Augustus Under the Horseshoe

Chapter 185

Chapter 177 : Silent Deathmatch

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Christian let out a contemptuous sneer, flipped over her slender wrist, and an antique lute appeared out of thin air on her tender palm. The bard raised a front hoof intoxicated and hit the ground lightly, acting as an accompaniment drum. The five imaginary fingers skillfully plucked the strings, letting the air ripple with arcane waves.

After fighting side by side for many years, Christian understood that Curonia’s animal companion was a female eagle. Therefore, she used illusion to forge an extremely mighty eagle phantom.

The eagle is huge, burly physique, sharp eagle beak and claws, like polished brass, shining dazzling light under the sunlight, which is extremely in line with the standards of female eagles. The female eagle eyes are straight.

“Damn, her illusion skills are more deadly than three months ago—no, Christian is better at playing musical instruments than singing — so when she uses a musical instrument, although she can’t use weapons, the strength of the illusion is Sing several times.”

Looking at the nymph-faced female eagle, Curonia sighed silently, bent the bow and set the arrow, the sharp clusters of arrows pointed directly at the bard in front of him, and the instrument in the other hand disappeared in an instant. . Instead, it was a wooden crossbow with her back behind her.

The compound longbow of the Great Predator requires the bowstring to be fully stretched, aiming, and then loosening the string and shooting. But the bard’s crossbow arrow only needs to perform the two actions of aiming and pulling the hanging knife. Therefore, the stubby crossbow arrow, the first to draw a stern arc in the air, was heavily nailed to Kuronia’s left shoulder, splashing a stern blood flower.

The intense pain caused the feather arrow he was about to shoot, immediately lost its accuracy, and slanted into Christian’s side.

At the same time, the bard’s white horseshoes stepped heavily on the pedals at the front end of the crossbow, and she bent down her slender waist and her bronzed hands, pulling the crossbow string back.

However, in terms of rate of fire, the wooden crossbow is far inferior to the longbow. This period of time is enough for Kuronia to shoot a second feather arrow. His tense muscles squeezed the broken blood vessels forcefully, causing hot blood to gush out along the wound torn by the crossbow bolt.

Xuefury Hundreds resisted the pain and let a sharp feather arrow hit the opponent’s left shoulder. When Christina straightened up and loaded the crossbow arrows, the third cluster of arrows also drew a stern arc in the air, accurately hitting her neck.

The loyalists suddenly burst into cheers like a tsunami. It is worthy of being one of the few predators in the entire council. With just three arrows, Anna’s eldest daughter was defeated.

However, those who were loyal to Christian and betrayed the chief’s rebels, after a short silence, burst out with more cheering laughter!

Kuronia’s pupils shrank into the shape of needles in an instant—the moment a sharp arrow pierced her neck, Christian’s small and exquisite body instantly transformed into an ethereal spirit form, allowing Yuya to pass directly through her vital point—that The secondary chain mail is exactly the same as the spiritual battle armor of the Holy Huo Ka’an.

That’s a spare armor for the false king!

The great predators clearly remember the scene at the time-after they defeated the sacred fire, they divided the spoils… No, when the spoils were divided, this unique spare armor was finally under a series of dirty activities of trading power and money. , Fell into Tolia’s hands. Only a few chiefs and the person who discovered the armor knew about this.

Why, why does it appear on Christian? Wait a minute, combined with her collusion with the Stormpike clan to try to seize the chieftain’s position, then there is only one answer!

“Traitor! Chris…”

After communicating everything, Curonia was instantly swallowed by endless anger, and he roared loudly, wanting to make this terrible betrayal public. But Christian moves faster! The noisy sound in Baihu’s ear suddenly turned into a dead silence, and the words in his mouth also turned into silent silence.

A moving ballad entwined with arcane energy lingers beside the bard. In the twenty-foot space around the big predator, no sound can be heard. He couldn’t even use magic spells to recover from his injuries.

However, this silent magic has also become the weapon of the great predator. After understanding his situation, Curonia instantly turned into a gust of wind and rushed towards Christian!

The silent space accompanies his movement, and the bard is also enveloped in an extremely depressing silence. The beautiful singing ceases abruptly, and Christian’s magic and chanting are completely blocked by his own spells.

In a silent silence, the two drew out a melee weapon and two sharp short knives to fight against the shield and the warhammer. The iron-cast killing weapon drew a deadly arc in the air, rubbing and colliding a series of dazzling sparks, but it failed to make a sound.

After understanding Kuronia’s moves, the wooden iron-clad magic kite shield suddenly burst out with a dazzling light. The smooth and flat surface of the shield is as bright, dazzling and hot as a thousand suns. Like countless small burning needles, it temporarily pierced the eyes of the enemy.

Curonia let out a silent scream. He knows the methods of the bard, but there is no way to deal with it—close your eyes? In this silent world, after losing the two most important senses, what can he use to fight against Christian?

The bard also laughed silently. If Kuronia chooses to shoot arrows from a distance, the great predator who loses the ability to cast spells will also be beaten to death by himself with offensive spells and some crossbow arrows. No matter how he chooses, this is a dead end.

Under the cover of the dazzling light, Christian’s two hearts were beating faster and more violently. The delicate bronze skin, like being swept by the hand of death, cracked and scarred scars. The red blood, like boiling molten slurry, surged in her body, and through the terrifying cracks, **** steam was emitted. They flew and rotated, and finally condensed together, and finally turned into a sky. Dark red smoke!

Thousands of thunders instantly entangled the warhammer in Christian’s hand. Under the entanglement of a **** mist, it slammed Curonia, who had lost sight and hearing and wielded a short knife.

Two silent bombardments broke the opponent’s arms, and the sharp short blade, accompanied by the weakly drooping arm, fell to the ground. The dancing electric current paralyzed the enemy’s body. And when the terrifying warhammer flashing silent thunder drew a third arc of death in the air, the golden hammer head hit the big predator’s chest heavily, sinking a large fleshy skin.

“Enough! Christian! Curonia is defeated, you don’t need to kill!”

Seeing this cruel scene that was close to torture, Caen was suddenly blemished, and he was about to rush forward when he pulled out his halberd, but was blocked by a large number of Thunder Spear soldiers. The person in the lead uttered the cruelest words in an almost plain tone.

“He didn’t say the word [Admit defeat], so the battle will not end.”

“Are you really blind! The entire battlefield is shrouded in silence! How could Kuronia say the word surrender! It will kill you if you continue to fight! Get out of me!”

The fearless leader uttered an angry roar, his heart beating faster and faster, ready to fall into a violent state at any time, and start a desperate fight with these thunder spears! The heavy armored fearless have also entered a state of battle, wanting to dye the sacred fortress of Skerrit red with the blood of these traitors!

“Chalaton! Curonia has been your partner since childhood! Do you really want to watch him die like this! Do you really want to stand on the side of that unscrupulous dwarf?” Some **** angry veterans questioned The robes standing on the bard’s side responded to them, but only wandering eyes and awkward silence.

They were also shocked by Christian’s atrocities and pity their old friends, but they did not dare to disobey the orders of the new chief.

As early as after the third hammer, Kuronia lost consciousness under the double blow of thunder and physics, and collapsed to the ground like Rouge Lima. However, Christian, who was completely engulfed by anger with a **** mist burning all over his body, did not let go of his thoughts. The bard seemed to want to vent all the insults and discriminations, arrogance and prejudice he had received in recent years. Her authoritative hundred households!

The new bloodrage chief uttered a silent roar, and she raised two white front hooves like ice and snow, and trampled on the loser who had already fainted again and again, round after round.

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