Athena in Tower Defense Game! [LitRPG]

Chapter 98: Pyrrhic Victory

The area where the massive sword had swept through had turned into a pile of rubble.

Athena didn't remain in place. As soon as her feet hit the ground, she charged forward, determined to seize the initiative.

Clearly, neither of them were the type to wait passively.

Despite wearing heavy armor, Alfred moved with the grace of the wind, unburdened by its weight. His legs pushed off the ground with incredible force, propelling him forward like an arrow. His colossal sword was held horizontally before him, slashing forward with ferocious power.

The black abyss axe in Athena's hands glimmered with a deep, lustrous shine. Forged from the finest black iron, it was a weapon capable of growth. When it clashed with Alfred's sword, both weapons emitted a resonant hum, neither yielding. The abyss axe's glow intensified, becoming even darker and brighter—a sight Athena had never seen before.

Her arm tingled, and she lost feeling in her fingers gripping the axe handle. They both staggered back, but Athena retreated further. Alfred only took a single step back, his armor providing significant cushioning.

As Athena lunged at him and blocked his massive sword, an unprecedented light flared in Alfred's eyes. His gaze shifted from contempt to a spark of excitement.

Athena's arm had recovered. Even though Alfred's attributes had been suppressed to match hers, his strength still surpassed hers. Realizing this, she aimed to exploit her agility, trying to create distance between them in their direct confrontations.

Alfred saw through her intentions and immediately closed in, not giving her a moment's respite.


【 Commander Alfred activates Eye of Reconnaissance (Intermediate)! 】
【 Detection failed! 】


Not only were Alfred's attributes suppressed, but so were his skills. Originally a high-level skill, Eye of Reconnaissance was now only at an intermediate level, and some of his abilities were completely sealed.

For the first time, Athena failed a detection. Her information was now laid bare before Alfred's eyes. He clearly understood her weaknesses and strengths, and the situation grew increasingly unfavorable for her.

When Alfred closed the distance again, Athena did not retreat. She swung her black abyss axe fiercely at his neck. Alfred's giant sword did not pause either. If struck, she would be cleaved in two, but at the same time, Alfred's head would roll.

Closer and closer, Athena could feel the cold air rushing towards her body. Her axe successfully landed on Alfred's neck. It was a life-for-life exchange.

Alfred had been waiting, waiting for Athena to flinch. No one wasn't afraid of death, just like the countless people he had seen in his blurred memories. He was certain she would withdraw. It wasn't until his neck started to bleed that he realized what a formidable opponent he was facing.

He leaned back, narrowly evading the continuing arc of the black abyss axe, while simultaneously distancing his giant sword from Athena.

She didn't back down. She kicked Alfred in the abdomen. Even through his armor, the force penetrated, impacting his insides.

Still in his leaning position, Alfred was kicked in the stomach by Athena. Using his footing, he twisted his body in an awkward posture, planting one foot firmly while the other lashed out at Athena's head.

Athena couldn't dodge in time. She raised her arm to block. The heavy blow landed on her arm, and she heard the sound of her bones cracking!

The force of the blow was so immense that she almost cried out and cortord her body in "<" shape, but she swallowed the pain down!

Meanwhile, Alfred used the opportunity to spin, landing gracefully and regaining his balance.

Their distance finally increased slightly, but only for a brief moment of respite. In close combat, Alfred wouldn’t allow Athena to gain any significant distance, nor would he give her a chance to use her bow!

Her arm throbbed with pain, the bones shattered. Gripping the black abyss axe, she launched another attack, their duel growing ever more intense. Their weapons clashed, each strike countered, while their free hands and feet played crucial roles in the battle.

Athena was at a disadvantage in defense. She lacked the high-quality armor Alfred wore. Yet, even with his superior armor, Alfred was under immense pressure. He had to protect the unarmored parts of his body carefully, for any lapse would invite a deadly strike from Athena’s axe.

The heavy armor that protected Alfred also slowed him down, giving Athena an edge in maneuverability. If the battle dragged on, neither side would be able to decisively overcome the other—something neither Athena nor Alfred desired!

They fought like two wild beasts, unrestrained, tearing into each other with ferocity. Trading blows, Athena seized a moment when Alfred dodged, aiming her bow and arrow at his armpit while half-crouching!

Alfred delivered a brutal elbow strike to her back.


Athena shifted slightly, avoiding a direct hit to her spine. The blow still landed on her back, making her organs tremble. She spat out a mouthful of blood, the metallic taste spreading in her mouth.

She stabbed the black abyss axe into the ground, rolled away, and quickly got back up.

Alfred wasn’t unscathed either. The arrow from the Moonlight Bow had pierced his armpit, embedding deep into his arm. Blood flowed freely, his arm nearly useless, and the moonlight’s power began to spread within him, worsening his condition over time.

As Athena's injuries worsened, she avoided head-on clashes, engaging in a tactical battle instead. Alfred’s strength meant the moonlight's power took longer to infiltrate him. He repeatedly attacked, his giant sword a whirlwind of strikes, giving Athena no breathing room.

However, his movements were increasingly restricted as he tried to protect his armpit and neck, forcing Athena to dodge repeatedly.

Noticing his body stiffening and a strange power rampaging inside him, Alfred’s excitement turned to seriousness. He abruptly stopped his assault, his aura growing more terrifying, muscles bulging under his armor.

【 Opponent has used Skill: Decisive Battle! 】

Without needing a prompt, Athena charged with her black abyss axe, pouring all her strength into the weapon, maximizing the skill's effect.

She swung at his neck, unable to halt the momentum. His armor seemed fused with his body, leaving only his face vulnerable. Athena gritted her teeth, not giving up, as she slashed down!

Alfred’s raised sword offered her no escape unless she retreated, but she seized the opportunity. The black abyss axe came down, and Alfred leaned back, calculating the distance so she couldn’t reach him.

His sword, though slightly off due to his movement, struck true, severing Athena’s bruised arm. Blood spurted out, staining the ground red.

Simultaneously, Athena's black abyss axe did not touch him. Instead, she switched to the Moonlight Bow, driving an arrow into his eye.

The arrow penetrated half his skull, and Athena twisted it further!

Both fell simultaneously. Alfred's remaining eye filled with disbelief, his consciousness fading. He tried to charge forward with his sword, but halfway through, his vision dimmed completely, and he stood frozen.

Athena collapsed, her body wracked with pain, unable to speak. Her internal organs were damaged, her arm severed, and blood continuously gushed from her mouth, clouding her mind.

Even though she won, it felt more like a pyrrhic victory.

【 Challenge Success! 】

They both died in the end.

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