Atlas: Back to the Present – Time Travel + Post Apoc + OP MC

CHAPTER 52: Alexander’s Fight

The two squads moved cautiously through the swamp, their senses heightened for any sign of movement. The holographic swamp, a sprawling maze of twisted trees, shallow pools, and thick mist, presented a formidable challenge. Visibility was poor, the swirling mist obscuring their view and adding to the tension. Each team was determined to gain the upper hand, fully aware that the slightest misstep could be their downfall.

Frank led Rogue Stand with calculated precision. His experience was evident in every movement he made, guiding his team through the treacherous terrain with ease. They advanced like shadows, slipping from one cover to the next, their focus unwavering. Frank’s tactical awareness was impeccable, ensuring that every member of his team was in the right position at the right time.

On the other side of the battlefield, Alexander’s team moved with a mix of confidence and aggression. Hank the Tank took the front line, his massive frame pushing through the dense underbrush. Despite the doubts expressed by commentators, Hank was proving to be a formidable force. His two smaller punch shields were designed not for full protection but for quick, precise maneuvers. Unlike full-sized shields that could impede each other, these punch shields allowed Hank to move swiftly and strike with force. They were also ideal for deflecting blows while maintaining mobility, giving him an edge in close combat.

The two teams met in a massive frontal charge. Both teams unwilling to let the other through. Swords and shields, clashed with maces and spears.




All sorts of notifications and announcements rang through the arena, as the brawl continued. The watching crowds cheered as the action continued on and the players were all in the mix.

As the battle unfolded, Alexander’s gamble began to unravel. He had taken a significant risk by leaving the spawn point unguarded, a decision that was now starting to show its consequences. Frank, ever observant, had noticed the gap in their defense. He quickly relayed instructions to one of his most agile teammates, a lithe fighter named Silva. With impressive speed and stealth, Silva peeled off from the main group and began her approach towards the unguarded spawn point.

Meanwhile, Alexander and the rest of the Portal Crushers were fully immersed in their fight against Rogue Stand. The swamp had become a chaotic battlefield, with quick strikes and heavy blows exchanged in a desperate bid to outmaneuver one another. Alexander's two handed sword clashed repeatedly with Frank's spear, the two leaders locked in an intense and grueling duel. Their combat was a spectacle of skill and strength, each trying to gain the upper hand over the other.

Hank was holding the line with remarkable tenacity. His imposing presence drew the attention of multiple Rogue Stand fighters, who found themselves overwhelmed by his sheer force and resilience. However, as the battle raged on, Silva, unnoticed amidst the chaos, made her way past the melee and reached the spawn point. Her movements were precise and deliberate, and she hesitated only briefly before stepping into the circle to activate the countdown.

The clock started ticking. Alexander, engrossed in his fight with Frank, was completely unaware of the looming danger to his team. The rest of the Portal Crushers were too preoccupied with their own skirmishes to notice Silva’s presence at the spawn point. Their focus was entirely on the immediate combat, leaving the crucial point vulnerable.

"Bob, do they even realize what’s happening?" Cotton’s voice was filled with tension and disbelief. "She’s got the spawn point!"

"They’re too focused on the fight!" Bob replied, his voice tight with concern. "If someone doesn’t notice soon, it’s going to be over before they even know it!"

The final thirty seconds felt like an eternity. The crowd’s murmurs grew louder, their anticipation was visible. People stood in front of their seats and screamed “Spawwwwn!”

The fighters in the arena were always isolated from the spectators otherwise they too would have noticed the important moment approaching.

Alexander's eyes finally caught sight of the countdown on the arena’s display. His heart sank as he saw the timer ticking down, the realization dawning on him with a jolt. He had been so absorbed in his duel with Frank that he had overlooked a critical aspect of the game.

"Get back!" Alexander shouted, his voice urgent and filled with panic. But the words were swallowed by the relentless progression of time. The buzzer blared, its sharp sound cutting through the arena as the timer hit zero. The holographic swamp faded away, leaving the two teams standing in the now-empty arena.

The result was clear: Rogue Stand had emerged victorious. The crowd erupted in a mix of cheers and stunned silence, their reactions reflecting the unexpected turn of events for their respective fans. For Alexander and his team, the victory had slipped through their fingers, leaving them with the bitter taste of defeat. They had knocked out several Rogue Stand players, but none of that mattered if they had their spawn point captured.

The mood among the Portal Crushers was somber as they trudged out of the 5v5 arena. Their earlier excitement had been replaced by a heavy sense of disappointment. Alexander led the group, his head hanging low, the weight of the defeat pressing heavily on his shoulders. The rest of the team followed in silence, their footsteps echoing in the empty halls as they made their way to the locker room. The once vibrant energy of the team had dissipated, replaced by a collective sense of failure.

Inside the locker room, Atlas awaited them. His expression was calm, but his eyes were sharp, taking in the mood of the team with a keen perception. The air was thick with disappointment; they had all hoped for a clean sweep in their first official match. Now, that hope was dashed, leaving them with a mixture of frustration and self-doubt.

As they gathered around, Atlas broke the silence. "Well," he said, his voice steady and measured, "what do you think you did wrong?"

Alexander didn’t hesitate. "I should have never taken the gamble," he admitted, his voice heavy with regret. *I really blew it this time.*

Atlas shook his head, a slight smile tugging at the corners of his mouth. "That’s where you’re wrong," he said. "The gamble was good. The problem was your awareness. That’s experience. You might have been the number one draft pick, but your still new to leadership in combat. You should have noticed right away that one of their fighters was missing."

The words hung in the air, the truth of them sinking in like a turd made of steel. Atlas continued, "That’s why we practiced those maneuvers on the field. You could have had Hank stop two or three fighters while you were fighting Frank and had two people working on that spawn point. You had the right idea, but you needed to execute it better."

Alexander nodded, the lesson becoming clearer with each word. "That makes darn sense," he said, his frustration beginning to give way to understanding. *I’ve got to do better next time.*

"But hey," Atlas said, clapping a hand on Alexander’s shoulder, "let's not get too down on ourselves. We still had a great match. Three points is nothing to laugh at."

The team’s spirits lifted slightly at Atlas’s words. The tension in the room began to ease as the reality of the situation sank in. While the tie score was a blow, it was also a valuable lesson. They all knew that in the grand scheme of things, this was just one battle in a long season. And though the setback stung, it was an opportunity for growth and improvement.


After hitting the showers, the team slowly began to regain their spirits. Conversations picked up, and the locker room, once filled with heavy silence, now buzzed with the familiar sounds of banter and camaraderie. The team knew they would be back, and they were determined to come back stronger and more prepared for the challenges ahead.

As the last of his teammates headed out, Alexander lingered for a moment, catching Atlas’s eye. "Thanks, Coach," he said quietly. "I won’t make that mistake again."

Atlas nodded, a satisfied look in his eyes. "I know you won’t," he replied. "This is just the beginning."

In his mind, Atlas was already thinking beyond the arena. This match had been more than just a test of their fighting skills; it had been a test of their ability to adapt, learn, and grow as a team. The most important thing was preparing them for the real fights that lay ahead. The wasteland would not offer any second chances. There would be no locker room to retreat to, no coach to offer advice. Out there, it was life or death. And this match, though tough, had brought them one step closer to being ready for whatever the portals would throw at them next.

*Losing here today is a win if it teaches them a lesson for the future,* thought Atlas.


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