Augustus Under the Horseshoe

Chapter 156

Chapter 148 : A contract to sell one’s body

After settled down, it was the turn of the vassal races. More than sixty hill giants under Ferrol were placed at the foot of the walls of the Glory of Skerrit, and more than five thousand Eastern Goths lived in the port of the castle.

The craftsmanship of the hammer feller fell a lot of logs from the woods in the west. With the help of the priests, they expanded the scale of the port and built small sailing boats for them to go fishing and set up a small group of small boats. Fleet.

Hearing his teacher again, the drow who smiled and exuded fatal temptation, after the verbal agreement signed with the barbarian general: Asana, Painhurs’ headaches became more and more severe.

With his men and horses, it is indeed possible to completely suppress these humans in a short period of time, put them in shackles again, and lock them into dark houses.

But the problem is that if the blood-angered people want to contend with the powerful Jinlu clan, they must make their own power stronger while the descendants of God’s chosen are not yet healed.

And the human slave with no power to bind the chicken in front of him is transforming into a first-order priest who performs divine magic at a very terrible speed…It is really an army of holy light that cannot be ignored.

“Tell me your price, Painhurs. What price do I have to pay to redeem my compatriots and my freedom?”

Asana hugged her graceful body tightly, her apricot eyes flashed with fear and anger. Whenever I see that pale man and horse, under the hard chain armor, on the white skin, the terrible scars pierced by the javelin, I will faintly aches.

“In six years, as long as you help me fight for six years unconditionally, and use the priest’s magic to save our wounded, you will be able to redeem your freedom in six years.

As for the tax rate, it is of the same level as the people. For the wealth plundered during the war, the Goths need to hand in half of the share, and the rest of the materials need to be distributed according to your way. Usually, the income from grazing, farming, fishing and hunting needs to be paid to me by one-tenth. If there are surplus materials, they can only trade with the Bloodfury Clan, and are not allowed to trade with other people, the Ma Clan. ”

The pale white horse rubbed his head and worked out a feasible plan. There are only so many cattle and sheep in the pasture, and the grain output of other clans has been at a low level in the perennial war.

Horse hair, when stung by the sea, will become itchy and painful. After a long time, it will even lose its color, dry and crack, causing all the people to avoid the sea. The parliament will occupy a large area of ​​fertile coastline in vain. Cannot be developed and used.

However, unlike the Goths who grew up by the sea since childhood, these strong humans who originated from Gotland in Northern Europe were born good at playing in the water. The knowledge of fishing and hunting is passed on from generation to generation, and it can provide blood fury with abundant seafood, and he is changing hands to trade with other people who lack food. Definitely make a fortune.

“Well, the tax rate is okay, but six years is too long, three years.” Asana frowned. After thinking for a while, she tried to suppress her inner fear, put her hands around her chest, and straightened herself with a full grip. With his waist, his eyes looked directly at the acting chief in front of him, trying to seek a better future for his people.

“Five years.” Painhurs said quietly.

“Four years.” Pastor Goth raised a slender, white arm, and stretched out four slender fingers in front of the pale white horse.

The pale white horse took a deep breath, and took out a small piece of copper wire from the leather pouch on his waist that specially stored spell casting items. With the biological instinct engraved in his DNA, the breeze filled with arcane power was wrapped in it. Own words floated gently into Asana’s ears.

“This is not a vegetable market, and I am not a vendor. Asana! Find out your position! Within five years, I will still be your master!

Think about it, you priests are not indispensable to Bloodfury. And you, whose wings are not yet full, are extremely dependent on our shelter. There are five thousand civilians, and more than one hundred and fifty first-level priests… If I expel you into the wild, these people who have nothing, are they going to plunder the supplies of the people and horses and be quickly wiped out by us? Or do you obediently roll back to the West, the wild dogs that were killed with red eyes, and transformed into their kind? Or will it be difficult to live in the grassland and eventually become the dung of some unknown monster?

Five years! This is my bottom line! ”

Painhurs destroyed the psychological defenses of the Goth priest step by step.

“By the way, I used [Communications] to specifically tell you what I just said. Those humans didn’t hear a word. Now, I order you to swear allegiance to me in front of them, otherwise , I will order you all to be expelled to the depths of the grassland. Remember, their fate is now in your hands.”

Asana clenched her silver teeth, under her beautiful orange hair like sunset, and above her heroic face, a pair of beautiful apricot eyes exhaled flames of humiliation and anger.

Just now he was still in front of the tribe, fighting against that damned man and horse to the end, and in a blink of an eye, he would bow to him in front of all human beings? This will greatly damage the prestige that he has finally accumulated in front of his people, as well as the inviolable glory. However, if I refuse…Forget it, for the future of the people, I am willing to do anything.

The priestess sighed long. Under the strange gaze of the Gothic barbarians, he slowly knelt under Painhurs’ hooves, his limbs trembling slightly because of the humiliation.

“I… Asana Aron. I am willing to lead my pastor to fight for you unconditionally for five full years in exchange for the freedom of the people.”

“Very good.” The pale white horse nodded in satisfaction, and gently grabbed the priest’s shoulder with both hands and lifted her from the ground.

“According to the rules of the Bloodfury clan, I will later divide you into a thousand tents based on the standard of five people and one household. Asana, you will become their leader of the thousand households. Manage and arrange your people’s Every move. The hammer-dropping carpenter will give you enough materials to build a church dedicated to the God of Punishment on the coast.”


After arranging the Gothic barbarians, Painhurs breathed a long sigh of relief, and then discovered another sad thing: those lowly slaves, transformed into glorious soldiers, caused the labor force within the clan to be insufficient. Up.

Bloodfury is now a big clan with a population of more than 4,000, almost all of whom are soldiers. Herding, hunting, gathering, and war training all consume a lot of time. Before, the goths were responsible for cleaning the camp, transporting excrement, chopping wood and burning fire, and boiling water.

If people were to take responsibility for these dirty and tiring tasks again, it would inevitably reduce their training time and reduce the combat effectiveness and quality of soldiers. However, if no one does these dirty tasks, the camp will become a dirty garbage dump.· ····

Thinking of this, Painhurs turned around and patted Curonia on the shoulder, and smiled unkindly at the leader of the predators among the twelve hundred households with the strongest combat effectiveness.

“Monsters on the northern grasslands are rampant. Anyway, we have to clean up these uninvited robbers. Then, let us catch some humble goblins outside of the war and do these dirty work that no one wants to do. “

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