Ascension of the Sylvan Cosmos.

Chapter 167. [World Tree’s Endless Library] Benefits! Mariane’s Concerns.

Liu Shu completed the <World Tree's Endless Library>, and this activated several things. This building was not common for World Trees to have. On the contrary, it could be considered a unique structure.

In the first place, the building's blueprints were handed to Liu Shu because she was in possession of <World Tree Wisdom (SSS Rank)>. While <World Tree Wisdom> was not uncommon to appear in different World Trees, their skill rank was nothing like what Liu Shu had.

[Congratulations on building the <World Tree's Endless Library>. From now on, you can physically store knowledge that you've learned before. <World Tree Endless Library> currently has the ability to print 60,000 words per month.]

[<World Tree Wisdom (SSS Rank)> detected. Books written in the <World Tree's Endless Library> will be passively screened by the skill, correcting false or damaging information.]

[System Warning: This skill is not exploitable. Purposely writing false information to get it corrected by the skill and learn new concepts is not allowed.]

[<World Tree's Endless Library> will also increase the World Tree's ability to learn and focus. Its effects will constantly affect the World Tree that built the structure.]

[<World Tree Wisdom (SSS Rank)> detected. <World Tree's Endless Library> gains a learning aura. Everyone who is inside will be affected by <Endless Knowledge (E- Rank)>. The aura's <Tier> will increase together with the building's <Tier>. ]

<Endless Knowledge (E- Rank)>: All creatures affected by this aura will have an easier time coming up with new ideas and learning new knowledge. The current maximum of creatures affected at the same time is 5. 

Liu Shu was surprised at everything that was happening. The reason that the building had needed so much Aether Mana and Anima Energy as just an E- Rank building had probably been these two properties. The World Tree felt her thoughts becoming slightly clearer and more orderly. 

Previously, while she had a general idea of what was happening in her domain, the sensation was very bad. Unless someone did something threatening, they would be somewhat ignored. For example, imagine that a fly suddenly lands on your leg; you would feel where they landed. Still, other than that, you wouldn't know anything else. Not what kind of bug it was, or what it looked like.

For Liu Shu, the entire forest that was under her control was similar. She could feel the people walking around, but without looking over, she would not be able to clearly see or hear what they were doing.

Now, thanks to <Endless Knowledge>, her thoughts were processing much faster, and she could faintly discern the general intentions of the several groups in her domain. For example, she knew that the Explorer group to the northeast was hunting, and the ones to the west were resting. She also could notice a pair of Explorers mating to the south while feeling one to the northwest defecating.

As a World Tree, her sensibilities were naturally much more different, so all these things didn't bother her. After all, many creatures have lived around her for a long time. She had seen about anything and everything. Still, this knowledge didn't influence her being in any way because of one simple thing.

As a World Tree, Liu Shu lacked empathy toward foreign creatures. Looking at the most heinous torture or the happiest wedding of two people was the same for her. She felt nothing else but complete indifference to what other creatures did. 

For example, she could now see that the pair of explorers that were having intercourse had attracted a group of beasts, and they had rushed at them as a pack. Naked and defenseless, the pair of Explorers were being mauled to death and becoming food for those beasts while screaming for help. 

She was an absolutely apathetic observer. That didn't mean she didn't learn anything. She could still know from this encounter that "intercourse is dangerous in the wilderness." While things changed a bit with those close to her, in general, she couldn't care less. 

'This feels really nice.' 

As the cluttered information became slightly clearer, Liu Shu felt delighted. The sensation of gaining control and dominance was something that satisfied her down to the roots of her existence. 

'I want more control.'


[Little one, the path ahead is difficult, but I hope you don't ignore those close and sincere to you in search for greater strength.]

That sentence, which seemed engraved in her mind, controlled her thoughts from becoming too radicalized. The World Tree remembered those words as if she had heard them just a few minutes ago; they felt as if they had been burned directly into her soul. 

'Hmm… Well, let's finish the Temple Of Summoning. I wonder what benefits will this one have?'

However, before she continued, Liu Shu heard the voice of a certain mothkin. "Is it finished!? Can I enter?"

Liu Shu looked over and answered rather curtly. 'It has no books inside yet. I am going to finish the other building and then explain everything.'

Mariane's wings buzzed as she looked at the giant tree. "Hm… I see. Is everything okay, Liu Shu?"

Liu Shu asked back, confused. "Hm? Why'd you ask?"

Mariane answered while rubbing her chin. "Your tone is a bit unlike before."

The World Tree didn't really understand. "I didn't change anything?"

Mariane's antennae twitched from side to side, thoughtful. "Perhaps… Have you had another experience like learning that book Verena gave you? What was its name… Ah. World Of Thoughts."

Liu Shu answered with a confused tone. "But I haven't eaten any books…" Then, she said. "Anyway, can I return to building the temple of summoning?"

Mariane thought for a few seconds and nodded. "I guess. Go on."

So, Liu Shu did that.

The mothkin stood there for a few more minutes, looking at the World Tree that was harnessing those enormous amounts of energy, and pondered. 'Should I ask someone about it? Perhaps I am overthinking it…'

Finally, she decided to ask the one who knew the most about Liu Shu. She flew toward the ant nest and went through the tunnels, eventually arriving at Ignatia's nest. "Ignatia, it is me!"


Going inside, she saw Ignatia there, comfortably laying on a bed made from a squishy material. In front of her, Flor was sitting and looking over with her cheeks full. Mariane looked at what she was eating and raised an eyebrow. 'Hm? Isn't that a fruit from <Small White Flower Forest> to the northwest? How did Ignatia get it?' 

Ignatia asked with a smile. "So, what's wrong?"

The mothkin approached and sat on the ground. "Well, I came here to ask Flor something. I guessed she would be around here."

Ignatia laughed, her voice tinged with gladness. "I am happy you would think that."

Meanwhile, Flor answered, somewhat annoyed. "I could be elsewhere, you know?"

Mariane smirked. "Sure." Then, she asked. "Say, does Liu Shu's attitude change when she is building stuff? Like… Does she become more blunt? You know, like… More cutting? I was almost told off!" 

Ignatia laughed. "Deserved! You just don't bother our cute Little Tree when she builds her things!" 

The mothkin snorted. "I just asked a question!"

The Ant Queen raised her antennae. "And that's enough to be considered 'bothering' her, Mariane."

The mothking pouted and looked at Flor. Flor blinked twice and pondered. "It's possible. When Liu Shu is using a lot of her processing power to do a hard task, not just building, her personality gets dampened. After all, it is like someone doing a very hard task and trying to speak simultaneously. They will obviously sound blunt, right?"

Mariane nodded. "That, I understand… However… Sigh, I don't know how to say it…" Mariane crossed her four arms and looked at the ceiling. "Wow…" 

Flor blinked and asked. "What's wrong?"

Mariane commented. "No, I never noticed that the ceiling was so… full of ants."

Flor looked upward and blinked. "Hm? Them? They are the queen's guards. They have two groups that rotate every 12 hours, keeping guard of Ignatia's chamber and egg room all around the year." 

Mariane made a sound and refocused. "Anyway, be sure to keep an eye on that World Tree. You don't want her to become too… World-Tree-like." 

Flor laughed. "What's that even supposed to mean?"

The mothkin sighed. "Well, World Trees are usually more intelligent than other races, so as they grow and become more powerful, they start to see other creatures as… lesser beings? It is not arrogance, but more like a child growing up and seeing their pet dog as someone who can understand them as just a pet." 

Flor, who had no experience with pets, asked. "I don't understand."

Ignatia explained. "She is worried that Liu Shu will see us as cute wild beasts in the future."

Mariane asked, confused. "Why cute?"

Ignatia laughed. "Well, a house dog is a domesticated, cute, wild beast, isn't it? If it weren't cute, most people would not buy them or keep them. There are, of course, exceptions, but the grand majority want a beautiful, cute, elegant, or something similar creature as a pet."

Mariane was stunned and then nodded. "Right. Wow. What a perspective to have."

Flor commented. "Well, you don't have to worry about that." 

"I don't? Why are you so confident?"

The Rose Fairy Queen smiled. "Because I've seen her grow. Do you know that, at first, she would need a few hours just to communicate a few thoughts? Like a common tree. Even to answer yes or no, she sometimes could take up to three hours." 

Mariane nodded, and Flor smiled with a soft expression. "The day she could finally communicate with words, she was like a child that just learned to speak. Speaking nonstop with me, calling me for this and that." Flor laughed, her face full of tender feelings. "I really felt… Like a mother with her child."

Mariane listened, and Flor said. "So, I know that, while she has had her changes in personality, and while she is maturing fairly quickly, Liu Shu's core being is still there. She is just an adorable World Tree that wants to expand her roots and be happy. If unknown powerful enemies weren't pressing on us, Liu Shu would spend all day lazing around, producing berries, and bathing in the sun." 

Flor sighed, her face gaining a touch of anger. "But because of those greedy intelligent creatures, Liu Shu now feels pressed to evolve, and she feels pressed to Level Up. She knows that if she isn't strong enough, she will eventually die. World Trees might not care about life and death much. However, they won't wait for Death without doing nothing if it knocks on their door."

Mariane hummed. "I see." She smiled and said. "Liu Shu is quite a good World Tree. Quite different from others."

Flor asked, curious. "Have you met other World Trees?"

Mariane laughed awkwardly. "Didn't I tell you that I've been wanting to work with a World Tree for my Rune stuff? I've approached quite a few of them around my original continent and this one." Mariane commented, putting on airs of exaggerated grandeur.

"You are not qualified to speak to me."


"I am not amused by your presence."

"I won't let you touch my sacred body."

Flor was speechless while Ignatia burst into laughter. The Rose Fairy Queen asked, "Did they really say that?"

Mariane nodded with a sigh. "And that's for those who answered. There were a few who even sent someone because, in the words of many of them, 'Their voice is too sacred to be heard by strangers.' Or something like that." The mothkin snorted. "Can't they be a little more like Liu Shu? Look at her, communicating with people in the town! She is also so cute. Tsk, tsk. They might be older and stronger, but Liu Shu is still the best one!"

Ignatia laughed so much that her chest was shaking uncontrollably, making Flor's body bounce with her. The mothkin deadpanned. "Hey, Ignatia, you are going to make your little wife dizzy with your giant jiggling tits."

Flor coughed, blushing slightly, and shifted forward to get away from them, making the mothkin look at her with an "Aha, so you were not avoiding them on purpose" expression.

Flor spoke. "Anyway! Don't worry; she might have some small personality changes, but Liu Shu is going to continue being Liu Shu. I am very sure of it!" 

Mariane smiled. "Sure, if the World Tree's number two Mom says it, then I'll trust her."

Flor blinked. "Number two? Who is number one?"

Mariane grinned. "Isn't her actual mother near that lake?"

Flor frowned. "I mean… Yes… But… I raised her, no? Doesn't that make me number one?"

Mariane and Ignatia burst into laughter, making Flor blush again.

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