Augustus Under the Horseshoe

Chapter 175

Chapter 167 : Elf’s Messenger

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Like walking a dog, Painhurs ran wildly on the grassland with the terrifying three-headed skeleton, and used some captured hobgoblins by the way to test the fighting limits of his servants.

This magical world is not scientific at all. Chimera’s jaw muscles are clearly lost, but his bite force is still amazing. The heads of lions and black dragons can penetrate and tear with their extremely sharp canine teeth. The pliable leather armor, like the dense fangs of a saw, can also chew solid bones and sticks.

The goat’s head had little bite force, but when charged with full force, the two huge horns on the side of the brain, like two Kantos riding a spear, easily pierced through the wooden shield and the shield holder. The hobgoblin captive opened two transparent holes in her body. The blood-bathed ram’s horns are also covered with pieces of flesh and internal organs.

“The fly in the ointment is that he can’t fly-it’s a pity.” Painhurs said with some regret.

“Turning into a zombie, you can fly. However, the zombie will slowly decay and fester, and the stench of the carrion will make you unable to eat for a few days. Therefore, the skeleton is still a little cute.” Herniwell shrugged. “Okay, hurry back to the fortress, tossing for so many days for a skeleton servant, I’m almost exhausted.”


Having received the long-awaited servant of the undead, the acting chief returned to the Glory of Skerrit contentedly. Because of the previous test, among the three hundred households, they were the last troops to reach their hometown.

Painhurs had just arrived at the entrance of the tent when he saw Sigrit’s little girl, crying out of the chief’s camp, and hurried away under the protection of several black dragons.

“Did something happen? Christina?”

Painhurs gently opened the white curtain. Looking at the charming rouge horse in front of him, he asked with some doubts.

“Ah, the little girl who is not that big, complained to me that my sister used the most despicable means to **** the spoils that should have belonged to her.” The Bloodwrath Chief said helplessly.

“When he is an adult, he has a temper like a pony… Is this little chief spoiled by her mother? If it weren’t for the black fangs, it’s too important to us, and I don’t want to make the relationship stiff. , I definitely want to catch her and train her for a few weeks to become a strong fighter.”

“No, no. That little girl deliberately played it to us. She is treacherous in her bones.” The white white horse pulled off the belt covered with weapons and let out a sigh of relief. She was limp on Christina’s towering mountain peak. Before, enjoying her soft and warm embrace.

“Ah? You mean, she deliberately pretended to be like this and played it to us?” Chief Bloodwrath opened his eyes wide in surprise.

“Yes, think about it, those black spies who have been planted in various clans have passed all the information under that girl’s eyelids before sending all the information to you. Nearly a thousand professional executioners who slaughtered people and horses. It’s also an oath of allegiance to her pedigree-don’t you think this kind of person is scary?”

“Well-it’s terrible. If there is such a guy in the clan, I will definitely have trouble sleeping. Even if I don’t kill it directly, after a hundred, I will definitely let her surrender her eldest daughter as a hostage to ensure that she treats me. Absolutely loyal.”

Christina thought about it, and then said with some confusion. “Huh? So, why can’t I be completely wary of Sigrit?”

“Because she was afraid that we would really do this, she deliberately pretended to be spoiled and not motivated, which lowered our vigilance and showed us good-in fact, that girl is smart.”

Painhurs lay in the warm fragrant nephrite of his lover and changed to a more comfortable position. Planning for future actions. For three full months, the Bloodfury clan had restored stability under their rule, and its strength had increased by leaps and bounds.

However, the Bloodfury clan is not the only master of the Glory of Skerrit—the one who jointly defends this fortress, and the militaristic society’s Thunder Spear Sister Gui. They unswervingly supported the descendants of God’s choice, which was the deadliest rivet that Tolia nailed to her side.

The white white horse was very vigilant at first. Sima Yi borrowed the knife to kill and killed Zhang Chen, who was sent to watch by Cao Wei. There are too many examples of such scams.

However, Chief Sandra of the Stormpike clan is righteous and upright. Although the two of them had different positions, and there were many frictions in life trivial matters, when she heard Magnus’ request for rescue, she still took the spirit of Thunder Spear and saved her life from the green dragon’s mouth—that scene. In the battle, at least ten thunder spear elites died under the deadly poison of Mortarian.

Soon after, the Bloodfury clan also frustrated the long-planned conspiracy of the Catman tribe in an ambush and rescued Sandra’s eldest daughter. The two sides can be said to be a deadly friendship, and it is worth entrusting back on the battlefield. The presence. For three months, Blood Fury fought side by side with Thunder Spear, and smoothed the alien races in the entire northern region.

If he could draw the Stormpike clan to his side, Painhurs would not want any **** conflict to break out.


The next day, the two chiefs woke up leisurely under the hustle and bustle of the Thunder-Pike alarm clock. In the past three months, they have become accustomed to the life rules of the Stormpike clan. Just as the two were getting ready to dress, the scout brought good news: six huge warships arrived at sea. Look at the banner, it should belong to the high elves of Panticapone.

Painhurs hurriedly dressed up and hurried towards the port. Those were six exquisitely crafted and extremely large double-deck sailboats. They were somewhat similar to the battleships of the Roman Legion, but they were more feminine and delicate, like crafted works of art.

And the totem painted on the sail is not the double-headed falcon of the empire, or the PX rune, but two symmetrical white swans—that is the totem of the elven city state: Panticapone. Since the mainland of Greece fell into the Roman Republic, they have lost contact with their relatives in their hometown and become an independent city-state isolated overseas.

However, what other Goth sailors were puzzled was that these six large ships had extremely shallow drafts and apparently did not carry any cargo. They were only equipped with basic crews, oarsmen, and the most round-trip food and grass.


Accompanied by the harsh noise of wood rubbing against each other, the elven seamen put down the temporary pontoon, and let a small group of heavily armed soldiers kicked onto the damp pier with their shiny leather boots.

They have long and tall bodies, draped with studded leather armor that reaches to ankles, elegant necks, and a sea-blue light cloak. Holding a huge fancy tower shield in his left hand, a spear in his right hand, and a white swan flag tied to it, hunting under the warm sea breeze.

Behind the ten elf warriors was an elderly male elf. With his shriveled and aging palms like a skeleton, he clenched an oak staff and his thin body was hidden under a black cloak. No, that plain-looking black cloak, filled with arcane energy, is obviously an expensive robe.

“Good day, powerful chieftain. When we first met, I was Governor Panticapong’s uncle: Ogilvyin Chaoge.”

Ogilvyin nodded to the powerful blood-rage chief in front of him.

“Good day, honorable elf friend.”

Christina lowered her head politely. These elves in front of them are all fat sheep who trade gold and silver jewelry in exchange for food. They must be treated well.

“You brought six empty ships this time, double the size before, what are you going to buy?”

“No, no, no, thanks to your help, we have already exchanged enough food and grass, plus the tribe’s continuous fishing day and night, Panticapeng’s food crisis has been resolved. However, we can’t fight it alone. The retreating greenskin frenzy. So, the Governor sent me to ask-what price do we have to pay in exchange for your military assistance?”

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