Augustus Under the Horseshoe

Chapter 158

Chapter 150 : Thunder Spear

The first ray of brilliant and brilliant golden morning light in the morning pierced the white camp, and spread her bright and moving warm light on the solemn, cold face of Chief Thunderpike.

Even in the trace of a deep sleep, Sandra is abnormally robust, with six limbs and hundreds of skeletons, densely piled with countless rock-like muscles, still wearing heavy steel armor, callused hands, holding a sharp shot. Even in peacetime, she still maintains a standing sleeping position. The small nose, if it were not for breathing, would produce a slight tremor, Chief Thunderpike, was like a lifelike statue of flesh and blood.

Feeling a slight change in the outside light, Sandra slowly opened a pair of ruthless gray eyes. After moving some stiff hooves, she slowly pulled out a trombone made of horns, which was penetrated by a terrible scar. His red lips took a deep breath, letting the high-pitched and stern horn sound resounded through the entire Skerritt’s brilliance.

“AlanNure Sandra!!!”

Accompanied by the sound of horns resounding through the sky, also in peacetime, standing and sleeping, the Thunder Spears, who did not take off their heavy armor and did not loose their sharp blades, quickly opened their eyes and rushed out of the tent at the fastest speed. , Under the idol of Skerrit, lined up in countless rows in neat rows, and started a new day of morning exercises. The uniform sound of battle roar echoed back and forth inside the fortress.

“What happened! The collective horn sounded? An enemy came here???”

The sky-shaking battle roar awakened Christina from her sweet sleep. The naked rouge horse hurriedly stood up from Painhus’s cold arms, and her white and slender arms passed through her like a blood-colored waterfall. With long crimson hair, he grabbed a piece of animal skin clothing and draped it casually on his delicate body.

“Ah…Don’t panic, it’s okay, it’s okay.” The pale white horse, who was also awakened by the battle cry, reluctantly got up from the bed, and gently wrapped her arms around the white shoulders of the **** chief. With a slender and sultry body, he put his arms back into his generous embrace, and slowly comforted the scared rouge horse in his arms.

“I forgot to tell you yesterday, the Stormpike clan next door…well, they have to train every morning.”

“Oh my god, the sun just showed up…this point, training camp? Did not let people sleep???”

Christina’s mouth grew in surprise. The acting chief can clearly feel that the body temperature of the beauty in his arms is rising at an incredible speed, and the white and delicate skin is like ice and snow, gradually turning into a beautiful and moving rouge color-this is the **** chief emotionally excited The performance, whether on the battlefield or on the bed. If you mess with her again at this time, you will get a bloodthirsty fearless in a state of **** fury.

Because of their dark vision, centaurs and horses are not like humans in ancient times. The work and rest time of individual tribes may even reverse day and night. They will look for the nests of beasts or monsters in the afternoon, and then go hunting carefully in the early morning when the prey is asleep.

However, these people were tired for a day, and just lay down and fell asleep, they heard the thundering pike clan’s training sound…

Christina got up from the bed with a ugly expression, picked it up, and put on the armor clothes scattered all over the place-it’s been a long time since I saw Painhes, playing a bit crazy last night.

A pair of magnificent snow-white peaks, accompanied by the curvy waist of the Bloodwrath Chief, shook out bursts of dazzling milky white arcs. The rouge horse first put on a comfortable animal skin coat, and then put on a chain jersey made of thousands of hoops and densely woven. Finally, outside of the six limbs and hundreds of skeletons, the pale gold leather armor made up of Chimera’s three skulls and complete fur was put on.

Since the Chief Bloodfury was stabbed through the chest by Alpharis, she also carefully put on the heavy but strong iron armor.

“By the way, Christina. As you know, I have not been influenced by centaur culture since I was a child. In the past few months, I probably understand how to deal with the thorns of the same clan-but, against the chiefs of other clans… ·I’m a little bit unsure about this. After all, everyone is guarding the North Land together, and at least it’s a matter of face. It’s not easy to fall out.

From the carpet, Painhurs picked up a sheepskin coat that was as pale as his hair, tied it with a tough belt wrapped around four or five spells, and put it back around his waist.

“So, you put up with that muscle sister is so expensive for so many days? Kuronia is right. You think like a human or an elf.”

Christina rolled her eyes amused, grabbed a two-handed giant axe thirsty for blood, and angrily walked towards Thunder Spear’s site.

“Have you not noticed? You promulgated a series of strange laws that you have never heard of, what household registration system, three forbidden… The reason why you were accepted by the soldiers obediently is because you killed their former leader? : Holy fire Ka’an, my dear.

Regardless of whether it is unified by the same clan, people, or even for all beings living on the grassland, power is the law, and victory is the truth. ”


Painhurs nodded thoughtfully. Gather two hundred people who were also awakened by the battle cry, heavy armor and fearless in iron riding gear, carrying a two-handed giant axe, and surrounded by Christina, whose skin was showing rouge, and walked towards the idol of Skerrit.

They pushed through rows of well-trained Stormpike soldiers, and gradually approached the burly Sandra Sister Gui.

“Stop them!”

Seeing a group of menacing men and horses destroying the sacred and inviolable morning exercise traditions of his clan, Sandra raised his spear high, and thousands of Stormpike soldiers rushed to the center without hesitation, and instantly lay between the two chiefs. . A sharp spear, like a dense forest of steel, rushes straight into the sky.

“What’s the matter, Chief Christina?” Muscle sister Gui asked a little annoyed.

“Chief Sandra, can you move the training time back a bit? Everyone is sleeping at this time. You disturb your dreams like this, okay?” Rouge Lima rubbed the handle of the axe in his hand and looked around vigilantly. Stormpike soldiers around.

“Shield Wall!!!”

Chief Thunderpike didn’t answer, and waved his hand. The same muscular flag-holder beside her immediately raised a fierce flag embroidered with black clouds and thunder.

After hearing the order, three thousand well-trained Thunder Spear soldiers, like robots that absolutely follow the procedures, quickly connected into a tightly ordered shield wall, and from the “V” gap between the shields, a handle was protruded. The handle reflects the sharp spear of the golden morning light. Surrounded by the blood and angry people. The speed of the change is jaw-dropping.

“Do you want to provoke a civil war? Sandra!” Two Hundred Armored Fearless immediately took a fighting stance, and crowded the chief in the center of safety. Pain Hess immediately opened an invisible mage armor, and Christina also took out a heavily wound crossbow, sharp clusters of arrows, and pointed directly at Sandra’s head.

“Take a bow! Full string!”

The Chief Stormpike continued to give orders without asking. The soldiers under her, like Sandra’s flesh and blood body, unconditionally carried out the chief’s words. There was no confusion or confusion in their pupils, and the arrows pointed directly at the chiefs of other races. At that time, there was no trace of fear or fear.

Unexpectedly, the pale white horse, who had not expected the situation to deteriorate to this level, quickly made Magnus invisible and mobilized the bloodrage army. While bending the bow to set up the arrow, he grabbed the ultra-small target ornaments tied to the composite longbow, and prepared to use the [Conquer the enemy plane] to snipe the enemy chief.

“Stop! Close the strings! Let go.”

Chief Stormpike waved his hand calmly, and the Stormpike Centaur carefully retracted the bowstring drawn into the full moon, and scatters it to both sides with good training, standing on both sides like solemn statues, giving the **** compatriots one. Departure route. The movements were neatly organized to a degree of horror, as if more than three thousand people were driven by the same soul and the same thought.

“Look, Chief Christina! This is the tribe I am proud of! The army I am proud of! They obey my orders! As long as I give an order, even if I let them jump into the sea, logarithm Enemies ten times their own launch a death charge, or even kill the descendants of God’s choice, these soldiers will not have the slightest hesitation!”

Sandra raised the spear in her hand bravely and said arrogantly. “They obeyed my orders, just like this spear, obeyed my arm! This is the glory accumulated by the Stormpike clan for a hundred years! I have to say that your opponents are too lenient, whether it is Toria, Or you, you are all too kind! Envy? Chief Christina, want your undisciplined robbers and robbers to become as well-trained as Stormpike soldiers. Can we start with morning exercises? .”

“I have to admit that your remarks are very convincing.” Rouge Liema slowly recovered his calm from the vast formation of the other party. “But, forgive me, I can only see endless [sorrow] in the pupils of your people.”

“Walk slowly, don’t send it, we have to continue to practice.”

Hearing the words of blood rage’s refusal, Sandra shrugged indifferently, turned her burly and strong body, and continued to train the soldiers around her.


After the dispute with the Stormpike clan ended, the two jointly dealt with the clan’s internal affairs. With the slowly extinguishing flames of war between the centaurs and the werewolves, the satyrs and trolls who were ordered by Horus also withdrew to the west. The scale of other monster clans cannot pose a threat to the coalition forces of Bloodfury and Thunder Spear. Every day, there are primitive totem flags that are trampled by thousands of horseshoes into the dirty mud.

First of all, send a small team of elite and fearless to go south to Tiefeng Fort, amidst the lofty mountains. Make sure that the iron ore belonging to the Bloodfury clan will not be forged by the centaur artisans, and the raw materials will be sent directly to the casting area of ​​the Glory of Skerrit.

Secondly, let the Gothic Thousand Households: Asana pick a few eloquent humans and go east along the coastline to the High Elf City-State: Panticapone to see the situation, and then decide the next step of the clan’s deployment to the east.

Next, deal with the villages and fields near the Glory of Skerritt. The reason why the Wildhoof clan is good at using two-handed weapons is that they are better at farming than nomads. Rakes and iron plows are used to swinging. Picking up the plow, the efficiency of plowing is even higher than that of ordinary cattle and horses.

Although the barbarian hoof tribes are very, very bad at shooting arrows, their terrifying brute force in close combat is enough to suppress other tribesmen.

Although due to the troubled times, the winter wheat planted by the Goths this year was almost half destroyed by the war, but if the remaining half of the winter wheat is taken care of, it will be a considerable amount of food income at the end of the spring next year.

In the end, it was to discuss how to deal with the hard bone of Thunder Spear. The training level of the army was really terrible. The white horse even considered borrowing the hands of Heniwell and Magnus for an assassination operation…

“Chief! Chief! It’s not good!”

Suddenly, a man and horse dripping with blood, supported by two high-level druids, staggered towards the two chiefs. He seemed to be hit by a ram, and his entire abdomen, as well as the small half of his chest cavity, was sunken inward. Between his lips and teeth, he kept coughing up blood mixed with visceral debris. The huge horse body also left three huge claw marks with flesh and blood turned out.

Even more terrifying is that this guy with six limbs and hundreds of skeletons seems to have been eroded by some terrible poison, and his whole body hair, like withered leaves, falls downward.

The bare skin, covered with dense herpes, disgusting pus, mixed with the red blood, tick, tick to the ground. When the nearby people saw this, their expressions changed drastically, except for the druid who was not afraid of toxins, and hurriedly ran away.

“Which one hundred households do you belong to? What happened? How could you get hurt like this?”

With the witchcraft crown and the ability to immune to toxins, Painhurs walked forward in shock, observing the opponent’s injury, and frowned solemnly.

“I…I am a craftsman under Kaul Baihu. Follow your orders to go to the western forests, cut down trees, build harbors for those humans, and boats… There is no problem, but today everyone went a little deeper and was attacked by a huge monster!”

PS: This new monster has the same name as a certain original body, guess the type and name, double update tomorrow (manual funny)

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