouth of that world is opening!" Krysta shouted.

The strange fog began to disperse and the mountains were reforming.

And suddenly, a cave, like the mouth of a huge giant emerged from the mountainside.

"I, King of Great Power lies imprisoned in this world! Free me and receive wealth and power beyond your imagination! Conquer hell, and I will grant you... heaven!"

The strange mouth spoke and it opened wide creating a gigantic hole that could fit the passage of the entire armada of the ships two times over!

"Conquer hell!" The loud cries of those riding the ships were heard and they all charged forward.

"I will reach the throne room!" A man laughed as he ordered his fleet to charge in.

As the ships moved, the ships under Nightwing's command also moved. But unlike the rest, Nightwing ordered the charge to blend in with the crowd.

"This..." Angelian noticed it.

"Ah, you noticed it? Well, considering you are around a being that commands lust, you will naturally be sensitive to these things. That's right. That Fallen-Spawn commands greed!" Nightwing laughed.

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