Augustus Under the Horseshoe

Chapter 176

Chapter 168 : Surround the beast and save the spirit

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After hearing the invitation of the elf mage, Painhes and Christina looked at each other. They first took the elf group to the meeting tent and ordered the slaves to bring a large piece of lamb chops and a large bowl of milk wine. Discussing slowly.

The war has been going on for several months. Panticapeng still has 40,000 slaves, 10,000 elven citizens, and hundreds of different types of golems, and some necromantic units. At the time of life and death, the Baita Mage has all come out to evoke a large number of dead souls. , And then handed over to those low-level apprentices to control, he just created a creepy undead army.

This is so, the elven city-state is also at risk under the green tide. All kinds of weird siege equipment are emerging in endlessly. Booming garbage, giant beast ladders…Two were burned down today, and another pile will be created tomorrow…

“The governor has made a sacred promise that no matter how many troops you send to the war, every man and horse will receive a pound of gold or other equivalents as rewards. The war dead will get double compensation. This clause is already very rich. Yes, Lord Chief.”

Ogilvyin Chaoge talks eloquently.

“According to the information we have, you have signed a peace treaty with the werewolves, and are stationed in this small fortress. There are nearly 10,000 brave and good fighters: Is this too wasteful?”

“This man is a veteran negotiator. When paying the rewards, the nouns used are all [horse], not [soldier]. It’s a pity, I originally wanted to send him thousands of goblins.”

Painhurs said silently in his heart.

“This is not a question of whether we have spare capacity, but a question of whether it is worthwhile.”

Christina said dissatisfiedly, the scarlet eyes exuded a terrible light that was brutal and bloodthirsty.

“You know the horror of those green-skinned orcs better than we do. Let me send my brothers and sisters to a precarious city? Blood anger doesn’t make lifeless money!”

“Christina! Painhurs! A letter from the Southern Parliament!”

Just when the two were arguing, Sandra suddenly broke into the discussion tent. She looked very excited. However, when Chief Thunderpike saw a dozen strange alien faces, the words that came to her lips were caught by her. Swallowed back again.

“Sorry, there is something urgent within the clan. Please enjoy some food first, and we will be back soon.”

The white horse showed an apologetic smile, hurriedly left the table with Christina, and followed Sandra’s steps to a quiet corner.

“Can you talk now? Chief Sandra?”

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“Ah, that’s it. After three months of repairs, the council has regained its vitality and is deeply rooted in Gredinian’s soil. We do not have the confidence to defeat the werewolves 100%. Therefore, the chiefs will His eyes turned to the Kerch Peninsula in the east.

The Kerch Peninsula contains a large amount of iron ore resources. Along the bridge built by the elves and across a shallow strait, you can reach the vast Transcaucasus. The Greymane clan is along that ancient road from the Eastern Roman Empire. The Anatolia region has returned to the parliament. Now, there is another tribe of people who just arrived in the Caucasus, ready to join us.

However, it was not only Chief Goliath who crossed that strait, but also a large number of green skins. Today, they have firmly held the Kerch Peninsula in their hands, and sometimes they even flowed out of the Dragonmaw Fort, looting and harassing the land of the people.

Therefore, in addition to the two of us, the seven chiefs unanimously passed the decision to go to war with Greenskins. We need manpower to be stationed in the north, so the two clans only need to send a thousand soldiers in total to join the main force of the parliament. ”

Sandra quickly repeated the ins and outs of the matter. “Moreover…Although we have this fertile paradise, we are disconnected from the northern Caohai Sea. At this moment, we need a road to our hometown.”

“I can’t beat a werewolf, so should I find a soft persimmon first?” Painhes sighed. He originally wanted to reject Panticapone’s employment proposal. It’s alright now, forget it, anyway, if you want to fight the orcs, then from the side of the elves, make mistakes.

The horn of battle resounded through the sky again. The leaders of Bloodfury quickly gathered together and accepted the chief’s instructions. With three hundred households, Sigrit’s black fangs, a total of one thousand and two hundred horses and horses, and three hundred priests under Asana’s command, Painhurs prepared to go south and join the council’s army.

Sister Christina, leading the remaining seven hundred households, and the stone-catching giants, continued to garrison the castle.

“Elf friends! We agree to help you. However, I have a better way!”

After handing over the trivial matters to the various households, Painhurs stepped into the discussion tent again and opened his arms enthusiastically.

“I don’t know if you have heard an allusion? A long time ago, an elven city-state was surrounded by a large army of orcs. The desperate elven governor asked for help from the powerful horses, but the Supreme King of horses and horses did not rescue the elves, but went instead. The country of the orcs beats, smashes, loots, and burns on the green-skinned land, forcing the orcs to withdraw their troops, returning to their lair, and rescuing the city-state of the elves, known as “Encircle the Beast and Save the Spirit”.”

After listening to the story, the envoys of the high elves looked at each other, while Ogilvyin carefully recalled the past, looking for the history made up by the pale white horse.

“Never heard of it. Your plan. It sounds wonderful, but how can we be sure that what you are saying is true?”

“If you don’t rest assured, you can send a representative to act with us.” The white horse shrugged. “The Bloodfury Clan will do what it says.”

“Well, I will follow you personally.” The archmage Chao Ge, shaking from the sheepskin blanket, climbed up from the sheepskin blanket. His skinny body contained its terrifying arcane power, and his vicissitudes of life and muddy eyes flashed. Ray of danger,

“Indeed, theoretically, the more we make trouble behind the orcs, the greater the chances of the opponent’s withdrawal. However, we will only give half of the gold. After Panticapone confirms that the beast tide has dissipated, the balance will be refunded. .”

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