Ascension of the Sylvan Cosmos.

Chapter 114. Golden Sap Town.

Flor, Ignatia, Verdantia, Cinderielle, and Tempestria sat on the top of the wall, looking toward the forest that expanded around them.

Their town, while located in the middle of a grove full of trees, had a space created between those trees, and only low vegetation grew on the wall. This area was all within the attack range of both <Mother Of Thousand Flower Field> and the defensive trees sparingly spread alongside the circumference of the town.

Flor crossed her arms as she looked into the dense forest and asked. "Do you think people around will agree to having us as sovereigns of the town?"

Tempestria chuckled. "Don't expect it to go without ups and downs. You will be ridiculed, tested, and probably unfairly attacked. Your position is very sensitive, Flor. You are a monster that has gained sapience to levels similar to the intelligent races. You still lack some rationalization abilities and basic instincts, but overall, you are not that different from others." 

Verdantia added. "But people are stubborn. Regardless of how you present yourself, labels are something you won't escape from. If this town continues to expand, being labeled as <Monster Queen> or something similar won't be that strange."

Cinderielle laughed. "That sounds cool, to be honest." Then, she said. "Speaking of which, actions and 'Heroic' events are usually sources of powerful skills, quests, and titles. I don't know how rare or important a monster becoming the leader of a town is, but unlocking new skills or titles along the way would not be that strange."

Flor laughed. "Well, as long as they can be passed down, like my Queen title, I am okay with that."

The Sylvans paused and looked at Flor, who smiled at them. "Remember that I have 20 years or so of lifespan left. It's really not much."

Tempestria sighed. "Sometimes I forget about these things. We Sylvans have such long lives in comparison that 20 years feel like nothing, to be honest. Even as young as I am, I instinctively feel that 20 years is just around the corner."

Cinderielle looked at the Ant Queen and asked. "What about you? How long is your lifespan?"

Ignatia smiled. "Long. As long as I continue placing eggs, very long."

Verdantia exclaimed. "Ho~ So it is true."

Cinderielle tilted her head. "What's true?"

Verdantia commented. "While Ant Queens have complete authority over their colonies, if they stop making eggs, the Ant Queen is considered to be useless, and her colony can go against her." 

Flor looked at Ignatia with surprise. "Really?"

Ignatia snorted. "Of course. I am their Mommy. What use do I have if I can't make more little darlings? They should continue the colony's will by feeding me to new queens." 

Tempestria blinked. "Oh? You don't feel resentment that your children can turn against you?"

Ignatia shook her head, making her long antennae bob from side to side. "Not at all. A useless Queen is the start of the end for the colony. A useless Queen must be discarded for the evolution of the colony." 

The other four were silent, somewhat admiring, and somewhat lamenting. It was quite cruel that the Ant Queen's future could be stolen by the children she so lovingly and carefully birthed; at least, from their perspective, it was a sad outcome.

Zinia appeared from the forest, alerting them, and they all stood up. Flor shouted. "Rose Fairies, start preparing the environment."

Ignatia's throat clacked several times, creating a piercing sound, followed by the three hundred ants moving around. Then, she said. "Tempestria, Verdantia, Cinderielle, come here."

The three Sylvan approached without a moment of doubt, making the heart of the Ant Queen soften. 'These children really trust me, don't they?'

Verdantia asked. "What's wrong, Ignatia?"

Ignatia laughed and gave each of them a kiss on the cheek. Because of their tall statures, she needed to tiptoe to do so. None of them dodged, even the mercenary woman, and accepted the gesture of affection. 

"Take these with you, children. I am sure you will be able to fight better when you are not transformed."

The three young Sylvans touched their cheeks, feeling a bit shy about it. Ignatia had this motherly aura that calmed those around her. Even when her face could be considered quite frightening for some, they could feel the gentleness pouring out from her.

When they looked where Ignatia was pointing at, they saw three very large Fire Ants with shiny carapaces and robust-looking bodies. They were as tall as a horse and even longer than one, which gave them an imposing look. 

The Sylvans instinctively analyzed them and were instantly surprised.


Level: 10

Aether Mana Shards: 3,381/3,381 

Phoer Body Shards: 10,501/10,501 

Anima Energy Shards: 5,675/5,675 

Attributes: Aether 30 (29+1), Physique 86 (79+7), Anima 49 (47+2), Willpower 63 (63), Destiny 30 (30)


Cinderielle was surprised. "Level 10? You've managed to level up three ants to Level 10?"

Ignatia laughed. "Well, they are survivors of the last wars, and they were Level 9 back then. So, after going through that, they managed to break through the limits. These girls are quite tough as well. They have a few skills related to defense." 

Ignatia caressed one of them between the eyes, making its legs stomp on the ground happily, and smiled. "You are so cute, aren't you, darling?" Looking at the girls, she said. "They can evolve very differently. Some become specialized in Aether, and others, like these, become specialized in Physique. They can even specialize in Anima or Willpower and become many different things! An ant colony's strength comes from our numbers and our diverse and talented fighters." 

Tempestria commented. "And all of this comes from just one creature. No wonder your race is feared, Ignatia." 

Ignatia shrugged and said. "Anyways, take these as your mounts for this battle. They are very solid, so as long as you don't force them to clash with several Level 10s at once, they should hold on for a while." Ignatia commented. "And… Well… If you can avoid their deaths, I would be grateful."

Cinderielle jumped on top of one of them without hesitation and smiled. "Don't worry, Ignatia. I will make sure to come back safe together with your child!"

Verdantia and Tempestria nodded as well while mounting on them, and Ignatia smiled. "Be careful. While I will be at the front with Flor, we are not invincible as well."

Zinia arrived and said quickly. "Queen Flor, there are ten Level 10 beasts approaching our town, and each of those beasts has a Level 12 human on it!"

Their faces became solemn as they looked toward the forest. Verdantia asked. "What kind of beasts were they?"

Zinia commented. "Bird-like beasts with powerful legs. They can move through the forest quite nicely, and I don't know if their wings can be used to fly. However, they should be able to jump high enough to go over our wall."

Verdantia frowned. "Bird-like? And they have strong legs… What's the color of their feathers?" 

Zinia answered right away. "Purple-brown."

Verdantia's frown deepened. "What is part of the <Stormbird Army> doing here? Is it an expedition? How long until they arrive, Zinia?"

Zinia commented. "They are not walking directly at us, but the way they are sweeping the surroundings, they are going to find us eventually. It looked like they were searching for something or someone. I say that they will arrive in at least 5 minutes, at most 20."

Cinderielle asked Verdantia. "Is it because of me?"

The green-haired sylvan turned to look and saw Cinderielle's face full of guilt while looking at her. While Verdantia wanted to deny it, she couldn't. "Probably. Eldric is interested in you, but since I've been around, he hasn't dared to place a hand on you. Therefore, realizing that you were visiting the Golden Sap Forest often, he must have tracked you down and sent a group to capture you."

Verdantia added. "I remember that Eldric has a personal guard made of these people. They are not as strong as the main <Stormbird Army>, but they are 100% loyal to him. The tall and strong guy you saw in that caravan a few years ago was probably one of them, perhaps the captain of the bodyguard regime."

The more she listened, the more her chest tightened. Cinderielle felt crushing guilt because this attack was entirely her fault. However, to her surprise, Liu Shu's voice reached her and the others. 'Why are you feeling guilty, Cinderielle?'

Cinderielle turned around and looked at the beautiful tree in the middle of the town. 

'Did the Rose Fairies feel guilty for attracting the attention of the Thornstrides toward me?'

Liu Shu's voice was gentle like nature, soft and refreshing like a breeze in summer. When she spoke, the feelings of everyone who listened soothed, making them feel much clearer-headed. 

'If someone must feel guilty, isn't it me?'

Cinderielle answered quickly. "Never! How are you guilty of anything?"

'How?' A calming laugh reached them. 'I am a World Tree, coveted by the world yet sadly so weak that defending myself is impossible if I don't continue hiding. A valuable resource that can't defend itself, it is normal for me to be captured by someone. However, I have not been captured because you, Cinderielle, together with everyone else here, have fought for my freedom.'

Everyone was stunned as their eyes widened. 

Liu Shu giggled. 'Did you think I don't understand? That I take it for granted that you are going to protect me?' Liu Shu paused and said. 'I've absorbed a few books, and I know more or less what the usual fate of World Trees is. Therefore, don't feel guilty. The same amount of trouble you might think you are causing, I am provoking ten times more than that.'

The World Tree's voice spread around as she said. 'A powerful group approaches. They want to take you away. Well, I will not let them. As long as my roots can hold my body, I am <Golden Sap Town>'s World Tree.'

Then, everyone got a message.

[The World Tree grants you her protection. <Defender> Title activates! Your stats are boosted by 10%.]

Flor looked toward the forest with a smile and called her. "Cinderielle."

The red-haired sylvan looked at Flor, and the Rose Fairy Queen answered with one word. "Fight."

The word hit Cinderielle profoundly, and her mentality changed from guilt to determination and anger. Her eyes burned ablaze as she glared toward the forest. 'Since these people want to attack us to get me, then I just have to carbonize everyone so that there are no more problems.'

[<Heart Of Fire (Dormant)> triggers. Fire-type Aether Mana Affinity +50%]

Tempestria smirked when she felt the temperature rise around Cinderielle. "Good heat!" Then, she looked toward the forest and laughed. "I wonder if they will be surprised by the amount of resistance. 300 Ants, 150 Rose Fairies, 100 Myconids, all Level 8 and Level 9."

Verdantia smiled as well. "Three Level 9 Sylvans, Three Level 10 Fire Ants, Three Level 10 Rose Fairies, one Level 10 Myconid, one Level 14 Ant Queen, one Level 14 Rose Fairy Queen, and finally, a Level 8 World Tree controlling a town. It doesn't sound that bad, does it?" 

As they spoke, the uncertain creatures around felt calmer, and then Liu Shu's voice reached them. 'Protect our forest.'

Everyone's morale skyrocketed as they prepared to face the incoming army of 20 first-cycle creatures. 

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