Atlas: Back to the Present – Time Travel + Post Apoc + OP MC

CHAPTER 51: Drinking Beer

After a brief concession break—*Drink Angkor beer. It's cold, and you want it*—the crowd buzzed with anticipation as the 3v3 match was about to start.

"Ooh, looks like we’ve got our 3v3 starting," Bob announced, his voice brimming with excitement. "What do you think about the lineup?"

Cotton, his co-commentator, leaned forward, peering at the fighters assembling in the ring. "Well, on the Rogue Stand side, there's nothing really to talk about. Solid fighters, sure. We've got Bolt and Archie, both former Portal Crushers who got cut from the team. And then there's their new player, Tamada Kechua. She’s an unknown in this league, so it'll be interesting to see what she brings to the table."

Bob nodded. "So, do you think Rogue Stand has a shot at winning this one?"

Cotton shrugged. "It’s hard to say. But looking at the Portal Crushers lineup, I’d put my money on them. We’ve got Isabella—definitely a fan favourite—Wilfredo, whose social media hype has been off the charts, and Wang Bo, who’s got a strong following, especially among the Asian audience."

As the fighters entered the ring, the tension in the arena thickened. Both teams took their positions, eyes locked on each other.

The announcing system boomed through the speakers, counting down the start of the match: "3… 2… 1… Fight!"

Wilfredo stepped forward first, his expression focused, but a small, confident smirk played on his lips. He was up against Bolt, the speedster who had been taunting him just minutes earlier.

"Hey, Wilfredo," Bolt sneered, bouncing on his toes with exaggerated energy. "Let’s see how good your crazy training with Atlas holds up against some real fighting. We’ve been grinding hard every day, none of that mental mumbo jumbo."

Wilfredo kept his cool. "We’ll see, pendejo"

The two fighters clashed in a flurry of motion. Bolt’s speed was evident as he darted around Wilfredo, aiming quick slashes and kicks. But Wilfredo, under Atlas’s orders, wasn’t here to win quickly—he was here to wear Bolt down. He absorbed a few hits, gritting his teeth against the pain, but his strategy paid off as Bolt began to slow. Wilfredo's counterattacks became more precise, landing heavier blows as he systematically broke down Bolt’s defenses.

With a powerful shield bash, Wilfredo finally took Bolt down, knocking him out cold. But the victory came at a cost. Wilfredo’s left arm hung uselessly at his side, and his right was indicated as (BLEEDING)

There was no time to rest. The second round started immediately. Wilfredo, weakened but still standing, faced off against Tamada Kechua. She came at him with relentless aggression, her strikes fast and brutal. Wilfredo managed to land a few hits, but his (CRIPPLED) shield arm was too severe. Within minutes, Tamada delivered a crushing blow that sent Wilfredo to the ground.

But Wilfredo had done his job. As he fell, he noticed the damage he’d inflicted. Tamada’s left arm was badly injured (DAMAGED), her shield arm rendered almost useless. She struggled to maintain her stance, her breathing ragged.

The third round began, and Wang Bo stepped into the ring. He wielded his staff with a calm, almost serene demeanor, his movements fluid and controlled. Tamada, weakened and frustrated, charged at him. Wang Bo dodged her wild swings with ease, waiting for the perfect moment. Then, with a swift, calculated strike, “Emperor clearing the court!”, he landed a blow to Tamada’s head, knocking her out cold.

As the final fighter for Rogue Stand stepped up, the crowd held their breath. This was the last chance for Rogue Stand to turn the tide. The fight was brutal, both fighters exchanging heavy blows, but Wang Bo, already exhausted from his previous fight, couldn’t keep up. He went down hard, but not before leaving his opponent barely standing, clutching at her side in pain (DAMAGED).

The final round began. The last member of the Portal Crushers team entered the ring, fresh and ready. Isabella sized up her opponent, who was visibly struggling to stay on her feet. The fight didn’t last long. With a few precise strikes, the Rogue Stand fighter was on her knees, gasping for breath.

In a final, decisive move, Isabella delivered a clean blow, and the match ended with a dramatic, albeit symbolic, (DECAPITATION)—signaling the total defeat of Rogue Stand. The crowd erupted in cheers, the energy in the arena reaching a fever pitch.

Portal Crushers had secured their first official 3v3 victory, setting the tone for the rest of the season.

With a total of 3 points secured, it was a great start for Portal Crushers.

After another brief concession break—*We all need to go to this popcorn stand to get ourselves a snack. We all need to go to the popcorn stand, so we’ll wait till you get back*—the crowd settled back into their seats, anticipation building as the 5v5 match was about to start.

"Bob, I’m excited about this, aren’t you?" Cotton's voice boomed through the speakers, capturing the electric atmosphere of the arena.

"5v5? That’s the real epitome of the fights," Bob agreed, nodding enthusiastically. "Can you imagine, way back when, when people were doing this for a living? Well, for a killing, you might say."

"Yeah, it’s like stepping into a different world," Cotton mused. "And look who we’ve got leading the teams. Alexander, the Golden God, is taking the reins for the Portal Crushers. And it looks like Frank will be leading for Rogue Stand."

"Who are the rest of those people?" Bob squinted at the screen displaying the lineups. 

"Well, they’re all good fighters, no doubt. But besides the captains, one guy really stands out—Hank the Tank. Probably one of the most surprising picks during the draft."

Cotton chuckled. 

"People don’t have high hopes for him. Unless the hopes are for him to go streaking!" The two commentators shared a laugh, adding a moment of levity before the intensity of the upcoming match.


Meanwhile, at the concession stand, a father and his young son stood in line, the kid clutching a brochure for official Portal Crushers merchandise.

"I want this, Dad," the kid said, pointing to a sleek Portal Crushers uniform top. "Can I get one of these?"

The dad hesitated, glancing at the price tag. *That's a bit steep... but his smile is worth it.* "Alright, kiddo. Go ahead. If it makes you happy, and that’s what counts."

The kid’s eyes lit up with excitement as he clutched the uniform top. "Thanks, Dad! This is going to be awesome!"

As they walked away, the dad felt a small pang of guilt over the expense but shrugged it off, deciding it was worth it seeing his kid so happy.


Back in the arena, Alexander, leading the Portal Crushers for the 5v5 match, surveyed the battlefield with a thoughtful expression. *The spawn point is completely unguarded. It’s a risky move, but if it works, it’ll be a spectacular victory. We’ve got the advantage of surprise and tactical control. If Rogue Stand falls for the bait, it’ll be game over for them. I just need to trust my team to hold their ground.*

The teams took their positions at opposite ends of the field, the arena’s hologram technology projecting a realistic marshy swamp that stretched between them. The air shimmered with digital humidity, the ground squelching underfoot as the fighters began their advance.

Alexander’s bold decision to leave the spawn point unguarded was a calculated risk. The plan was to lure Rogue Stand into a trap by baiting them into the unprotected spawn. If someone from the opposing team could slip through and stand on the spawn point for thirty seconds, the game would end in their favor. Alexander was confident in his team's abilities to control the battlefield and prevent any such infiltration. 

*Let's see if they take the bait.*

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