Atlas: Back to the Present – Time Travel + Post Apoc + OP MC

CHAPTER 60: Portal Crusher Semi

"Well, Cotton, watching Sword & Iron win last week was thrilling," Bob said as the broadcast resumed, the arena buzzing with anticipation.

"It sure was, Bob, especially compared to the quieter Dragon's Edge versus Shadow Vipers match yesterday," Cotton replied with a chuckle.

"Yesterday’s match may not have been as thrilling as we’ve seen before, but today, we’re definitely in for a treat."

"Indeed. It’s Rogue stand versus Portal Crushers," Cotton announced, his excitement clear to all..

As the names of the Portal Crushers’ lineup appeared on the screen, the crowd erupted in cheers.

**Portal Crushers Lineup:**

- **Atlas**: Dual Swords

- **Wilfredo**: Mace & Shield

- **Wang Bo**: Staff

- **Isabella**: Dual Swords

- **Kingsley**: Cestus 

- **Evalynh**: Chain Flail

- **Alexander the Golden God**: Two-Handed Sword

- **Hank the Tank**: Dual Shields

- **Jim**: Sword & Shield

- **John**: Sword & Shield

Back in the Portal Crushers’ locker room, John was visibly nervous. His hands shook as he tried to fasten the straps on his SFB armor. "Atlas, I don’t think I should be in this fight. I’m not ready. The stakes are too high," he argued, his voice wavering.

Atlas, already suited up and ready for battle, placed a reassuring hand on John’s shoulder. "You need this, John. We all do. You’ve been training for this, and with the portal coming, you have to be prepared to kick ass. Trust me."

*He really is taking this portal game seriously,* John thought, his stomach churning with a mix of fear and anticipation.

John looked into Atlas's eyes, seeing the resolve and confidence that had carried the team this far. He took a deep breath and nodded, though the anxiety in his gut didn't fully dissipate.

"Good," Atlas said, giving him a firm pat on the back. "Now, let’s go show them what the Portal Crushers are made of."

The team filed out of the locker room, entering the arena to the roar of the crowd. The holographic battlefield shimmered to life before them, transforming into a dense forest with towering trees and uneven terrain. The three spawn points glowed faintly in the distance, each one tucked away in different corners of the battlefield, making them difficult to reach and even harder to hold.

The countdown began. Ten seconds. The tension in the air was thick enough to cut with a knife.

"Here we go, Cotton," Bob said, leaning forward in his seat. "This is going to be a match to remember."

The horn blared, and the match began.

Atlas led the charge, his dual swords gleaming as he dashed forward, his team following closely behind. They split into two groups: Atlas, Wilfredo, Wang Bo, and Isabella heading for the first spawn point, while Kingsley, Evalynh, Alexander, Hank, Jim, and John moved towards the second. They decided to ignore the third point. They only needed two to win.

Rogue Stand was prepared, already fortifying their positions around the two spawns. They had luckily found them quickly.

As Atlas’s group approached the first point, they were met with resistance. Rogue Stand’s front line charged at them, swords clashing with a deafening clang.

(SLASH) Atlas sliced through one of the enemy’s defenders, his swords moving with blinding speed. Wilfredo swung his mace, the impact sending one opponent crashing to the ground, (STUN) flashing across the screen as the sensors registered the hit.

But Rogue Stand wasn’t going down easily. Their fighters were disciplined and tough, and they pushed back hard. Wang Bo spun his staff with deadly precision, knocking two opponents off balance. Isabella moved in swiftly, her dual swords cutting through the air. (CRIPPLED!) The word blinked on the screen as one of the Rogue Stand fighters fell.

Meanwhile, at the second spawn point, Kingsley and Evalynh led the assault. Kingsley’s fists were a blur as he pummeled through Rogue Stand’s defenses with his cestus. (Stun) kept lighting up. Evalynh’s chain flail whipped through the air, wrapping around an enemy’s leg and yanking them off their feet. (SLASH) The system registered the hits as the Portal Crushers dominated their opponents.

Hank the Tank was a wall of defense, using his dual shields to block any attack that came his way. Jim fought beside him, sword and shield moving in nervous harmony. The two made an impenetrable pair, holding the line while John, nerves forgotten in the heat of battle, fought with surprising skill.

As the battle intensified, the first spawn point was captured by the Portal Crushers, the countdown timer ticking away as they held the ground against Rogue Stand’s desperate attempts to reclaim it.

"Thirty seconds! They just need to hold it for thirty seconds, Cotton!" Bob shouted, his excitement contagious.

Rogue Stand, sensing the pressure, threw everything they had at the Portal Crushers. But Atlas was relentless, his swords a blur of motion. He took down one opponent after another, (SLASH) & (FATALITY) flashing on the screen as he cleared the area around the spawn point.

In the chaos, Wilfredo caught an opponent off guard, his mace connecting with a resounding thud. (MEGA KILL!) The announcers screamed as Wilfredo, Isabella, and Wang Bo took down three Rogue Stand fighters in quick succession, securing the first spawn point.

But Rogue Stand wasn’t done yet. At the second spawn point, their forces regrouped, launching a fierce counterattack. Kingsley was pushed back, Evalynh struggling to maintain control of the flail as more enemies swarmed them. Alexander the golden god stepped in, his two-handed sword cutting a wide arc through the attackers. (MONSTROUS) The screen lit up as Alexander decimated four of Rogue Stand’s fighters, his golden armor glinting under the holographic sunlight.

Hank, Jim, and John held their ground as the countdown continued. John, finding his rhythm, fought with a determination that surprised even himself. His shield blocked a heavy strike, and with a quick counter, he took down his opponent.



The crowd was on their feet, the noise deafening as the Portal Crushers held the second spawn point. Just as the timer hit zero, a massive cheer erupted. 

Fans were on their feet, excitement buzzing through the air. "This is the best match we’ve seen so far!" one fan shouted.

"Yeah, isn’t that John guy an assistant coach? He’s been killing it out there!" another fan added, amazed by the unexpected prowess John had shown.


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