Augustus Under the Horseshoe

Chapter 154

Chapter 146 : True and False Chief

After a night of passion, the bard, disguised as a blood-rage chief, collapsed contentedly on the sheepskin mattress, his naked skin was covered with crystal clear sweat, and his soft belly was undulating, two towering towering towers. The black mountains shook gently with her hurried and contented voice.

“Fell asleep so soon.”

Christian gently stroked Painhus, the sleeping handsome face-the acting chief had almost no time to rest and entertain these days. After working hard for a few days, after going to the cloud and rain together, his physical strength finally reached its limit. In the surging gentle country of the bard, he fell into a sweet dream.

“Hmph, the big deal has been decided. When he wakes up, he can’t refuse to refuse.”

The bard stretched out a slender finger, rolled it up, and pulled away the strands of her wet dark brown hair, making her ruby-like red pupils gleaming with boundless spring. When she admired the pale white horse in front of her, there was no Any hindrance.

“That’s not right-although I did not participate in the war, but according to the information passed back and forth by the dead of the poem, the pale horse not only has to manage and suppress the more than 3,000 new violent members who joined the blood rage clan and grinded and sucked blood, but also faced Sartre’s endless harassment, raids, and even returning to the fortress, he has to deal with the Thunderpike clan standing next to the descendants of God who prosecuted himself. He must be exhausted.”

Christian brows frowned slowly. Painfully stroked the other’s pale long hair. For several years, the shadows that have accumulated in the heart have been dissipated by the endless pleasure brought about by the intercourse. After the Wushan Yunyu, the bard once again returned to a calm and rational state.

“Wait, it’s not right, now the situation is so chaotic, Horus is entrenched in the West, the **** Tolia is eyeing his crown, and my sister’s ruling power, the Bloodrage clan is facing the challenge of foreign enemies and internal troubles at the same time. Everyone is fighting hard, but I made this kind of thing and disrupted his work, would it be a bit too selfish…”

Christina burst into a beautiful picture with a gentle smile, affectionately calling herself “elder sister”, and suddenly came to Christian’s mind. The bard’s springy and beautiful face slowly showed a guilty look, no matter what. For thousands of reasons, I did something to sorry for her.

“Forget it, bear with me, wait for the north to stabilize, and then clarify this matter.” The spark of reason finally prevailed in Christian’s extremely chaotic mind.

Thinking of this, the bard once again played the bewitching mourning movement, leaving a regretful kiss on the lips of the acting chief, and gradually disappearing inside the tent. The bloodrage warriors on both sides of the road bowed to her who was disguised as the bloodrage chief.


“Arrows! Arrows! Arrows! Charge with a gun! AlanNure Sandra!!!”

In the early morning of the next day, a series of uniform roars, accompanied by the high-pitched and stern sound of horns, and the dense drumbeat of horseshoes smashing the ground, formed a war chorus that once again swept the entire fortress on the seashore.

The roar of the battle roar that turned against the sky, like the surging crazy wave of the Black Sea, echoed back and forth inside the castle.

“Arrows! Arrows! Arrows! Charge with a gun! AlanNure Sandra!!!”

“Oh my God-the sisters of Stormpike are training again in the morning?! Let people not sleep!” Pain Hess, who was awakened by the roar of battle, opened his bloodshot eyes silently and said An angry roar.

If the opponent is not a comrade-in-arms, he will definitely order the bloodrage fighters to send a round of sharp arrows to cover the sky and the sun to these dream-disturbing fanatics, and let the Thunder Pike men and horses lie in their own blood. Keep your mouth shut forever.

In the past few days of cooperation, Painhurs slowly learned about the Thunderpike clan fighting side by side with him: aside from the fact that these guys lick protein powder every day, they are a group of highly militarized violent gangs. Unconditionally obey the superior order.

The newborn foal, from the beginning of being able to walk, must strictly follow the iron-like death law within the clan.

All soldiers are the feather arrows in Chief Sandra’s quiver, the sharp blade in the scabbard, and the flesh and blood extension of the arm. If the Stormpike clan is a life. Then, the clan members are flesh and blood, the head is the nerve node, and the chief, the heart and brain, directs the activities of everyone.

The chief did not order to eat, and everyone was not allowed to eat. The chief did not order to sleep, and everyone was not allowed to close their eyes. The chief blew the assembled horn. Everyone must get their weapons and appear in front of her at the first time. Painhurs had negotiated with her several times, and it was enough to gather in the morning. Can you stop blowing the horn in the middle of the night? The whole fortress has made a chicken fly dog ​​jump? Thunder Spear doesn’t sleep, but Blood Fury must sleep, okay!

“It’s so annoying, why don’t you order the soldiers to go to sleep at dusk, get up in the middle of the night, and quarrel with those elder sisters, Chris…Huh?”

The pale white horse looked at the empty mattress beside him, and the mess after the passion, and fell into huge doubts. He straightened up his pale Shenjun body and opened the curtain, but the guards on the left and right told him: The chief had left the glory of Skerrit last night?

? ? ?


Time was like a white horse passing by, and it was fleeting. Horus and Toria, who were seriously injured and unable to move, reached a final agreement through pen and paper. The two sides signed a peace treaty, and at the same time gave each other some money, so that leaders of both sides can brag in front of their soldiers that “the enemy is terrified of our supreme military, and is terrified, praying for peace, and gave it a precious gift.”

It is a good deal to exchange a sum of gold for the prestige in the hearts of the soldiers.

After the war, the wolves retreated to the west of Gredinian, licking their wounds in secret. And Christina, with the entire population and property of the Bloodrage clan, left Diodosiya, and the whole clan moved to the Glory of Skerrit far away from the center of the council.

Before leaving, he also used his pasture and land inside the city in exchange for more food and livestock. After three days and three nights of trekking, at the end of a vast expanse of vision, a team appeared to greet him. Under the banner of the Scarlet Skull, a pale figure stood.

“Pale horse!”

Christina cheered happily. The four black and elegant horseshoes turned into deep afterimages in the green grass, turning her blood-like graceful crimson body into a crimson wind, lightly Floating lightly into the cold, generous and pale embrace of the other party.

“By the way, a few days ago, you suddenly came to my side and left suddenly. Did something happen?”

Painhurs opened his arms happily and hugged the lover in front of him. Enjoying a moment of seductiveness, by the way, ask questions that have troubled me for a long time.

“Ah? I went straight back to Diodosiya to take care of the clan? I didn’t come back at all.”

Christina tilted her head, her delicate face revealed a lovely expression that was more perplexed than him.

? ? ?

The smile on Painhurs’s face slowly solidified, and his eyes widened in shock. This unbelievable look quickly regained his composure in front of the Bloodwrath Chief and the soldiers. This was prevarication, and slowly dispelled Rouge Lima’s doubts. Begin to settle down the tired brothers and sisters on the journey, transfer, and unload the piles of materials from the pack beast. By the way, find a good time to privately call in the sentry on duty that night.

“Block the news that the chief appeared that night, and let the people on duty shut up. Also, inform Kuronia and let him summon his best predators, the hounds with the most sensitive smell, and the eagle with the sharpest vision. Look up any traces left by the [Bloodfury Chief] that night, and take out the counterfeit at all costs! Implement it immediately!

By the way, this matter is not allowed to be told to the chief, I will handle it myself, understand? ! ”

“Your will!”

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