Ascension of the Sylvan Cosmos.

Chapter 166. Library Completed!

After working hard for the entire month, Liu Shu finally completed one of the three buildings. She placed more emphasis and focus on first creating the general structures of the library and temple and then fully completing the flower field.

Finishing the defensive building that had become inactive due to the upgrading was obviously the first thing she needed to do. The only reason she did the structuring of the other two beforehand was to understand how to interlock <Mother Of Thousand Flower Field> with the buildings she would create in the future. 

After finishing the <Mother Of Thousand Flower Field>, several notifications rang out, telling her about the successful transformation. The name didn't change, still being <Mother Of Thousand Flower Field>. However, compared to before, the field was much stronger. Its primary stat was <Physique>, which it had at around 200 before any buffs and reached nearly 300 after Liu Shu's passive buffs. 

While it didn't look like much, each flower in the flower field carried approximately 20 percent of the overall physique stat. Then, if you consider that the flower field's massive perimeter was over 700 meters long and 5 meters wide with a flower density of 5 or so flowers per square meter, the final result would give you around 18,000 flowers with 40 <Physique> each. 

In short, <Mother Of Thousand Flower Field> could be translated to nearly 18,000 Level 9 and E+ Tiered ranged stationary turrets.

Not to mention, with the field's increase to D- Tier, it gained one passive ability that allowed it to grow flowers equal to its level with 100% of the flower field's stats. So, the army transformed into 18,000 Level 9 E+ Rank creatures led by thirteen Level 13 D- Rank creatures, all of them with nearly 600 meters in range.

Because <Mother Of Thousand Flower Field> was also a structure, Liu Shu could engrave a <Runic Field> after completion. She naturally chose the offensive option. 

<Attribute Seed Enhancement Rune Field>: Aether Mana or Anima Energy can enhance this structure's seed attack to add different elements and effects. Attribute affinities will be the same as the owner of the Rune Field: Life, Earth, Soul, Phoer, Aether, Light, Space, and-d a-a-a-a-a----- #$@$&. 

Liu Shu saw the glitched words and was stunned. 'What is happening?'

[System Correction]

<Attribute Seed Enhancement Rune Field>: Aether Mana or Anima Energy can enhance this structure's seed attack to add different elements and effects. Attribute affinities will be the same as the owner of the Rune Field: Life, Earth, Soul, Phoer, Aether, Light, and Space. 

The World Tree looked at the skill with suspicion. 'Is it hiding something? But… Why?' After looking at that message for a few moments, she understood that she probably wouldn't be able to get any answers for now, so she ignored it.

Liu Shu looked at the last sentence of the Rune Field and was surprised. 'But… Affinities! Does that mean that I am good with those things?' Liu Shu reread them and got thoughtful. 'Light and Space. I have yet to use those two, right?'

Looking at the finished Flower Field, Liu Shu saw the difference. The current Low-Rank building was much stronger than the <Basic-Rank> one. Moreover, it was easy to notice the 13 large flowers that towered over the rest. 'Hm… Space attribute seeds and Light attribute seeds. How do they look?'

'Mother, shoot a Light attribute seed skyward.'

Aether Mana gathered toward one of the larger flowers, and then it aimed skyward and shot once. 


A light beam pierced skyward in a straight line, exploding around 600 meters in the air. 

Liu Shu was stunned. 'So fast! It also goes in a straight line! How about the space one?'

The same flower received Aether and Anima energy, and then it shot again.


Liu Shu didn't see anything, but a moment later, an explosion occurred in the place where she thought to shoot. 'Huh? What happened?'

The World Tree failed to see the seed flying out, but it reached the place she aimed at slower than the light seed, so it was certainly not because of speed. 'Hm… Shoot again.'

This time, Liu Shu manipulated the Flower Field to aim outside the wall instead of skyward, around 400 meters away.

Liu Shu focused all her senses on the flower, and then, it shot.


She noticed an almost unnoticeable spatial distortion in the seed's supposed path as it shot out. The seed followed the usual speed for the building's seeds. However, to Liu Shu's surprise, the seed didn't collide with the tree tops. Instead, it shifted through everything and then exploded quite violently, but in a very small area, precisely where Liu Shu aimed.

The World Tree was stunned. 'It went through the tree's leaves?' Her gaze moved toward her own wall, and she became tempted. 'Shoot right outside the wall in a straight path.'


Having her sight accustomed, she easily followed the seed's path. However, unlike shifting through the leaves as it did, the space attributes seed impacted against her own wall in another small but violent explosion, creating a small hole in the solid wall. 'So… It can only go through small obstacles. How small? Those smaller than the seed itself?'

While Liu Shu happily tested her new building, Flor had to go around and calm down the somewhat agitated Explorers that were left behind. 

"What is happening, Queen Flor?" 

Flor laughed awkwardly. "Ah, don't worry about that. Sometimes, the Flower Field we have there needs to shoot out its seeds to, you know, reproduce. We protect it from harm from the outside, and in turn, it protects us from flying monsters and long-distance fighters." 

A female explorer asked. "Why did it shoot the wall? If the flower field is dangerous, we should cut it down. After all, we can't really have civilian casualties during the opening of the town. Even one accidental death can be enough to cause the downfall of the city. After all, if people don't feel safe, then they won't come here to live." The woman snorted. "Only crazy guys from the Nexus live in those abandoned towns."

Flor smiled. "Don't worry. If that flower field targets an innocent person, then I'll be the first to come forward and apologize." 

The explorers looked at the hole in the wall for a few seconds and then nodded at Flor. "We'll take your word for that." 

Flor approached the World Tree and she asked. "What was that, Liu Shu?"

Liu Shu answered happily. "That was <Mother Of Thousand Flower Field>!"

Flor blinked twice, confused. "That? But I couldn't really see a seed or anything. Moreover, the attack power behind that small explosion was quite… large."

"Well," Liu Shu started. "I've upgraded it already. I was testing its new functions. It is now quite powerful!" 

The Rose Fairy Queen realized and smiled. "I see. Well, continue. Are you going to finish those two passive things over there now?"

Liu Shu hummed. "Yes! There is not much left to do, to be honest. So, I'll probably use one week for each of them."

Flor nodded, showing understanding. "Go on then. Try to warn me the next time you do something like that, Liu Shu. You've startled the Explorers."


Then, Liu Shu refocused on completing the library and temple. First, she finished the library. It took her a bit less than she expected, around five days of work. Of course, that was without adding the time it took to build its infrastructure.

[Congratulations on building <Basic-Rank World Tree's Endless Library (F+ Rank)>! You've received 500,000 Proficiency points!]

[<Wonder Tree Building> activates! <Basic-Rank World Tree's Endless Library (F+ Rank)> is enhanced to <Basic-Rank World Tree's Endless Library (E- Rank)>]

[<Seedling World Builder> activates! 10% material cost reduction, returning materials, rounded down.]

[<Runic Living Wood City> second effect activates. You are able to choose a <Runic Field> to have active in your newly built <Basic-Rank World Tree's Endless Library (E- Rank)>.]

[Only One <Runic Field> available: <Focus Rune Field>.]

<Focus Rune Field>: Creatures affected by the soothing aura of this Runic Field will find themselves being more productive and having a much easier time focusing.

The World Tree was confused. 'Helps to focus… Is that useful? Shouldn't you always be focused when doing a task?'

Of course, Liu Shu would eventually realize how truly powerful this <Rune Field> was. Distractions were a normal event, but many had lots of trouble dealing with it. Therefore, the rune field would increase the population's productivity several times. 

[Do you want to activate it? It will cost 100,000 Aether Mana and Anima Energy.]

Liu Shu agreed. 'Activate it!'

Once it was done, the surroundings surged with torrents of energy. The increase in energy density was gigantic, and everything gathered toward the library. 

The Explorers walked outside and looked over with baffled expressions. One of them spotted Flor going around her day without a change of expression and was even more flabbergasted. "Q-Queen Flor! Wait!" 

Flor blinked and turned around, her wings buzzing behind her. Nobody noticed the twitch in her lips and eyebrow. "What's wrong?"

The Explorers who heard her almost fell down, and they were not even walking. One of them pointed toward the library and asked. "What's happening? Why is there so much Aether Mana and Anima Energy gathering there?"

Flor looked over and answered as if it was obvious. "The building is being finished. Why? Is there something wrong?"

"Is there something wrong, you ask?" The human male blurted. "What's right about that!? That amount of Energy Density rivals large-scale spells from powerful Elemental Aether users!" 

The Rose Fairy Queen continued looking unfazed. "And…?"

The man didn't know what to say. In desperation, he turned around and asked his companions. "That's not normal! Am I the only one who thinks like that!?"

A woman shook her head. "It is indeed not normal." 

Flor commented. "But all the buildings you see around you have gone through a similar process." Flor sighed. "I don't know why you are freaking out so much. However, have you thought that different races will have different ways of building their structures?"

The Explorers couldn't answer. They were 99% sure that what was happening in that area was abnormal. However, how could they even confirm that Flor's words were the truth? Therefore, they decided to wait because there was another semi-constructed building. 'If that next building is truly like this… Perhaps this is normal for them?'

Flor left calmly, but inside, she was sweating. 'What in the branches above is my cute little World Tree doing this time!? What's with all that Aether Mana!? Are you trying to blow up this entire area or something!?'

Still, outwardly, through sheer practice over the last years, Flor maintained an elegant and calm bearing. 

This process lasted for a day, and eventually, the magnificent <World Tree's Endless Library> was completed. Together with it, a bunch of notifications appeared in Liu Shu's mind. 'Wow… So many, QAQ!'

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