Ascension of the Sylvan Cosmos.

Chapter 113. Crafts and Professions.

Verdantia started explaining the differences between professions and crafts. "Crafts are those that are supported by the system. This means that professions are specialties like accounting, waiter, tourist guide, or similar work. There is no title, skill, or something similar that those workers can gain that is specific to it. For example, if a guide becomes well-spoken, perhaps they gain a skill or title called <Charismatic>. However, that charisma is a general thing that any speaker can gain." 

Liu Shu commented. 'So, crafts are different?'

Verdantia leaned on Liu Shu's body and smiled. "Yes, Liu'er. Like <Woodcrafting>, crafts can unlock skills that boost your ability to do them. There are quite a few different crafts, some niche enough that they might be unknown, and others so widespread that there are even courses to teach quicker ways to unlock system skills and titles."

Flor commented. "So, you spoke about runecrafters, right? That's a craft?"

With a nod, she continued. "That's right, <Rune Crafters> are people that manipulate an ancient language to create diverse effects. Do not confuse them with <Array Masters>, though. The difference between them is that <Array Masters> manipulate the ternary essences in our surroundings, creating, for example, a <Aether Mana Recovering Array>. Meanwhile, <Rune Crafters> imbue those runes on items and structures and land, creating things like, for example, <Aether Mana Concentration Weapon Enhancement> or any type of <Battle Rune Formations>."

Liu Shu listened to Verdantia, but many of those words were completely unknown to her, so it was like hearing gibberish. Still, she understood enough to become confused at Verdantia's previous claim. 'So, why do we need a <Rune Crafter> and not an <Array Master>?' 

Verdantia rationalized. "Well, we want your aura as a World Tree to be hidden so…" Verdantia paused and blinked a few times. "Oh… You are right. We need an <Array Master>, not a <Rune Crafter>. We want to manipulate the aura around you to make you look like a Life Tree or something similar. In short, hide the World Tree aura." 

Verdantia added. "But, the runefield I spoke about a short time ago is also viable. It's just a bit more noticeable. Array Masters and Rune crafters have a few areas of expertise that overlap. It's not a clear black-and-white differentiation." 

Liu Shu asked. 'I see! What other common crafts are there?'

Verdantia pondered. "Well, you can find Architects, Woodcrafters, Blacksmiths, Rune Crafters, Array Masters, Beast Tamers, Miners, Textile Workers, City Builders, Engineers, Potion Makers, Gardeners, Doctors, Accessory Crafters, Hunters…" Verdantia laughed. "And, well, many others."

Flor asked. "Do you think Rose Fairies can specialize in plant-related crafts? We have innate affinities in that regard, after all. We might become more useful if we manage to develop those innate abilities, right?"

Verdantia frowned and crossed her arms. "Well… It's not impossible. However, monsters have been shown to have difficulty learning the skills necessary to be recognized by the system. That doesn't mean that some monsters don't have natural skills that are comparable to the skills crafters unlock."

Flor nodded, and Verdantia commented with a cheerful tone to change the subject. "Also, there are already three Level 10 Rose Fairies! Congratulations, Flor. Moreover, all of them are E- Rank. That's quite a decent force."

Flor laughed. "Well, Clavel, Amapola, and Zinia have worked quite hard. Each of them leads a thirty Rose Fairy group, hunting and training around. In their words, they've proven to be quite a force to reckon with. While other monster clans have mostly vanished after we got rid of the Thornstrides and River beavers, their absence seems to have attracted other Level 10s and similar creatures to come to the Golden Sap Forest." 

Verdantia snorted. "They are just unintelligent beasts that don't know they are trying to invade Liu'er's domain. The Golden Sap Forest will become Liu'er's, and nothing can stop that." 

A free and easy voice reached them from above together with a faint breeze. "The Golden Sap Forest has been a shared resource between the surrounding cities, Fortuna City included. Monopolizing this place or placing borders here will create many enemies."

Verdantia and Flor looked up as Liu Shu greeted the new arrivals. 'Hello, Tempestria, Cinderielle!'

"How are you doing today, Shu'er?"

From their side, a different voice reached them. "Tiantian, is the ground delicious today?"

Liu Shu giggled. 'Today is really nice; I am learning new things! And the ground is nice~, I like it!'

Cinderielle asked. "So, what are you teaching her?"

Verdantia commented. "Crafts, professions, and their differences."

Cinderielle nodded. "I see. You are a Potion Master, right? Quite an adept one at that."

Verdantia shook her head. "I can create Basic Rank Complete Level potions consistently, but anything above that, and my success rate falls below fifty percent."

Tempestria commented. "That's not bad, to be honest. I heard that having a 20% success rate in the creation of some potions is quite impressive." 

Verdantia agreed with a hum. "You are right. However, that's referring more to higher-level potions. The higher the rank of the pill, the stronger the effects. Of course, it becomes increasingly challenging to produce. The materials have much more complex inner reactions as the amount of ternary essences in them increases. If we add their natural energies, effects, etc, creating a potion with them suddenly becomes a monumental task. Hence, 20% goes from appearing like an abysmal success rate to being incredible."

Cinderielle smiled. "So that's why you, who makes F Rank potions, think that making F+ Rank potions with a 50% or so success rate is bad." 

Verdantia nodded, and Tempestria shrugged. "I still think it is quite a good success rate. What I am confused about is… Why are you not trying to teach potion-making to those Myconids? They can become quite a force to recon with if they manage to make attack flasks with their own spores."

Liu Shu asked. 'I also want books about crafts! I want to learn them~.'

They all paused and remembered her ability to learn almost anything, thanks to her skill. Cinderielle frowned. "But, would it work? I mean, the skill can't be that strong, no?" 

Tempestria asked. "Do we lose anything from trying?" 

Cinderielle nodded. "Books." 

The Wind Sylvan rolled her eyes. "Can't we just copy them or something before giving them to Liu Shu?"

Verdantia looked at the World Tree and asked. "Liu Shu, can you create your own library?" 

Cinderielle and Tempestria raised eyebrows, finding that question quite interesting. Liu Shu answered with full confidence. 'I don't know! How do I create books? I don't know~. So, I need books that teach me how to create books!'

Liu Shu's words made them thoughtful. 

Liu Shu commented. 'Oh, I also need books on how to make shiny crystals called <Lirium Ore> useful!'

Verdantia, Cinderielle, and Tempestria froze in place, looking at Liu Shu with widened eyes. Flor realized their exaggerated reaction, so she asked. "What's wrong?"

Verdantia didn't even answer her question and asked with a stutter. "W-Why do you want to find that, Liu Shu? Did you find any of such ores?" 

Liu Shu commented. 'Yes! But although the system says that they are valuable, I don't know what to do with them… There are so many, too! My <Lignified Vault> would be full of them!'

Tempestria laughed. "Rich! We are rich! Hahahaha!"

Cinderielle sputtered. "Wait, wait, wait. Let's not get ahead of ourselves. Who knows if it is really that ore or not? Moreover, who knows if there is more or not? Or, or, who knows if-"

Tempestria rolled her eyes. "I know, I know." Then, Tempestria asked. "Shu'er, where did you find this?"

Liu Shu answered. 'All over the caves below me! I am investigating the place with my roots, and there are some exciting minerals. Still, the mineral I've found the most is the <Lirium Ores>.'

"We are rich! Hahahaah!"

This time, both Cinderielle and Tempestria shouted, leaving Verdantia the explanation time. "<Lirium ores> is what the Lir Coin is made out of. So, with a mine full of it, we will have a steady daily income. With that in our hands, the problem of being bought by another power is lessened. In short, we can protect ourselves against economic battles. Plus, buying services, professionals, crafters, explorers, and people to help us manage the territory becomes possible."

Verdantia smiled. "You are also a World Tree with strong assimilation capabilities. If you grow enough to fuse with the mine, you will probably eventually gain a way to make the <Lirium Ores> into <Tynium Ores>. Remember that the currency is divided into Lir, Tyn, Bren, Syl, and Arbor. Each of those is manufactured differently, but the first three come from natural ores."

Liu Shu tilted her head. 'Then, can't I upgrade the mine after I assimilate it to produce the Bren ores?' 

Verdantia laughed. "There are only five registered Bren mines known, all of them belonging to different superpowers. If you really manage to do it, then know that money will become just a number for you." 

The World Tree nodded. 'I see. Well, the cave system is big! So, I don't think I can assimilate it soon.'

Flor asked. "Say, are there any other interesting things to do for Explorers other than hunting surface monsters?"

Tempestria answered. "Guard duties, exploration of deeper parts of the forest, collection of wild materials, capturing beasts, and if they are associated with any power, fighting wars, and other miscellaneous tasks. Explorers are like Mercenaries, but instead of being independent groups, they are all part of a large organization. Well, THE Explorer Organization, hahaha. They are considered one of the strongest powers in the world. But because of the lack of overall control, it is similar to a very large husk."

Tempestria added. "Nobody provokes them, though. Their systems keep many Explorers from starving, so as long as the Explorer Association is attacked, many will go to their rescue. A sleeping behemoth that won't awaken until provoked." 

Liu Shu hummed. 'So, will that association come?'

Verdantia nodded. "They like to create new buildings in popular or new towns, so probably. Don't worry much, though. Their reputation is good. That's why they are known almost everywhere."

While they spoke, Clavel approached and commented. "Queen Flor, we've spotted a group of powerful people. We don't know what their intentions are, but they are probably coming our way!"

Flor asked. "Powerful? How powerful?"

Clavel said seriously. "Probably around 10 level 10 or above humans. They are all armored and riding bird-like creatures. The auras of the mounts were similar to the riders, so I can guess that they are also Level 10 or above. If those creatures are capable of fighting, then we have 20 Level 10s coming our way." 

Flor frowned. "Call everyone back. Zinia will be the only one scouting. Her speed is one of the highest, Clavel. Go call the Myconid leader to prepare."

"Hey, Flor. It seems that we will have a bit of fun again~."

Looking sideways, Flor saw Ignatia walking out of the tunnel connected to the Ant Queen's nest, followed by hundreds of ants.

Flor sighed. "I really would prefer being left alone, to be honest. We need to become a public town as soon as possible while hiding Liu Shu so that this stops happening. We are going to end up provoking someone we shouldn't." 

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