Athena in Tower Defense Game! [LitRPG]

Chapter 97: Simulation Once Again

After thoroughly reviewing the layout of the house, she returned to the first floor and sat on the sofa.

She opened the system panel.

【 Regional Chat Interface 】

“This is truly a win without lifting a finger. Sitting at home, rewards just rain down on us!”
“The rewards are incredible, hahaha!”
“Many died in their regional battle. There were two hundred of them initially, but now only a few dozen remain!”
“I wonder what rewards they got. It must be better than ours.”
“Ugh, so annoying. I bet it won’t be long before we have to start grinding again. There goes my vacation!”
“Why did you have to remind me? I was having so much fun.”
“Hurry up and start grinding. I’m bored to death here, chatting with you all is the only thing to do.”
“The system says: Your wish is my command. Hahaha.”

Athena only skimmed through the messages. She sat comfortably on the soft sofa, her feet resting on a plush carpet, and opened her inventory.

【 Use Queen Bee Skill Extraction? Yes/No 】


Combining her previous gains, she now had over three hundred silver coins, enough for three scenario simulations.

During her time in the massive yellow hive, her body underwent a purification process. It made her feel closer to breaking through a barrier she couldn't quite see or touch—a fragile yet unyielding obstruction.

No matter how close she got, she could never truly reach it. Ultimately, she had to rely on the system’s simulations to shatter this limit.

【 Skill Extraction in Progress... 】

【 Extraction Successful! 】

【 War Queen 】 Quality: Common (Non-upgradable)

In times of war, as the queen on the battlefield, you stabilize morale, boost spirits, and enhance combat capabilities.

  • When the number of teammates exceeds three, teammates receive a 10% mental strength boost and a courage buff.
  • When the number of soldiers exceeds 500, soldiers become 50% immune to mental attacks, receive a courage buff, and gain +1 strength.


This skill is specifically designed for war, making it an excellent ability, though primarily for teamwork and large-scale battles.

Having more than 500 soldiers is a stringent condition, but when met, it would become Athena’s ace in the hole.

She moved her body lightly, stretching and relaxing every joint from head to toe.

She slowly rotated her neck, then her shoulders, arms, waist, and legs.

After a series of warm-up exercises—jumping, squats, push-ups—she took out her black abyss axe, eyes resolutely fixed on a distant point, and sprinted forward.

After several laps, she could feel her blood boiling.

At that moment, she was fully prepared, ready to face any challenge.

She opened the system’s atlas interface and found the page for the Sun City. On the card, it was still a desolate ruin, with only a lone figure gazing into the distance.

【 Use 100 Silver Coins for Scenario Simulation? Yes/No 】


【 Please Choose Mode: 1. Challenge Mode, 2. Training Mode 】

This time, Athena chose differently. Without hesitation, she selected Challenge Mode. She wanted to break through this barrier.


【 Note: In any mode, death ends the simulation! 】
【 Note: In Challenge Mode, the attributes of the opponents will suppress the player's attribute point barrier state! 】


The sky was an endless expanse of darkness, pressing down on the world, while the ground was covered with countless Snowstorm Beasts.

The Snowstorm Beasts moved in an orderly formation, resembling an unshakeable army, steadily advancing towards the opposing fortress walls.

Athena blended into their ranks. As the Snowstorm Beasts passed her, they parted to create a path for her.

From her vantage point, she could see a commanding figure on the fortress wall, working alone. Numerous turrets aimed downward, unleashing a barrage of firepower.

Her goal this time was to reach the top, avoiding any interaction with the Snowstorm Beasts to prevent being entangled in a skirmish.

History seemed to be repeating itself. With a light jump, she landed on a Snowstorm Beast's head and used their bodies to propel herself forward.

As she began moving towards the wall, the turrets, initially aimed at the Snowstorm Beasts, started to target her.

Amid the intense barrage, not a single shot hit her. She weaved through the explosions, moving closer and closer to her goal.

Despite not using any skills yet, she was moving as fast as she had the last time she used them.

In the blink of an eye, she was at the wall.

【 Approaching Wall, Activating Active Mode! 】

History echoed eerily as Alfred picked up a nearby bow and aimed at her once again.

The arrow's power was undiminished, but unlike the last time that ended in her death, this time, Athena successfully dodged the arrow.

Simultaneously, she reached the gate.

Her light body seemed weightless as she used the Snowstorm Beasts to spring herself up to the stone wall.

Her black abyss axe struck the wall with force, her arm muscles bulging as she propelled herself upward, striking the wall again and dislodging some stones.

Two powerful leaps brought her to the top edge of the wall.

Suspended in mid-air, she exhaled and activated her skill.

【 Skill Hunter Activated! 】

She moved like a nimble leopard, her body flexible and swift.

The figure on the wall wasn't merely a person but a monstrous presence capable of devouring others whole. His expression was calm, exuding an aura of unassailable authority.

A slight swing of his massive sword radiated an immense sense of pressure and threat!


As Athena's hand grasped the edge of the wall, a giant sword swung at her, accompanied by a fierce gust of wind.

Enhanced by her skill, she narrowly evaded and leaped onto the wall, dodging the strike.

After numerous failures, she finally stood atop the high wall and saw Alfred clearly.

Unlike their last encounter, he appeared much younger, his armor gleaming, and his grip on the massive sword exuded a formidable aura.

He was no longer a mere commander but a master swordsman.

Seeing Athena evade his strike, Alfred smiled—a confident, victorious smile.

He was spirited, exuding an air of absolute superiority.


I graduated yesterday and celebrated afterward. To mark the occasion, I will be posting four chapters today to my ongoing projects!

Tip: You can use left, right, A and D keyboard keys to browse between chapters.