Augustus Under the Horseshoe

Chapter 159

Chapter 151 :�第�

According to the words of the survivors, the terrible monster hidden in the sea of ​​forest has an extremely large size and an incredible speed. It is like a violent wind of death. Wherever the figure passes, the towering trees nearby are all Crazy swaying his own branches and leaves, making waves of terrifying rubbing sounds.

Suddenly, the entire logging squad, as well as a large number of horses responsible for transportation, fell into a pool of blood mixed with horror and poison. Those who survived by chance attacked themselves without even knowing what it was!

“The huge body, the extremely high speed, the sharp claws, the terrifying force enough to dent the chest, and the deadly poison…well, there is the most important one, which inhabits the forest. What kind of monster meets this standard?”

Painhurs frowned. The unknown forest to the west was the closest to Skerrit’s brilliance, and it was also the richest timber-producing area. It is very important for future development. The Blood Fury Clan cannot give up control of this timber resource.

However, the army can’t use it in the dark and dense forest, and the opponent has an extremely good concealment ability. With the entire army to encircle and suppress, it is likely to be destroyed one by one by the monsters hiding in the dark, and eaten a little bit by bit.

Then, you can only form a small team of elites to get information about the monsters first. In addition to the brave rouge horse and the pale warlock playing arcane, Painhurs also needs some powerful teammates.

The first to join the team is his own drow teacher: Herniwell. As a eleventh-level sorcerer who is proficient in shaping and spelling, her spellcasting ability surpasses the entire bloodrage clan—when Painhurs stepped into her tent, the high elf slave was It looked broken, with messy hair and unclothed clothes, shrank in the corner of the tent, sobbing and shaking.

Then, there is Hundreds of predators wearing eagle feather cloaks: Kuronia, even if the scope is extended to the entire council, he is also one of the most powerful scouts, strong and experienced.

Judging from the dense herpes on the wounded, and the foul-smelling water everywhere, this monster is a good hand at poisoning. Then, there must be some countermeasures against toxins.

Under the orders and oppression of the acting chief, in the Gothic crowd, Asana, a preacher and karma, reluctantly took off her white robe, revealing a heavy chain armor that shone with cold light. The accompanying drop hammer craftsman immediately presented a hard-headed hammer, a round iron-plated wooden shield, and a wooden crossbow that greatly reduced the number of pounds for the heroic female priest.

There are a lot of Centaur Druids, but there are only two people who reach level 9 and ignore the poison: the god-chosen descendants of the Jinlu clan, and Abhuos of the withered bone clan.

As a result, Painhurs contacted the Withered Bone Chief in the south through the communication network of Poetry Dead.

Abhors was bored just in the south, and the work of treating the wounded had come to an end. He prayed to Skerrit all day, as in previous years, without any news. Therefore, when the boring Chief Withered Bones heard that a monster that threatened the safety of his friend appeared in the north, he immediately transformed into a gray falcon, and flew to Painhurs’s side in just one day.

Reunited after a long absence, the Bloodfury clan held a banquet to welcome the arrival of old friends. Prepare for the action tomorrow morning.


The next day, everyone woke up leisurely under the trembling noise of the Thunderbolt brand alarm clock. With a good salute, I came to the forest located in the west of the fort.

Thousands of powerful towering ancient trees stood quietly under the golden morning sun. The brown tree trunks are covered with dense gullies and lines, like some kind of obscure ancient spell, endless green leaves, forming a magnificent crown of the sky, the first breeze in the morning rubs Below, there was a rustle.

Thousands of vines grow arbitrarily on the surface of the forest. They stretched, twisting their slender and weak green tentacles, winding up along the huge tree trunks. The body, which was verdant and dripping like a poisonous snake, was covered with tiny leaves, full of large and beautiful unnamed flowers, clusters of small snow-blue flowers, forming a magnificent sea of ​​lavender flowers, extending to the end of the field of vision.

The six people moved forward cautiously in this secluded forest and flowers. Looking up, the lush branches of the trees are staggered. Twisted together, hundreds of layers of tender green leaves are stacked, which almost obscures the golden sunlight from the sky, making everyone in the depths of the forest feel like they are on the dark bottom of the sea, and the birds walking through the forest are like passing by. Schools of cheerful fish in the ocean.

“That’s not right, this is not a naturally formed forest. The traces of later revisions are too obvious.” Abhuos looked down at the delicate flowers under the hoof, and unconsciously grasped the wooden handle of the sickle. The fierce rat sitting on his shoulder also opened four sharp front teeth

“For example?” Rouge Liema pulled out the heavily wound crossbow vigilantly. Being a female and a barbarian at the same time, her intuition is several times that of other people.

“Chief Christina, you see, the branches and leaves of ordinary trees are more luxuriant in the south than in the north, but these old trees, as if they have been trimmed by an obsessive-compulsive disorder, are forced to become bilaterally symmetrical for beauty.

And, to be honest, which jungle ground have you seen, isn’t it covered with dead branches and leaves? And densely packed fungus? This forest is actually full of bright, snow-blue flowers—I am knowledgeable, and I have never seen this kind of weird lavender flower. ”


Suddenly, a gust of wind swept over everyone’s heads, and thousands of green leaves danced their thin bodies in the storm, like huge waves of aquamarine green. Surging at the top of the forest! The deafening voice of Ye Wu rang back and forth in the deep and dim forest sea, causing everyone’s heartbeat to speed up and the chills to stand!

“What’s that just now? It’s so loud! What a fast speed!” Hennival looked back and forth nervously.

“Ask the animals that live in the forest.” Abhus raised a pale gray arm and tried to summon the birds and beasts in the forest—but, nearby soared in the sea of ​​trees, perched on the branches, hovering in None of the thousands of flying birds around the centaur responded to the druid’s call.

“Painhurs, you came to this forest only to obtain wood, right?” In an awkward silence, a cold sweat dripped from the forehead of the Chief Withered Bones.

“Yes.” The pale white horse nodded.

“Give up-hundreds of birds near us are controlled by a more powerful existence! They are the eyeliners of the unknown life, scout! The moment we set foot in the forest, we were exposed to that thing’s eyelids It’s down! This kind of method is unheard of! In order to be a little bit of wood, it is not worth angering this level of existence!!”

With cold hands and feet, Abhuos was shivering and hissing roared: “Hurry up! Get out before we get deep enough—”

Before the Chief Withered Bones had finished speaking, the horror lurking in the sea of ​​flowers and forests was entangled, and he sensed the six people’s intention to go. Numerous graceful shadows suddenly jumped from the depths of the canopy and surrounded the crowds! Everyone looked intently, and there were 14 long-eared elves?

“The hair is between pale yellow and copper, and the physique is closer to burly humans than thin elves—they are wood elves.” Heniwell quickly recognized her distant relatives. “But how can these people appear here? Hundreds of years ago, the wood elves all migrated westward and finally settled in Gaul, Britain and other places-as early as hundreds of years ago, there were no such guys in the East!”

Fourteen healthy and beautiful wood elf girls. It ignored the surprise of the visitors. They gently plucked the strings in their hands and played classical music hundreds of years ago. The beautiful faces are like dead souls who have lost their vitality, cold and without a trace of emotion.

Painhurs watched the developments vigilantly. Accompanied by classical elves music, towering ancient trees distorted their old brown bodies and turned them into a huge lounge chair. Thousands of vines, like a sea of ​​snakes, squirmed their delicate bodies full of flowers, It is dotted with this primitive and huge wooden throne.


A terrifying gust of wind once again swept over everyone’s heads, accompanied by thousands of leaves, like a mountain and an overwhelming sea, a deafening trembling sound, a blood-solidifying terror pressure, covering everyone’s heads!

“I remembered, I remembered!!” Abhuos used the sacrificial sickle as a crutch, and barely maintained a standing posture in the huge terror that hit his heart. However, the dripping sweat instantly wetted his six limbs. The fierce rat on the chief’s shoulder was shivering like a sieve. Soon, it foamed at the mouth, rolled his eyes, fell directly to the ground, and passed out!

Magnus didn’t seem to be affected, but the little red-skinned devil, who felt the huge threat, became invisible and disappeared without hesitation.

“Huge size, terrifying speed, lethal poison, excellent hiding ability, and this suffocating coercion… Damn! There is a green dragon entrenched in the depths of the forest!”

“Pain!! Torture!!”

The horrible waves of sound, dumb and thick, set off a wave of anger in the forest! The violent wind wrapped the green leaves and purple petals, floating around in the dark forest.

The giant dragon hidden in the forest, step by step destroys the minds of the horses and horses. The surrounding air, under the pressure of Long Wei, was as deep and solemn as the sea. Forcing everyone to lower their proud heads, bend their slender four hooves, six limbs and hundreds of skeletons covered with cold sweat, and the bones all over, creaking under the terrifying pressure!

Accompanied by the ancient chorus of fourteen wood elves, the surrounding trees were twisted and deformed by the will of the green dragon, and one after another gave up a wide passage, like soldiers loyal to their duties, standing on both sides of the road, letting a huge and terrifying emerald dragon The shadow, accompanied by the turbulent wind, flew from a distance.

“My hatred is burning in the void! The world is twisted and subverted with my will! Those humble kingdoms will tremble in my anger! In the end, everyone will surrender under my wings! I, that is Mortarian! I am the master of this forest!”

The emerald green terrifying dragon slowly descended on the throne of ancient trees covered with vines and flowers. Finding the most comfortable posture, curled up in the snow-blue sky full of flowers. The wings covering the sky slowly contracted in the abdomen, and a dorsal fin extending from the top of the head to the tip of the tail along the spine of the giant dragon, like the sails of a wooden boat, swayed gently in the strong wind.

The green dragon’s slender and soft neck, which was covered with clear verdant dragon scales, was like a terrifying giant python, winding and wriggling in the forest, causing the terrifying and terrifying dragon head to get closer and closer to the crowd. The vertical pupil, sharp like a needle, gleamed with a profound light that made people feel different.

“The two chiefs of centaur came to my garden at the same time…It’s really a rare visitor.” After feeling that he was full of force, Motarian satisfactorily put away his blood-coagulated terrifying dragon. The forked red tongue, like a poisonous snake, slowly squirmed in his terrifying mouth of the blood basin. The choking chlorine gas also spread out along the gap between his canines. Let a group of people cover their mouths and noses unanimously.

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