Augustus Under the Horseshoe

Chapter 155

Chapter 147 : Black fangs

The Bloodfury clan all migrated to the glory of Skerrit in the north, and settled in this strong coastal fortress. Painhurs fulfilled his promise and assigned the cattle and sheep across the mountains to the newly joined clan members according to the number of ears—that is, the merits. Christina, who also agreed with Painhurs’ law, spread it to the entire race.

A total of four thousand two hundred and twenty-one men and horses. There is an average of three persons in one household, and one household consists of approximately two adult female and male horses, and one juvenile foal. They share a tent, livestock, and wealth.

The little pony is mostly their heirs, of course, some children are war orphans whose parents have died. Adopt these foals, you will get additional resources from the chief.

Of course, some people with great military exploits, high prestige within the clan, and more livestock wealth tend to hug multiple heterosexual partners, and they also have more offspring. Let the population of a household swell to about four to five people.

After going through a series of extremely troublesome calculations, statistics, and door-to-door requests to change tents, and had to persuade and adjust the tedious work, the entire bloodanger clan has 4,221 members, divided into 1,300. Thirty-three tents. Every one hundred tents are divided into the most basic fighting groups. They are respectively led by thirteen brave and combative [100 households].

Of course, unlike ordinary nomadic civilizations, a family of five can only support one cavalry in a tent. A foal about one year old has the strength comparable to that of a human adult male. As long as it is not a costly expedition, a tent, three people can pull out two people to fight, it is not impossible for the whole people to be soldiers when they are alive or dead. Therefore, each hundred households at least command 150-200 brave fighters.

In the new round of the battle for thousands of households, Painhurs won the final victory. Became the unshakable war commander of the clan. As for the 333 families that were left out, one hundred families was Christina’s former deputy, the fearless leader in heavy armor: Caen. He brought those two-handed heroes in iron riding gear, wielding heavy battle axes, and burning red anger, under the direct control of Christina.

There are also two hundred and thirty-three tents, all of which are extra-divided Black Liao clan, they are organized into an extra fighting group. Led by the spoiled, childish Sigrit. The white white horse brought some criminals who committed capital crimes and infiltrated spies with golden shoes, and threw them in front of these executioners who were former secret police. Want to know their true strength.

The black fangs nodded, their calloused hands wielded two sharp short spears-these predators are good at fighting with two weapons. Their five-foot-long, hideous and terrifying short spears are very slender and can be pierced or thrown. It is said that the thickness and length of this gun can counteract the charge of the cavalry, and it can pass through the ribs of men and horses. Pierced their hearts.

The next thing is a bit **** and dazzling. In front of the new master, the black looters showed off their scheming to kill. They threw both hands at the same time, causing the two handles to continuously rotate to tear the air, and emit piercing and wailing spears, just like the hands of a surgeon, the most precise and sharp operation. The knife passed through the gap between the ribs, one up and down, and pierced the two hearts of the centaur at the same time!

Another guy, in order to prove that he knew the body structure of the horses and horses, as if he was a man and a cow, accompanied by a heart-piercing scream, he tore a complete piece of leather from the death row prisoner, and then he became adept. He cut off all his muscles and internal organs, and in the end there was only one complete bone that collapsed on the ground with blood, without a trace of abrasions or scratches.

The last guy did something even more exaggerated: he stabbed countless times on a spy. Just when Painhurs was confused, the predator skillfully cut open the deceased’s belly. The red blood was splattered. His whole body did not cause his solemn face to produce any changes in expression. The blood-stained hands were like two cold rocks, without the slightest shake.

The pale white horse raised his eyebrows in surprise—the man pulled out a scarred heart that was pierced by a short spear, **** organs, and scars pierced by countless spear points and cuts. The combination was amazing. It became the sacred totem of a black lizard clan: a big mouth of a beast’s blood basin, and the two slender and terrifying fangs of the upper jaw almost pierced the chin.

“Very well, as promised, I allow you to wave the flag of the Black Roe clan and wear clothes decorated with the Black Roe Totem. Your glory and tradition can continue to be maintained.” Painhurs nodded with satisfaction. “I will not send anyone to rule or hinder your lives. All 233 black veterans are unified under the only daughter of your chief: Sigrit.”

“But you, the members of the black lion scattered among other clans, must provide me with all the information they can find! If the day of the civil war really comes, you must stand on my side.”

“Your will.”

Sigrit bowed awkwardly.

“It’s true that the [Black Tusks] who scattered the clans have contacted several times privately-you also understand that all of our skills are used to counter the same race. The ability to graze, hunt, and attack foreign races is not Brilliant.

We are just a sharp blade that will choose the master. My mother once thought that the sacred fire was a suitable knife holder. But she was wrong, and took her own life, and the clan was torn apart.

However, you have overcome the sacred fire that cannot be beaten, and you have promulgated such an efficient and fair law. Therefore, everyone studied and decided that you are more like a [king] with a sharp hand than the descendant of God’s choice. ”

“Really? I thought you just wanted the luxurious life of the chief, so you chose to be loyal to me.”

The pale white horse raised its eyebrows.

“This is also the reason–” Sigrit lowered his head twistedly, and then, accompanied by a brisk pace, jumped in front of Painhurs, with delicate lips, away from the ear of the acting chief. Getting closer and closer.

“However, the most important thing is that others don’t know the badge, but our black fangs are clear: the badge in the hands of the Holy Fire is genuine!

Let’s not mention that the oak emblem that hosts the divine nature will actually be destroyed by a small fire. When it was burned, it was dull to an abnormal level, and no signs of vision occurred—don’t panic, acting chief. . The black fangs are loyal to you wholeheartedly. Will protect you a little secret…【little secret】. “

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