Atlas: Back to the Present – Time Travel + Post Apoc + OP MC

CHAPTER 53: Weekend Update

Music blared from the television as *Weekend Update With SFB Pro* lit up the screen. 

The show’s theme played over images of intense combat, roaring crowds, and the flashing logos of various teams. The camera cut to a panel of four commentators seated around a sleek table, each of them holding a tablet, ready to dive into the latest analysis.

"Well, let's look at the top 10 in the league right now," the host said, kicking things off. A graphic appeared on the screen, showcasing the rankings.

**Top 10 Teams in the SFB League:**

1. **Sword and Iron**  

2. **Rogue Stand**  

3. **Bloodborn Brotherhood**  

4. **Crimson Claw**  

5. **Wraiths of Valhalla**  

6. **Celestial Raiders**  

7. **Midnight Wolves**  

8. **Iron Fist**  

9. **Shadow Legion**  

10. **Steel Vanguard**

The host continued, "Well, we're 10 matches into the season. What do you think, Cotton?"

Cotton, the veteran analyst known for his blunt opinions, leaned forward. "I'm honestly surprised. Out of the top 10, I really thought Portal Crushers would have been on there. They've got a great lineup."

Nicole, another panellist, jumped in. "But they keep picking the wrong setup. And, oh, it looks like our feed listeners also agree with that." She glanced at her tablet, where live comments from viewers scrolled rapidly.

Whendisstart: yeah that lineup is wack?

Atlasfan: Atlas is my god. I wonder why he keeps doing the solo?

Givemebabes: pick some hot lady fight 

Earlywrier: who doesn’t think he should use Isabella?

Berlinismycat: meow meow

Atlaswife44: my husband says he will be #1, 2, 3

Obvospam: follow me for tips on how to bet at


Calgarycrushers: that’s not how it works!

Joncanuck: lolollolo lol

Ronsucks: they will lose if they keep line open like this

Gorman, the panel's international correspondent, shook his head. "It's their inability to pick the right lineups that's hampering Portal Crushers. Yes, I've got to agree with you." The camera cut to a few quick clips of past matches, highlighting the team’s missteps.

"And the crowd’s saying it too," Nicole added. "For the love of God, it's not even a surprise weapon at this point. Why do they keep putting Atlas in for the 1v1? That’s just one point."

Cotton nodded. "Yeah, for the last three fights, the other teams have put in their reserves for that fight. They don’t even seem to care about losing the first match."

Nicole chimed in again, her tone more frustrated. "And what's with that Alexander? He’s supposed to be the number one draft pick. But so far, with his 50-50 wins, he should be way farther down the list."

"Don’t get me started on Hank the Tank," Cotton interjected with a scoff. "His slow-ass style does nobody any good. Yeah, I think we can all agree that picking that guy was a loss. And then using him was even more of a loss."

Ana, the final panelist, shook her head, clearly disappointed. "Look at them now. That’s a team doing way worse than their potential. You know who is doing great, though? Sword and Iron. They’ve been kicking ass and taking names, commanding the lead in points. There’s a very good chance that last year’s champs are going to be this year’s champs."


As the panellists continued their banter, the television's volume in the Portal Crushers' team room suddenly dropped. Atlas had walked into the room, his presence commanding immediate attention.

"Hank," Atlas said firmly, "turn that stuff off."

Hank, sitting slouched in a chair, barely looked up. The exhaustion on his face was clear, his usual robust demeanor sagging under the weight of the recent criticism. He reached over and hit the remote, silencing the TV. The room was filled with a heavy silence, punctuated only by the low hum of the air conditioning.

Atlas stepped closer, his voice softening. "Look, bro, I know you're feeling down, but I chose you because of your grit and your toughness. What SFB says doesn't matter to me, and it shouldn’t matter to you either. It’s all about protecting your teammates, isn’t it? Think about those portal exercises. You always do great in those."

Hank let out a heavy sigh, his shoulders slumping even further. "Yeah, but that's all just pretend," he muttered, a flicker of doubt in his eyes. "You know there are better tanks out there. I’ve tried, lord knows I’ve tried. But a couple of hits and I’m down. The SFB just calls out a couple of (CRIPPLE) or (INCAPACITATED), and that’s all she wrote."

Atlas shook his head, a hint of a smile playing on his lips. He knew Hank was being too hard on himself.

“Don’t worry, Hank. As long as you keep on working hard, I’ve got your back, just like you’ve got your teammates’ backs. The SFB system isn’t God, it’s just a system of sensors. We both know in a real fight you’d be doing much better."

Hank’s expression remained clouded with concern. "Sure, I’d be doing better in a real fight, but that doesn’t help the team win our matches, does it? Oh well, just gotta keep soldiering on."

Atlas gave him a reassuring pat on the shoulder before guiding him toward the door. "Now, let's get you to bed. Those beers aren’t doing you any good, and we’ve got a big fight tomorrow."

Hank followed, the weight of his doubts still lingering but slightly lifted by Atlas’s words. The two walked through the dimly lit hallways of the team's quarters, the walls lined with motivational posters and photos from past victories. Hank’s footsteps were heavy, but Atlas’s presence offered a semblance of support.

They reached Hank’s room, and Atlas paused, looking at his teammate with a mixture of empathy and determination. "You know, Hank, it's not just about the rankings or the stats. It's about the heart you bring to the team. You’ve got tons of it, more than anyone could measure. That’s what makes you valuable. That’s what makes you part of this team."

Hank gave a small nod, though his eyes were still downcast. "I appreciate that, Atlas. It’s just hard when everything seems to be going wrong. I keep thinking about how I could have done better."

Atlas clapped him on the back, a friendly, firm gesture that was meant to both comfort and encourage. "Everyone has those moments, Hank. Even the best fighters. What matters is how you bounce back. You’ve got the heart to keep pushing forward, and that’s what counts. The real battle isn’t fought in the arenas—it’s fought in our minds and hearts. And I know you’ve got what it takes."

Hank's expression softened slightly, and he managed a faint smile. "Thanks, Atlas. I’ll try to keep that in mind."

"Good," Atlas said, giving him a final reassuring nod. "Get some rest. We’ve got a big day ahead, and we need you at your best."

With that, Atlas left Hank to his thoughts, turning off the light and closing the door gently behind him. He walked back to his own room, his mind buzzing with strategies and concerns about the upcoming fight. 

*Tomorrow was another day, and despite what the commentators or rankings said, Atlas knew that the real battle wasn’t fought in the arenas—it was fought in their minds, in their hearts, and in their relentless determination to keep going, no matter what. Because when the portals come, it’s not the top-ranking teams that'll survive. It’s the teams that believe in themselves and the teams that have unbreakable trust in each other.*

That’s what he was trying to build: an unstoppable, unbreakable team. One where every member’s heart and courage counted just as much as their skills. Atlas knew that as long as they supported each other and believed in their mission, they had the potential to overcome any obstacle that came their way.

And as he lay down for the night, Atlas felt a renewed sense of purpose. Tomorrow’s fight would be another step toward proving that the Portal Crushers were more than just a team—they were a force to be reckoned with, united by their shared determination and unyielding spirit.

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