Atlas: Back to the Present – Time Travel + Post Apoc + OP MC

CHAPTER 59: Final Six

“Wow, it’s been a series of brutal matches, Cotton, but we’re now at the finals.”

“Indeed, Bob. I’m getting excited just thinking about it,” Cotton said from his chair, his voice barely containing the anticipation that buzzed throughout the arena.

The massive holographic screen hanging above the stadium flickered to life, displaying the final rankings:

1. **Sword & Iron** - 63 points  

2. **RogueStand** - 60 points  

3. **Dragon's Edge** - 58 points  

4. **Shadow Vipers** - 57 points  

5. **Portal Crushers** - 56 points  

6. **Blazing Shadows** - 55 points

“Here it is, folks,” Cotton continued, his voice booming across the arena, “the final six teams that have clawed their way to the top! The points don’t matter anymore; it’s now all about strategy, skill, and sheer willpower.”

The crowd roared in approval, the atmosphere electric with excitement. Fans from all over the world, both in the stadium and watching online, were on the edge of their seats. The stakes were higher than ever, and everyone knew that only the best of the best could survive the finals.

“The format changes here, Bob,” Cotton explained, turning to his co-commentator. “We’re moving away from the standard 1v1, 3v3, and 5v5 battles. Now, it’s a full-on 10v10 brawl.”

“That’s right, Cotton,” Bob added, “and it’s not just about taking out the opposing team. Each team can win by capturing two of the  three spawn points, randomly placed across the map. Each team has a home spawn point, but there’s a hidden spawn point somewhere on the map. But with the SFB holographic terrain technology, that spawn point won’t be easy to find, let alone hold.”

As Bob spoke, the holographic screen shifted, showing the random terrains that could be generated for the final matches. From dense forests with towering trees to arid deserts with rolling dunes, the possibilities were endless. The screen showcased quick glimpses of what each terrain might look like, and the audience marveled at the level of detail.

“This technology is something else, Cotton,” Bob marveled, watching as a simulated battle played out on the screen. “These terrains are completely immersive, making it feel like the teams are really in those environments. They’ll have to adapt on the fly to whatever the system throws at them.”

“Right you are, Bob. The holographic system is designed to challenge the teams’ adaptability and strategy. They won’t just be fighting each other; they’ll be fighting the environment too. And the best part is that the spawn points are hidden somewhere in there.”

The camera panned across the arena, capturing the intense focus on the faces of the two teams fighting today. Each team was in their designated locker rooms, making last-minute adjustments to their strategies and psyching themselves up for the battle ahead. The tension was clear.

A group of Sword and Iron fans, decked out in bright green and gold, leaned over the railing, waving flags and shouting encouragement. One of them nudged his friend, “Dude, I told you betting on the swords was a solid move! Look at that score!!”

His friend grinned, patting his pocket where his betting slip was safely tucked away. “I know, right? We’re gonna make a killing if they win this whole thing!”

And here we go!” Cotton’s voice rose in excitement as the screen transitioned to the first matchup. “It’s going to be Sword & Iron versus Blazing Shadows! The number one seed against the underdogs. Let’s see if the Shadows can pull off a miracle!”

The arena lights dimmed as the two teams made their way to the battlefield. The holographic terrain began to generate, pixel by pixel, until it formed a lush jungle with thick underbrush and towering trees. The crowd roared as the players appeared on the screen, fully suited up in their SFB armor, weapons at the ready.

“This is it,” Bob whispered, his voice full of anticipation. “This is what we’ve all been waiting for.”

The battle began with a deafening roar from the crowd. Sword & Iron wasted no time, pushing forward with a well-coordinated assault. Their leader, Perry, a hulking figure wielding a massive war hammer, led the charge. Behind him, his team moved with precision, covering each other’s flanks as they advanced toward the first spawn point.

But Blazing Shadows wasn’t going down without a fight. They split into two groups, one setting up defensive positions around their spawn point while the other launched a flanking maneuver, trying to catch Sword & Iron off guard.

“They’re playing it smart, Cotton,” Bob observed. “They know they can’t win in a straight-up brawl, so they’re going for hit-and-run tactics. Let’s see if it pays off.”

The first clash happened near a waterfall, where Sword & Iron had almost reached the spawn point.

Perry swung his war hammer in a wide arc, clearing the way for his teammates as they pushed forward. The spawn point was within sight, but Blazing Shadows had other plans. Their leader, Shara, a nimble rogue with dual daggers, darted in and out of the shadows, targeting Sword & Iron’s flanks. She got the (CRIPPLED) status off on two of them immediately.

“Look at that movement, Bob!” Cotton exclaimed. “Shara’s using the terrain to her advantage, striking where it hurts the most!”

But Sword & Iron wasn’t easily deterred. They regrouped quickly, focusing their attacks on Shara and forcing her to retreat. Perry reached the spawn point and slammed his war hammer into the ground, claiming it for themselves. He held it there for the 30 seconds easily.

“One down, two to go,” Cotton said, his voice filled with excitement. “But this match is far from over!”

The battle raged on, with both teams fighting tooth and nail for the remaining spawn points. Blazing Shadows managed to claim the second point, evening the score. The final point was in a narrow canyon, surrounded by steep cliffs. It was the perfect setting for an ambush, and both teams knew it.

“This is going to be the deciding point, Bob,” Cotton predicted. “Whoever claims this spawn wins the match.”

Sword & Iron advanced cautiously, wary of an ambush. Blazing Shadows had positioned themselves to the sides, ready to spring in on anyone who dared enter the canyon. It was a standoff, with neither team willing to make the first move. At this point, both teams had been whittled down. They had five players left and six players left, respectively.

“Here it comes, Cotton,” Bob said, his voice tense. “The final push.”

Perry signaled to his team, and they surged forward, shields raised to protect against the incoming attacks. Blazing Shadows unleashed their assault, Sword & Iron held their ground, their tank desperately bulling ahead to keep the team alive.

Then, with a roar, Perry charged forward, his war hammer swinging in a deadly arc. He broke through Blazing Shadows’ defenses with a series of (STUN) (STUN) (CRIPPLED), scattering their formation. Shara tried to counterattack, but Perry was unstoppable. He slammed his war hammer into the ground, sending shockwaves through the canyon while Blazing Shadows tried to get past the remaining defenders.

(FATALITY) the tank went down. (KILLED), another down. (STUNNED) went a third.

But Blazing Shadows couldn’t get through in time to stop Perry from completing the 30 seconds to claim the spawn.


“That’s it! That’s the game!” Cotton shouted, his voice barely audible over the roar of the crowd. Sword & Iron takes the second spawn point and wins the match!”

The arena erupted in cheers as Sword & Iron stood victorious, their players glowing with the triumph of their hard-fought win. The screen displayed the final score, and the crowd chanted the winning team’s name.

A couple of rows back, another pair of spectators exchanged high-fives, their excitement spilling over as they celebrated their win. “Man, I told you Perry would carry the team,” one of them said, grinning ear to ear. “He’s a beast!”

“No kidding! That war hammer is no joke,” the other replied, laughing. “I’m just glad I put my money on Sword & Iron. Drinks on me tonight!”


“Well, Bob, that was one hell of a match,” Cotton said, his voice full of admiration. “Blazing Shadows put up a great fight, but in the end, Sword & Iron proved why they’re the number one seed.”

“Indeed, Cotton,” Bob agreed. “This was a match for the history books.”

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